Notice that going from red to purple is a flow of construction:
Red is violent and chaotic, but full of passion and love. Heat is the footprint of change.
Orange is paradise forming (tropics) and brings in joy; a calm borne out of the heat of red.
Yellow fully expresses the joy and light of the physical world, and opens the door for intelligence (life) and the energy of will / individual agency.
Green is growth and fertility, where life begins to interact in a way that creates a cycle that interacts with the physical world, forming a natural process that repeats indefinitely between materials and the living.
Blue is stability that comes from understanding and thinking deeply about the places out of our reach (the sky and sea) as well as how to get there. Does a rabbit wonder what's at the bottom of the ocean? Why then, do we humans wonder these things?
Purple is the fulfillment of Blue and a reunion with the beginning, the Red, which is the chaotic world of change. Order and chaos, perfectly balanced, and the one to rule over them is the nobility. God has given us that Right to rule over his Creation; such is our inheritance.
I'll let someone else take it from here and explain how the light spectrum and the above modern attributes we assign color are a re-telling of the Genesis narrative.
I am a realistic pencil and watercolor nature and portrait artist and I recently took a class from a Christian artist mentor. He had pulled up tons of Biblical scriptures detailing how artists and jewelers are given a gift to be used by God and there are even many scriptures detailing the High places of God and in Heaven which use many specific Gemstones and precious metals and the purpose of each. It was very interesting.
He had pulled up tons of Biblical scriptures detailing how artists and jewelers are given a gift to be used by God and there are even many scriptures detailing
Being a Chakra guy, this should interest you then. Consider this book to be a bridge between Charkas and Christianity.
It's all just different words for the same concepts. A "Rosetta stone" such as this provides for a fuller understanding.
Chapter II: Chapter II - Of the Creation of the Seven Natures (Substances) in Silence:
WHEN God in His mercy wished to make known all His power and His wisdom, in the beginning, on the evening of the first day, which is Sunday, He created seven natures (substances) in silence, without voice. And because there was as yet none to hear a sound, He did well to create them in silence, that He might not make anything uselessly; but He willed, and heaven, earth, water, air, fire, and the angels and darkness, came into being from nothing.
The bad guys also put a lot of effort into practicing the kabbalah. Each sphere on the kabbalistic tree of life is associated with specific colors. They use these colors to convey certain messages. This graphic touches on some of that without getting to the root: the kabbalah.
Study the kabbalah if you want to know what you're facing.
Ugh. What kind of black hole of philosophical infinity did you drag me in too lol!
There are some interesting things to say here in response to other comments, but as to the OP I will say I haven't found too much regarding colors in my investigations. To be fair, I haven't looked at all either.
I remember seeing some stuff when looking into MKUltra, subliminal mind control, etc., but not a lot, and I don't remember the specifics. I've been delving deeply into how words can be strung together to create our reality (lower case), and all that that implies, That includes specific cases of fuckery that would surprise many people; i.e. multiple levels of The Matrix.
Not to say I don't think there is anything interesting regarding colors. I have no doubt that there is much there worth exploring, I just haven't looked yet.
As for colors' relationship to Psychology/Magic/Occult/Kabbalah/Religion, etc. I have not much more to add beyond what was posted in the OP. It is a very interesting topic however.
My research has lead me to Gnosticism and possibly even Kabbalah, but I don't know much about either, and I don't know what sources to trust. Any help would be appreciated.
Mainstream religions are like bombs while gnosticism, esotericism, and the kabbalah are like mine fields.
As you navigate through life, it is possible to get closer to the Truth by navigating the world of knowledge.
On the Path to Truth there are obstacles that can very easily shatter our minds if we learn that everything we know to be true has been a lie. Religions and cults alike curate the Truth in order to exist. Should you get too close to their inner most secrets, however, your mind will shatter.
Mainstream religions are like bombs along the path. Bigger, more dangerous, but easier to recognize as a potential hazard. It's obvious that if you trek near a bomb what the cause of your mind blowing up would be. If you do delve too deep in any mainstream religion, get ready for an explosion too big to escape should you discover things that go against their teachings.
Gnosticism, esotericism, and kabbalah are like mine fields. They are far easier to survive than a massive bomb going off, as with mainstream religions, but far easier to fall into the trap and get too close to dangerous concepts that can lead you astray or shatter your mind.
If you want a comprehensive source of old teachings on things, I suggest reading through some of the old manuscripts on this site:
Careful, though -- here there be dragons! Everything on that site is a minefield. Use discernment, navigate carefully, and don't believe anything with too much passion, should you learn something that conflicts your belief system and blows your mind apart.
Treat it all as if it is a fantasy. When we read about Lord of the Rings history, we don't let its history cross into our reality. Doing so would be foolish. But that's not to say there aren't honest lessons to be learned from fantasy history. Contemplate those lessons, and tuck them away should a use present itself.
Keep a barrier up in your mind, and should something prove to you that the fantasy you're constructing is real, then take down the barrier one brick at a time. This is how you protect your mind from the bombs along the Path of Truth.
See, the thing is, I don't have a belief system. I'm very new to even just believing God is real. I hate dogma.
