The idea of Warp Speed was to accelerate the enemy's plans. The type of insanity represented here is already normal and accepted in limited thought bubbles of our society: think teacher unions, social worker higher-ups, and the companies that an HR professional would call to lead sexual harassment training across a company. If they had done it properly, this would have filtered down over the course of many years. (Sexual harassment training is a good example: 90% know it's total BS, but in the course of its persistent existence, more and more people put up with it anyway, and eventually some even defend it despite the obvious flaws.) Instead it is being shown and talked about today, just as we're primed to reject it outright. It's the enemy's plan, and all the good guys need to do is stop fighting and step out of the way like a matador. They'll keep charging until the open space behind the matador's cape is replaced by a steep cliff into the abyss.
🇨🇳 backs a winning horse and Pedowood hasn’t been in the running for a while now. If they lose domestically and internationally because of wokeness, then the bell tolls for them.
Absolutely! I look forward to real creativity from independent producers and creators, from music to movies to gaming and more. Tired of "Cinderella IV" and "Hulk" (but now played by an Aleutian dwarf lesbian amputee).
I go back to classic movies. The acting, dialogue, interaction, plot, directing is far superior to anything churned out today in my opinion. I haven’t gone to the movies in ages. David Lean, John Ford, Capra, etc. the mood they created drew you into the story and their lives. Last time I was in Ireland, Japanese tourist were there just because they fell in love with Ford’s The Quiet Man.
I still watch Rockford Files, Columbo and older movies like Dirty Harry, High Plains Drifter, John Wayne for sure, They Live etc. Just a better time to get away and much better shows.
There is almost nothing but remakes because Evil is so extremely poor at creativity.
As Tolkien said, (paraphrasing:) Evil creates nothing. It only corrupts and ruins what Good has made.
That's why the Left/Evil cannot come up with any awesome new stories or movies. That's why, over and over and over, they just plaster their own sick ideas on top of a formerly successful film or show and then tell us we're all racists, haters and bigots if we don't like it.
I love how pandering to China at the expense of their American/Western viewers has blown up so spectacularly in Hollywood's face.
The best part about this is that Joe Biden was a go between for Hollywood and the Chinese film industry back when he was VP. That's when you really began to see scripts being altered and tailored for the Chinese moviegoers (ahem, I mean censors. The Chinese film censors). Hollywood deflected criticism of these actions by claiming they were unable to make movies like they wanted due to how racist/misogynist/homophobic AMERICAN audiences were. And now Hollywood is in a pickle because China isn't putting up with their pandering BS anymore and the US isn't putting up with their condescending BS anymore.
Yes, I'm enjoying this immensely, why do you ask? :D
Woke-ism is a death wish and a suicide pact. We're watching the WOKE industry in its death throes right now. As more and more people refuse to pay for being indoctrinated, either a new entertainment industry will arise that is more responsive to what people want, or it will wither entirely and die. I'm thinking that the first option will play out.... brave people who don't care about WOKE PC bullshit will start creating content that people want, and the industry will have no time or patience for former SJW WOKE bullshit artists. Look for new actors and new writers to emerge from this idiotic mess that constitutes "entertainment" today.
The Oscars jumped the shark when Weinstein blatantly pulled strings to make sure Shakespeare in Love won Best Picture. Up to that point, even if a forgettable movie won Best Picture, the Academy at least pretended the film won on its merits.
Hollywood has been going down since the advent of Twitter, when people really began to see what kind of people their favorite actors and actresses really were. Covid has sped up that freefall. Just like Disney, you are looking at a dying behemoth. And again, like Disney and the Deep State, it won't be right away but looking back we'll all go "yeah, they were running on fumes then".
I'm so excited for a new era of entertainment! NFTs are going to empower creators like nothing we've ever seen before. The profits will go right to them, as well as the investors, completely eliminating the need for middlemen. This combined with HW dying and opening up a gap in the market. We're about to experience a renaissance.
