I'm 67 and still think normal is zero daily pills. Am somewhat puzzled my younger siblings have almost as big boxes as pictured.
Had depression with/after paralysis, dropped those pills in 6 months and walked depression out when I could walk again. Eat my fish and crucifers and turmeric, drink chaga religiously (Clif is my Obi ;) ), and yes, take 16k IU D3 from September to April—just in case fish and butter didn't work. Have painkiller pills in house, took 19 last year. There are herbs (and some of them grow expressively in years they'll be needed!) plus foods like garlic, onion, ginger, honey that can solve tons of uneasiness.
Younger people are mostly brainwashed fools. That's why.
My 300 pound Dr. and his 225 pound lady nurse always want to put me on a pharma poisen. I am older like you and do not take anything daily.
That's exactly what it is. I don't take any pills, not even Tylenol. None of this shit is natural. Food is the real medicine and they did a great job of dumbing down the world's population to forget this.
Remember many of the forbidden drugs have a natural origin.
Old school rx here.
Took several pharmacognacy courses...which I dont think are offered anymore.
God endowed us with knowledge and reason and provided chemicals/molecules, whatever you deem them, to be utilized in prudent ways.
Taking nothing and suffering is illogical and detrimental to overall survival.
Man has ingested dugs/herbs since the beginning.
Herbs or anything that changes your body chemistry is, by definition a poison (old /1st terminology) or a drug.
It cannot be said that natural is safer. Ask Socretes.
Or Purdue and oxycontin...original source is poppies.
Lab generated and "natural" sourced vit C (ascorbic acid), for example, cannot be differentiated by your body of its origin.
It's molecular recognition, receptor configuration and other things.
Source may be secondary or not even a variable at all.
Nor can it differentiate between LSD on paper and ergot mold on the rye bread...😁.
Again, molecularly based, like a lock and key.
Of course, different salt forms may be dissolved, absorbed, metabolized and excreted at different rates.
Dang, that coffee was strong!! Lol Seriously!
(Which is caffeine, a methylxanthine. Affects brain, lungs, CNS, etc., and abrupt withdrawal can precipitate WITHDRAWAL symptoms! Lol)
Danger, Will Robinson!
"Apple a day keeps doctor away." What exactly in that apple, and how big/green/sour apple has it be? Is it vit C, some other acid, pectin -- or their co-effects? Body's reaction to apple's ascorbic acid is ca 50 times bigger than the reaction on the same amount from a pill -- meaning it is amplified by other components. Is the apple a drug?
In short: eat human food (not Big Food petrochemicals) and support time to time with herbs; avoid cosmetic petrochemicals, and you'll never need the Big Pharma petrochemicals.
It's crazy the number of pills whoever this is, is on. I will say that my ex wife had this skin picking 'tick'. Her anxiety was so bad, she would pick the skin off of half her nose, so it was raw. Same with her chin. For weeks at a time So f'n disturbing. She had the same pills, which didn't work.
Just to say: the Omeprazole is needed to appease the digestive tract because of the irritation the other pills cause. Actually most of these pill compensate some side effects of the others and that person needs to spend 3 months in a farm, living a quiet natural and disconnected life.
Duh a few cold beers fixes all that for me. False confidence, calms down my blood pressure, helps me sleep like a rock, liquid calories is a solid meal in itself, the sound of cracking a cold one relieves my anxiety, and helps clean out your digestive system pretty well 🤣
But in all seriousness, fresh air, getting away from your phone/computer/tv, a hobby, lots of prayer, multivitamins with a healthy diet, and maybe a dog or two will cure all of these issues.
Adderall is just pharmaceutical methamphetamine. Its becoming a huge problem in this country similar to the opioid crises. Its easy to convince a doctor to put you on it and sells for 10 bucks a pill on the street. 90 pills, 900 bucks in your pocket. Its abuse is widespread in the trades. And when an addict goes without they turn into an actual psychopath.