As I've gone through this journey, I've developed ideas about how the world works, but nothing concrete. I'd never even heard of Gnosticism, but after one of my sources mentioned it I looked into it briefly and discovered they seem to have the same ideas that I figured out on my own. At least I thought I figured them out on my own...
If you want the base-line moral compass into understanding God's mindset, as a true, living entity with sentience and a plan for his Creation, then you must consider Him to be what he necessarily must for Existence to be.
God is the Creator.
Whatever you want to build from that is your own understanding, but the immutable fact is that something is keeping the Universe stable. Some force, some concept, some will is working at every infinitely small figure of time to keep Existence separate from Nothingness.
Something put this all in motion, and is keeping it in motion. For what reason, you ask? Were that I knew the mind of God's reason as God does, then I would be God, correct? I can only speculate, as I will do so now:
Why does the Creator create? For necessity? What needs would an all powerful God have necessary to make something which was not? Out of whimsy? What purpose does whimsy serve, when an all-knowing knows the punchline to every joke?
What other purpose would God have?
Ultimately, the answer is painfully obvious.
Why does something continue to exist? In Truth, if you did not Love yourself, you would no longer exist. You would wither and perish as a plant is neglected by its owner; deprived of sunlight and water.
God Loves Himself, and so He exists.
God Loves His Creation, and so it exists.
God Loves You, and so you exist.
God Loves Himself, Creation, and You so much that He included absolutely everything he could think of to include in His Creation if only to prove just how much he Loved us all. Refusing to add something, no matter what, would be like God keeping seeds and never letting them grow. How might we say God is all Good and all Loving if He neglects such seeds?
God knows, however, that some of the things He Loves will try to destroy one another, and so He put us, humans, in charge and gave us the part of Himself that allowed Him to pull out from nothing that which now is. We are Creators, fashioned in his infinite Image and Glory. He hid in the World all things that have been, are, and have yet to be and gave us, His most beloved, the authority to release them into the World when we so choose -- outside His direct influence.
And so, the Creator's Creations Create. How else might we Glorify God and return His infinite Love for us, than to follow in His footsteps like a doting child emulates their father at work? Imitation is the better form of flattery, and God is filled with infinite Joy when His children clamor to show Him the drawing they did of Him. Never mind that God can produce an infinitely better drawing.
What matters is that God's own beloved Loves Him back with as much passion as to Create that which was not, just as God has Created for us.
Jesus, the Christos, is the fullest manifestation of that Love. Whether or not you believe the narrative historically, the notion is immutable.
God, our parent and guardian, had to prove He is Love in order for the Universe to recognize Him as its Creator. There is no greater expression of Love than to lay down ones' life for another.
There is That Which Is. Why use the word "Creator" as if it were something other than, something intrinsically separate from, that which it brought to Be (AKA Creation AKA That Which Is).
God is That Which Is.
We are a fundamental part of That Which Is.
What if we are a part of God AKA the Divine Spark? What if it doesn't just reside within us, it IS us? Perhaps we ARE the Divine Spark (i.e. the totality of what we are is the Divine, the rest is a "density" we take on).
Jesus said, "I Am."
What if what Jesus was really trying to teach us was, we all should say, "I Am." What if that is the intended realization of the scripture. The one realization that was hidden in the Nicene Convention iteration of it, AKA the book that trained us to believe that we are below That Which Is; subservient to it, vassals of the Divine, instead of pieces of Sovereignty, Divinity, That Which Is.
Any belief system that makes claims to a "higher power" in some definitive, i.e. exclusively separate sense is, I suggest, a fraud designed to keep us from The Truth. There is no separation between That Which Is and Us.
There are perhaps different planes of existence, different resonant frequencies we can set ourselves to, different densities, dimensions, whatever you want to call it (or maybe those are not all the same thing?). What if we are just a piece of God; self actualizing pieces, vibrating on a different energy level than the infinity of God from whence we came, and to which we will inevitably return?
That's why we are children, and God is our parent.
We are directly related to God, but we must acquire the Inheritance, which is the Mind of God.
We are all perfect, because we are capable of performing the task God has assigned us, but among the perfect is The Perfect. That would be the Christos.
There can only be one Perfect of the perfect -- the rule by which all things are measured.
If you don't think that is Jesus, I'm fine with that. But one must concede that out of a pack of hammers, all fashioned to be identical to the original blueprint provided by God, there is one among them that fits the task most perfectly -- without blemish or flaw. If two were completely identical in everything but position and time, then they would cease to be distinguishable from one another, and we must declare them "consubstantial" which is "of the same substance."
The level beyond this Perfect of perfect is Divinity itself. Only those who have crossed the threshold of Perfection could ever claim to have seen this Divinity, let alone claim it as their inheritance. While we can see the door, only those who have stepped through the threshold can even begin to ponder what lies beyond. These are the Revelators, and among them Jesus is the First, not chronologically, but First in authority, which is a novel concept.
Your reply is so... separatist. You seem to feel the need to define strict boundaries and hierarchies. Why? I'm not saying classification is not useful, but to suggest it is definitive is so limiting. In other words, there is a difference between "useful" and Truth.
I Am.
We All Are.
