Groomer Teachers are essentially forcing little boys to paint their nails during ‘Pride Week’ in Austin Public Schools
FYI: LGBTQ indoctrination in public schools in the state of Texas is illegal
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Never forget (((who))) pushes this (((filth))).
And NEVER stop calling them out.
(((Weimar Republic 2.0)))
(((Sodom & Gomorrah Part 2: Electric JooAboo)))
Pretty sure it's the leftists pushing this and not ((Teh Joos!))
You do realize the vast majority of leftists are not Jewish right? If you believe this is a Jew problem you're just as brainwashed as the leftists.
Sure but I'm pretty sure the left are the ones destroying the culture and grooming children.
Agreed on all points, just not the wording. Conservatives are the ideological voting base. The party they're stuck with is the sellout shill Republican party that you described. We can't regard the Republicans as "the right" when they're backstabbing conservatives.
Oy Vey!!
Khazarians. Leftoids come from somewhere.
Yes, lefties and commies come from a very stupid ideology. If you want to say the origins are Khazarian or whatever type of thinking, then fine, but to say it comes from Jewish thought is just an excuse to make Jew jokes on internet forums.
For all the studying that Jew haters do on the history of "Why Jews are bad," they have zero experience with actually talking to Jews about their beliefs.
Has their religion been infiltrated, appropriated, subverted; like so many other institutions and nations?
No, because it's more than a religion. It's a nation, or an ethnicity. That's a big basis of the argument for Israel. While it's possible to covert to the religion of this culture, it's not easy. You'll never really be one though, unless you're mamma was.
If you say so. Such an infiltration and appropriation, really a cultural impersonation would have taken place many centuries ago. Almost like invasion of the body snatchers.
You can't demonize someone you know, so of course they do everything they can to avoid knowing. Which pretty much applies to how everyone here seems to think leftists are all tattooed pierced transsexual pedophiles.
You'll see comments about leftist style choices like piercings because those are easy targets. But no one here forgets that the real problem with leftists is they hate us because we exist. They believe the US is evil, they love authoritarianism, and they support the destruction of many of our traditions and values.
I guess you are to stupid to see them .
And homeschooling
Even those are fucked. People need to figure out how to educate and instruct their own children.
Cloward-piven: Increase the ignorant masses to overload the welfare system... then institute a minimum wage.
It used to be shocking revelations but now it is common knowledge that democrats are perverts and that want to sexualize children to advance their satanic rituals of trans and pedo sexual deviancy. At this point, the parents are accomplices if they continue to allow these pervs access to their children. Take the kids out of school or take the democrats out of the schools. You can't allow both in the same building. These perverts have no fear or respect for the parents.
Austin is a cesspool - mostly infiltrated by the FARTHEST left libbies from SF, CA. I stay away from Austin city limits and only drive thru it on the way to/from the airport if I'm flying somewhere. It's become incredibly dangerous - gangs, crime ridden and tent camps everywhere just like SF is. In May 2021, even libby loon Austin residents passed a referendum to force the city to get rid of all the homeless camps everywhere, and nearly a year later, they STILL haven't done a damn thing about it.
Austin born and raised, moved away seven years ago. The city that it has become makes me really sad. I know it doesn’t matter but true Austinites are not like this. All this shit was done by transplants. True Austinites were just pussies and allowed it to happen.
I think SF, CA transplants have been taking over Austin for around 15 years (when I first moved there). I left Austin for several years and when I moved back, I hardly recognized it.
When I left, there wasn't this monstrous homeless camp situation and the crime rate wasn't anywhere near as bad as is it now. Thankfully, I'm in a much safer suburb and NOT in Travis county or Austin proper (I knew better than to do that).
But, like you said, it really is sad what's happened to Austin. It's only a matter of time until all the surrounding suburbs will turn into total shitholes too. Me thinks I didn't move far enough outside of Austin proper. I'm probably only semi-safe for another year or so where I am. :-S
Austin his lib problems but it's not as bad as all that. They have removed many of the tent camps. The worst of it is on 6th Street, and it's not as terrible as San Fran. I've been to San Fran and the Bay Area, and they're much worse than Austin.