Lmao that's not true at all man. Adderall was the ONLY drug I ever quit that had extremely mild side effects and was easy to go without whenever I didn't have it.
Your claim that going without it will cause users to become psychopathic is extraordinarily off base. Adderall is nowhere near the problematic compound as opiates. You can't even put them in the same hellish ballpark as opiates.
Nonetheless, all pharmaceutical drugs will have unpleasant side effects over time after prolonged abuse. No doubt about that.
It's not as common as that guy might think but it does happen. His first sentence is spot on as well. A friend said he loved the generic shit his folks put him on as a kid. Grew up to become a meth smoker/dealer. It's just up to the person how they handle their addiction. I know people who have quit cocaine but absolutely could not quit cigarettes.
She needs Jesus more than anything, then help to get off her pills.
I think between the childhood shots damaging people and causing real medical problems (lifelong pharma clients) and the teachers pushing drugs in school (yes legal drugs like ADD meds) most younger people think drugs are the answer to all their problems. In Seattle I've heard that many school kids are drugged with marijuana all the time by their parents, and it's perfectly normal, no one even cares
Yep. You can't get off drugs without Jesus's help. Drugs open portals for actual demonic attachment in my experience. Whenever I ran out of benzos or amphetamines, I would notice I'd wake up and my entire condo would suddenly seem extremely haunted and creepy.
I could also hear the wind blowing exceptionally loudly too as if a storm was brewing. For a few moments I'd lay there taking in all the stimuli and wondering whether this stuff was always happening and I just didn't notice when I was high, or if my mind was creating this stuff and it didn't actually exist.
And then I'd sit up, grab my laptop from the bedside table with 6 pre cut lines of smack & oxy, run my nose across each one, and sit back and close my eyes as the wind began to quickly subside and the ghosts began to fade away from my surroundings. I'll never forget wondering if they were real and were watching me to make sure I never tried to stop.
I'm not sure that this is borderline personality disorder she listed, if that's what you're meaning, which does affect more women than men. I sort of thought it was bipolar disorder, because that medication, lamotrigine, is a bipolar medication. Though, it may be useful against borderline personality disorder too, but I don't know.
My body can’t process pharmaceuticals. I get every side effect and my body wants to reject them. My husband convinced me to take a single pain pill last week and I threw it up not five minutes after I swallowed it. I decided the lady cramps were gonna have their way regardless if I wanted to calm them down.
My body can read the chemicals in each pill and systematically rejects them.
Opiates tickle your CRT...chemorecptor trigger zone.
Pre-med with promethazine or benadryl 15-30 mins prior next time. Full stomach.
Always start with 1/2 tablet!!
You can add, but you cant take away!!
Opiates are an awesome gift from God when used as directed.
Prove me wrong.
(I know all about o.d.s, etc, btw...family/friends/patients...a defect of the will and self-control...o e doesn't "catch" addiction)
I utilize cannabis for my epilepsy, too bad it doesn’t touch the uterine cramps.. 💔
It’s strange how it works, sometimes there’s zero pain/discomfort, sometimes you want to rip the organ straight through your abdomen.
Fun times being female LOL
34 here. Zero pills. I have always been the type to suffer through period cramps and refuse even a Tylenol. Also…I’m betting this person only needs a heart pill because of all the other shit they’re on. Anxiety, ADHD, AND Bipolar meds? Jesus Christ 🤦🏼♀️
Indeterminate. I just use what's necessary for pain/headaches, and it actually helps focus with my ADHD because I notice the distractions less. Per 2mo it's about 1 oz of flower and 1g of concentrate, but my daily amount is not determinable, it's just as needed.
I used to duo with a guy that would pop more every time we lost a game because he would just take naps at work to deal with the lack of sleeping. I started to worry if I played bad enough long enough he would kill over on the mic.
No amount of healthy diet and regular exercise will fix the mental numbers played on a lot of these people by their parents, their schools, peers, social media channels and what not. Sadly.
