And what exactly is CPAC? More controlled opposition to sedate the masses that don't subscribe to the other narrative set out for public consumption. When are we going to stop playing the game?
This is literally what Jesus called them. Wolf in sheep's clothing. That is how they hid from the “profane”. It’s those who call Lucifer their God. They are becoming bold now. They are losing their need to hide it. Ask yourself why, people. Why now, does it not matter if you know who they are?
Thank you. Tired of people thinking she is a moderate dem or something. Nobody with ties to the WEF can be trusted. They would have to fully denounce it and come out against the Great Reset and earn trust back.
This is my thinking. There’s no way there’s not undercover operatives inside that ordeal. Only issue is some of the initiation passages are probably fairly sick so that may make it difficult to get people in without compromising their souls.
Thats cool if they do, but they gotta know that their line is about to come to an end. We simply cannot take the chance. Starting fresh takes work but its worth it.
As much as I like Tucker I also realize that it would be impossible for him to have that time slot without being compromised. We know he won't touch the election fraud and doesn't cover much of the Covid fraud although he's been tough on the masking. He's covering the Canada tyranny and Ukraine fairly well also, so I guess we should just be happy he's giving those important issues national coverage. He has Tulsi on pretty regularly, so that is a tell.
I have always thought he looked like he had some kind of crush on her from the very first time he had her on. We cannot trust that woman. Klaus Schwab has her on his list of Young Global Leaders. That's enough for me.
I guess she has the name recognition, and in select locations in NY or CA, she could win a seat in Congress. (that's just how stupid leftist voters are :) )
that picture shows her with 6 other scumbags... good chance she is one of them, too.... scum with a pretty face and nothing more than that. SYMBOLISM will be their downfall.
Not saying I believe it, but she made an Instagram post with this pic talking about Mauna Kea, a sacred mountain in Hawaii. There are the hashtags: #KuKiaiMauna #ProtectMaunaKea #maunakea that show Hawaiians also making the hand symbol.
Cafferty would have called her out. Don't know if Carlson has the intestinal fortitude to, but I doubt it. (For those who do not remember Cafferty, he was the one person on CNN who was honest and spoke about Ron Paul's support for liberty.
🤣 In political circles she’s a goddess. But that’s a world so butt-ugly that Manson-eyed-AOC (with her donkey face) thinks herself hot shit. Anyone without kankles and liver spots is a stallion.😂
She's playing a game. She knows what the "right" things to say so Republicans will "embrace" her, yet the Dems have thrown her to the side. I do not trust her one bit. She's gaming to run for President again. IMO.
She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Be very careful of her.
We need to be on alert, watching out for fake people. With the Democrats facing the Red Tsunami, even more RINOs are going to be sneaking about.
Can't believe she is scheduled to speak at CPAC. What the fuck is that?
Maybe it means No Name 2.0 is burned and can't make forward progress through the Republicrat estabishment so they're bringing in a ringer.
And what exactly is CPAC? More controlled opposition to sedate the masses that don't subscribe to the other narrative set out for public consumption. When are we going to stop playing the game?
Good damn question.
wish she was a wolf without clothing..
"You will wear nothing and be happy."
She can wear nothing and I'll be quite happy.
But can I hit it in the morning without giving her half of my dough?
She's showing how she beats off her husband's triangle shaped dick.
She is a crater face.
She is part of the WEF and akin to Castro Jr. We have been infiltrated at many levels.
This is literally what Jesus called them. Wolf in sheep's clothing. That is how they hid from the “profane”. It’s those who call Lucifer their God. They are becoming bold now. They are losing their need to hide it. Ask yourself why, people. Why now, does it not matter if you know who they are?
Thank you. Tired of people thinking she is a moderate dem or something. Nobody with ties to the WEF can be trusted. They would have to fully denounce it and come out against the Great Reset and earn trust back.
Can confirm.
This ☝🏼💯
Klaus Gabbard...
These comments are so hilarious and so true!
Absolutely... 🤣🤣🤣 Cheers Anon... ☕☕☕
True words they are.
Absolutely... All these WEF cronies should be labeled as such... Cheers Anon... ☕☕☕
Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks. He won't ask real questions.
Exactly. Tells some truths but hides the most important ones. CIA farmboy. Can't stand his smug superiority.
Also friend with Alex Jones. They say 80 percent of the truth and 20 percent disinfo.
WEF and CFR shill
Any possibly she could be a double agent? Surly Q must have people inside the WEF and other institutions.