You and I both. I've loved watching the independent creators starting to bubble up to the mainstream surface. If you know where to look, the new entertainment renaissance is about to begin. Not just in the film industry either; the publishing industry (both books and comics) and the music industry are getting knocked on their butts by indie creators and unconventional outlets being used as a medium to get their works out.
I know everyone here knocks on YouTube and for good reason, but it's a great start in finding film makers and creatives who are leading the way through the forest right now. Same with Amazon Kindle U - the self-publishing aspect has allowed people who wouldn't get a chance with a "bona fide" publisher to get their writing out there. It's pretty cool to see it happening organically.
The black eye club has been cut off from the communications they've always had available. Puppets now flat without plans or kosher direction. Their "comms" are proof that normal communication channels have been cut . The evil minions are flying blind and hinting support at each other through vague comms on Twitter, FB and others. Just one example:
Ellen Degenerate with an ankle monitor telling Hanks "run forest, run" as he was attempting to escape to Greece.
Oh darn. How am I gonna know which picture is truly the best made?? Well I haven't went to a theater in years so I guess I won't miss much anyways. Redbox is a lot better than a fortune for a ticket and confiscatory concessions. I want a good movie not a woke picture virtue signaling what I should believe.
No one cares any longer now that the Oscars have been rendered utterly meaningless.
Something else will come along to replace the old Academy Awards. In the science fiction world, the Hugo Awards used to be the "Oscars" of sci-fi books until Wokeness destroyed them over the last five years or so. Now the Dragon Awards, run out of DragonCon in Atlanta, is filling the gap and actually recognizes entertaining, well-written science fiction stories.
Same thing will happen to everything else they try to take over. They'll find themselves alone in a small room with those formerly prestigious awards that no one notices any longer, while those with real talent are earning real prizes and big success elsewhere.
You might have said the same for Women's Swimming not long ago, but alas here we are. I have my popcorn ready for a white straight male to take Best Actress. Bonus points if it's DiCaprio. Double if Downey Jr.
they should just ask the peeps to self identify in the appropriate manner so as to move the project forward. truth is not a required component for a high esg score
Turn off the TV and the radio. Don't go to the movies. Search for the truth, it's easier to find than you think. There are many citizen patriots now reporting the real news. Enjoy your life, your family, and your God. Sleep well. Fight again tomorrow. Piece of cake.
I mean, IMO, it's fairly obvious. The cabal doesn't operate like this. They're slow and subtle. Their plans are in decades and centuries. This is the good guys accelerating their agenda so the public rejects them.
I just don't see it, I guess. I know it's a common talking point around here, but I personally have never seen the whole "mass awakening". Around here, most people are still wearing masks and afraid for their lives. No one seems to be waking up to anything
Oscars have been Hollywood giving each other reach-arounds for $$$ for quite a few decades now(people paying and politicking to get a nomination/win, about as equitable as 'voting' in most western 'democracies')
Sorta the same as with 'user reviews' on IMDb.
Have found that the most accurate metric of any movie or TV show is the comment section on various pirate streaming sites, much more reliable that the stuff that is 'suppoesd to' be reliable and trustworthy....
Definitely, They can't be this stupid, Maybe that CNN "Fiery but mostly peaceful protesters" was by Q too, since CNN's President Jeff Zucker resigned (offered a deal?)
I wonder what the ratings and box office profits will be for the first movie to be filled with gay blacks in wheelchairs. Everyone knows that when they introduce standardized testing, the teachers start teaching towards high scores on the test!
