Not every presidency lasts 4 years ya know. What happens if other states follow Wisconsin's lead and decertify electors, and biden/harris get to under 270 total?
Then he should be the 45th, because Biden will not have been elected in an honest election. No reason to have a 46th—forcing Trump to be 47th—if 2020 gets overturned.
Fairly certain this has been worked out in private and we are watching it play out. He said that statement with 1000% confidence. Not "and hopefully 27th or soon to be 27th" he probably already is. Don't doom yet my friend we have plenty of time to doom later if needed but so far this administration can't even pass their own laws and they sure as hell can't muster up a group of people to enforce them.
My response exactly, you beat me to it. No, by 2024 it will be far too late to save America, we won't even be able to Make America Mediocre by that time. The damage is NOW, the crisis is NOW. You're right..... 2024 will be too late.
I wouldn’t be too sure. I’m sure of nothing these days. It could take till then or even later before we “see” changes.
The war is being waged, and we are winning, we just don’t get to see much of the action. It seems like almost every war in modern history lasted longer than expected.
Hope and pray for the best, prepare for a long fight.
In St George’s Chapel, Windsor there is a ceiling with numbers relating to Knights Of England.
As I recall Sir James Saville was stripped of his title posthumously but the number remains to remember and shame.
Similarly Oliver Cromwells period in control of England is noted.
Bidens number should be retained as a reminder of this dark period in US and World History. The Scamdemic President.
I like this sober take, throw the emotions out, this is our history and we cannot get rid of it like the commies just because it is inconvenient and we do not like it
So the Dems cheated in 2020 and to this day have not been held accountable for the fraud…why are we so confident they are just gonna lay low and allow for a fair and fraudulent free election in 2024???….criminals don’t stop committing crimes until they are punished. (hung) Fix 2020!!!
But then didn’t that mean Biden won’t be decertified? Because if Biden’s electors we’re revoked then he would go down as illegitimate and stripped of his 46th title, correct?
I hadn’t heard that one but maybe there is another administration that is running things right now, the military. If that’s the case then they would technically be the 46th administration.
I think it's the only way. Reading the constitution, I see no way that Trump's term didn't simply expire. (Although the secret convention of states suggested by slag could be a way.)
I have been keeping my own hope alive by delving into the "Devolution" series by Patel Patriot, and the "Law of War" series by Majic Eyes Only, both of which can be searched for here on GAW. I know that ALL of us are hoping for the same outcome and are beginning to get weary of the journey.... but it will be worth the wait. Whether it ends up with tanks and soldiers in the streets of DC, or just quiet arrests and we wake up one morning with new people running the government, I don't know, but whatever the end will be like, it will be Biblical.
A comparison with original language will unlock even more. I recommend the ESV Study Bible with footnotes. The footnotes give extra context and alternate word meaning since many greek and hebrew words had multiple possible meanings
IF you read the comments below the video you will realize there are more idiots in this world than we can imagine. One says Biden is better????? There is nothing else we can do to show these anti American idiots the truth. They are forever lost in a muddy river of brainless fog. LET'S GET ON WITH IT, SHALL WE!!!!
They're among those forever lost. You could show actual footage of them doing what we know they did to children; they wouldn't believe it, and they would say they would still support and vote for those people.
Rape, torture, sacrifice, murder and consumption of children? Nah, saying women would let you touch them in the pussy when you're rich is much worse.
I keep going back to that time Trump said that even before the 2022 midterms the 2020 election needs to be investigated and nullified. We're running out of time Mr. President. Please help us.
President Trump already knows how this will play out and I am confident that is how it will be. There is a very good chance that he will be taking less than two years of Biden's illegitimate Presidency and then run again in 2024.
The 22nd Amendment of the Constitution: No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for **more than two years ** of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.
Something to think about. There are many wheels turning in the Trump train...
Which confirms Biden is 46, Trump is not the president, the military is not intervening, and the "plan"is to win back the white house the old fashioned way. Seems a bit contradictory to the NCSWIC towed around these parts, wouldn't you say? Or is this another case of 'disinformation'? Lolz
We don´t have time till 2024
I didn't assume 2024.
Not every presidency lasts 4 years ya know. What happens if other states follow Wisconsin's lead and decertify electors, and biden/harris get to under 270 total?
Then he should be the 45th, because Biden will not have been elected in an honest election. No reason to have a 46th—forcing Trump to be 47th—if 2020 gets overturned.
Except he was already """"""president""""""" for a year now. This situation hasn't exactly happened before. It's just a guess. I have no idea.
They should put an asterisk by his name then, and Barry O's as well.
And Barry Bonds
But 47th also means - no Kamala, ever.
Fairly certain this has been worked out in private and we are watching it play out. He said that statement with 1000% confidence. Not "and hopefully 27th or soon to be 27th" he probably already is. Don't doom yet my friend we have plenty of time to doom later if needed but so far this administration can't even pass their own laws and they sure as hell can't muster up a group of people to enforce them.
Wouldn't he be the 18th or 19th president of the real and true united States of America?
My response exactly, you beat me to it. No, by 2024 it will be far too late to save America, we won't even be able to Make America Mediocre by that time. The damage is NOW, the crisis is NOW. You're right..... 2024 will be too late.