That is not a ringing endorsement.
Back in the 1990-2000's Austin was THE PLACE to live in Texas. Just goes to prove there is nothing that Liberals cannot destroy
The 90's really were the best time for Austin. Though libs do destroy everything, it was the big tech money that paved over Austin's culture and charm.
I haven't been to SF, CA in decades, but I did make the mistake of going to downtown Austin for a comedy show last year and I was scared out of my mind. I was going to a venue where I wasn't allowed to 'carry' so I was like a sitting duck.
Two shady character dudes were following me in their car while I was on foot - by myself (older handicapped woman) - gimping my way to my car in an underground parking garage at City Hall (which was the absolute only place there was to park on a Saturday night off 6th Street area after driving around for 45 minutes looking for somewhere to park).
The parking attendants at the garage swore to me that they would still be there when the show was over. They lied. They were nowhere to be found when the show got out around midnight.
How I made it to my car and out of there without getting mugged (or worse) is only by the grace of God. I cut through lanes before they could catch up and miraculously got in my car and hauled ass out of the parking garage with them right on my tail.
I will never go to downtown Austin eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever again. A friend of mine who owns a high-rise condo in downtown Austin had not one but TWO of their cars stolen out of the double-secured parking garage within 20 minutes a few months ago. There were 4 people shot last week in downtown Austin during SXSW last week too. It's really bad, IMO.
Let's not forget that PRIDE is one of the 7 deadly sins....
Especially the “GAY” kind.
So if i’m born gay, and i’m born white,
Its OK to be proud of the former,
but not OK to be proud of the latter?
You'll catch yourself in the FEMA draft with violent thoughts like that.
Pride in general is a sin, sexual immorality, effeminate-gay, trans, etc; are all abominations. No one is born gay.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
So is sexual immorality, effeminate (gay, trans qrstyvwxyz)
We need a total overhaul of our public school systems! Start over!
We need to end all public schools. Home schooling and private, and be wary of private schools.
Hillsdale charter schools.
What are these?
Honestly, have parents choose their schools and they will force better competition between them. This indoctrination is only possible with a captive audience, it's not popular! I don't care how much the media tries to make us believe it is!
Abolish it totally as it has all become filth
This faggotry needs to stop.
Amen. One of my greatest blessings is a husband who likes basic dude clothes, not some fru-fru guy who needs shoes to match every outfit.
Black NB609s go with everything
My husband is the same. He is so low maintenance. The guy knows how to dress for special occasions but otherwise, it’s Bar Stool hoodies and jeans or sweatpants 😂
Hunny you should get yourself a REAL man. Big Mikey here will take care of you real good. I bet my dick is the biggest you'll ever see in your life. All hard and veiny like Ronnie Coleman's arm. Fat like a beer can and long, too. Barry screams like a bitch every night, always asking when it's going to be his turn, but it never is.
Occasionally I see a bumper sticker on cars from Texas that say, "HELP KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD." Austin has a reputation not unlike that of Skid Row in most large cities.
Asheville isn't far behind Austin.
Yeah, Asheville is the Austin of the East Coast. What a liberal dump, and it used to be such a beautiful area.
"Keep Austin Weird" started out as a small business initiative among local Austin entrepreneurs. Most people thought it was related to the music scene so it took off as a slogan for the city.
It's similar to "Don't Mess with Texas." That was an anti-litter campaign for Texas highways. Willie Nelson did commercials for it as community service for his weed bust.
THAT came from Santa Cruz....
Sigh :(
It's so fucking depressing right now. Being a new dad of a 2 year old, living in Korea.
I want to move back to the states, but I see shit like this, the violence that is there and the just in general movement of the nation to the far...far left and I honestly think I'm good.
I realize there are good places, but they will be taken over eventually by this madness... we ALWAYS move left, because the left never give a fucking inch and republicans always step over the isle and work with democrats. Now you have fucking tranny kids.
It's really sad and stressful for me... cause I love my country, but I think the country I love died a long time ago.