Even better if someone creates a basketball team composed of gay blacks in wheelchairs 🤣😂
Harrison Bergeron lives in the fictional suburban town of Madison, Rhode Island in the year 2053. The audience is told that after the second American Revolution, which started during an ongoing economic depression that was a result of a combination of technological advancement and a widening disparity between the very rich and the very poor, it was mandated that all people be equal in all things. To this end, the social norm of this society has become dystopian egalitarianism. Citizens are pushed to strive to be of equal wealth, intelligence, athletic prowess and social status to all around them. Through a process of selective breeding, mankind is perfecting the perfectly average human being. What is not accomplished through arranged marriages is made up for through technological means, the most prominent of which are showing only mind numbing TV shows, and a headband device worn by all citizens which modulates intelligence, dialing a person's IQ up or down in order to arrive at a 'perfect' 100.
There are limits to the success of the devices, however, and Harrison Bergeron is one such case. He is a total failure in school, consistently receiving A's (C is the desired grade). Even though he has been held back four years and his headband is consistently modified to dampen his intelligence, he still continues to excel to the embarrassment of him and his family.
Harrison goes to see a doctor about his intelligence problem, and after several tests it is determined that the headband is unsuccessful because Harrison's synaptic connections reroute themselves after each adjustment in order to overcome the inhibitions the headband is designed to place on the thought process. He is told that he will have to have an operation akin to a lobotomy in order to permanently lower his intelligence.
In his last day with a fully functioning brain, he goes to a "head house", where, in a parody of a bordello, men make plans to make high-end educational conversation with exceptionally smart women. Illegal device-free women are paid to play chess and conduct intelligent conversations with the clients. His first intelligent conversation ever with "mind whore" Phillipa is interrupted by a police bust. While the raid on the police station is underway Phillipa addresses a hidden camera saying not to take him away, and that she likes him. While being held captive in the police station, he is approached by a special agent who offers him an alternative to the lobotomy - to join what turns out to be the secret elite that runs the government.
Harrison falls in love with Phillipa there, but he illegally impregnates her and she is lobotomized for trying to escape. He feels he can no longer continue to betray his values and decides to take action. He breaks into a TV studio and reveals the truth about the secret society to the viewers. Eventually, the guards break through, and later on he is forced to make an appearance on TV and pretend the broadcast was not real. Instead, he uses his chance to commit suicide by shooting himself in front of the viewers. The story is framed by an additional perspective from Bergeron's parents, who are watching the incident on TV, but who, because of his father's handicapping due to his superior intelligence and his mother's less than average intelligence, cannot concentrate enough to appreciate what occurs nor remember it.
In a final scene, a young boy and his friend get together in his bedroom to watch the first four hours of Bergeron's broadcast, without their bands. Downstairs, one boy's mother looks up the stairs with a look of recognition on her face; she is seen to be Phillipa.
Awards are meaningless these days. For years you had to be the right race, right sex, right political affiliation. This will turn more people against Hollywood. You go woke, you go broke.
Producer's are not Biologists.
What's a "hollywood"?
International home of pedophiles and child abuse.
Commercial Babylon?
magic for the masses?
The idea of Warp Speed was to accelerate the enemy's plans. The type of insanity represented here is already normal and accepted in limited thought bubbles of our society: think teacher unions, social worker higher-ups, and the companies that an HR professional would call to lead sexual harassment training across a company. If they had done it properly, this would have filtered down over the course of many years. (Sexual harassment training is a good example: 90% know it's total BS, but in the course of its persistent existence, more and more people put up with it anyway, and eventually some even defend it despite the obvious flaws.) Instead it is being shown and talked about today, just as we're primed to reject it outright. It's the enemy's plan, and all the good guys need to do is stop fighting and step out of the way like a matador. They'll keep charging until the open space behind the matador's cape is replaced by a steep cliff into the abyss.
🇨🇳 backs a winning horse and Pedowood hasn’t been in the running for a while now. If they lose domestically and internationally because of wokeness, then the bell tolls for them.
Absolutely! I look forward to real creativity from independent producers and creators, from music to movies to gaming and more. Tired of "Cinderella IV" and "Hulk" (but now played by an Aleutian dwarf lesbian amputee).