Metprolol made me a zombie for three months and half a zombie for the next three while it exited my system. Took it after heart surgery, my doc would not take me off no matter how often I complained. My pulse would not go over 100 during exercise or activity. Instead or ramping up when pushed I'd just head toward blacking out due to inadequate blood flow. Can't believe half of fat America is on that shit.
They are not needed - all of the drugs pictured are basically to help people cope with life.
People have a fear of everything, including dying...if a person can conquer their fears, no drugs like this are necessary. These drugs solely exist to drive profits for Big Pharma.
This is the sad state of American culture. Take a pill for everything that ails you. Don’t go outside in the sunshine or get fresh air. Eat junk food, fast food, processed crap so you can be 100 lbs overweight. Oh and your not allowed to believe in God or pray. Anything you do to change it, makes you racist. The lefts/Libs answer to everything. Western Medicine has become a criminal organization fueled by the American Medical Association, Pharmaceutical industry, Washington Lobbyists, and Insurance Companies. Medical industrial complex. Started by JD Rockefeller.
I take the same amount, if not more — except mine are all natural supplements, vitamins, herbs.
Those pharmaceuticals are only masking symptoms of whatever the root causes are of the underlying illnesses. The illnesses still remain.
The same people, like one in this photo signing up for their lifetime subscription of toxic pharmaceuticals, also laugh at me and tell me I’ve fallen victim to snake oil salesmen with my woo woo fascination with the natural approach.
Commenters in this thread should read the parasite pill and try walking a day in this person's shoes before commenting. Food and prayer aren,'t enough to undo years of environmental damage and still somehow keep a job to be able to eat, at least not in the short term. Those pills arent the answer either.
I don't believe in medications for mental issues. This person obviously does. and yet, they are still suffering. Shouldn't all this have cured the problem? Will never happen.
I don't know fren, when you look at these things, future of humanity looks bleak. I sure hope all these folks are given a kick in the gut and woken up soon.
While that may be true, and indeed there are medicine that has saved people, the entire modern medicine was built as a scam by the Rockefellers to find a market for their petro-chemicals - stuff they found as by products of refining gasoline.
Eustace Mullins has written very meticulously about this. Checkout his book "Murder by injection". A kind anon has converted it to audio books if you prefer listening.
Yes, some of these by products might actually help someone, but thats not really "curing". The old saying about a broken clock applies here. Before Allopathy, there were abundant number of natural healers, mostly originated from different cultures in parallel, but backed by millenia of knowledge. This focused on curing a human body as a whole by balancing the body rather than treating symptoms.
I appreciate that as a medical student most do their real best and with honesty and with integrity, and start with the goal of saving others.
Its not the people that are bad, but the system has been subverted and redesigned in such a way that it pushes people slowly towards doing their bidding unquestioningly. But the system is also meant to keep people within a certain level of ignorance, because of the way science has been converted into a belief system.
And to me this is the tragedy. They take the brightest and best and make them into their useful tools without even letting them realise it. Hopefully with covid, many of these medical professionals are waking up.
This is just incredible. It takes a leap of faith to do this, but I know people who exhausted all western medicine options and then when they were told they woudl die, they healed just taking herbal medicine and what not.
Personally I have had twice that I had surgery scheduled but by the day of the surgery I didnt need it anyway! In the first case, a friend's dad told me what to do. In the second case, my in-laws told me what to do. In both cases the respective surgeons was "mystified" and had "never seen anything like this before"
and yet
They never once asked me what actually I did to heal myself.
I'm 67 and still think normal is zero daily pills. Am somewhat puzzled my younger siblings have almost as big boxes as pictured.
Had depression with/after paralysis, dropped those pills in 6 months and walked depression out when I could walk again. Eat my fish and crucifers and turmeric, drink chaga religiously (Clif is my Obi ;) ), and yes, take 16k IU D3 from September to April—just in case fish and butter didn't work. Have painkiller pills in house, took 19 last year. There are herbs (and some of them grow expressively in years they'll be needed!) plus foods like garlic, onion, ginger, honey that can solve tons of uneasiness.