Yes, we have our own existence, but where the lines are between us and That Which Is are a contrivance to aid in our understanding, i.e. they are useful not Truth. Perhaps those lines we define are purely by choice. Can we choose different levels of "separateness"? I.e. can we actually be closer to someone, or closer to everyone, or closer to "the oneness"? I suggest probably.
So perhaps defining things in terms of "perfect" and "quintessential" and "Perfect perfects" in so strict a fashion may be a desire for your own peace of mind, and not an honest effort at understanding the Truth.
The Truth Is That Which Is.
While we can see the door, only those who have stepped through the threshold can even begin to ponder what lies beyond. These are the Revelators, and among them Jesus is the First, not chronologically, but First in authority, which is a novel concept.
I'd never even heard of Gnosticism, but after one of my sources mentioned it I looked into it briefly and discovered they seem to have the same ideas that I figured out on my own.
Just be careful, there are a lot of swindlers and time wasters out there that take advantage of people.
Reminds me of the Black Sabbath/Dio lyrics:
The world is full of kings and queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's heaven and hell, oh well
And they'll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's heaven and hell, oh no
There's a lot of symbology out there that is now utilized by the Cabal, and has been for centuries; millenia, even. There's reasons I come back to the teaching of Jesus, and I suggest getting a good grasps there first if you're new to God. u/sleepydude is giving you excellent advice on this thread.
You can always talk to me if you're lost. I've saved a lot of people from certain doom on that path.
but far easier to fall into the trap and get too close to dangerous concepts that can lead you astray or shatter your mind.
Learning how not to be afraid of "dangerous concepts" is an essential part of the GA.
There is no such thing as a dangerous concept. The only thing dangerous in thought, is believing you know The Truth. When you know the Truth, you cease to be able to see evidence to the contrary. When you can't see evidence to the contrary of your beliefs, then all thoughts other than your own become dangerous, and censorship must ensue; either censorship of others (because their thoughts are dangerous) or self-restrictions, i.e. the cessation of honest investigations.
Trust no one. Trust nothing, not even your beliefs (especially not your beliefs). Think Critically, always.
Dangerous concepts are those which lead to temptation.
Learning these things tempts you to hold them above others' heads in order to control them with the promise of insight should they follow your instructions.
That's why they are dangerous -- because no man is above the temptation to weaponize and abuse the Truth for selfishness. Doing so is blatant worship of the Self.
You must gird your loins, and temper yourself when approaching certain knowledge so quickly, especially if you are adept in you ability to understand.
Dangerous concepts are those which lead to temptation. Learning these things tempts you to hold them above others' heads in order to control them with the promise of insight should they follow your instructions.
So it is dangerous because we can use it for evil? (AKA encroachment of other's self/rights.) Anything can be used for evil. Anything.
I suggest avoiding something because it can be used for evil is a self-limiting that is completely unnecessary. If you are prone to evil, more knowledge will only aid you in your goal. It does not "create" the goal itself.
Don't be evil, and there is no problem with any knowledge.
avoiding something because it can be used for evil is a self-limiting that is completely unnecessary.
Don't get me wrong, I agree wholeheartedly.
But moving too quickly through these lessons will lead to ruin. One must make time to ponder, lest they put the cart before the mule.
Avoidance and caution are different concepts. If you avoid a bee hive, you will never get the honey. If you use caution, you will reveal the hidden truths -- that bees slumber when you introduce smoke.
If you were to neither apply caution or avoidance, and instead go gung-ho and crack open the hive, you'd never have taken the time to discover the Better Way.
It's dangerous because in a rushed journey to acquire the honey, you will completely miss out on the entire vocation that is beekeeping -- where you no longer need to destroy the hive in order to acquire the honey.
Caution, not avoidance, is the path to greater knowledge, because it provides for experimentation, experience, and ultimately True Insight.
Cautious yes, avoidance no. We are on the same page.
I suggest the only caution however, is the same caution that is an essential learning for all concepts, not just those of the occult/religious teachings. Use critical thinking always (a method of employing caution). Avoid "knowing" definitively, no matter the topic, source, or our own experiences.
1.Robert Sepehr YouTube channel
2. The Occult Rejects podcast
3. I'm currently reading "A Practical Guide to Kabbalistic Symbolism"
4. "Morals and Dogma"
5. "Secret Teachings of all Ages"
There are a few good places to start. Esoteric Gnosticism taught through the mystery schools are a continuation of ancient Babylonian religious philosophy. That's the root of it all.
Colors take on an entirely new meaning in the Eastern nations (even South American). However due to the export of Western culture to the world, the current generations are beginning to adapt to the Western idea of ‘Color.
Purple is definitely a uni-party cabal color in my opinion. Simplistically, it is the combination of red and blue or Republicans and democrats. It's in the middle, or both.
We often see politicians where purple when they are trying to show unity, etc.
The royal aspect of purple makes me feel it is more cabal related. These pricks all think they are royalty and everyone else are serfs. They think they are so high and important they can do things like, well, I don't no, wipe out millions of people with bioweapons, genetically engineer people with "vaccines," start global wars, control all money and culture, and on and on. That reminds me a lot of historical royals. They do whatever they want and everyone else is expendable dirt.
I know this is not scientific in any way. Just my little anecdotes.
