Shove their hypocracy right back in their face. Use their own weapons of tyranny against them! Make them feel the same shame and embarrassment that they have been dishing out to others these past two years.
Together, we will make them ALL walk away like the spineless COWARDS they are. Once the light of TRUTH shines upon them, they will all scatter like cockroaches.
When I was on the school board (years ago), I was dealing with the other board members who thought it was an easy twice a month gig that gave them some credibility and an “in” with the community for their Realtor job. At one point, after debating about a ridiculous fuzzy math curriculum I was trying to get removed, I just asked a couple of the rubber-stampers, “Why are you here? If you don’t care about our kids, then WHY are you even here?!” They resigned the following month. Very telling. That’s what I would’ve asked these board members—Why are you even here?! Yes, leave. Thank you. NEXT!
Friend of mine was on a board. Became the board president at one point. But she promised herself when it was no longer about the kids, she would leave. She was involved at a time when they were building a school in their community so people were focused but once that was done, it was apparent who was there for either their resume or as a stepping stone for political aspirations. That was when she stepped down.
This is part of the problem. Our side has ethical values that put us way behind the psychopaths on the left- or the squishy ones that will do whatever helps them financially.
She essentially turned the board over to the corrupt ones. Not blaming her, but we need to fight and keep fighting these evil assholes at every turn.
For the last 25 years, there hasn’t even been a fight. We’ve basically laid down and conceded territory to the devil.
You bring up a good point. However, at that point she had been on the board in one role or another for about 10 years. New blood and perspectives are needed as well.
My niece and nephews went to a parochial school and in the early years especially, parents were expected to participate in volunteering so many hours per child. Because there were three at one time, it got to be overwhelming so I pitched in a few hours here and there. The problem would be the parents would get burned out. I could see it at the graduations. After that, many dropped out of the church which was a shame. But the leadership in the church did little to discourage it. It was like 'well, your kid doesn't produce us revenue anymore -next!' It left a bad taste in my mouth. But I think it is a related situation in terms of the burnout of serving on a board because the root issues if problems tend not to be addressed. It could also explain some of the reason you see these boards digging their feet in over CV. By design? A few years ago I would have said no but due to the last couple of years, I can't dismiss it.
Yes I would say 90% of these people are here to further a political career (in the larger districts), or to advance socially for business reasons (probably smaller districts).
The ones that have the courage to stand up against the teachers unions and do what is right for the kids has to be few and far between.
Everyday they get paid tons of money for you being compliant and making sure your kids are their for attendance. Then they have fun all day abusing your kids
Kick backs that can be laundered into their pockets... It's that simple. You can control most dipshits with a little bit of money to trigger their greed.
They hate when they get called on their bullshit. Had the EXACT same thing happen in my town. School board members who push and push for children to wear masks all day are out and about at parties and gatherings with no mask in sight. Then when the shit gets recorded and called out on Facebook, they get the posts shut down. Burn in hell, all of you.
Boy that lady got her good didn't she, proved right there that they are in fact a political party and not a school board, and that children are at the very bottom of the totem pole as far as their priorities.
It’s just astonishing to me the way these leftists believe that they should be the ONLY ones allowed to speak. That they can say whatever they damn well please, follow whatever “science” suits them, and the parents have no rights. The message is so clear: “We are here to indoctrinate your kids and you have no say!” God bless this lady for standing up and reminding them all that they work for the PARENTS!
I believe that is grounds for an automatic forced resignation. And if it's not, in the next iteration if a government servant abandons their post like that it should be an automatic termination and black listing from all government work.
God Bless this woman for speaking the truth! These school boards have been falsely elected and paid off by our education tax dollars. They were put in place to corrupt and indoctrinate our children. THROW every last one of them that are DEMOCRAT to the Lions!
About 20 years ago the schools were encouraging parents to put kids on risperdal and prozac for kids as young as 8. They haven't given a shit about the kids for a long time. Lots of drug use in that region. Then add in the commies from Virginia Tech and it's not making the situation any better.
Most importantly, SHARE the video to give this piece of content the legs it needs to spread like motherfucking wildfire. Unlike your WH interactions, you will actually watch the entire video and your interactions will stick and have an impact on it's algorithm.
I love how the officer was like "yeah, I'm not taking this woman down. Nope. Not gonna be my ass posted all over social media. I'll just go... back over here... And act like nothing happen."
Everyone put your school boards on notice that they work for the taxpayers not for their own power and financial gain. If they can not do so, they need to resign.