Yeah I know you're right. I was atheist for a long time before the last year, but I've made my way back to some belief. You can see it and feel it in the world, this evil, it is scary.
idk, I have to do right by my son... it's so frustrating to me cause I love it here in Korea... but I feel like Korea also isn't the place to be in any type of a war scenario because we live on top of each other here basically... and any food shortage would be horrible.
But I feel like in the USA.... these people who hate us, they will come out to where we live in any type of collapse scenario, I only have so many guns and bullets :/ ugh.
You don't have to live in a city or even near one. My husband and I moved last year and just bought a piece of land in a very rural area where it'll likely take many years for developments to move in. We both will have an hour's commute to work, but it's worth it to get away from the lunatics. Our nearest neighbor is about a mile away, and the American flags and Trump flags fly high in the area.
Find a strongly red county, buy a piece of land, and move there. The US isn't all bad, and the cities don't represent the majority of Americans.
Agreed. We fled Washington about a year and a half ago where I was born and had spent my entire life and came to Missouri I miss family we had to leave, real mountains and ocean beaches, but now that we have seen Freedom like Washington used to be, we wouldn’t go back to communistic tyrannical oppressive immoral filth that Washington has turned into.
At some point, you pick your spot and fight for it. This concept that we always to just run away because some degenerates show up is part of the overall problem. Instead of fighting back against these people when the show up and start infesting the area, instead of challenging their ideas and fighting for our territory, we run and let them have it.
That's how we lose. At some point, we need to stop being afraid of conflict and stand these people down. If parents in deep blue communist Virginia counties like Loudon can stand up and fight the pedos and groomers in the teacher's unions, the parents in Texas sure as hell can too.
I get it.
But that fight you are talking about, we lost maybe 30-40 years ago.
I mean do you want to get caught up in this system of "law" for defending yourself against any of this nonsense? You'll be out of work, broke, and possibly in jail for a hate crime.
There are people on here who cheered because those 3 dudes where found guilty who shot and killed Arbury. A career criminal who was 100% up to no good, then charged someone, tried to steal his gun.
So those 3 men were working with law enforcement, patrolling their OWN neighborhood from a verifiable "degenerate" now they get to spend the rest of their lives in jail because of that. 40-50 years ago you would have never heard about that story and those dudes would be free or hero's.
I 100% get what you are saying, I just think the time for fighting in the west has come and gone in a major way, I mean we are about to appoint a judge who doesn't' even know what a woman is.
I'm not offended by the nail polish
It's the pride part that angers me.
See, this is how the left continues to sow division
There's no reason at all a guy shouldn't be able to paint his nails his favorite color or the colors of his college or favorite team
There's no reason a guy should be embarrassed of his daughter or niece painting his nails
But here we are, "ermahgerd, they're painting boys nails!! But Muh traditional masculinity!!"
Because the left KNOWS our base falls for this hook line and sinker, and we get distracted and angry
Then they can point at us, "see, they ARE bigots!! A young boy can't even play with temporary nail polish"
Biological sexual roles are hard coded. Impregnating a woman, having more muscle mass, having denser bones, having faster reflexes
Superficial BS like nail polish, clothes colors, hair length, etc is not. Powder wigs would be fruit cake/faggot status today, but they weren't back then. Men used to wear robes and skirts, yet not anymore. Pink used to be a masculine color (and in my opinion still is, it's one strong little drop of red showing an ocean of white whose boss)
So the left co opts the little things, like nail polish. They take over the arts, they're starting to take over sports, they want to take over gaming, over tech...
It's all part of that long game plan, to sow more division, to rip the joy out of everyone's life, to keep the cycle of bullying, self repression, and misery going
Because it's the only way they can stay in power.
What do you think Trump meant when he said when you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for bigotry?
I think painting the nails isn’t the problem, but making a child feel uncomfortable if the don’t want to do that is, or making a child think they have to do things like everyone else or they have a problem is. This group think shit destroys us all, and putting that in little kids heads is the problem.
What makes you think that anything in that post is making children feel uncomfortable or that they have to do it? Every indication is that these are voluntary activities, no one is forcing kids into it.