The royal aspect of purple makes me feel it is more cabal related
I really can't stand purple. It makes me think of the cabal for the reasons you describe. It especially makes me think of Hillary, who personnifies cabal entitlement in my mind.
Completely agree. Every time I see these people wear purple, I immediately think, "Hmm, what comm is this person sharing with other purples right now?"
It really is one of their most in-your-face symbols. Right after making the triangle with their hands.
If they do the triangle while wearing purple, you know they are screaming comms at that point. "Save me! They're coming for me!"
I had my aura picture taken at least ten times. Every time, it is bright red over the body and yellowish gold over the head and beyond. It is not like the photographer remembered my aura and tweaked the camera to make it look the same every time. So, I surmise that those must be my colors.
I did get the colors to change (way further out from my body) to white, pink and purple when I ate very clean and spent more time praying and trusting, instead of being such an active, busy achiever. I am pretty sure we can't change the colors that are closest to our bodies.
When my adopted baby was born, she had a red band arched way over her head. The photographer said all babies have that. It disappeared when she was a little over 2 years old. Hers is a white aura. Very pretty. She has white clinging to her head, but lots of other colors in her expansive aura.
All I know is, ads like Julia, that Obama cartoon ad, Sheperd Fairy fake gay poster of him, all the WEF NWO stuff, ALL COVID PROPAGANDA has been in this weird cartoon cutesy not real ( trans-real?) style I can't stand. All of it screams here come the nudge death squads to me, dressed up like some fucking happy graphic circle w spokes coming out of it cartoon explaining how our new reality is going to be. No Thank you!
Season of Christmas
Season of Easter
Feasts of the Lord, other than of His passion
Feasts of Mary, the angels, and saints who were not martyrs
All Saints (1 November)
Feasts of the Apostles
Nuptial Masses
Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses) when the deceased is a baptized child who died before the age of reason
Note: White can be replaced by Gold. White can be replaced by blue on certain Marian feasts, but only in Spain and areas once subject to the Spanish monarch, and at certain Marian shrines.
the Passion
God's Love
Feasts of the Lord's passion, Blood, and Cross
Feasts of the martyrs
Palm Sunday
the Holy Ghost
life eternal
Time after Epiphany
Time after Pentecost
Season of Advent
Season of Septuagesima
Season of Lent
Rogation Days
Ember Days (except for Pentecost Ember Days)
Vigils except for Ascension and Pentecost
Good Friday
All Souls Day
Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses), except for baptized children who've died before the age of reason
Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent)
Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Lent)
Gold can replace white, red, or green (but not violet or black)
Guess this would explain alot about why I like to wear greens, corals, peaches and blues, fuschia’s and wine alot as opposed to my childhood pinks and purples.
Oh yes indeedy - this is the website for the NZ government's propaganda war on the population. It is full of rules and information that is in my view pretty damn Nazifyied. And the only colour the bastards use is yellow
We get blasted all day with idiotic adverts that say things like "I got vaccinated for my nana" with creepy 1960s electronic noise tones echoing in the background. The fascist QR codes - all highlighted with banners of yellow everywhere. Every shopping mall has big yellow pennant style banners - yellow everywhere you see something hateful required in the name of Covid.
Yellow is used for machinery, safety equipment, lines etc. not just for high visibility but because it has the best emotional affect in factory type places without natural light. I read a book on color therapy and that part stuck in my head. Keep working minions, that big sunny wonderful machinery ain't gonna run it's self and if you die operating it we'll wipe off the blood and find another peasant.
Orange man... Good?
Orange Man Tropical
Florida makes sense now.
Underrated comment of the fiscal quarter!
Orange man brings joy.
Yes he does
Redman better than Bull Of The Woods
No wonder leftists hate him!
Notice that going from red to purple is a flow of construction:
Red is violent and chaotic, but full of passion and love. Heat is the footprint of change.
Orange is paradise forming (tropics) and brings in joy; a calm borne out of the heat of red.
Yellow fully expresses the joy and light of the physical world, and opens the door for intelligence (life) and the energy of will / individual agency.
Green is growth and fertility, where life begins to interact in a way that creates a cycle that interacts with the physical world, forming a natural process that repeats indefinitely between materials and the living.
Blue is stability that comes from understanding and thinking deeply about the places out of our reach (the sky and sea) as well as how to get there. Does a rabbit wonder what's at the bottom of the ocean? Why then, do we humans wonder these things?
Purple is the fulfillment of Blue and a reunion with the beginning, the Red, which is the chaotic world of change. Order and chaos, perfectly balanced, and the one to rule over them is the nobility. God has given us that Right to rule over his Creation; such is our inheritance.
I'll let someone else take it from here and explain how the light spectrum and the above modern attributes we assign color are a re-telling of the Genesis narrative.
I always feel like I know nothing when I read your comments.
For a sleepy dude, he's pretty awake!
Thats exactly why I made this post. To create a discussion that makes others aware.
Please enjoy and feel free to ask questions.
Hey, I can relate with you on that
u/289m - You interested?
I am a realistic pencil and watercolor nature and portrait artist and I recently took a class from a Christian artist mentor. He had pulled up tons of Biblical scriptures detailing how artists and jewelers are given a gift to be used by God and there are even many scriptures detailing the High places of God and in Heaven which use many specific Gemstones and precious metals and the purpose of each. It was very interesting.