I go back to classic movies. The acting, dialogue, interaction, plot, directing is far superior to anything churned out today in my opinion. I haven’t gone to the movies in ages. David Lean, John Ford, Capra, etc. the mood they created drew you into the story and their lives. Last time I was in Ireland, Japanese tourist were there just because they fell in love with Ford’s The Quiet Man.
Japanese tourists have really good taste. The Quiet Man is a masterpiece. And John Wayne? swoooooooooooooon
I still watch Rockford Files, Columbo and older movies like Dirty Harry, High Plains Drifter, John Wayne for sure, They Live etc. Just a better time to get away and much better shows.
There is almost nothing but remakes because Evil is so extremely poor at creativity.
As Tolkien said, (paraphrasing:) Evil creates nothing. It only corrupts and ruins what Good has made.
That's why the Left/Evil cannot come up with any awesome new stories or movies. That's why, over and over and over, they just plaster their own sick ideas on top of a formerly successful film or show and then tell us we're all racists, haters and bigots if we don't like it.
Don't knock those Aleutian actors! :)
I know, right? Most underrepresented group in movies today!
Sign the petition at
I love how pandering to China at the expense of their American/Western viewers has blown up so spectacularly in Hollywood's face.
The best part about this is that Joe Biden was a go between for Hollywood and the Chinese film industry back when he was VP. That's when you really began to see scripts being altered and tailored for the Chinese moviegoers (ahem, I mean censors. The Chinese film censors). Hollywood deflected criticism of these actions by claiming they were unable to make movies like they wanted due to how racist/misogynist/homophobic AMERICAN audiences were. And now Hollywood is in a pickle because China isn't putting up with their pandering BS anymore and the US isn't putting up with their condescending BS anymore.
Yes, I'm enjoying this immensely, why do you ask? :D
Awesome comment. Great thread.
Burn, Hollywood Burn. Chuck D
how to wake people up 101: start messing with the sheeple's primary source of hypnotics
Agree 1000%
Woke-ism is a death wish and a suicide pact. We're watching the WOKE industry in its death throes right now. As more and more people refuse to pay for being indoctrinated, either a new entertainment industry will arise that is more responsive to what people want, or it will wither entirely and die. I'm thinking that the first option will play out.... brave people who don't care about WOKE PC bullshit will start creating content that people want, and the industry will have no time or patience for former SJW WOKE bullshit artists. Look for new actors and new writers to emerge from this idiotic mess that constitutes "entertainment" today.
What people need to learn.
This is a STRAGETY being implemented. It is NOT about diversity or race.
It's a tool being used to silence people.
Keep in mind my anon brothers and sisters.
The cabal needs 2 things.
That's their goal.
What is frustrating about this. I have seen people react to this without thinking about the big picture of why.
Diversity is nothing more than a tool to control people. That's what this is all about.
Yup. Control thought and expression to the point that the sheeple are nothing but mindless, obedient minions who exist to take and follow orders.
The Oscars jumped the shark when Weinstein blatantly pulled strings to make sure Shakespeare in Love won Best Picture. Up to that point, even if a forgettable movie won Best Picture, the Academy at least pretended the film won on its merits.
Hollywood has been going down since the advent of Twitter, when people really began to see what kind of people their favorite actors and actresses really were. Covid has sped up that freefall. Just like Disney, you are looking at a dying behemoth. And again, like Disney and the Deep State, it won't be right away but looking back we'll all go "yeah, they were running on fumes then".
I'm so excited for a new era of entertainment! NFTs are going to empower creators like nothing we've ever seen before. The profits will go right to them, as well as the investors, completely eliminating the need for middlemen. This combined with HW dying and opening up a gap in the market. We're about to experience a renaissance.
You and I both. I've loved watching the independent creators starting to bubble up to the mainstream surface. If you know where to look, the new entertainment renaissance is about to begin. Not just in the film industry either; the publishing industry (both books and comics) and the music industry are getting knocked on their butts by indie creators and unconventional outlets being used as a medium to get their works out.