What makes you think they are not, that it’s not some training in group think? Subtle manipulation into making all the kids think “this is the thing to do”. How many children that age would protest against it? Kinda how kids are groomed. Starts subtle.
I've both been through and taught in US public middle schools. This kind of theme week happens all the time for all kinds of reasons. Homecoming week, Olympics week, Japan week, Constitution week, Black history week, random local/state history events, it goes on. It's all just goofy optional stuff kids can do for fun. It's not like the math teacher is 'training' them during math class. They just picked some easy random 'themed' stuff and based on the tweet they let kids pick whether or not to participate in various things during their free period.
I mean has no one here BEEN to school themselves? Did your teachers sit there and brainwash you or 'train you in group think?'
Case in point, your considering this celebration of a sexual preference comparable to a historical event. None of the events you mention are of a sexual nature.
Dude it's literally in the daily schedule, which is literally in the screenshot. Use your eyes.
When you were in elementary school, did you have the option to just "opt out" of the activities?
The answer is no, you didnt, just as these kids dont.
That's not a daily schedule though? It's titled "pride week SEL FIT sessions" and it lists a bunch of teachers and their rooms and what's happening in each.
SEL is a pretty common acronym in education that refers to Social & Emotional Learning. A quick search indicates that FIT in Austin schools means Flexible Instructional Time, so if kids don't want to do nail painting they can simply go to a different room and study or play games or whatever.
I'm sure he wasn't encouraging any man anywhere to paint his nails.
But what if he wants to?
The country Trump is striving for allows that and doesn't chastise one for it. Massive difference between nail polish and actual homosexuality and transgenderism.
I also have a feeling there's quite a few people here who hate the LGBT agenda but don't hate or reject gays
I would argue there are quite a few in the LGBT community that hate 'the agenda ' as well. My mom was standing in line at the store and she overheard a conversation behind her where one woman was obviously gay (because she said so) but was saying to the other person she had to get out of the SF Bay Area because it has become too agenda driven. Her exact words, according to my mom were "these people are nuts". Not about letting people just live their lives.
I think it says a lot when the people on whose behalf you are supposedly championing, are questioning your intent and sincerity, especially if they didn't ask for your 'help'. It is one thing to be empathetic but what is happening is not empathy. People can smell when they are being used and they rightfully don't like it
Most DUDES don’t care enough about their looks (like females) to care about applying nail polish. You act like just because a dude can it instantly makes the act “masculine”. If I see a dude wearing nail polish as a fashion statement, I’m positive he was raped as a child and has emotional trauma. STOP trying to justify this, you can’t.
I think you'd be surprised how many dudes care about their looks. And that's not a bad thing either.
Good on you for assuming if I decide I feel like wearing nail polish I was raped as a child. How the hell does fashion have anything do with rape?
Nothing. Nothing at all. Should I assume you being standard dudebro is because you were beat as a child?
I don't, you're comfortable with who you are and fashion or using aesthetics as a form of expression doesn't interest you or does anything for you, that's all it is. To say someone was sexually molested because they don't live by your standards or preferences is exactly why so many people want to be part of our movement but don't.
Thanks for assuming my gender! As a female, when I see dudes mimic what women do, it makes me naturally assume they have major issues with their looks. YOU display yourself in a way that other people don’t like doesn’t mean they are wrong. When I see effeminate males, my first thought is sexual trauma, cause NO REAL MAN wants to mimic a female!! I said what I said.
Aesthetic choices aren't issues with ones looks though. Clean shaved or full beard, long or short hair, built and ripped or healthy and average, shorts or slacks, hair dye, self tanner, etc. They're aesthetic preferences not an indication of psychological issues. It'd be pretty offensive to say all women who wear makeup or on trend fashion are insecure.
Sorry for the gender assumption but I rarely encounter that sort of rhetoric from women. There's a lot of history in terms of colors, fashion trends, etc and their cultural gender association that proves it's all a matter of perspective.
