We made our stand early. We never flinched or wavered. We paid every price imaginable, knowing we would be proven right. *WE ARE NOT THE SAME*

We are not the same. But with great power, comes great responsibility. Be humble and be a truth spreader! No one wants to listen to an ‘i told you so’ asshole. Some of these folks are gonna shaken to their absolute core, and some just plain irredeemable.
That being said, I can’t wait to wear my Fauci public enemy #1 shirt when it arrives!!!
Thank you for saying this. This board seems to have forgotten who the real enemy is. "They want you divided."
Pretty disappointing to see one of the mods, who should know better, promoting this kind of BS.
Lots of people need constant reminders. The fog of war is debilitating. First and foremost, we need to treat each other with respect and kindness. Many here have been ousted from every other group because of their free thinking ways.
Do some pedes have bad takes? Absolutely! Doesn’t mean we should stone them to death and call them a fag. This is NOT THE WAY.
Quit being a fag.
Just kidding 😂
Haha I just can’t help myselfffff
Nope, just your daddy’s
The enemy of my enemy and all that. Does it matter what caused them to wake, or just that they are awake? Too much holier than thou lately. We are supposed to have knowledge and share it with me people. That's our job.
It doesn't mean division, we are just acknowledging the obvious difference in quality.
You can have 2 apples, one is wrinkled, small and tastes of nothing, the other is big, immaculate and tastes great, they're still both apples, but they're not the same.
The failure to acknowledge the difference in quality of people is one of the things that brought us into this mess.
created, not born equal.
Unlike apples, humans can reverse the rot and become fresh again... heads on straight.
If someone is already in the process of losing weight, it does not help to nag them about their weight.
There is something that isn’t the same. Their path, their journey! Everyone has a different trigger to enlightenment... to awakening.
Sure, never said they couldn't, to recognize one's errors and better them is something any human being should be able to do.
But just like apples a lot of what we are in our brief sojourn is this planet is defined by genetics, you cannot go around that, capacity and quality varies greatly.
But instead of facing that fact head on, which is a hard thing to do, people take the easy way out, which is where moronicy like "you can be whatever you want to be!!!!!!heart kiss hug" get started.
No, one can't, one can be the absolute best one CAN be, achieve the utmost potential of whatever capacity one was given, but that's it
That we are all born equal is one of the greatest fallacies ever thought up, the founding fathers knew better, that's why they said CREATED equal, big difference, flesh is born, spirit is created.
Once you are done with your brief stay in the flesh, you are reborn in spirit, and then, truly, our potential is absolutely equal, but down here, again, capacity and quality varies greatly, and it's about time we start considering that for the running of a civilization again, otherwise nothing is ever gonna get better.
Eh, on an uneven playing field what can ya do
Technically when any moderator creates a post, they are still in mod mode - not "one of us"
"They want us divided"? We want them, the DS gone. Once that happens, we'll show our friends and neighbors truth. If they don't accept it, I will not try to un-brainwash them. If they apologize or show any contrition, I will forgive, but I will not forget. These people aligned with the enemy. They wanted me to accept poison and ostracized and shamed me and my family. They looked down, talked down at me, they refused to listen to logic and reason. The damage was deeply personal. They damaged the relationship, not I. I will not act like nothing happened, all water over the damn. NO. These same people will jump on the next leftist bandwagon, gravitate toward wokism again. They might believe in situational ethics but I don't. After the SHTF, I'm not going to wipe their tears or say there, there. They will not bite me twice.
What a melodramatic bundle of joy you are. They can just find somebody else who will. You’re only really isolating yourself at that point.
🤣 superspreader….ahahaha..
Case by case basis. The vast majority I will show empathy. There is a small minority though that I will say Fuck you I told you so if you die its your own damn fault. And then that minority will go out and take their nth jab and put on a third mask.
Like I said, some are plain irredeemable. Lots of legit insane people out there.
Why is this stickied?? Because, damned if I'm not the only one. Show compassion. Show mercy. Put on the full armour of God. Be humble and share the love and the light openly and lovingly with each of our newb frens. BUT, DAMMIT, GRACIOUSLY AS YOU DO, ALWAYS START EACH DAY WITH THIS LOOK IN THE MIRROR, AND MAKE SURE YOUR TIE IS SNUG AND PERFECTLY STRAIGHT, MY FRENS.
You did the work. For years, you kept the faith. And now, though they still can't admit it, those around you—weird as you've always been—are sideways looking to you for what to do and what's happening, next. THIS is your time. It doesn't look like how you imagined it. But. Here we are.
You know who you are. Props to everyone who's been here since day 1.
WE are not the same.
We are not the same, but we still love them, and we still welcome their awakening, because all the awakening adds up to the Great Awakening.
But they will never understand what we have been through, how it feels to be hated, mistrusted and ridiculed by all our loved ones, to be screamed at for just wanting everyone to be safe.
If they can understand even a small fraction of what we been through, if even a glimmer of light breaks through the surface, its a start.
