My entire life, whther while i was living in Japan, Germany, or the US, the spelling of Kiev and the pronunciation of it has remained constant. I know the locals will have different spellings and pronunciations just like cities and personal names throughout the world, but this has completely changed in the West over thw last few weeks. Now its Kyiv (Keev) vs Kee-ehv.
I know this seems small or trivial, but this is extremely fishy to me.
Usama Bin Laden became Osama Bin Laden
The change game happens often...
Michael LaVaughn Robinson becomes Michelle Obama
Very good examples, Like Barry Soetoro became Barak Obama
And like how Game of Thrones became WTF IS THIS SHIT in S8.
I turned that shit off the first time I saw someones schlong. Think it was about 10 minutes into the first episode.
Don’t ever watch outlander then
Dicks out for Harambe?
Faggot, first ten minutes in you get to see Emilias tits. The one dick doesn't show up for a while.
You need a microscope to see her norks, son.
Don’t forget the new variant ISIS-K
Jared Schutz to Jared Polis
And John McStain became no name, and ded on dog day
Surgical savagery sir.
Nope, I've noticed it too. Wtf is Kyiv? It's Berenstein vs Berenstain all over again. Another glitch in the Matrix...
did they fire up the CERN again?
Starts up this spring.. in fact
Where have we seen a Y before? Kek
I like it, you're brilliant! 👏😁
Actually border line retard according to my wife! Kek
CORNEY instead of Comey. Fools the searcher.
Ive been chicken kiev for decades. Its kiev
Yeah I noticed it a few years ago when they first Bull schiff impeachment was goin on and alll the DS fagits were saying (keeev) they kept saying it as if to really push it. Now the media is falling in line and you’ll hear them say the name like 10 times in one sentence. There is definitely a reason for it.
Thats exactly my point. There is some sort of brainwashing technique going on, but I'm not sure why.
This guy says the Kee-ehv pronunciation is the Russian pronunciation. And Ukrainians decided to change it to rid it of Russian influence.
Thus, Kee-ehv is undoubtedly the correct pronunciation. And Keev is the 1984 Deep State pronunciation.
English-speaking people will not be able to pronounce the name of the capital city of the Ukraine in the correct Ukrainian way regardless of how they want to spell it (just watch the video).
Also note the first (and correct) comment to the video: "The accepted British pronunciation of place names is always correct in Britain. Paris with an 's' , for instance."
Wiki explanation:
KyivNotKiev is an online campaign started by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) together with the 15 member centre for strategical communications "StratCom Ukraine" on 2 October 2018. Its goal is to persuade English-language media and organisations to exclusively use Kyiv (derived from the Ukrainian language name) instead of Kiev (derived from the Russian language name) as the one true name of the Ukrainian capital.[1][2] It is a part of the wider campaign "CorrectUA".
The organisation intends to internationally assert a Ukrainian identity and help shed international perceptions of linguistic relics of Russian Empire and Soviet Union by promoting the exclusive use of Ukrainian-language transliterations for Ukrainian place names.[3][4][5] The campaign is run by the Department of Public Diplomacy of the MFA.
Yup. Saw that entry the other day when I brought this up the other day. Basically, it's been a gaslighting campaign to manipulate the media, government and eventually the masses to embrace Russophobia.
I noticed that too... strange.
CORNEY instead of Comey. Fools the searcher.
Chicken Keev just don't sound right.
Lol oh you beat me to it
Damn.. I need to start reading all comments before making my own
Glows in the dark
mmm chicken chernobyl
It's kinda like tge Bernstein bears stuff
Plausible deniability when it's exposed to be a wag the dog production, "technically" MSM wasn't lying? Kinda like MSM fearporn always using "coronavirus" for all statistics listed. Just a thought
"Weird" thought and I like it.
Along the lines of "weird" thoughts, I'm half-assedly suspecting this might be a White Hat move to illustrate just how fast and loose the enemy plays with language, and WHY they do it. See also George Orwell and I'm sure a bevy of linguists. Hell, I even vaguely recall our friend Chomsky discussing this shit.