Younger people are mostly brainwashed fools. That's why. My 300 pound Dr. and his 225 pound lady nurse always want to put me on a pharma poisen. I am older like you and do not take anything daily.
Amazing, how overweight average 40+ nurse or GP is! Worse than general population. Maybe they lack knowledge on healthy living?
IMO the knowledge they have is incorrect, probably completely upside-down like the food pyramid.
That's exactly what it is. I don't take any pills, not even Tylenol. None of this shit is natural. Food is the real medicine and they did a great job of dumbing down the world's population to forget this.
Remember many of the forbidden drugs have a natural origin. Old school rx here.
Took several pharmacognacy courses...which I dont think are offered anymore.
God endowed us with knowledge and reason and provided chemicals/molecules, whatever you deem them, to be utilized in prudent ways.
Taking nothing and suffering is illogical and detrimental to overall survival.
Man has ingested dugs/herbs since the beginning. Herbs or anything that changes your body chemistry is, by definition a poison (old /1st terminology) or a drug.
It cannot be said that natural is safer. Ask Socretes. Or Purdue and oxycontin...original source is poppies.
Lab generated and "natural" sourced vit C (ascorbic acid), for example, cannot be differentiated by your body of its origin. It's molecular recognition, receptor configuration and other things. Source may be secondary or not even a variable at all.
Nor can it differentiate between LSD on paper and ergot mold on the rye bread...😁. Again, molecularly based, like a lock and key.
Of course, different salt forms may be dissolved, absorbed, metabolized and excreted at different rates.
Dang, that coffee was strong!! Lol Seriously!
(Which is caffeine, a methylxanthine. Affects brain, lungs, CNS, etc., and abrupt withdrawal can precipitate WITHDRAWAL symptoms! Lol) Danger, Will Robinson!
Rock on. Quiz on monday
"Apple a day keeps doctor away." What exactly in that apple, and how big/green/sour apple has it be? Is it vit C, some other acid, pectin -- or their co-effects? Body's reaction to apple's ascorbic acid is ca 50 times bigger than the reaction on the same amount from a pill -- meaning it is amplified by other components. Is the apple a drug?
In short: eat human food (not Big Food petrochemicals) and support time to time with herbs; avoid cosmetic petrochemicals, and you'll never need the Big Pharma petrochemicals.
Drug rep free food
My (ex) doctor was a fat slob, why would I trust him with my health if he can’t do the basic??
You mean you don’t need anything to help you with “skin picking”? Hahah
This has to be fake. Hydroxyzine is benedryl and naltrexone is a partial opiate antagonist usually put in meds to prevent people from injecting
Edit: if this isn't fake, this is a care package from a detox psychiatrist
Second edit: I was thinking of naloxone as the injection blocker. Naltrexone is an opiate/alcohol blocker. Yay for personal experience
It's crazy the number of pills whoever this is, is on. I will say that my ex wife had this skin picking 'tick'. Her anxiety was so bad, she would pick the skin off of half her nose, so it was raw. Same with her chin. For weeks at a time So f'n disturbing. She had the same pills, which didn't work.
Just to say: the Omeprazole is needed to appease the digestive tract because of the irritation the other pills cause. Actually most of these pill compensate some side effects of the others and that person needs to spend 3 months in a farm, living a quiet natural and disconnected life.
And being genuinely prayerful. :)
That’s how being with Mother Nature helps… easier to reach God when/where the urban distractions are away.
No kidding, I was thinking eating real food and moderate exercise would probably eliminate the need for most/all of these.
Yeah. Look at fingernails. I do line work and my fingernails are nicer then those booger pickers
Lol yeah like when you get told to buy stool softener for the pain pills you're on. Legit helped.
I don't know about everyone else, but I smash handfuls of red pills daily and I've never felt more clear in my life!
Convince someone they need all that shit and big pharma smiles all the way to the bank.
Mryoptolol..for the heart
Side effect most commonly reported...
