There is a huge coincidence in terms of time line that I find very interesting. We all know about the coming financial collapse to end the central banking system. Gold standard, Petro dollar - all these are related to this. What if abortion is as well ?
1971 - Nixon took US off gold standard
1971 - 1973 - Oil crisis (orchestrated no doubt) leading to petro-dollar
1971 - Roe vs Wade argued
1971 - Nixon launches his famous "War on Drugs"
1973 - Abortion forcefully made legal in every state in US
1973 - DEA created.
My thesis - When US went off the gold standard they needed something to back it.
Ostensibly it was Gas that backed the dollar.
Most smart anons already know drugs were part of this.
But what if selling baby parts was the third pillar to prop up paper dollars in a ponzi economic system?
Last year we saw the fall of Myanmar and Afghanistan, dismantling of opium production.
This year Russia is bringing Gold standard back and is destroying petro-dollar.
Now we are seeing Roe vs Wade being overturned?
Is this all a coincidence?
Didn't Don Jr tweet something like " would think the economy was built on the blood of the unborn..."?
Whoa, I missed that. Need to dig it up. Something like that is a HuGE clue for this dig
My bad it was Posobiec. But still...
Well, also worth noting... you guys find it interesting that after the news broke about the overturning, the FED raises short-term interest rates by 0.5% today? To make up for lost profits maybe?
No, this is all part of the controlled economic demolition. They are headed towards collapsing the economy. Increased interest rates are just the beginning. When the Fed starts trimming their balance sheets there is going to be a destruction like we cannot imagine.
Thanks, I was going crazy trying to find it!
Good catch stumpy
Very interesting, never heard this. I do think the judgement of America began on June 25, 1962 when SCOTUS declared school-sponsored prayers unconstitutional thus kicking God out our school classrooms. What has followed has been the tailspin decline of America with the assassination of JFK that soon followed, Vietnam war, 60s with free love and the drug addiction, and downward we have continued....
Started by a commie woman-the kicking God out thing.
Lyndon B. Johnson became president on the death of John F. Kennedy on 22nd November, 1963. He immediately decided to secretly tape all his telephone conversations. All told he recorded over 800 hours of discussions on the telephone. He told close aides that he did this for two main reasons. (i) It would help him write his memoirs; (ii) He could use this information to apply pressure (blackmail) on politicians and businessmen.
Lyndon Baines Johnson informed his longtime personal assistant Mildred Stegall that if he died unexpectedly, she must destroy the tapes and their transcripts). However, when died of a heart attack at San Antonio, Texas, on 22nd January, 1973, Stegall did not carry out his instructions. Instead, she placed them in sealed boxes and sent them to the LBJ Presidential Library with the instructions that they must not be opened until at least January 2023. (1)
holy shit wtf were in those tapes
This article about Stegall's death at 105 yrs old says this:
Since January 1, 2023 is a Sunday, Monday the 2nd will be a holiday, so, Tuesday, January 3, 2023 is the earliest the boxes can be opened?
this should be a separate, stickied post. too coincidental.
Feel free to make a full post of this with more dig / graphics and tag the commenter and myself.
Eh? just a voice of support for Burt_Williams summary. Easy enough to copy and paste -- I would but that seems like plagiarism.
you are welcome! :)
Wow, thanks for this. Vietnam war, Johnson (who is the personification of vietnam war) and abortion - all on the same day.
My spidey senses tells me that the vietnam war (wars in general) was a pillar of the economy, and as it came to an end, they had to find a new pillar - so it was all co-ordinated.
Also explains the forever-wars by the neocons decades later as they had to make up more and more defecit.
Also, satanic child sacrifice/eugenics angle. Rush always said abortion is their sacrament. They don't value any life but their own.
Yeah, definitely. There is more to dig in PP and connection to satanism. Something in my gut tells me that the baby parts are sold not just to medical research but to satanic people as well.
I wonder if they use WayFare?
WayFair, Walmart shipping, Amazon and what not.
Great post.
Would love to see more of this and less unhinged meme hopium around here.
Why not both ? Sometimes unhinged meme hopiums give us the energy to keep digging :)
Only if it's based in reality.
Great analysis. It's certainly possible, we know that there were contemporaneous Rothschild balls where shattered baby doll imagery was part of the decor, along with golden animal masks and headpieces.
The Beatles, who were groomed assets, had an album cover featuring them in butcher smocks with assorted bits of meat and baby doll parts, which was 1966. We have reason to believe they were at these balls.
How.long were these people working at this? Was the mass propagation of LSD and mind control through media in this era directly related to resetting and brainwashing humanity to a malleable dependent state? Were they used to dull the moral senses and remove Christian values?
Were they used to aid in the social programming of "Abortion is Good" to aid their baby part racket?
Did the world need a giant drugfuck haze to allow them space and time to complete their goals?
Loool at LSD "brainwashing" people to be more malleable and In a dependent state. That's not how drugs work, and not how LSD works. Psychedelics aren't some scary substance that turns off your brain completely and just makes you into a blank slate to be corrupted and manipulated. If anything it opens ones mind up to lots of possibilities out there in this life and new ways of thinking.