Oh dude, the more a chick does to her appearance means she has more issues than you can count. You have NO CLUE how insecure a majority of the female population is. They’re told from early puberty to completely alter themselves to appease society. Wear this, look like that, buy this or you’re garbage. We need to return to embracing our natural beauty, not covering it up and putting on literally a fake face. I’m tired of females looking fake all day and then super sad when they see the real them under the makeup mask. I’m a 30 year old female that is tired of watching women hate themselves because they can’t even love their own skin/face :(
What fucking faggots (the teachers obviously). This is the kind of stuff that makes me loathe the LGBTQ cult. Stay the fuck away from children you scumbags. I don't even like kids all that much, but if they did this to me when I was a little kid, I would be raging when I got older and understood they were trying to confuse me sexually into joining their cult.
News flash - SHOCKING:
Nail polish, makeup and dresses are for girls
Girls don’t even need that crap. My wife never uses any of those products, because shes naturally beautiful
And i know she reads my comments so maybe ill score some points here
Depends on context (for make up). Touch ups can be very important, especially if you are going on TV for your company or something.
I mean obviously you're not laying on 20 inches of thick foundation and blush with eyelash extensions and shit. But evening out complexion / covering blemishes or wounds is reasonable when you are representing your job.
No!...I can't believe that....🤣
Crazy, right? But true.
Wood chip all teachers.
Can’t be harassed by demons when you’re safe at home lol
We need to start labeling all of this as Pedophilia Groomers. Don’t let them run from what they are doing or explain it away with happy sounding words about equality and freedom. Label these assholes for what they are PedoGroomers. Hashtag the hell out of it.
Long due that we go back to learning just the basics. You only need grandmothers for that. Get all the grandma's in the schools and fire all these damn teachers.
I will celebrate Hetero-Pride, like I do every week, and not paint my nails.
I reported this to the AG. I filed a complaint as a Texas citizen. Anyone else in Texas should do the same. Here are the links.
Where to File Complaint (It was the most relevant one)
Link to Tweet 1
Link to Tweet 2
Link to Tweet 3
Link to AG aknowledging this but still not doing enough so we should keep harrasing him till he does.
AG angry letter, needs more action
Sorry so many links. So many Texas schools doing this. Time to stand up.
Isn't it interesting that we see so much of this in Texas, specifically?
Almost like they're trying to slide Texan culture for the future?
Actually it's Austin Texas, from two decades Kali-refugees.
They brought all their woke progressive BS with them.
But we see headlines from other parts of Texas too though. It seems like they're specifically trying to change Texas.
Yes, you are right. It is spreading for sure.
I don't live in Texas but a family member lives in Austin (about 35 years) was just telling me last night that Austin is where it all started, coinciding with the huge influx of Californians over the past couple decades. I'm assuming she knows, she was in local politics for many years.
Of ccourse, they are targeting Texas!
I'm old, lived in 8-10 states (can't even remember them all) but one thing I have "always" known throughout my entire life, since childhood, is "You Don't Mess With TEXAS"
Texas has always been repub stronghold, salt of the earth, Patriotic , capitalist Great American State!
If they can change THAT, then they really will win.
This makes me sick
If this is illegal, what is the state doing to put a stop to this? What are the parents doing? What is ANYBODY doing?
I’m so glad I don’t live there anymore. I swear I’d be in jail by now. 😡
Imagine being proud of being a degenerate
If it's illegal, then parents in mass need to get these mfers fired!
A whole lot of "educators" are going to get the rope. Especially elementary school. Demonic, psychological predators.
It’s a huge depopulation scheme.
Arrests, trials, GITMO
This place needs liberated.
If it’s illegal, have them arrested.
They misspelled AIDS
Git a rope
School vouchers (that can be applied to private schools too).
This is the way.
Why do they have a week in march, they also get 30 days of sodomy worship in June. We need to cancel Pride Month. Vets only get 1 day for dying. These degenerate homos, lesbians, trannies, butch bull dikes, get 30 days?
As I've said before...Pride is one of the 7 Deadly Sins.....
Get rid of these insane fucking perverts. If that's what your kid is getting for education, he will only gain by being absent.
trans = 0.6% population
lbgq = 3-6% population
The financing behind this "world wide" push has to be enormous.
Who is picking up the tab?