Are you referring to Aaron's breastplate?
No, haven’t heard of that one. The Thriving Christian Artist by Matt Tommy I was only able to take his free one
I will share some soon. Let me heal up a bit first
Thanks. I do enjoy sharing and hope and pray someday getting some of my work sold works out as I have always dreamed.
The Book of the Bee (1886)
Being a Chakra guy, this should interest you then. Consider this book to be a bridge between Charkas and Christianity.
It's all just different words for the same concepts. A "Rosetta stone" such as this provides for a fuller understanding.
Chapter II: Chapter II - Of the Creation of the Seven Natures (Substances) in Silence:
Let me know in the comments. I want to have a fun, insightful discussion about this!
This is piggybacking off of my Disney post from last week.
The source has a little more depth to the explanations:
El Biggo infograph (7.2MB):
Pharmaceutical companies use colors to influence people's experience with pills.
The bad guys also put a lot of effort into practicing the kabbalah. Each sphere on the kabbalistic tree of life is associated with specific colors. They use these colors to convey certain messages. This graphic touches on some of that without getting to the root: the kabbalah.
Study the kabbalah if you want to know what you're facing.
👆 This. Soft red pills first, bro. 😉
It's time for suppositories
Something tells me u/Slyver has some good insights about this.
Going to add u/Zeitreise too
Ugh. What kind of black hole of philosophical infinity did you drag me in too lol!
There are some interesting things to say here in response to other comments, but as to the OP I will say I haven't found too much regarding colors in my investigations. To be fair, I haven't looked at all either.
I remember seeing some stuff when looking into MKUltra, subliminal mind control, etc., but not a lot, and I don't remember the specifics. I've been delving deeply into how words can be strung together to create our reality (lower case), and all that that implies, That includes specific cases of fuckery that would surprise many people; i.e. multiple levels of The Matrix.
Not to say I don't think there is anything interesting regarding colors. I have no doubt that there is much there worth exploring, I just haven't looked yet.
As for colors' relationship to Psychology/Magic/Occult/Kabbalah/Religion, etc. I have not much more to add beyond what was posted in the OP. It is a very interesting topic however.
"God spoke the world into existence. First with numbers, then with letters, then with words."
My research has lead me to Gnosticism and possibly even Kabbalah, but I don't know much about either, and I don't know what sources to trust. Any help would be appreciated.
Trust no one and nothing but God.
Mainstream religions are like bombs while gnosticism, esotericism, and the kabbalah are like mine fields.
As you navigate through life, it is possible to get closer to the Truth by navigating the world of knowledge.
On the Path to Truth there are obstacles that can very easily shatter our minds if we learn that everything we know to be true has been a lie. Religions and cults alike curate the Truth in order to exist. Should you get too close to their inner most secrets, however, your mind will shatter.
Mainstream religions are like bombs along the path. Bigger, more dangerous, but easier to recognize as a potential hazard. It's obvious that if you trek near a bomb what the cause of your mind blowing up would be. If you do delve too deep in any mainstream religion, get ready for an explosion too big to escape should you discover things that go against their teachings.
Gnosticism, esotericism, and kabbalah are like mine fields. They are far easier to survive than a massive bomb going off, as with mainstream religions, but far easier to fall into the trap and get too close to dangerous concepts that can lead you astray or shatter your mind.
If you want a comprehensive source of old teachings on things, I suggest reading through some of the old manuscripts on this site:
Careful, though -- here there be dragons! Everything on that site is a minefield. Use discernment, navigate carefully, and don't believe anything with too much passion, should you learn something that conflicts your belief system and blows your mind apart.
Treat it all as if it is a fantasy. When we read about Lord of the Rings history, we don't let its history cross into our reality. Doing so would be foolish. But that's not to say there aren't honest lessons to be learned from fantasy history. Contemplate those lessons, and tuck them away should a use present itself.
Keep a barrier up in your mind, and should something prove to you that the fantasy you're constructing is real, then take down the barrier one brick at a time. This is how you protect your mind from the bombs along the Path of Truth.
See, the thing is, I don't have a belief system. I'm very new to even just believing God is real. I hate dogma.
As I've gone through this journey, I've developed ideas about how the world works, but nothing concrete. I'd never even heard of Gnosticism, but after one of my sources mentioned it I looked into it briefly and discovered they seem to have the same ideas that I figured out on my own. At least I thought I figured them out on my own...
If you want the base-line moral compass into understanding God's mindset, as a true, living entity with sentience and a plan for his Creation, then you must consider Him to be what he necessarily must for Existence to be.
God is the Creator.
Whatever you want to build from that is your own understanding, but the immutable fact is that something is keeping the Universe stable. Some force, some concept, some will is working at every infinitely small figure of time to keep Existence separate from Nothingness.
Something put this all in motion, and is keeping it in motion. For what reason, you ask? Were that I knew the mind of God's reason as God does, then I would be God, correct? I can only speculate, as I will do so now:
Why does the Creator create? For necessity? What needs would an all powerful God have necessary to make something which was not? Out of whimsy? What purpose does whimsy serve, when an all-knowing knows the punchline to every joke?