I know everyone here knocks on YouTube and for good reason, but it's a great start in finding film makers and creatives who are leading the way through the forest right now. Same with Amazon Kindle U - the self-publishing aspect has allowed people who wouldn't get a chance with a "bona fide" publisher to get their writing out there. It's pretty cool to see it happening organically.
Huge privacy violations for the cast & crew. Bad move.
Right? And their first amendment rights also.
Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyerologist.
It's time for the the Oscars to be canceled. They're officially starting that it's bad to be white, or straight, or able bodied.
The black eye club has been cut off from the communications they've always had available. Puppets now flat without plans or kosher direction. Their "comms" are proof that normal communication channels have been cut . The evil minions are flying blind and hinting support at each other through vague comms on Twitter, FB and others. Just one example:
Ellen Degenerate with an ankle monitor telling Hanks "run forest, run" as he was attempting to escape to Greece.
Oh darn. How am I gonna know which picture is truly the best made?? Well I haven't went to a theater in years so I guess I won't miss much anyways. Redbox is a lot better than a fortune for a ticket and confiscatory concessions. I want a good movie not a woke picture virtue signaling what I should believe.
This isnt even just about the actors, this is about the entire production crew
No one cares any longer now that the Oscars have been rendered utterly meaningless.
Something else will come along to replace the old Academy Awards. In the science fiction world, the Hugo Awards used to be the "Oscars" of sci-fi books until Wokeness destroyed them over the last five years or so. Now the Dragon Awards, run out of DragonCon in Atlanta, is filling the gap and actually recognizes entertaining, well-written science fiction stories.
Same thing will happen to everything else they try to take over. They'll find themselves alone in a small room with those formerly prestigious awards that no one notices any longer, while those with real talent are earning real prizes and big success elsewhere.
And it's going to be fun to watch.
You might have said the same for Women's Swimming not long ago, but alas here we are. I have my popcorn ready for a white straight male to take Best Actress. Bonus points if it's DiCaprio. Double if Downey Jr.
These people are sick, they want to make us all sick. Thank God, it can't be done, truth kills fallacy.
they should just ask the peeps to self identify in the appropriate manner so as to move the project forward. truth is not a required component for a high esg score
What they won't have is viewers. We control their future. Any movie makers in here. Now is your chance.
Turn off the TV and the radio. Don't go to the movies. Search for the truth, it's easier to find than you think. There are many citizen patriots now reporting the real news. Enjoy your life, your family, and your God. Sleep well. Fight again tomorrow. Piece of cake.
Soon it will be literal.
Does this mean there won't be a Kentucky Fried Movie remake after all?
Classic flick.
You refuse to believe they're this out of touch? Bold stance.
I mean, IMO, it's fairly obvious. The cabal doesn't operate like this. They're slow and subtle. Their plans are in decades and centuries. This is the good guys accelerating their agenda so the public rejects them.
I just don't see it, I guess. I know it's a common talking point around here, but I personally have never seen the whole "mass awakening". Around here, most people are still wearing masks and afraid for their lives. No one seems to be waking up to anything
Oscars have been Hollywood giving each other reach-arounds for $$$ for quite a few decades now(people paying and politicking to get a nomination/win, about as equitable as 'voting' in most western 'democracies')
Sorta the same as with 'user reviews' on IMDb.
Have found that the most accurate metric of any movie or TV show is the comment section on various pirate streaming sites, much more reliable that the stuff that is 'suppoesd to' be reliable and trustworthy....
Definitely, They can't be this stupid, Maybe that CNN "Fiery but mostly peaceful protesters" was by Q too, since CNN's President Jeff Zucker resigned (offered a deal?)
What kinda tower of babel are they trying to build?