THIS^^^^^^^^^^right here. One day when the story is told I believe we will be known as those who stood against everything stated.Some fell; they lost faith, the peer pressure was too much for them, losing their families, losing their livelihood, losing their reputations and their standing in the community was too big a price to pay…..but not for those of us who knew that if we didn’t stand now, we would be on our knees for eternity. NCSWC and we will win
Happy to give you updoot 17 and I'm with you. One of our hardest jobs is yet to come. The courage and compassion to walk our friends and families through their confusion will be a monumental task. Personally, I will be happy that they will stop tittering about what's wrong with me. That will have to be enough for me as I love all of them and want them to be well.
Gotta hand it to my garbage family, this shark was jumped a long time ago.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise; hardening me up for the times ahead.
Long time friend since the 80s, we were the same on 95% of issues over the years. Until incredible pressure from his wife & kids (all liberal) to get vaxxed. He held out until August last year, asked repeatedly if I was going to. Answer: NO! Spoke with him week before things hit boiling point. His family voted he should move out if he didn't get vaxxed. The only thing said (and have never said ill of his family) was if he does it just to please them he will regret it. Not because there may be long term vaxx problems but because he caved on his own beliefs.
Never heard back from him and by one month knew he'd gotten vaxxed. Called him, left message, no call back. Call him again, same. Finally at shared interest show (one we always attended) see him there. Go up and he won't make eye contact, looks at feet, so nervous can barely talk. Never asked him about vaxx, no need, answer obvious. I get he did what he felt he had to do and it was the only way to preserve his marriage & family. Hell of a price to pay, thankful not the case in my home. Really unlikely we'd ever go back to where we were as friends though. I am now reminder to that he overrode his own principles. I hope not the case, we'll see.
That's really tough, man. Such a choice would be easy for me. Nothing is worth my freedom.
Yeah, that's a lot of years gone by. In many ways he was far more resolute on things too. What gets me is he is self-employed and no real levers on him except family. Trying not to dwell on it, above first time mentioned it beyond another close friend who remains a rock. He is also self-employed, we all are.
Exactly how I feel, on my feet and not on my knees. Incremental communism has made the endgame nearly invisible.
The first line implies they are NOT awake. They have slid their position through purely narcissistic and specious reasoning. These people may quickly change position again when it suits their personal agenda.
The second implies these people see the greater Truth and will sacrifice personal considerations so that all may prosper.
There is nothing wrong with pointing out the differences.
Whats left out is the moral imperative and social obligation that the second group has in attempting to move those in the first group closer to the Truth.
I guess I don't get it. It sounds like division to me. I would think we want to welcome all latecomers to the fold.
And the dude in the meme is an evil crime boss from Breaking Bad. Gus Fring.
I definitely have some pride that I was anti-vaccine before it was cool, though. Of my family and friends I am the only one who refused. Knock on wood, nobody has had a bad reaction to the jabs yet.
I agree with everything you said here, and yeah thank goodness none of my family or friends have had any issues with taki mg the shots/boosters. They’re just so into testing themselves at the slightest potential exposure with zero symptoms
Agree that this meme seems like division. Not a fan of it, weird that it’s stickied.
Don't shoot the messenger but that's a bannable comment
If people you know have not had a bad reaction thus far, chances are very good...probably 100% that they didn't actually get the death jab. Only 10% of the population has actually received the "real" death cocktail. The other 90% got saline or a flu vaxx. This in entirely why most people had only mild flu symptoms or no symptoms at all. The powers that be are much too smart to just start killing off a billion people. They wouldn't have survived the massive uprising that would have occurred. This is why they always use the "frog in the pot" method of introducing us to their agendas. We are heated up a little at a time so we don't jump out. What concerns me now is that they know people are waking up to them, their agenda of genocide, and I believe they are accelerating their program of extermination. There are now stories being floated out there about another outbreak with monkeys from South Africa. This is exactly how that 90's movie "Outbreak" went down. We need to be aware that the next biological that gets unleashed is going to be much worse...pray, pray, pray!
There are many theories about the vaccines, and I don't subscribe to any of them except we don't know what is in them. It seems like the only people that do know are the drug companies themselves.
Wifey is double-vaxxed but doesn't want to get her booster even though she will be fired soon if she doesn't (nurse).
I don't know anybody who has died of the Wuhan virus, nor do I know anybody that has been injured or killed by the vaccine. It is so hard to figure out what is true and what isn't. Although I believe that the vaccines are totally unsafe and would never have been approved had they gone through the normal FDA evaluation.
And I also believe they are completely ineffective, and that this idea that you won't get as sick if you are fully vaxxed is a crock of s***.
Sauce for 90% statistic, please?
I've read so much on the subject of this Dempanic, I cannot remember the exact doctor so the "sauce" would be...do some research!
I hear you fren. None of our memes can withstand this level of scrutiny.
Is this a little premature? I'm still seeing new mandates be put in place in private business, also, the NYstate dueling judges on the constitutionality of the mask mandate. And the "Ron Johnson 2nd opinion" is only getting viewed by the choir. And, lastly, King Fauci still on every channel spouting off about some nonsense or another.
