Oh, that’s right. The old standby, waking people up. So let’s not bother draining the swamp or arresting Hillary or getting rid of bad actors in the intelligence community, or firing bureaucrats who illegally force medical mandates on the general population to their detriment, let’s not bother finishing the wall, or doing any of those other things that we voted for, no, why fix anything? Fixing things? That’s crazy! No, we got to wake people up.
So let’s not get any of that stuff done during the first term, from what I’ve been told, purposely not get it done, so that people can “wake up.“ And the purpose of waking them up… Is to get him back in. But he was just in. Why not just do those things in the first place? Is it because not enough people were awake? But we brag about how he won with overwhelming numbers and had a mandate. So why not just… Do those things? Why do we have to have him in, purposely bone it, so people can wake up, for the purpose of putting him in?
From my perspective, I’m more concerned with the desires of the overwhelming majority of people that voted for him, and much much less concerned about the needs, opinions, and desires of the people who hated him and us. I’m much more concerned about his voters than I am about those who aren’t awake.
And if the idea is we need horrible things to happen so that we can snap these people out of it so we can get them on board with a worldwide awakening, and we are supposedly “in control“ anyway, why do we need to have a stolen election and multiple failures if we are literally “in control?” I mean.. we can just… You know… Get it done. Show these people. We’re in control, we have it all, we have all the information, the dirt, the evidence, and four years to lay it out. Why not just do it in the four years?
So we have to get him in, to get him out, so that we can get him back in again?
Because we need to gather more evidence… When we already have it all? But we have it all. We need more of all?
Very nicely said. I agree with your statement 100%. I also wondered why nothing is happening to these people who are wanting to destroy America and our way of life. We need more people to think and say what you are saying. Thanks. I hope people/patriots READ and LISTEN!
A movement that wants to renew the world must serve not the "moment" but the future.
The greatest, most enduring successes in history tend to be those which, in their beginnings, found the least understanding - because they stood in sharpest conflict with general public opinion, with its ideas and its will.
Our thoughts and actions must in no way be determined by the approval or disapproval of our time, but by the binding obligation to a truth which we have recognized.
I think that's what GEOTUS is trying to tell us. It is time to work for the future.
But that’s not true, if we control everything, we have it all, he was in office, and, I repeat, we “have it all.“ We are in control and have it all. Everything we need to prove that these people are evil. We have it all.
But we need to take a bunch of losses to show people how bad things can really be, including allowing election to be stolen so we could catch them in the act, even though we already have it all, and I was told the purpose of that was to “wake people up.“ So yes, apparently we do need the approval of our time. I mean if we’re waiting on other people to wake up before we actually get the job done even though we’re already in control and have it all, then what else are we waiting for except the awakening of other people? That’s specifically what I’ve been told 1 million times. We need to wake people up first.
So yes, we do need their approval in some form or another or at least their awareness. This is sometimes why I struggle so much with this because there are so many things I am told that contradict other things that I’ve been told. I know no one likes to hear anything about goalpost moving, but I mean, if the shoe fucking fits…
I feel you mate. I get the same frustration. There has to come a point when you've red pilled and awakened everyone who is going to wake up in a reasonable timeframe. After that you get diminishing returns.
Waiting a year or so for half the normies to wake up while the world goes to shit is probably a viable strategy. Waiting another decade or two to wake up another 4% of the sleepers obviously isn't feasible.
I don't know where that cutoff is, but it feels damn close. We must follow truth and the high ideals of our inner character, and we can't wait forever.
Exactly this; I want public televised executions on a prime time format. Maybe a pay per view event with a guillotine plinko board under it so viewers at home can place bets on what number bucket the head is going to roll into.
Maybe I seem impatient but I've been awake almost 30 years now, I WANT BLOOD...
Yep! We need to act like it’s 1776 but for real this time. Everything leading up to this point in history has been fake, phony and false (for the most part). Post 2022 if people want to fuck around, they’re gonna find out. As it should be, publicly so there’s an actual deterrent to crimes especially crimes by publicly held officials.
This is not a game.
Do not let personal (emotional) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. Q
Of course, this can also be used to suppress any dissatisfaction for any number of years until it's too late, and that's the problem with this strategy.
Devin Nunes, CEO of Trump Media, was on Newsmax last night and said that it will likely launch in late March. It is in the testing phase and I would not expect it will launch until they get the bugs worked out and it is deemed secure.
Short video platforms like TikTok and Instagram captured the users. FB “reels” came too late after they already lost the mind share. They didn’t rebrand to meta until they started losing.
I'm glad Trump waited until now to fix everything, instead of doing it five years ago like everyone expected. It shows that he has a plan, and it's working.
Well it ain’t been fixed yet. So, from what I’ve been told, if it takes 100 years it takes 100 years. And I have no right to expect to be alive when it happens. Even though we have it all, and are in control. I don’t know man… Sometimes…
I’m beyond ready for Truth Social. Hopefully it’s a platform where we can all spread accurate and helpful information to one another and organize against big government
I love the irony of Trump being banned from social media only for him to make his own and then he will probably be the number one social media cause of the freedom.