Maybe this kind of thing makes the midwits in our lives - the ones we've tried so hard to awaken and failed because of their Egos - stir from slumber. Information War.
Someone else mentioned this also, but with the idea that it is done on purpose to prevent people from finding news through search engines on "Kiev" it will all be under "Kyiv".
Yeah noticed that too.
No, its been bothering the shit out of me.
It's camel-ahh, you racists! Funny how they all did it at the same time, almost like it's orchestrated.
Nah, this one isn't ME because the claim isn't that it was never Kiev (kee-yeh" but rather that the name changers (a la, Constantinople to Istanbul, or St. Petersburg to Leningrad to Petrograd back to St. Petersburg). Real unexplainable MEs, like say Red Bone's "Come and Get Your Love" ("heeeeey"), the "official" present reality will deny the correct version, the version you remember, was never the way you remember and assert that you're crazy and have false memories. Of course we know we aren't crazy... for some unexplained reason, reality changed. But these renaming efforts are certainly evidence of gaslighting, which it's possible that MEs are just a highly, highly advanced level of gaslighting
The media said it was Ukraine didn’t want to Russian anymore. How convenient.
I have ALWAYS known it as Kiev and literally got confused when I kept seeing Kyiv and decided to go to yandex and search, "when was Kiev changed to Kyiv?" and I saw a VERY interesting post on A very interesting response came from a guy a who was born and raised in Kiev. Check out Roman's response to this proposed question!
I feel the same way about concert venues when they rename (alot) I refer to them as the original name
Not at all. I at first was confused it thought when seeing it spelled and not spoken that it was supposed to be a whole different city altogether. Is it now chicken kyiv as well?
Good thinking!
No this has been driving me nuts too.
Speaking of changed spelling, look what I just found.
"Kiev was then, Kyiv is now"
Is that spelled with a Y?
I think it has to do with the Russian spelling vs the Ukrainian spelling. So during the USSR Russian was of course the official language in much of the USSR and afaik that included Ukraine. In Russian its spelled Киев which is Kiev in English. In Ukrainian its spelled Київ which in English would be Kyiv because of the difference in vowels in Ukrainian vs Russian.
Until 1991 the Russian spelling would have been the "official" spelling aka Kiev whereas now you see a lot of people spelling it as Kyiv to indicate the Ukrainian spelling. Really it can be seen as a political matter, no surprise there. Sort of subtly taking a side based on spelling I suppose.
And now Russia is "the oppressor", so it is imperative to support the oppressed Ukrainians by changing how the name of their capital city is spelled.
The problem is that regardless of how the name of the city is spelled, English speakers are going to butcher the pronunciation because our mouths just don't work like Ukrainian or Russian mouths.
Don't forget SadDAM Hussein which was pronounced by Bush always as Sodom, as in Sodom and Gomorrah, so people would make that unconscious connection.
No he called him SADdam which means cobbler big insult to moooslems
After talking to someone familiar with Russian and Ukrainian culture I have been informed that the Ukrainian spelling and pronunciation is what is being used in the news right now. Before the conflict the Russian spelling and pronunciation was more commonly used outside of Ukraine. The idea seems to be that it would imply support for Russia to use their version of the name during the conflict.
The chicken is nice though
I noticed they started pronouncing it this way during Trumps impeachment hearing.
I’m having’ some chicken KEEV tonight... ?!
While listening to The Great Gate of "Keev" by Mussorgsky, washed down with Ukrainian horilka. Next, LA will be renamed West Shanghai, Hollywood will be Panda Town and San Francisco will be renamed Eileen Golden Gu City, and so on.
The Y is in Ukraine!
It is still Kiev on some maps but Kyiv on the city's website...
It’s driving me crazy, Eric Bolling was calling it “Keev” it seems like they are trying to change it on purpose.