Increases how often you wake up through night and how hard it is to fall back asleep
Poor sleep is #1 reason for inflammation and heart disease
Major logic there science
I'm on it 25 mg/day and have zero issues sleeping or side effects.
The human body is extremely resilient. Similar to the vaccine however, these things often contribute to potential symptoms down the line.
Duh a few cold beers fixes all that for me. False confidence, calms down my blood pressure, helps me sleep like a rock, liquid calories is a solid meal in itself, the sound of cracking a cold one relieves my anxiety, and helps clean out your digestive system pretty well 🤣
But in all seriousness, fresh air, getting away from your phone/computer/tv, a hobby, lots of prayer, multivitamins with a healthy diet, and maybe a dog or two will cure all of these issues.
Geez the CNS doesn’t know what to do. I’ll bet the anxiety would go away if they quit the adderall…..
Adderall is just pharmaceutical methamphetamine. Its becoming a huge problem in this country similar to the opioid crises. Its easy to convince a doctor to put you on it and sells for 10 bucks a pill on the street. 90 pills, 900 bucks in your pocket. Its abuse is widespread in the trades. And when an addict goes without they turn into an actual psychopath.
Lmao that's not true at all man. Adderall was the ONLY drug I ever quit that had extremely mild side effects and was easy to go without whenever I didn't have it.
Your claim that going without it will cause users to become psychopathic is extraordinarily off base. Adderall is nowhere near the problematic compound as opiates. You can't even put them in the same hellish ballpark as opiates.
Nonetheless, all pharmaceutical drugs will have unpleasant side effects over time after prolonged abuse. No doubt about that.
It's not as common as that guy might think but it does happen. His first sentence is spot on as well. A friend said he loved the generic shit his folks put him on as a kid. Grew up to become a meth smoker/dealer. It's just up to the person how they handle their addiction. I know people who have quit cocaine but absolutely could not quit cigarettes.
Nicotine is a unique type of addiction that is socially accepted enough to further condition users via environmental cues.
But regarding amphetamines, I can agree it certainly does happen on occasion.
No doubt
She needs therapy more than any medication.
She needs Jesus more than anything, then help to get off her pills.
I think between the childhood shots damaging people and causing real medical problems (lifelong pharma clients) and the teachers pushing drugs in school (yes legal drugs like ADD meds) most younger people think drugs are the answer to all their problems. In Seattle I've heard that many school kids are drugged with marijuana all the time by their parents, and it's perfectly normal, no one even cares
Yep. You can't get off drugs without Jesus's help. Drugs open portals for actual demonic attachment in my experience. Whenever I ran out of benzos or amphetamines, I would notice I'd wake up and my entire condo would suddenly seem extremely haunted and creepy.
I could also hear the wind blowing exceptionally loudly too as if a storm was brewing. For a few moments I'd lay there taking in all the stimuli and wondering whether this stuff was always happening and I just didn't notice when I was high, or if my mind was creating this stuff and it didn't actually exist.
And then I'd sit up, grab my laptop from the bedside table with 6 pre cut lines of smack & oxy, run my nose across each one, and sit back and close my eyes as the wind began to quickly subside and the ghosts began to fade away from my surroundings. I'll never forget wondering if they were real and were watching me to make sure I never tried to stop.
If she has BPD, trust me, she is in some intense therapy if she is going around halfway normal.
« She »?
Judging by the finger nails, and BPD is pretty much exclusive to females
Indeed, but what if the poor lost soul wants so much to be a « she » that xir even develops symptoms of naturally feminine ailments?
I'm not sure that this is borderline personality disorder she listed, if that's what you're meaning, which does affect more women than men. I sort of thought it was bipolar disorder, because that medication, lamotrigine, is a bipolar medication. Though, it may be useful against borderline personality disorder too, but I don't know.
W...T...F...??? There's pills there to counter act other pills in this photo.
Doctors are pharma pimps.
Once you reach a certain level of pills, you need more pills to undo what they do. Thats why pharmaceutical companies rake in profits.
i take a multivitamin, a keto supplement and a protein shake.