Although i still say we need a decentralized social media platform that people can use and its up to them what they post as it will be like everyone owning their own twitter, youtube, fb etc that only they control and everyone else only gets the choice of subscribing to it or not and of course having there own sites too, kinda like what Skycoin is going to do with their platform.
The Great Awakening is Plan A. That and the States demanding Justice for the steal. TRUTH will help A LOT. Dave at X22 called the launch date Zero Day.
Hey Pres, You were, and have been way to easy on the terrorist. I hope you are as smart as a lot of people think you are. Get on with it. They are murdering the population at the moment. To think this could not have been avoided by forcing the military to kill the murderers is beyond stupid to me. You could have deputized a few hundred good Marines and taken out a lot of the trash.
What the F is going on ?
The Constitution doesn't allow for the remedy you suggest, patriots would like to do this while keeping the country intact. Sadly lives will be lost, but that was going to happen regardless and on a much larger scale. It had to be this way.
It must be done legally and lawfully. I know I’ve been ready for the reckoning for just about 5 years now… it will habben… we will be there to witness it too. Stay strong and be ready fren! 😊
You misunderstand. I'm trashing on the retards who say "there's no remedy in the Constitution so we can't do anything like that hurr hurr".
Constitution only came around because people fought their government as a limiter to the government they were establishing; it doesn't have to state word for word that we can use force to take our government back. It still essentially mandates we do so.
Feels like **past **time to me...
Oh, that’s right. The old standby, waking people up. So let’s not bother draining the swamp or arresting Hillary or getting rid of bad actors in the intelligence community, or firing bureaucrats who illegally force medical mandates on the general population to their detriment, let’s not bother finishing the wall, or doing any of those other things that we voted for, no, why fix anything? Fixing things? That’s crazy! No, we got to wake people up.
So let’s not get any of that stuff done during the first term, from what I’ve been told, purposely not get it done, so that people can “wake up.“ And the purpose of waking them up… Is to get him back in. But he was just in. Why not just do those things in the first place? Is it because not enough people were awake? But we brag about how he won with overwhelming numbers and had a mandate. So why not just… Do those things? Why do we have to have him in, purposely bone it, so people can wake up, for the purpose of putting him in?
From my perspective, I’m more concerned with the desires of the overwhelming majority of people that voted for him, and much much less concerned about the needs, opinions, and desires of the people who hated him and us. I’m much more concerned about his voters than I am about those who aren’t awake.
And if the idea is we need horrible things to happen so that we can snap these people out of it so we can get them on board with a worldwide awakening, and we are supposedly “in control“ anyway, why do we need to have a stolen election and multiple failures if we are literally “in control?” I mean.. we can just… You know… Get it done. Show these people. We’re in control, we have it all, we have all the information, the dirt, the evidence, and four years to lay it out. Why not just do it in the four years?
So we have to get him in, to get him out, so that we can get him back in again?
Because we need to gather more evidence… When we already have it all? But we have it all. We need more of all?
Very nicely said. I agree with your statement 100%. I also wondered why nothing is happening to these people who are wanting to destroy America and our way of life. We need more people to think and say what you are saying. Thanks. I hope people/patriots READ and LISTEN!
DWAC is the stock.
It was way past time when r/greatawakening got the boot nearly 5 years ago.
A movement that wants to renew the world must serve not the "moment" but the future.
The greatest, most enduring successes in history tend to be those which, in their beginnings, found the least understanding - because they stood in sharpest conflict with general public opinion, with its ideas and its will.
Our thoughts and actions must in no way be determined by the approval or disapproval of our time, but by the binding obligation to a truth which we have recognized.
I think that's what GEOTUS is trying to tell us. It is time to work for the future.
But that’s not true, if we control everything, we have it all, he was in office, and, I repeat, we “have it all.“ We are in control and have it all. Everything we need to prove that these people are evil. We have it all.
But we need to take a bunch of losses to show people how bad things can really be, including allowing election to be stolen so we could catch them in the act, even though we already have it all, and I was told the purpose of that was to “wake people up.“ So yes, apparently we do need the approval of our time. I mean if we’re waiting on other people to wake up before we actually get the job done even though we’re already in control and have it all, then what else are we waiting for except the awakening of other people? That’s specifically what I’ve been told 1 million times. We need to wake people up first.
So yes, we do need their approval in some form or another or at least their awareness. This is sometimes why I struggle so much with this because there are so many things I am told that contradict other things that I’ve been told. I know no one likes to hear anything about goalpost moving, but I mean, if the shoe fucking fits…
I feel you mate. I get the same frustration. There has to come a point when you've red pilled and awakened everyone who is going to wake up in a reasonable timeframe. After that you get diminishing returns.
Waiting a year or so for half the normies to wake up while the world goes to shit is probably a viable strategy. Waiting another decade or two to wake up another 4% of the sleepers obviously isn't feasible.
I don't know where that cutoff is, but it feels damn close. We must follow truth and the high ideals of our inner character, and we can't wait forever.