This is my thinking. There’s no way there’s not undercover operatives inside that ordeal. Only issue is some of the initiation passages are probably fairly sick so that may make it difficult to get people in without compromising their souls.
And some are telepathic so they’ll know if you’re lying (reptilians).
Thats cool if they do, but they gotta know that their line is about to come to an end. We simply cannot take the chance. Starting fresh takes work but its worth it.
Such as Maria Baltiromo?
As much as I like Tucker I also realize that it would be impossible for him to have that time slot without being compromised. We know he won't touch the election fraud and doesn't cover much of the Covid fraud although he's been tough on the masking. He's covering the Canada tyranny and Ukraine fairly well also, so I guess we should just be happy he's giving those important issues national coverage. He has Tulsi on pretty regularly, so that is a tell.
I have always thought he looked like he had some kind of crush on her from the very first time he had her on. We cannot trust that woman. Klaus Schwab has her on his list of Young Global Leaders. That's enough for me.
I was trying to think of that very thing ... on the the young global leaders list.
How is the purple-haired dyke a leader of anything other than her local LBQXYZ club?
Maybe they are grooming her for more. The contempt she showed after winning her game was something they would admire. Open, thankless contempt.
I guess she has the name recognition, and in select locations in NY or CA, she could win a seat in Congress. (that's just how stupid leftist voters are :) )
that picture shows her with 6 other scumbags... good chance she is one of them, too.... scum with a pretty face and nothing more than that. SYMBOLISM will be their downfall.
WEF whore!
Page Falkinburg nods in agreement
I'm surprised she wasn't wearing an eye shaped pendant or something
Has the tattoo.
I wish I had sauce. Needed /s tag. Ha.
I was thinking that it might be something like the branding that the Nxivm cult group did led by that freak Keith Raniere.
Only with them Gabbard, et al., the tattoos would be voluntary. Klaus Schwab is on the same level as Soros imho.
Eww! Controlled opposition from the get go. I’ve never liked her.
She’s trying to convince those who watch she’s a good DEM, ha ha ha nice try.
Do you actually want answers, or do you wish to incite using misinformation?
u/BlackDay2020 :
fuck tulsi the MAN!
Yeah. The whole eunichs as leaders working for the elites
i think they do beleive they achieve baphomet demigod-dess status
Trump Should definitely discard her as a potential V.P. if this is at all true! Don't trust this person at all!
The article states she could be a contender...I certainly would hope not! She is playing both sides here!
I don't think Trump would take her as VP. Of pence is running deep ops as I have suspected he may be VP again. We will see.
No WAY is Pence gonna be VP again. Can’t see that.
Not saying I believe it, but she made an Instagram post with this pic talking about Mauna Kea, a sacred mountain in Hawaii. There are the hashtags: #KuKiaiMauna #ProtectMaunaKea #maunakea that show Hawaiians also making the hand symbol.
She just a huge Legend of Zelda fan.
And maybe a globalist sleeper.
This is actually a reference to Mauna Kea, from her instagram - the triangle is a mountain. Some hawaiians do this.
Good response, thank you for the insight.
Yes, but its also a sign the NWO makes. Imagine having plausible deniability due to your heritage.
Yep, sounds left leaning to me.
3 Holes
Yes please do ask her Tucker !!
Klaus Schwab puppet
Thats the symbol for the all lactating breast.
Nothing to see, move along now.
always remember anyone talking on tv is who they let us see. there is always a reason and its always fake
Bless her little heart! She wants to play Illuminati!
Cafferty would have called her out. Don't know if Carlson has the intestinal fortitude to, but I doubt it. (For those who do not remember Cafferty, he was the one person on CNN who was honest and spoke about Ron Paul's support for liberty.
She a demon. Cucks like her because she is pretty
She's really not that hot. Maybe for a woman in politics, but I'm sure everyone sees prettier woman in public.
🤣 In political circles she’s a goddess. But that’s a world so butt-ugly that Manson-eyed-AOC (with her donkey face) thinks herself hot shit. Anyone without kankles and liver spots is a stallion.😂
I think Kristi Noem is one of the more attractive politicians outside of the Trump girls, personally.
She's playing a game. She knows what the "right" things to say so Republicans will "embrace" her, yet the Dems have thrown her to the side. I do not trust her one bit. She's gaming to run for President again. IMO.
"I pledge servitude to the globalist cabal . . ."
13 Reasons You Should Never Trust Tulsi Gabbard