How it has gotten to this point is beyond me. These people are elected as REPRESENTATIVES of the people. Their constituents are legally able to publicly air any grievances they may have. We had this same problem in South Florida of all places. I ended up pulling my kids out of public school because I refuse to let an out of control school board dictate what is best for my children.
Aaaaahaha! YES! This is how we win anons!
Shove their hypocracy right back in their face. Use their own weapons of tyranny against them! Make them feel the same shame and embarrassment that they have been dishing out to others these past two years.
Together, we will make them ALL walk away like the spineless COWARDS they are. Once the light of TRUTH shines upon them, they will all scatter like cockroaches.
She upset that the parent is showing a picture that she put in a public forum like fakebook? 😂
I like how the officer doesn't do anything ... I wonder if he said anything to her,
Did the right thing staying out of it. Thought im not sure if the other baord member hadnt called her out as well that he would have walked away.
When I was on the school board (years ago), I was dealing with the other board members who thought it was an easy twice a month gig that gave them some credibility and an “in” with the community for their Realtor job. At one point, after debating about a ridiculous fuzzy math curriculum I was trying to get removed, I just asked a couple of the rubber-stampers, “Why are you here? If you don’t care about our kids, then WHY are you even here?!” They resigned the following month. Very telling. That’s what I would’ve asked these board members—Why are you even here?! Yes, leave. Thank you. NEXT!
Friend of mine was on a board. Became the board president at one point. But she promised herself when it was no longer about the kids, she would leave. She was involved at a time when they were building a school in their community so people were focused but once that was done, it was apparent who was there for either their resume or as a stepping stone for political aspirations. That was when she stepped down.
This is part of the problem. Our side has ethical values that put us way behind the psychopaths on the left- or the squishy ones that will do whatever helps them financially.
She essentially turned the board over to the corrupt ones. Not blaming her, but we need to fight and keep fighting these evil assholes at every turn.
For the last 25 years, there hasn’t even been a fight. We’ve basically laid down and conceded territory to the devil.
You bring up a good point. However, at that point she had been on the board in one role or another for about 10 years. New blood and perspectives are needed as well.
My niece and nephews went to a parochial school and in the early years especially, parents were expected to participate in volunteering so many hours per child. Because there were three at one time, it got to be overwhelming so I pitched in a few hours here and there. The problem would be the parents would get burned out. I could see it at the graduations. After that, many dropped out of the church which was a shame. But the leadership in the church did little to discourage it. It was like 'well, your kid doesn't produce us revenue anymore -next!' It left a bad taste in my mouth. But I think it is a related situation in terms of the burnout of serving on a board because the root issues if problems tend not to be addressed. It could also explain some of the reason you see these boards digging their feet in over CV. By design? A few years ago I would have said no but due to the last couple of years, I can't dismiss it.
Yeah, I hear you. I'm not blaming your friend and it's noble to stay as long as she did.
My point, is that we play by a different set of rules/ethics, that these scumbags don't abide by.
Yes I would say 90% of these people are here to further a political career (in the larger districts), or to advance socially for business reasons (probably smaller districts).
The ones that have the courage to stand up against the teachers unions and do what is right for the kids has to be few and far between.
School board trash hates the truth.
These cretins are like vampires being exposed to sunlight.
Wouldn't it be great if they all turned to dust when exposed to the light of truth?
In a metaphorical sense, they already do. Nice analogy BTW.
It is an interesting question of why the school boards are so mask-crazed.
Every place else are dropping the masks because they are completely unnecessary.
Many school districts got a shit load of money from the federal government
That sounds about right. Got a family member that works for a school district and their hazard pay for 2020 was phenomenal.
ESSER III funds. Was trying to find a link for you. Federal funding
No problemo. I'm not allergic to shovels like all of the pedes I trigger.
Schools and boards are Inftrated by the 4-6% commies. They believe their Propoga da and are attracted to power
$4 trillion buys a lot of support.
Why do you think their first priority was funding bills to pay off all corrupt participants of their coup?
Everyday they get paid tons of money for you being compliant and making sure your kids are their for attendance. Then they have fun all day abusing your kids
Kick backs that can be laundered into their pockets... It's that simple. You can control most dipshits with a little bit of money to trigger their greed.
Everyone else is dropping their mask mandates because they cannot enforce them.
Its easier to get prisoners to obey you.
Money and politics.
The school boards are controlled by the teachers unions. They’ve set up 503c orgs in basically every district, and they find “their” candidates.
