My 2nd oldest son is a teacher now. The crap he tells me about Volusia County Schools pisses me off and makes me worry for our children. He's decided to fight the system from within, which is why he became a teacher. And this is in a Red County in FL. I can't imagine what it's like in Blue States and the Universities.
i feel like kids these days just go through college to "go thru the motions". its like its high school part two except you gotta pay thousands of dollars lol
If it's the same person in thinking of, she's a north Korean defector who escaped through China. She was on Joe Rogan and had a lot to say about the insanity of the left in America. It was a really good interview
I watched the Dartmouth college student interviewed by Project Veritas, spew the nonsense of MSM. I had to shut it off because I couldn’t watch the idiotic student, who seemed hyped on something, spew his liberal, indoctrinated rhetoric.
That kid needs professional help. Had zero facts but just "knew" everything, not one bit of it correct. Jumbled thought process, speech all over the place.
Seemed more than a bit manic to me, I've seen people like him in action before. Doesn't end well.
I went to College for Computer Science: Networking and Security.
I dabbed and smoked a bowl before class every day and ended up on the Deans List. Granted, community College here.
I dropped out the next semester due to the Covid online and mask bullshit. College doesn't make you intelligent. If you can read a book and memorizes things for a week, you're golden. I mean after all, you're doing nothing but being told this and that.
No research is truly done by the people in College anymore.
Also, I found it odd I paid the school to tell me to take a fucking Do not rape class or sexual assault class. Like what the fuck.
Your comment aligns with a theory that I have had for a while now that people of average intelligence, or even below, could get a 4 year degree if they seriously dedicated themselves for those 4 years. My reason for thinking that is because of all the educated idiots that I have dealt with over the years, people with superiority attitudes because they have a degree but, for the most part, are as dumb as a rock. I used to think that because someone went to university that they were intelligent. Not any more. There is a huge difference between an education and intelligence.
One of our profs told us that the reason college makes us employable is because we have the stamina to sit for 4 years and be told what to do, and we do it. I'm still glad I learned chemistry though. It was enjoyable.
Colleges are increasingly becoming daycare centers for children in adult bodies.
Colleges are designed to transform young, healthy minds into domestic Ɲew World Order terrorists.
You'll never guess which tribe dominates almost total control over our largest colleges?
They hate us almost as much as they hate Jesus.
It's weird how they all wear tiny hats and suck baby penii.
I mean, it's one of the protected peoples even Conservatives are 'scared' more like socially conditioned not to attack.
"Greatest Ally", he said with reverence.
My 2nd oldest son is a teacher now. The crap he tells me about Volusia County Schools pisses me off and makes me worry for our children. He's decided to fight the system from within, which is why he became a teacher. And this is in a Red County in FL. I can't imagine what it's like in Blue States and the Universities.
i feel like kids these days just go through college to "go thru the motions". its like its high school part two except you gotta pay thousands of dollars lol
Just so we're clear:
Is this an actual Asian woman, or someone shitposting as one?
Doesn't really matter, of course. Just need to scratch that itch of curiosity.
It’s definitely satire.
Anyone who could study engineering at a university would have better English. But the message is strong, EILI5.
Edit to add: this is one of my favorite accounts. Love the posts. Straight to the point. Simple and direct.
Wonder who's really behind it?
Another edit: I knew the name sounded familiar. It's an allusion to a Daoist concept.
I saw in another post someone said it's actually Kurt Schlicter from Town Hall.
I'm not sure either. The fact that we don't know makes the whole thing even funnier.
I've been wondering the same🐸
If it's the same person in thinking of, she's a north Korean defector who escaped through China. She was on Joe Rogan and had a lot to say about the insanity of the left in America. It was a really good interview
That was Yeonmi Park. Wei Wu is a Chinese name, not Korean.
Whoever it really is s/he really seems to hate Detroit 😆 The posts are Bee-level satire. Very entertaining.
She's a national treasure. I bet she's a ball-of-fire to meet in person.
Thanks for this. Now following.
This is great
Someone should check if she's on Truth Social.
Edit: I'm on Truth Social now, and I don't see her yet. Feel free to add me - @ChronicMetamorphosis
Just did!
Yeah, I'm still waiting to get in over here with my Android phone.
Has anyone heard any news on this lately?
I did
I watched the Dartmouth college student interviewed by Project Veritas, spew the nonsense of MSM. I had to shut it off because I couldn’t watch the idiotic student, who seemed hyped on something, spew his liberal, indoctrinated rhetoric.
That kid needs professional help. Had zero facts but just "knew" everything, not one bit of it correct. Jumbled thought process, speech all over the place.
Seemed more than a bit manic to me, I've seen people like him in action before. Doesn't end well.
You want to hear people hyped on something, go to a trump rally lol. You can’t convince there isn’t some good drugs being passed around there.
I gotta go check her account on Gab. Being banned on Twitter is a badge of honor, and gets people's attention.
I went to College for Computer Science: Networking and Security.
I dabbed and smoked a bowl before class every day and ended up on the Deans List. Granted, community College here.
I dropped out the next semester due to the Covid online and mask bullshit. College doesn't make you intelligent. If you can read a book and memorizes things for a week, you're golden. I mean after all, you're doing nothing but being told this and that.
No research is truly done by the people in College anymore.
Also, I found it odd I paid the school to tell me to take a fucking Do not rape class or sexual assault class. Like what the fuck.
Your comment aligns with a theory that I have had for a while now that people of average intelligence, or even below, could get a 4 year degree if they seriously dedicated themselves for those 4 years. My reason for thinking that is because of all the educated idiots that I have dealt with over the years, people with superiority attitudes because they have a degree but, for the most part, are as dumb as a rock. I used to think that because someone went to university that they were intelligent. Not any more. There is a huge difference between an education and intelligence.
One of our profs told us that the reason college makes us employable is because we have the stamina to sit for 4 years and be told what to do, and we do it. I'm still glad I learned chemistry though. It was enjoyable.
well only the faculty can rape and sexually assult, you see!
They no longer teach the most important thing Critical thinking, They want you to think what they want you to think.
They don't want you to think at all.
They want you to blindly accept their rhetoric.
And spew it back on demand.
Holy shit, she learned Western Values on Twitter. We’re doomed.
unironically, good for her. 😃
I'm going to start an account with the user name "Even Wayer Wu" :)
Is this a real person? Or just a solid LARP?