Calling for a perfect devide to distract us for the next 2 weeks when 100+ countries are gonna sign the agreement and handover future pandemic management power to WHO.
That's exactly it. In fact, CA is now trying to push a bill through to make it legal to kill your BORN baby 3 months after it's born. They can't hide their intentions anymore, they are frothing at the mouth at the idea of making infanticide legal and lawful.
Because that’s not what the bill says. The bill actually removes the requirement for coroners to investigate perinatal deaths. Certainly leaves plenty of room for nefarious actors to abuse the situation knowing their won’t be an automatic investigation that would show evidence of deliberate death.
Sorry but the Constitution and Abortion are not related you f ing bitch. It sure is funny how these threaten the Supreme Court, because it will not end well for them in the long run
Abortion is not a right. It is not outlined in the Constitution, therefore it is not a right. Our Founding Fathers would have never supported removing unborn kids from their mothers womb. In a sane society that would be considered torture and murder.
It's one of those times where you have to ask yourself "What else is being drowned out by this?" The timing on all of this is amazing but we're being distracted from something. I have no idea what, though.
Is she calling for an insurrection?
Sounds like it to me.
Calling for a perfect devide to distract us for the next 2 weeks when 100+ countries are gonna sign the agreement and handover future pandemic management power to WHO.
the May 2nd insurrection
The problem with Roe v Wade is that Constitution does not support it.
It never supported it. The supreme court gave the asinine reason of "right to privacy" as the "constitutional right" to kill your kid.
That's exactly it. In fact, CA is now trying to push a bill through to make it legal to kill your BORN baby 3 months after it's born. They can't hide their intentions anymore, they are frothing at the mouth at the idea of making infanticide legal and lawful.
How in the world could any reasonable person vote for such a bill???
Because that’s not what the bill says. The bill actually removes the requirement for coroners to investigate perinatal deaths. Certainly leaves plenty of room for nefarious actors to abuse the situation knowing their won’t be an automatic investigation that would show evidence of deliberate death.
We all know people will use it to their advantage. This is the type of bill Casey Anthony would crave for.
Even worse in this case as it's an innocent baby.
well there is the fiff amendment.
Which is what we need to follow, our Constitution.
Maybe it's intentional wordplay to deepen the divide.
"Everyone who disagrees with me is an extremist. Now shut up while we censor your political speech and burn down your cities."
Sorry but the Constitution and Abortion are not related you f ing bitch. It sure is funny how these threaten the Supreme Court, because it will not end well for them in the long run
Abortion is not a right. It is not outlined in the Constitution, therefore it is not a right. Our Founding Fathers would have never supported removing unborn kids from their mothers womb. In a sane society that would be considered torture and murder.
i agree that abortion is not a right,
however our rights do not come from the constitution. our constitution merely respects our God-given rights.
Stand for the Constitution?!?!?!?
Is that what they are about?
Coulda fooled me
She is Bat Shit Crazy!
Last I checked, the constitution does not give you the right to murder your own child.
Just checked again, and yep, it's not in there.
Is this a call to violence?
Don't worry, Senator Warren.
The ruling doesn't affect Native Americans.
Oh wait... you ARE still Native American, aren't you?
Had any new DNA tests lately?
Sounds like an insurrection by their own definition.
Fuck off, Fauxcahontas. No one's buying your bullshit.
How many damn posts are there going to be about Roe vs Wade today. Seems like at least 20 so far!
It's one of those times where you have to ask yourself "What else is being drowned out by this?" The timing on all of this is amazing but we're being distracted from something. I have no idea what, though.
my friend got banned from reddit today for sharing pfizer data.
Repealing Roe V Wade is a danger to our democracy.
Repealing Roe V Wade is a danger to our democracy.
when they say "for the heath of the mother", they mean the MENTAL health of the mother. thats probably really hard to scientifically quantify
Sounds pretty Insurrectiony to me....
She's clearly calling up her antifa goon squad.
“We no go-um back! Moons no matter!”
You have to wonder if anyone in her family actually likes her? Excuse me, I mean’t tribe.
She is likely referring to her morning constitution.
This woman needs to be put down, simple as that. She's nuts.
Surprised she didn’t send up a smoke signal
Wait! This just in! From my 0.00001% Navajo Translator..."Reeeeeeeeeee!"
And there's the plan- rally what's left of the lunatic base
Sure, she's not going back...she's going forward....right to jail.
Fluff and emotionalism. The two gods the lefties serve.
Get 🖕🏼'd Faux-cahontas!
Sounds like we need a new select committee
Please point out where Abortion is mentioned in the US Constitution.
All rights not given to the Federal Gov't, reside within the purview of the States.
Warren wants you to get active! Now!
everyone who was polled, survived an abortion