Because the teachers can’t stand our kids. They would physically restrain them if they could (they do, 6-ft apart). Their mouth is a nice compromise.
They hate when they get called on their bullshit. Had the EXACT same thing happen in my town. School board members who push and push for children to wear masks all day are out and about at parties and gatherings with no mask in sight. Then when the shit gets recorded and called out on Facebook, they get the posts shut down. Burn in hell, all of you.
And police arrest people showing up to public school board meeting citing "Trespassing on private property". WTF
Yep! It wasn’t “private property” when you used the public tax dollars to pay the rent, utilities and salaries though? 🙄
And invited the public to the meeting. Lol. They just didn't approve of the questions being asked.
A bunch of us should flood her email, text or any other device with this video.
Boy that lady got her good didn't she, proved right there that they are in fact a political party and not a school board, and that children are at the very bottom of the totem pole as far as their priorities.
I can't believe the cop was going to remove her... he should know the rules and not be ordered around like a stooge.
This video should be sent to all LE leaders with the request that they do training to understand what to enforce and what not to enforce.
Most police in schools are paid by the school. They may wear a badge and have police powers, but they are paid and controlled by the school.
It’s just astonishing to me the way these leftists believe that they should be the ONLY ones allowed to speak. That they can say whatever they damn well please, follow whatever “science” suits them, and the parents have no rights. The message is so clear: “We are here to indoctrinate your kids and you have no say!” God bless this lady for standing up and reminding them all that they work for the PARENTS!
All the people like this in these little positions are little HRC wannabes.
That disgusting mask wearing cop was going to drag her out until a second and third board member finally spoke up. What a scumbag.
Democrat Governor: “We must follow the governor’s orders!”
Republican Governor: “We have decided to buck the governors orders”
to quote that fella up front in boot camp: "does someone hear a baby crying?"
I believe that is grounds for an automatic forced resignation. And if it's not, in the next iteration if a government servant abandons their post like that it should be an automatic termination and black listing from all government work.
Bwahahaha they wont be able to walk down the street
God Bless this woman for speaking the truth! These school boards have been falsely elected and paid off by our education tax dollars. They were put in place to corrupt and indoctrinate our children. THROW every last one of them that are DEMOCRAT to the Lions!
About 20 years ago the schools were encouraging parents to put kids on risperdal and prozac for kids as young as 8. They haven't given a shit about the kids for a long time. Lots of drug use in that region. Then add in the commies from Virginia Tech and it's not making the situation any better.
Upvote. Comment. Subscribe.
Most importantly, SHARE the video to give this piece of content the legs it needs to spread like motherfucking wildfire. Unlike your WH interactions, you will actually watch the entire video and your interactions will stick and have an impact on it's algorithm.
Haha. Fuck you BITCH!
Disgusting how the people behind her sat there so cowardly instead of cheering and showing her support.
Way to go! WE NEED THIS EVERYWHERE!!! Let's break them down and watch "em crumble.
The Montgomery County School Board is composed of seven members who represent each of the seven voting districts in Montgomery County.
District A - Linwood Hudson
District B - Penny J. Franklin
District C - Dana M. Partin
District D - Jamie M. Bond
District E - Marti Graham
District F - Susan J. Kass
District G - Mark F. Cherbaka
another deputy taking orders from school board members?
Aawww…her public FACIAL-book came back to haunt it?!! Ah Ha HAAAHH 💰 💴
I love how the officer was like "yeah, I'm not taking this woman down. Nope. Not gonna be my ass posted all over social media. I'll just go... back over here... And act like nothing happen."
Good job officer. Good man.
It’s funny that, when the shoe is on the other foot, they can’t handle it.
Commie progs have never had any intention of following the rules that they seek to impose on us. Their rules are weapons, eagerly deployed.
I guess she had a realization that her BS doesn't stand up to scrutiny and she is bankrupt in the marketplace of ideas.
That was a beautiful thing!
Everyone put your school boards on notice that they work for the taxpayers not for their own power and financial gain. If they can not do so, they need to resign.
How it has gotten to this point is beyond me. These people are elected as REPRESENTATIVES of the people. Their constituents are legally able to publicly air any grievances they may have. We had this same problem in South Florida of all places. I ended up pulling my kids out of public school because I refuse to let an out of control school board dictate what is best for my children.
libs,, progressives (marxists) don't enjoy reasoned discourse. we need to rid education of all useless fools and rubes!