This is actually quite big. The fact that he's even talking about executions and the death penalty this openly and unambiguously confirms that this will indeed be the fate of the Deep State moving forward and is part of the Q plan. Many of us were worried that there would simply be a few small arrests and nothing more, but it looks like we may indeed witness public executions and a blunt lesson in what happens when you commit treason. The White Hats will not be pulling any punches and pain truly is coming.
I have never forgotten that little nugget... one of my perpetual hopium supplies.
Except I do think there was one thing he overlooked:
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CUT/PASTE THAT SENTENCE INTO OTHER SHIT. I wish he would have worded everything so that it lined up nice and neat on the page so I can MEME THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
But Mr President if you are reading this, I still love you with the strength of a thousand suns.
Yes. That made me so happy when this came out.... it keeps from losing my shit sometimes. (I do still lose my shit sometimes, but it'd be way more without that comforting knowledge :) )
Mass arrests better happen, and they better be public. I have a few former "friends" who laughed and scoffed at me at the idea of their favorite goons in politics being arrested for anything. What I wouldn't pay to see the looks on their faces when it happens.
Right. Still have some family and friends mocking me for believing truth and accusing me of believing political propaganda as though I am the blinded mislead one. One of my favorite cousins just blocked me from communicating with him because of it. This one is formerly military so I thought he’d care, but alas, nay. This is one I pray for regularly as he lost his mom young from a stroke and blames God.
In the Walmart parking lot in my hometown in Ohio I let a guy I had never met know his front tires were low last week, within minutes we discussing everything under the sun about the rampant corruption and lawlessness that is on the loose in America. It was encouraging to hear a perfect stranger out of the blue being so informed. Just my two cents for the evening.
He's not referring to himself. He is offering a hypothetical case where the "president" is a generic noun. It is a rhetorical strategy to get the reader to think in general principles.
I suggest we print these out and start putting them in windows all over the place, on corkboards at the grocery store, walmarts, etc. People's windshields, dog parks, everywhere.
Tick Tock —this story has legs even if the msm tries to avoid it, they won’t be able to. This is the story that will gather steam. Nothing can stop it.
Press is complicit in this major crime.
So when they get implicated, there is no plausible deniability
Building the case for Mass Arrests via Military Intervention.
From your lips to God’s ear.
This is actually quite big. The fact that he's even talking about executions and the death penalty this openly and unambiguously confirms that this will indeed be the fate of the Deep State moving forward and is part of the Q plan. Many of us were worried that there would simply be a few small arrests and nothing more, but it looks like we may indeed witness public executions and a blunt lesson in what happens when you commit treason. The White Hats will not be pulling any punches and pain truly is coming.
We can hope. I know I do.
And Jim Jordan is backing him up, 👍🏼
That is the penalty for treason. Please let the arrests come soon this is a huge scandal needs to be resolved soon.
May? Have you seen the apprentice.
Hmm... a possible new meaning to the phrase, "You're fired!"
You're FRIED. kek
Can't wait for him to use it.
“…from a cannon.”
I suspect that electric chairs are quite PAINFUL.
Are you paying attention FBI TRAITORS?
(Undeserved Advice: stop blowing each other and whistle blow instead...and do it quick. TICK. FUCKING. TOCK.)
Have to use renewable power
Ropes are cheap and reusable.
I'll just leave this right here...
Trump knows exactly what he's doing.
I have never forgotten that little nugget... one of my perpetual hopium supplies.
Except I do think there was one thing he overlooked:
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CUT/PASTE THAT SENTENCE INTO OTHER SHIT. I wish he would have worded everything so that it lined up nice and neat on the page so I can MEME THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
But Mr President if you are reading this, I still love you with the strength of a thousand suns.
Maggot Habermann goes first?
I vote for
Don lemmon
Yes. That made me so happy when this came out.... it keeps from losing my shit sometimes. (I do still lose my shit sometimes, but it'd be way more without that comforting knowledge :) )
Truth Social needs to pick up the pace and open early.... our country desperately needs the truth!
Im sure the timing of all of this is perfect. Its just not on our preferred timeline.
YeH, patience is just wearing thin
I feel ya. I'm ready for them to bring the pain to these cocksucking commies.
Maybe WE, GAW is Truth Social. I half expect when i come here there'll be a new banner. Lol
That would be beautiful!
Amen to that
His rhetoric is getting more savage.
I’ve always judged how far along we are by the intensity of his rhetoric. And holy shit, we’re at ‘electric chair’. Omfg.
We are at "electric chair" and things have just started for the most part! Who knows what it will be when we are further along :-)!
Yeah, no longer "we'll see what happens."
well at least more BLUNT! :-)
>(excitedly does the Tendie Dance)
Mass arrests better happen, and they better be public. I have a few former "friends" who laughed and scoffed at me at the idea of their favorite goons in politics being arrested for anything. What I wouldn't pay to see the looks on their faces when it happens.
Right. Still have some family and friends mocking me for believing truth and accusing me of believing political propaganda as though I am the blinded mislead one. One of my favorite cousins just blocked me from communicating with him because of it. This one is formerly military so I thought he’d care, but alas, nay. This is one I pray for regularly as he lost his mom young from a stroke and blames God.
Notice hoe he doesn't say "FORMER" President? Like he's still current? I've noticed this before
In the Walmart parking lot in my hometown in Ohio I let a guy I had never met know his front tires were low last week, within minutes we discussing everything under the sun about the rampant corruption and lawlessness that is on the loose in America. It was encouraging to hear a perfect stranger out of the blue being so informed. Just my two cents for the evening.
The fact that this huge crime is not getting the press it should be getting reveals the depth of infiltration that had entered our society.
Damn, this is getting good.
Maybe the truck convoy could go block the streets in front of the MSM headquarters.
Light them all up!!!
Who wrote this? If it was Trump himself, why is he referring to himself in third person?
I am sure someone is writing for him, the third person thingy is common on this venue.
He's not referring to himself. He is offering a hypothetical case where the "president" is a generic noun. It is a rhetorical strategy to get the reader to think in general principles.
Electric chair retired cos we got ... firing squads!
I'm ready.
I suggest we print these out and start putting them in windows all over the place, on corkboards at the grocery store, walmarts, etc. People's windshields, dog parks, everywhere.
one almost has to go to to get revealing press.
Tick Tock —this story has legs even if the msm tries to avoid it, they won’t be able to. This is the story that will gather steam. Nothing can stop it.