What other purpose would God have?
Ultimately, the answer is painfully obvious.
Why does something continue to exist? In Truth, if you did not Love yourself, you would no longer exist. You would wither and perish as a plant is neglected by its owner; deprived of sunlight and water.
God Loves Himself, and so He exists.
God Loves His Creation, and so it exists.
God Loves You, and so you exist.
God Loves Himself, Creation, and You so much that He included absolutely everything he could think of to include in His Creation if only to prove just how much he Loved us all. Refusing to add something, no matter what, would be like God keeping seeds and never letting them grow. How might we say God is all Good and all Loving if He neglects such seeds?
God knows, however, that some of the things He Loves will try to destroy one another, and so He put us, humans, in charge and gave us the part of Himself that allowed Him to pull out from nothing that which now is. We are Creators, fashioned in his infinite Image and Glory. He hid in the World all things that have been, are, and have yet to be and gave us, His most beloved, the authority to release them into the World when we so choose -- outside His direct influence.
And so, the Creator's Creations Create. How else might we Glorify God and return His infinite Love for us, than to follow in His footsteps like a doting child emulates their father at work? Imitation is the better form of flattery, and God is filled with infinite Joy when His children clamor to show Him the drawing they did of Him. Never mind that God can produce an infinitely better drawing.
What matters is that God's own beloved Loves Him back with as much passion as to Create that which was not, just as God has Created for us.
Jesus, the Christos, is the fullest manifestation of that Love. Whether or not you believe the narrative historically, the notion is immutable.
God, our parent and guardian, had to prove He is Love in order for the Universe to recognize Him as its Creator. There is no greater expression of Love than to lay down ones' life for another.
I wish you joy on your journey, fren!
Wow! That was amazing! Truth, right there.
There is That Which Is. Why use the word "Creator" as if it were something other than, something intrinsically separate from, that which it brought to Be (AKA Creation AKA That Which Is).
God is That Which Is.
We are a fundamental part of That Which Is.
What if we are a part of God AKA the Divine Spark? What if it doesn't just reside within us, it IS us? Perhaps we ARE the Divine Spark (i.e. the totality of what we are is the Divine, the rest is a "density" we take on).
Jesus said, "I Am."
What if what Jesus was really trying to teach us was, we all should say, "I Am." What if that is the intended realization of the scripture. The one realization that was hidden in the Nicene Convention iteration of it, AKA the book that trained us to believe that we are below That Which Is; subservient to it, vassals of the Divine, instead of pieces of Sovereignty, Divinity, That Which Is.
Any belief system that makes claims to a "higher power" in some definitive, i.e. exclusively separate sense is, I suggest, a fraud designed to keep us from The Truth. There is no separation between That Which Is and Us.
There are perhaps different planes of existence, different resonant frequencies we can set ourselves to, different densities, dimensions, whatever you want to call it (or maybe those are not all the same thing?). What if we are just a piece of God; self actualizing pieces, vibrating on a different energy level than the infinity of God from whence we came, and to which we will inevitably return?
We are, but we are our own beings as well.
That's why we are children, and God is our parent.
We are directly related to God, but we must acquire the Inheritance, which is the Mind of God.
We are all perfect, because we are capable of performing the task God has assigned us, but among the perfect is The Perfect. That would be the Christos.
There can only be one Perfect of the perfect -- the rule by which all things are measured.
If you don't think that is Jesus, I'm fine with that. But one must concede that out of a pack of hammers, all fashioned to be identical to the original blueprint provided by God, there is one among them that fits the task most perfectly -- without blemish or flaw. If two were completely identical in everything but position and time, then they would cease to be distinguishable from one another, and we must declare them "consubstantial" which is "of the same substance."
The level beyond this Perfect of perfect is Divinity itself. Only those who have crossed the threshold of Perfection could ever claim to have seen this Divinity, let alone claim it as their inheritance. While we can see the door, only those who have stepped through the threshold can even begin to ponder what lies beyond. These are the Revelators, and among them Jesus is the First, not chronologically, but First in authority, which is a novel concept.
Your reply is so... separatist. You seem to feel the need to define strict boundaries and hierarchies. Why? I'm not saying classification is not useful, but to suggest it is definitive is so limiting. In other words, there is a difference between "useful" and Truth.
I Am.
We All Are.
Yes, we have our own existence, but where the lines are between us and That Which Is are a contrivance to aid in our understanding, i.e. they are useful not Truth. Perhaps those lines we define are purely by choice. Can we choose different levels of "separateness"? I.e. can we actually be closer to someone, or closer to everyone, or closer to "the oneness"? I suggest probably.
So perhaps defining things in terms of "perfect" and "quintessential" and "Perfect perfects" in so strict a fashion may be a desire for your own peace of mind, and not an honest effort at understanding the Truth.
The Truth Is That Which Is.
Limits and hierarchies...
Limit less --> Limitless.
Hierarch less --> Hierarchless???
Whatever; Flatten the Pyramid.
Be That Which Is. Which is what You already are.
Just be careful, there are a lot of swindlers and time wasters out there that take advantage of people.