I wouldn’t be too sure. I’m sure of nothing these days. It could take till then or even later before we “see” changes.
The war is being waged, and we are winning, we just don’t get to see much of the action. It seems like almost every war in modern history lasted longer than expected.
Hope and pray for the best, prepare for a long fight.
POTUS 45 (=9) & 47 (=11)
Lord works in mysterious...
In St George’s Chapel, Windsor there is a ceiling with numbers relating to Knights Of England. As I recall Sir James Saville was stripped of his title posthumously but the number remains to remember and shame.
Similarly Oliver Cromwells period in control of England is noted. Bidens number should be retained as a reminder of this dark period in US and World History. The Scamdemic President.
I like this sober take, throw the emotions out, this is our history and we cannot get rid of it like the commies just because it is inconvenient and we do not like it
47 could come anytime from now to 2024 folks. He said 47, not 2024...
So the Dems cheated in 2020 and to this day have not been held accountable for the fraud…why are we so confident they are just gonna lay low and allow for a fair and fraudulent free election in 2024???….criminals don’t stop committing crimes until they are punished. (hung) Fix 2020!!!
But then didn’t that mean Biden won’t be decertified? Because if Biden’s electors we’re revoked then he would go down as illegitimate and stripped of his 46th title, correct?
Wasn't there a rumor going around about Pence being sworn in for a hot second before they sorted it out....
I hadn’t heard that one but maybe there is another administration that is running things right now, the military. If that’s the case then they would technically be the 46th administration.
I think it's the only way. Reading the constitution, I see no way that Trump's term didn't simply expire. (Although the secret convention of states suggested by slag could be a way.)
Windows XP
Twitter page does not exist.... is it just me?
"Bigger than you can imagine"
Mary, this is my daily prayer.
I have been keeping my own hope alive by delving into the "Devolution" series by Patel Patriot, and the "Law of War" series by Majic Eyes Only, both of which can be searched for here on GAW. I know that ALL of us are hoping for the same outcome and are beginning to get weary of the journey.... but it will be worth the wait. Whether it ends up with tanks and soldiers in the streets of DC, or just quiet arrests and we wake up one morning with new people running the government, I don't know, but whatever the end will be like, it will be Biblical.
And all God's children say amen. I have a similar experience but it took me longer to get here. Blessings on you.
ESV is a really good translation...much better than the eloquent but highly flawed KJV
A comparison with original language will unlock even more. I recommend the ESV Study Bible with footnotes. The footnotes give extra context and alternate word meaning since many greek and hebrew words had multiple possible meanings
^ yes. i agree.
Fuck 2024 in the ass!
45, 46.6 and 47th. To be reinstalled as victor in 2023 after Jan 21st.
IF you read the comments below the video you will realize there are more idiots in this world than we can imagine. One says Biden is better????? There is nothing else we can do to show these anti American idiots the truth. They are forever lost in a muddy river of brainless fog. LET'S GET ON WITH IT, SHALL WE!!!!
They're among those forever lost. You could show actual footage of them doing what we know they did to children; they wouldn't believe it, and they would say they would still support and vote for those people.
Rape, torture, sacrifice, murder and consumption of children? Nah, saying women would let you touch them in the pussy when you're rich is much worse.
Love him
What was it all about, because it's gone!!
Nothing is ever gone.
You da real MVP!
Twitter removed it. Nothing.
I'm starting to better understand "this is not another 4 year election" were gonna have 4 years of this commie child sniffer and his replacement.
That's not the real Joe Biden.
not the 46th?
On a different note, 45 + 47 does make sense depending on the starting point:
Before the Constitution was in effect, 2 more presidents have to be added, as they were Potus under the articles of confederation.
=> indeed would make the 47th since the USA was formed, and 45th since the Constitution.
I keep going back to that time Trump said that even before the 2022 midterms the 2020 election needs to be investigated and nullified. We're running out of time Mr. President. Please help us.
Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.
Tweet was deleted
Noticed, by whom is anyone's guess as the video appeared to be real...
The one time when you don't save a video......
what was the context of the video?
Playing golf, someone talking and mentioned him as the 45'th president of the US and Trump corrected him by saying 45'th and 47'th
It's been deleted already.
Deleted. Did anyone save it??
Ladies and gentlemen! The real MVP
Archive link? Twitter took the tweet down.
Can't read it
That wasnt Trump, just some ass in the group.
What are you talking about? Trump said 47.
It's not there anymore, either.
I listened again from here and it does sound like Trump:
But his lips don't seem to be moving.
Turns my stomach that it's taking this long to expose the 2020 election we're going to never forget, and we are going to give you hell
That is not 45, nice try.
Good to know the double is out and about though
Seek help.
President Trump already knows how this will play out and I am confident that is how it will be. There is a very good chance that he will be taking less than two years of Biden's illegitimate Presidency and then run again in 2024.
The 22nd Amendment of the Constitution: No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for **more than two years ** of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.
Something to think about. There are many wheels turning in the Trump train...
Which confirms Biden is 46, Trump is not the president, the military is not intervening, and the "plan"is to win back the white house the old fashioned way. Seems a bit contradictory to the NCSWIC towed around these parts, wouldn't you say? Or is this another case of 'disinformation'? Lolz