I wonder what the ratings and box office profits will be for the first movie to be filled with gay blacks in wheelchairs. Everyone knows that when they introduce standardized testing, the teachers start teaching towards high scores on the test!
Even better if someone creates a basketball team composed of gay blacks in wheelchairs 🤣😂
This almost reminds me of the movie adaptation of Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron. Spoiler alert for the below. Don't read it all if you haven't seen it yet!
Harrison Bergeron lives in the fictional suburban town of Madison, Rhode Island in the year 2053. The audience is told that after the second American Revolution, which started during an ongoing economic depression that was a result of a combination of technological advancement and a widening disparity between the very rich and the very poor, it was mandated that all people be equal in all things. To this end, the social norm of this society has become dystopian egalitarianism. Citizens are pushed to strive to be of equal wealth, intelligence, athletic prowess and social status to all around them. Through a process of selective breeding, mankind is perfecting the perfectly average human being. What is not accomplished through arranged marriages is made up for through technological means, the most prominent of which are showing only mind numbing TV shows, and a headband device worn by all citizens which modulates intelligence, dialing a person's IQ up or down in order to arrive at a 'perfect' 100.
There are limits to the success of the devices, however, and Harrison Bergeron is one such case. He is a total failure in school, consistently receiving A's (C is the desired grade). Even though he has been held back four years and his headband is consistently modified to dampen his intelligence, he still continues to excel to the embarrassment of him and his family.
Harrison goes to see a doctor about his intelligence problem, and after several tests it is determined that the headband is unsuccessful because Harrison's synaptic connections reroute themselves after each adjustment in order to overcome the inhibitions the headband is designed to place on the thought process. He is told that he will have to have an operation akin to a lobotomy in order to permanently lower his intelligence.
In his last day with a fully functioning brain, he goes to a "head house", where, in a parody of a bordello, men make plans to make high-end educational conversation with exceptionally smart women. Illegal device-free women are paid to play chess and conduct intelligent conversations with the clients. His first intelligent conversation ever with "mind whore" Phillipa is interrupted by a police bust. While the raid on the police station is underway Phillipa addresses a hidden camera saying not to take him away, and that she likes him. While being held captive in the police station, he is approached by a special agent who offers him an alternative to the lobotomy - to join what turns out to be the secret elite that runs the government.
Harrison falls in love with Phillipa there, but he illegally impregnates her and she is lobotomized for trying to escape. He feels he can no longer continue to betray his values and decides to take action. He breaks into a TV studio and reveals the truth about the secret society to the viewers. Eventually, the guards break through, and later on he is forced to make an appearance on TV and pretend the broadcast was not real. Instead, he uses his chance to commit suicide by shooting himself in front of the viewers. The story is framed by an additional perspective from Bergeron's parents, who are watching the incident on TV, but who, because of his father's handicapping due to his superior intelligence and his mother's less than average intelligence, cannot concentrate enough to appreciate what occurs nor remember it.
In a final scene, a young boy and his friend get together in his bedroom to watch the first four hours of Bergeron's broadcast, without their bands. Downstairs, one boy's mother looks up the stairs with a look of recognition on her face; she is seen to be Phillipa.
Awards are meaningless these days. For years you had to be the right race, right sex, right political affiliation. This will turn more people against Hollywood. You go woke, you go broke.
Hollywood is done. People don't go to movies and we think the "stars" are a bunch of ignorant losers.
Duh! Looked up Aperture 2025 and read all about it!
Sorry, I can't see the source for this info. I can see the Los Angeles but that's all.
Help, I would love to share.....
Thank you so much1 I just search "Aperture 2025, that worked somewhat, kinda word salad. Your site is better.
The people who make entertaining movies, for the most part, don't care whether they win an oscar; they want to win a giant pile of money :)
But what if they slip up and identify someone who thinks they are a woman as a man?
Hollywood finally popped its last balloon!
This movie really sucks, but the director is a vegan trans three legged tortoise from Nicaragua.