Eat steak
What's the verdict on ass?
Opposite sex only.
My body can’t process pharmaceuticals. I get every side effect and my body wants to reject them. My husband convinced me to take a single pain pill last week and I threw it up not five minutes after I swallowed it. I decided the lady cramps were gonna have their way regardless if I wanted to calm them down. My body can read the chemicals in each pill and systematically rejects them.
I’m the same way! My body just refuses all vaccines and meds. Haven’t had a flu shot in YEARS because I had a horrible reaction to one.
You should be proud of your body!
BTW have you tried good matcha tea for the cramps?
I have not. They are usually tolerable, but there was a 4 month “break” between the last cycle and this one, so they’re much worse than normal..
Thanks for the advice though!!
Opiates tickle your CRT...chemorecptor trigger zone.
Pre-med with promethazine or benadryl 15-30 mins prior next time. Full stomach.
Always start with 1/2 tablet!! You can add, but you cant take away!!
Opiates are an awesome gift from God when used as directed. Prove me wrong. (I know all about o.d.s, etc, btw...family/friends/patients...a defect of the will and self-control...o e doesn't "catch" addiction)
It was a single ibuprofen that made me throw up, I don’t even touch anything “harder” cause I get the same reaction.
Now I'm just curious if CBD or THC would work on you lol.
I utilize cannabis for my epilepsy, too bad it doesn’t touch the uterine cramps.. 💔
It’s strange how it works, sometimes there’s zero pain/discomfort, sometimes you want to rip the organ straight through your abdomen. Fun times being female LOL
34 here. Zero pills. I have always been the type to suffer through period cramps and refuse even a Tylenol. Also…I’m betting this person only needs a heart pill because of all the other shit they’re on. Anxiety, ADHD, AND Bipolar meds? Jesus Christ 🤦🏼♀️
300mg of caffeine, 900mg alpha-gpc, indeterminate amounts of THC and CBD, and 0mg of pharma poisons.
Lol...'indeterminate' or just don't really want to disclose?! 🤣
Good job though... nobody needs that garbage pictured above.
Indeterminate. I just use what's necessary for pain/headaches, and it actually helps focus with my ADHD because I notice the distractions less. Per 2mo it's about 1 oz of flower and 1g of concentrate, but my daily amount is not determinable, it's just as needed.
All alterers of your body chemistry, so , yeah, drugs.
Sluricane on board here!!
I finally quit adderall. Tough two weeks but well worth it! Never taking that shit again. I feel so much healthier.
Good on you fren!
I used to duo with a guy that would pop more every time we lost a game because he would just take naps at work to deal with the lack of sleeping. I started to worry if I played bad enough long enough he would kill over on the mic.
Always taper!!!
I did for 4 days. Snacking on smoothies and salads helped the best. Tried quitting one other time after five years. It’s been three weeks no adderall.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Are they timed-release? Makes it harder to taper.
Go every other day x 1 wk Then twice a week x 2 wks Then stop
Quick and dirty method
No, amphetamine salts. Started on 10mg, then 15mg. I’m 120lb girl. Stopping has just been a lift off my shoulders.
Oh good! Keep it up!!
Meto pro LOL
Pharma joke?
Beta blocker
This is everything that is wrong with the world in one box
well said!
Because a healthy diet and regular exercise are too hard.
No amount of healthy diet and regular exercise will fix the mental numbers played on a lot of these people by their parents, their schools, peers, social media channels and what not. Sadly.
Metprolol made me a zombie for three months and half a zombie for the next three while it exited my system. Took it after heart surgery, my doc would not take me off no matter how often I complained. My pulse would not go over 100 during exercise or activity. Instead or ramping up when pushed I'd just head toward blacking out due to inadequate blood flow. Can't believe half of fat America is on that shit.
Oh man, sounds like nightmare. Good job getting off of it!
Cut in fourths and start low at 25 mg. Physicians are drug idiots outside if their field. One size does not fill all.
