🚚🗽🌍🚚 How Convenient: Mysterious Extremist Group of 13 Individuals with Weapons Arrives at Freedom Convoy Protests – Right as Justin Trudeau Invokes Emergency Act 🚚🗽🌍🚚
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Did they put up signs saying "Armed Extremist Group" when they arrived?
Or were they all wearing "Mysterious Extremist Group" T-shirts?
They all had tan pants on and white gator masks. Weird.
AND... they all had GLOW in the dark beanies. kek
Federal agent issued boots and all wearing mom jeans.
I thought it was khakis LOL
Those feds wearing the mom jeans from a year ago?
That was white Jake from state farm
Ya beat me to this ☝🏼
Patriot Front isn’t Feds. They’re neo-nazis. I know things.
and My Pillow slippers..
Matching watches too?
And sunglasses?
And nipple-rings? Askin for somebody’s fren.
Hijacking the top comment.
There's actually a lot more to this story that's already known (in regards to the set-up/FF).
I have some of the details.
More to follow later.
Bring-it Pede!!
Quick summary:
The RCMP has already admitted that the weapons/arrests have nothing to do with the convoy
One of the arresting officers was supposedly caught on film saying "We know you aren't the right guy ...", I've heard the audio, and seen the video, need to confirm it's authenticity (I think it's real, trust but verify with something that important)
The weapons were a collection of yet-to-be banned guns in Canada, which might be on the government's wish list of "things to ban" (convenient, eh?)
The collection of weapons do not make logical sense apparently (missing parts of the collection), something someone wouldn't carry around as is
The body armour is apparently cheap, and looks brand new, with, the flags of a group they want to brand a 'terrorist' group sewed on (more on this below)
Apparently none of the guys there, who were arrested or nearby, knew about the weapons before the arrest (word of mouth info, passed along from one person that was there to another to another before reaching me)
The group that the MSM has been smearing for the past few weeks (trying to set them up as the patsies for a FF to be used against the convoy), and now that the government has made reference to, were the ones that had their flag stitched onto the armour, and, MSM smear pieces are starting to try to link it to the group (their leader has stated he has no knowledge of it, and he's near Ottawa right now, several days drive from Alberta)
Fan-friggin-awesome update! That’s funny we were picking apart the accessories and lack thereof and the collection looked halfassed & thrown together. The vests tho..HA!!
Scroll up its all here
Correct, most or all of it would be there.
Been a day since I checked his TG.
They were wearing brown khaki pants with tee shirts that said FBI maybe?
13 individuals. 4 arrested.
So much like Michigan, 9 glowies and 4 patsies.
Imagine my surprise...
"shocking . . . "
They were carrying jerry cans full of bleach and one screamed "this is trucker country"
That's not bleach - it's chromic acid for suicide weekend.
Were they standing next to a missing semi trailer?
Ya I’m wondering how their weapons serial numbers trace back?!
All gov't weapons?
Good question. Articles I read didn’t go into weapon stats.
Completely unrelated, I'm sure https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/peterborough-truck-guns-1.6352442
CBC prolly gave an incorrect description too 😂
Most people don’t even have 12 friends who will help them move.
We saw it coming a mile away. There were multiple warning posts about this nonsense. they always pull shit like this. same with the nazi flag.
Very convenient that a CTV reporter at a press conference asked about the truckers having guns a few days ago. 🤔
They can still use this to justify ‘heavy handed’ tactics when dealing with the Truckers.....
The MSM in response are already planting the seed of the ‘need’ for heavily armed LEOs in dealing with the Truckers....
Standing around while armed is not a violation of any law. Protecting innocents who are protesting from the gestapo/stazi tactics of a Cabal govt is also not a violation of any law.
Where's [their] evidence of "violent extremism?" Were any shots fired? Did these guys fight back? Where's the reports of shots fired or police/extremist casualties?
Either this was planned or these guys are innocent but were foolish to believe the hype re Castro,Jr invoking the "Emergency Powers" Act.
Big if true: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/107807829377660730
Mysterious Extremist Group = FBI/Antifa/leftist/liberals (take your pick)
Sounds like they borrowed the United States FBI for a few hours
13+4=17 I know we can all do math.... this feels like comms for sure
5 of the rifles have the same optics setup - Looks like trijicon vcog or sig tango t6
...only 2 semiauto handguns, that's smelly
Sig rules.
Has to be just a coinkidink! Maybe we can find out who these 13 idiots are!
That shxt looks all brand new.
I don't think they're agents provocateur - I think they're just idiot ass-clowns.
A country the size of Canada? There's bound to be a few dumb fucks. Kek
It’s Bubbles & Trailer Park Boys 😂
They forgot there extremist flags with the fresh creases for this FF
It's good to know that someone is watching and recording all that happens, and hopefully some Patriots will continue to follow up in Canada to see if justice is done.
Castro turns the lights off, then suddenly glowsticks show up, how convenient..... lmao idiots
Aww no Confederate flags?
I can't finish my glowie bingo :(
I know this is a shit circumstance, but we CANNOT and WILL NOT bring out our guns until they commit an atrocity... as much as we want to be preventative, the laws in Canada are still the law. And unfortunately for them they chose to deprive themselves of their right to self defense. So... we either get to hope the military does the right thing or we have to wait for something horrible.
Until such event happens, assume anyone going in armed is either a fed or a fucking moron. I, know, synonymous...
Whatbbothers ne most is there are people who still go along with what these asshole are doing.
They(Trudeau et.al.)used the #13 to signal to their friends across the world this was a FF. That's one of their favorite numbers besides 33, 322 and 666.
CA regime learned the essence of FF tactics. 👍🏿👍🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿
The blocks at the crossings are completely spontaneous and have no relation to the Freedom Convoy as seen in Ottawa
So the mayor of Coutts confirmed that the these fire arms and the persons involved were not related to the blockade. But the RCMP and legacy media ran with it to destroy the credibility of the blockade. As much as I didn’t want to see it end the optics were bad and I think they made the right decision to back off. Scummy rcmp and media.
Kriss Vector uses Glock mags 9mm or 40 cal, no see em!
I bet they all have bite marks that fit T boys dental records on their butts.
I literally saw the live stream of one of these accused. They even admit while being recorded they got the wrong Chris. There were no terrorists iys an rcmp hit peice the gear is all poorly staged anyway
Shoot them and ID the corpse. 🤣