Reminds me of the Black Sabbath/Dio lyrics:
There's a lot of symbology out there that is now utilized by the Cabal, and has been for centuries; millenia, even. There's reasons I come back to the teaching of Jesus, and I suggest getting a good grasps there first if you're new to God. u/sleepydude is giving you excellent advice on this thread.
You can always talk to me if you're lost. I've saved a lot of people from certain doom on that path.
Learning how not to be afraid of "dangerous concepts" is an essential part of the GA.
There is no such thing as a dangerous concept. The only thing dangerous in thought, is believing you know The Truth. When you know the Truth, you cease to be able to see evidence to the contrary. When you can't see evidence to the contrary of your beliefs, then all thoughts other than your own become dangerous, and censorship must ensue; either censorship of others (because their thoughts are dangerous) or self-restrictions, i.e. the cessation of honest investigations.
Trust no one. Trust nothing, not even your beliefs (especially not your beliefs). Think Critically, always.
Dangerous concepts are those which lead to temptation.
Learning these things tempts you to hold them above others' heads in order to control them with the promise of insight should they follow your instructions.
That's why they are dangerous -- because no man is above the temptation to weaponize and abuse the Truth for selfishness. Doing so is blatant worship of the Self.
You must gird your loins, and temper yourself when approaching certain knowledge so quickly, especially if you are adept in you ability to understand.
So it is dangerous because we can use it for evil? (AKA encroachment of other's self/rights.) Anything can be used for evil. Anything.
I suggest avoiding something because it can be used for evil is a self-limiting that is completely unnecessary. If you are prone to evil, more knowledge will only aid you in your goal. It does not "create" the goal itself.
Don't be evil, and there is no problem with any knowledge.
Don't get me wrong, I agree wholeheartedly.
But moving too quickly through these lessons will lead to ruin. One must make time to ponder, lest they put the cart before the mule.
Avoidance and caution are different concepts. If you avoid a bee hive, you will never get the honey. If you use caution, you will reveal the hidden truths -- that bees slumber when you introduce smoke.
If you were to neither apply caution or avoidance, and instead go gung-ho and crack open the hive, you'd never have taken the time to discover the Better Way.
It's dangerous because in a rushed journey to acquire the honey, you will completely miss out on the entire vocation that is beekeeping -- where you no longer need to destroy the hive in order to acquire the honey.
Caution, not avoidance, is the path to greater knowledge, because it provides for experimentation, experience, and ultimately True Insight.
Cautious yes, avoidance no. We are on the same page.
I suggest the only caution however, is the same caution that is an essential learning for all concepts, not just those of the occult/religious teachings. Use critical thinking always (a method of employing caution). Avoid "knowing" definitively, no matter the topic, source, or our own experiences.
But what if the knowledge is a lie presented as a truth?
If you never believe you know the Truth, you will never be caught believing a lie.
1.Robert Sepehr YouTube channel 2. The Occult Rejects podcast 3. I'm currently reading "A Practical Guide to Kabbalistic Symbolism" 4. "Morals and Dogma" 5. "Secret Teachings of all Ages"
There are a few good places to start. Esoteric Gnosticism taught through the mystery schools are a continuation of ancient Babylonian religious philosophy. That's the root of it all.
Has hermetics been a dig yet?
Dasting stuff down that hole.
Oh yea. I've dug a lot down that hole pre-web2.0
Western society.
Colors take on an entirely new meaning in the Eastern nations (even South American). However due to the export of Western culture to the world, the current generations are beginning to adapt to the Western idea of ‘Color.
This is the same with Musical tones as well.
You're 100% correct. I see things through my western perspective, so I don't always catch this, I just speak through my perspective.
I have studied world music, and own a few non-western instruments. 😉
Purple is definitely a uni-party cabal color in my opinion. Simplistically, it is the combination of red and blue or Republicans and democrats. It's in the middle, or both.
We often see politicians where purple when they are trying to show unity, etc.
The royal aspect of purple makes me feel it is more cabal related. These pricks all think they are royalty and everyone else are serfs. They think they are so high and important they can do things like, well, I don't no, wipe out millions of people with bioweapons, genetically engineer people with "vaccines," start global wars, control all money and culture, and on and on. That reminds me a lot of historical royals. They do whatever they want and everyone else is expendable dirt.
I know this is not scientific in any way. Just my little anecdotes.
I really can't stand purple. It makes me think of the cabal for the reasons you describe. It especially makes me think of Hillary, who personnifies cabal entitlement in my mind.
Completely agree. Every time I see these people wear purple, I immediately think, "Hmm, what comm is this person sharing with other purples right now?"
It really is one of their most in-your-face symbols. Right after making the triangle with their hands.
If they do the triangle while wearing purple, you know they are screaming comms at that point. "Save me! They're coming for me!"
Come to think of it, we should look for this.
I will look for it. Thanks fren!
Anytime u/propertyofUniverse 👈🏻
Well, this is pretty close! Nancy Pelosi, "I eat at 5:30, like a peasant."
If you guys see me play with a purple quilt guitar and gold hardware, I swear, I'm not a Cabal member! 😵
Thank you for the post and far calling some of our mystical commenters to add their perspective.
It was such a joy to read.
There's more than people think.