I'm 60 and I take zero meds.
I take none of them.
Why not?
They are not needed - all of the drugs pictured are basically to help people cope with life.
People have a fear of everything, including dying...if a person can conquer their fears, no drugs like this are necessary. These drugs solely exist to drive profits for Big Pharma.
That's what I see in this poly-pharmaceutical mess!
I take vitamins and eat healthy so I don’t have to see a doctor for anything.
Well known fact that once you start seeing a doctor for anything, your health starts to decline.
This is the sad state of American culture. Take a pill for everything that ails you. Don’t go outside in the sunshine or get fresh air. Eat junk food, fast food, processed crap so you can be 100 lbs overweight. Oh and your not allowed to believe in God or pray. Anything you do to change it, makes you racist. The lefts/Libs answer to everything. Western Medicine has become a criminal organization fueled by the American Medical Association, Pharmaceutical industry, Washington Lobbyists, and Insurance Companies. Medical industrial complex. Started by JD Rockefeller.
I'm almost 62 and take 0 pills per day only the occasional NSAID for a sore muscle.
I take the same amount, if not more — except mine are all natural supplements, vitamins, herbs.
Those pharmaceuticals are only masking symptoms of whatever the root causes are of the underlying illnesses. The illnesses still remain.
The same people, like one in this photo signing up for their lifetime subscription of toxic pharmaceuticals, also laugh at me and tell me I’ve fallen victim to snake oil salesmen with my woo woo fascination with the natural approach.
Commenters in this thread should read the parasite pill and try walking a day in this person's shoes before commenting. Food and prayer aren,'t enough to undo years of environmental damage and still somehow keep a job to be able to eat, at least not in the short term. Those pills arent the answer either.
Or deep trauma
Somehow we coped and survived before this garbage was introduced.
I don't believe in medications for mental issues. This person obviously does. and yet, they are still suffering. Shouldn't all this have cured the problem? Will never happen.
I don't know fren, when you look at these things, future of humanity looks bleak. I sure hope all these folks are given a kick in the gut and woken up soon.
Ever worked with schizophrenics who hear voices and hallucinate? I bet not.
They make up a large % of indiscriminate killers
The only pills I take are literal vitamins. Stuff you can't just make into a tablet, that need a high dose like Vitamin C.
No, I prefer living like the fkin Jetsons and eating vitamins instead (Haha I'm kidding kinda)
Jesus fucking christ
Dont say that, please, fren.
While that may be true, and indeed there are medicine that has saved people, the entire modern medicine was built as a scam by the Rockefellers to find a market for their petro-chemicals - stuff they found as by products of refining gasoline.
Eustace Mullins has written very meticulously about this. Checkout his book "Murder by injection". A kind anon has converted it to audio books if you prefer listening.
Yes, some of these by products might actually help someone, but thats not really "curing". The old saying about a broken clock applies here. Before Allopathy, there were abundant number of natural healers, mostly originated from different cultures in parallel, but backed by millenia of knowledge. This focused on curing a human body as a whole by balancing the body rather than treating symptoms.
I appreciate that as a medical student most do their real best and with honesty and with integrity, and start with the goal of saving others.
Its not the people that are bad, but the system has been subverted and redesigned in such a way that it pushes people slowly towards doing their bidding unquestioningly. But the system is also meant to keep people within a certain level of ignorance, because of the way science has been converted into a belief system.
And to me this is the tragedy. They take the brightest and best and make them into their useful tools without even letting them realise it. Hopefully with covid, many of these medical professionals are waking up.
This is just incredible. It takes a leap of faith to do this, but I know people who exhausted all western medicine options and then when they were told they woudl die, they healed just taking herbal medicine and what not.
Personally I have had twice that I had surgery scheduled but by the day of the surgery I didnt need it anyway! In the first case, a friend's dad told me what to do. In the second case, my in-laws told me what to do. In both cases the respective surgeons was "mystified" and had "never seen anything like this before"
and yet
They never once asked me what actually I did to heal myself.