Make sure your tie straight and snug. LOL. We are definitely not the same.
All people arrive at the truth by different paths. No need to create more division, especially among us. Begone with your smug moral superiority.
100% this friend
Couldn’t agree more. It doesn’t matter what sparked it, as long as we’re on the same team
I understand the sentiment. From day 1 because of my background, I knew this was garbage. But we are all on the same side, even if they didn’t remember or act like it for quite some time. The vaxx injured and us have a common enemy and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This is needlessly and fruitlessly divisive.
We are the same. The same group of people the “elites” wish to rid like a termite infestation. The conflict isn’t over. we need to unite, not draw random lines in the sand for the sake of ego stroking. You know what your reward is? You didn’t just give yourself, or your kids cancer with this junk shot. That is a pretty amazing reward. Why do you feel the need to further dunk on the ones who got duped? That is marvelously petty, and I would normally make jokes about that. But with so much at stake, it isn’t the time. WWG1WGA. “ALL” is the key operator. Don’t give them more fuel to divide us.
I agree with you 110%. We preach unity but peddling this divisive narrative couldn't be farther from the truth. It's total hypocrisy.
Don't fall for it, people!
I'll unite with the vaxx injured anyday. Who I won't unite with is the arrogant, know it all, commie scum, who tried calling me a science denier, or uneducated or brainwashed for pointing our the danger and ineffectiveness of these experimental injections.
Nothing makes me more upset than someone more arrogant than I, claiming that I'M the brainwashed one, when I'M the one who used to passively believe the media and government were trustworthy, but then looked at our side of things and quickly realized my beliefs were all wrong, and decided to accept humility in embrace of the real truth.
I don't wish to be friends with scum, incapable of entertaining alternative perspective.
Lol well you sure are doing a good job of fighting division with more division, mate. You sound quite childish. Maybe you should give mommy back her phone.
I had to show everyone I was right about what? You don't even remember do you? And what does gamestop have to do with this?
Together we are strong. Divided we are weak. As angry as we are, let's try hard not to promote any more division. Thank you!
Because dividing yourself gives the enemy so much less work to conquer you?
This meme feels unnecessarily cruel and divisive.
Trump is the real president.
We are on the same side.
Poorly thought out. This meme chooses rhetoric over responsibility. I’m unimpressed.
But we are the same... ALL men are created equal in the eyes of God... Our reasons may differ and our anger may come from different perspectives... Yet in the end we are all the same because we agree the mandates are WRONG... Cheers fellow Anons and Pedes... ☕☕☕
We are not the same, but we have shared interests and welcome you.
Great addendum
“While your mom was dying from the vax, I studied the blade.”
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
At the risk of losing my job...
We are not the same, but we are going to need the newly awakened in order to overturn the mandates.
This is why purebloods need to include anyone who believes in medical privacy and body autonomy.
Divisive language doesn’t help anyone
Cats I know you’re getting grief over posting this but this is the first post of yours where I know exactly where you’re coming from. I couldn’t agree more with this and you.
And for those who don’t get it. Knowing the truth about the world and speaking about it is a lot easier today than it was 3 or 7 or 15 years ago. Some of us lost a lot over the years.
Wow! Is that what this is all about? Being right? Is sticking it in the face if someone who lost a loved one and now stands with us part of the mission awakening process?
This isn't the armor of God. And the of righteous thing about this is its self righteous message.
Wtf dude.
There are those of us who oppose the mandates because they are unconstitutional AND ALSO lost a parent to the vaccines. We are doubly angry.
I oppose the entire system, never have humans had shit stacked against rhem so thoroughly.
Who do you think will hunt down the conductors of this mass murder.Who already digs all the time.Who will insure that"I was just following orders"won't work.We will need information,witnesses etc.We cannot alienate them.Sheep will most likely remain sheep.
Just because we have differences doesn't mean we can't stand together.
I opposed mandates on principle.
This is great, but the actor in the meme is an adamant vaxx pusher. This mess has ruined everything and it's no longer entertaining to watch "entertainment." It all gives me the dry heaves now.
I find that the best line that separates real people from NPCs is the one that categorizes us as either proactive or reactive.
I get this post. Have thought and prayed a lot about it. I am expecting many phone calls in coming months because I have never shied away from telling truth for many years and I have prayed for the grace to handle it because " We are not the same " I know we will all meet the mark when the time comes, but it is OK in this community to share our pain and losses and if you have really been telling truth you have them. As Trump has said " I will take these swords and arrows for you " It makes my little stings pale into insignificance.
Holding hands and spoon feeding is how we got here and why things have to get this bad for them just to SEE 1% of what's happening. And STILL they make fun of us and try to shame us. "Yeah I know I got the jab and supported mandates and still make fun of you guys for believing those crazy conspiracies! But I'm on your side now and im better than you because im not mean!"
This is crazy ... these statements are not mutual exclusive. Divisive much?
I dunno, I’m not loving this sentiment. More like I’m so sorry that happened to you. Plus, some of us have family that refuse to listen so many are in the same boat with their loved ones regardless of their personal beliefs.
This is excellent.