Anyone can message me if they want to have an open conversation (in case they are afraid of stepping on other users toes).
I am Christian and I was raised Christian, but I spent my time in the wilderness like many others.
I had my aura picture taken at least ten times. Every time, it is bright red over the body and yellowish gold over the head and beyond. It is not like the photographer remembered my aura and tweaked the camera to make it look the same every time. So, I surmise that those must be my colors.
I did get the colors to change (way further out from my body) to white, pink and purple when I ate very clean and spent more time praying and trusting, instead of being such an active, busy achiever. I am pretty sure we can't change the colors that are closest to our bodies.
When my adopted baby was born, she had a red band arched way over her head. The photographer said all babies have that. It disappeared when she was a little over 2 years old. Hers is a white aura. Very pretty. She has white clinging to her head, but lots of other colors in her expansive aura.
Here are two pics of mine and one of hers.
Well they've been flashing the same shade of blue and yellow at us for two years. Trynna make us think vaccine good and ukraine good.
I am pleasantly surprised to learn about orange. that was my favorite color until i was 6 or 7. absolutely loved it.
It's still my husband's favorite color.
It's my favourite colour too. I must be sunny inside!
All I know is, ads like Julia, that Obama cartoon ad, Sheperd Fairy fake gay poster of him, all the WEF NWO stuff, ALL COVID PROPAGANDA has been in this weird cartoon cutesy not real ( trans-real?) style I can't stand. All of it screams here come the nudge death squads to me, dressed up like some fucking happy graphic circle w spokes coming out of it cartoon explaining how our new reality is going to be. No Thank you!
You will probably find this interesting.
Supposedly, we can see more shades of green than any other color. Genetic survival mechanism? Green grass, etc. means food and water,maybe?
Got any sauce for my reading pleasure?
Also, not related, but police use a blue pen so they can tell which signed copy is the original. Keep this in mind when viewing a document.
I started using a blue pen ever since I learned that.
I notice brown isn't on there.
The color of earth. The color of a good cigar. The color of liquor
It's also the color of bullshit. 😁😜
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." - Sigmund Freud
"and a woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke." - Rudyard Kipling
And with apologies to Churchill, I've definitely taken more out of tobacco and alcohol than they have taken out of me. 🙂
Look at how many food companies use Red too.
Red light district, anyone?
These symbols really are all around us.
It could be. I didn't make this infograph. The source is in my stickied comment.
All the info in your comment is correct, and good knowledge for anyone that hasn't read it yet.
The white AOC dress doesn’t make any sense though. Although it was splashed with blood red lettering🤔
You're correct in your thinking, but you might be looking at the wrong AOC dress.
Think of the Trump SOTU, white was used to not only associate with purity and innocence, but also with the suffragette movement.
This is why the Democrats wore it that night.
Liturgical colors:
WHITE: light innocence purity joy triumph glory Season of Christmas Season of Easter Feasts of the Lord, other than of His passion Feasts of Mary, the angels, and saints who were not martyrs All Saints (1 November) Feasts of the Apostles Nuptial Masses Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses) when the deceased is a baptized child who died before the age of reason Note: White can be replaced by Gold. White can be replaced by blue on certain Marian feasts, but only in Spain and areas once subject to the Spanish monarch, and at certain Marian shrines.
RED: the Passion blood fire God's Love martyrdom Feasts of the Lord's passion, Blood, and Cross Feasts of the martyrs Palm Sunday Pentecost
GREEN: the Holy Ghost life eternal hope Time after Epiphany Time after Pentecost
VIOLET: penance humility melancholy Season of Advent Season of Septuagesima Season of Lent Rogation Days Ember Days (except for Pentecost Ember Days) Vigils except for Ascension and Pentecost Good Friday
BLACK: Mourning Sorrow All Souls Day Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses), except for baptized children who've died before the age of reason
ROSE: Joy Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent) Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Lent)
GOLD: Joy Gold can replace white, red, or green (but not violet or black)
I noticed Tulsi Gabbard wearing red everytime I see her on FOX & white when she was running for president.
Is this why the the deep state always have on purple
Guess this would explain alot about why I like to wear greens, corals, peaches and blues, fuschia’s and wine alot as opposed to my childhood pinks and purples.
Colorblind people are lucky.
"I don't really care too much what color this shirt is... The texture is amazing!"
compass detox + war treatment colors
scientists and drs all in white, and they're fucking murdering all of us
Oh yes indeedy - this is the website for the NZ government's propaganda war on the population. It is full of rules and information that is in my view pretty damn Nazifyied. And the only colour the bastards use is yellow
We get blasted all day with idiotic adverts that say things like "I got vaccinated for my nana" with creepy 1960s electronic noise tones echoing in the background. The fascist QR codes - all highlighted with banners of yellow everywhere. Every shopping mall has big yellow pennant style banners - yellow everywhere you see something hateful required in the name of Covid.
Yellow is used for machinery, safety equipment, lines etc. not just for high visibility but because it has the best emotional affect in factory type places without natural light. I read a book on color therapy and that part stuck in my head. Keep working minions, that big sunny wonderful machinery ain't gonna run it's self and if you die operating it we'll wipe off the blood and find another peasant.