$DWAC 🚀🌙💎🤲
What’s it at right now?
Hovering around $85
got in early.
Enough with the chatter; I need action!
F action, I need hangings, lots of them! And I want to know they happened I don’t want it being kept hush, hush.
Exactly this; I want public televised executions on a prime time format. Maybe a pay per view event with a guillotine plinko board under it so viewers at home can place bets on what number bucket the head is going to roll into. Maybe I seem impatient but I've been awake almost 30 years now, I WANT BLOOD...
Yep! We need to act like it’s 1776 but for real this time. Everything leading up to this point in history has been fake, phony and false (for the most part). Post 2022 if people want to fuck around, they’re gonna find out. As it should be, publicly so there’s an actual deterrent to crimes especially crimes by publicly held officials.
Now let's talk about your health
Amen brother!
Of course, this can also be used to suppress any dissatisfaction for any number of years until it's too late, and that's the problem with this strategy.
Q also said to have faith and trust. Q doesn't want people to ruin the plan by starting a civil war.
Long past time, Don. Ring the Emergency Broadcast Horn, or whatever you've got up your sleeve!
Honk honk!
Mr. President, what are your orders?
DWAC heads up every time he mentions TRUTH Social. I hope you got yours because once TRUTH launches DWAC is going to blow the fuck up.
Any idea when it will launch? Is it March?
February 20-ish iirc
Devin Nunes, CEO of Trump Media, was on Newsmax last night and said that it will likely launch in late March. It is in the testing phase and I would not expect it will launch until they get the bugs worked out and it is deemed secure.
This month supposedly.
February 22nd is the set launch date for Truth Social.
Hmm. 22/2/22, or variations on the same sequence. Any coincidental significance?
No doubt! Good catch… hmmm makes you wonder doesn’t it?
Short video platforms like TikTok and Instagram captured the users. FB “reels” came too late after they already lost the mind share. They didn’t rebrand to meta until they started losing.
I'm glad Trump waited until now to fix everything, instead of doing it five years ago like everyone expected. It shows that he has a plan, and it's working.
Well it ain’t been fixed yet. So, from what I’ve been told, if it takes 100 years it takes 100 years. And I have no right to expect to be alive when it happens. Even though we have it all, and are in control. I don’t know man… Sometimes…
Been waiting a long time. Hope he actually delivers
Let's gOOOOooo!
Yes, please.
We want our President DJT. That’s all.
All for God's Glory!
Yes God’s glory😀
I’m beyond ready for Truth Social. Hopefully it’s a platform where we can all spread accurate and helpful information to one another and organize against big government
Bring it we are ready!
Time? Ok, been waiting.
Umm… I thought it was time to do that in 2016? That’s kind of what I voted for him for.
I knew this would happen from the start. It's time. Once this gets off the ground, everything changes.
I love the irony of Trump being banned from social media only for him to make his own and then he will probably be the number one social media cause of the freedom.
Although i still say we need a decentralized social media platform that people can use and its up to them what they post as it will be like everyone owning their own twitter, youtube, fb etc that only they control and everyone else only gets the choice of subscribing to it or not and of course having there own sites too, kinda like what Skycoin is going to do with their platform.
look at the date ... And look when facebook was created (or lifelog shutdown)
Oh shit.mpeg3
Should I invest in DWAC or should I buy more shares in DWACW?
The Great Awakening is Plan A. That and the States demanding Justice for the steal. TRUTH will help A LOT. Dave at X22 called the launch date Zero Day.
Hey Pres, You were, and have been way to easy on the terrorist. I hope you are as smart as a lot of people think you are. Get on with it. They are murdering the population at the moment. To think this could not have been avoided by forcing the military to kill the murderers is beyond stupid to me. You could have deputized a few hundred good Marines and taken out a lot of the trash. What the F is going on ?
The Constitution doesn't allow for the remedy you suggest, patriots would like to do this while keeping the country intact. Sadly lives will be lost, but that was going to happen regardless and on a much larger scale. It had to be this way.
the constitution doesn't allow what all the commies are doing and have been doing either ... i would say we have no constitution now a days
It must be done legally and lawfully. I know I’ve been ready for the reckoning for just about 5 years now… it will habben… we will be there to witness it too. Stay strong and be ready fren! 😊
Then you’re lost
Show me where the provisions allowed British citizens to fight their government and create their own country.
It doesn't but other founding documents absolutely do. In fact they basically tell us we should be rising up right now
You misunderstand. I'm trashing on the retards who say "there's no remedy in the Constitution so we can't do anything like that hurr hurr".
Constitution only came around because people fought their government as a limiter to the government they were establishing; it doesn't have to state word for word that we can use force to take our government back. It still essentially mandates we do so.
Technically the remedy is in the second amendment 🙂
I've been a deadhead since 1972 and I am awake
Grateful dead fans are refered to as "deadheads" mostly liberal but not all of us
Not sure they have a name seen the stones every tour since 72 multiple times eagles once
Where does the Constitution provide for things like devolution?
Sounds good to me.