LSD was specifically developed FOR mind control.
Saying "Psychedelics are X" or "Psychedelics are not X" is a shell game answer, as psychedelics aren't this blanket thing.
Psychedelics aren't all the same drug. Even among the same drug, the same batch, the same person can have wildly different reactions and trips.
I'm not saying it necessarily had the intended effect they designed it for, but it was certainly part of the breaking of society, used in conjunction with mass media Crowleyite programming.
I'm siding with you on this one.
"Magic Mushrooms", peyote, etc. have been consumed for thousands of years. This was and is a part of shamanism, etc. These were not designed for/used for mind control, generally.
In contrast, drugs like Ketamine and LSD were designed by dudes in labcoats for "Super Soldier" type government programs, and mind control of populations (Monarch Program/MK Ultra, etc.). And it does appear that the CIA and US Armed Forces were very much involved in the formulation of these drugs (probably a bunch of Paperclip weirdos started it all), in conducting experiments with the drugs (probably most people have seen the old Army video of soldiers haplessly trying to walk together in formation, while on LSD), and even with their distribution in the USA in San Francisco and Laurel Canyon/LA (this is where we start to see weird connections to Charles Manson, Jim Morrison, etc.). It's all more than a little bizarre.
And yes, the strength and purity (and indeed even which molecule) can differ, sometimes very much, from producer to producer, and batch to batch. By some estimates, the LSD that Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary et al were taking was 10x as strong as the LSD available today. Can I prove that? Of course not. But I shudder to think how strong that must have been, if the stories are true.
I agree that whatever they set out to make with LSD and their mind control studies at like Harvard divinity school, they didn't succeed. Psychedelics have helped many people to overcome things in their lives, expand their thinking, now there's work with psychedelics to fix migraines, PTSD, and treatment resistant depression. I think they've been a net good on society.
And sure not all psychedelics are the same. There's a large variety of substances and research chemicals that all can produce unique effects and mindsets in different ways. Some are better for certain situations or goals then others. And sure, sometimes the dosages aren't exactly right, but it doesn't change the "feel" or effects of the trip. Either it's the chemical that produces psychedelic effects or it's not. You're not going to have a completely different type of trip from the same batch of substance.
Hugely under appreciated thread.
What are those parts REALLY used for?
The Truth is "Hard to swallow."
I'm almost positive some of them are used for illegal stem cell research and therapy. There has to be an unbelievable market for that stuff. Your average Hollywood freak will burn hundreds of thousands of dollars to look "young". I have little doubt they're burning cash on illegal therapies based on fetal stem cells that cures certain ailments.
This stem cell research is being conducted in … UKRAINE.
Yes, it is and Ukrainian newborns go missing quite often.
So do American not-borns.
I agree. I know medical research field is a huge consumer of these. I dont even want to speculate beyond that.
What does the abortion industry and the drug trade share in common? Both are subsidiaries of the pharmaceutical industry. Yeah, there's a tad bit of economics in that stuff.
Pretty interesting! So pharma is the enforcer of the central Banks
Had this exact thought today. I love this site. Thx
Please do share if you found any more interesting tid bits. This theory is still evolving.
Every day, just when I think I can't hate this evil any more than I already do... the rabbit holes get deeper.
I know, fren. Ever since this thought entered my mind, I have been feeling very disturbed and unhappy. Now I am starting to understand why Great Awakening cant just happen but rather the people need to be prepped. Even for us Anons who know how bad the evil is, the true extent is going to break our minds. And I am sure this is not even the worst of it.
RvW was in reality the old federalists trying to come back and "win" the civil war by removing the rights of states to write their own laws and not be subject to every whim of every government agency.
And again the Left has hidden the real issue, the consolidation of power away from states to the federal agencies, under the mask of a human rights issue.
Remember the south "won" the civil war by losing every battle, because by the time the fighting was over the Union was willing to give up the power grab the Congress had tried to make over States Rights that caused the damned war in the first place. In the the rights of states to write their own laws was maintainted, and reconstruction completely failed.
Incidentally enough, they don't teach this in schools now. They want you think it was 100% over slavery, when a bunch of obsolete farm hands (the new industrial machines was making manual harvesting a thing of the past) was the last thing anybody was thinking about. It was notable only in the last months of the war did Lincoln give the Gettysburg address.
This is also the reason for the screeching from the Left. It took 120 years for the Federalists to play enough politics to "win" the civil war with Roe vs Wade. Now its being undone.
Absolutely none of these people give a flying fuck what happens to the unborn babies of "commoner" women. They would have soon kill the baby and the mother for their trouble.
EVERYTHING is an Economics issue.
The ‘Economy’ is the system in which ‘value’ is created, traded, distributed, flourishes, it’s our way of providing real value to everyone else around us.
For example, when I have something you want/need… that’s an economy.
The Global Elite’s only true weapon is the Economy — wars, subversion, all the bs they have tried to throw at us, is all to destabilize the Economy.
When the Economy goes to hell, our lives are affected … in order of scale.
For example, if your life relies on large-scale economic enterprise (e.g. Gas), then you’ll be affected very quickly.
Yes, but somethings are economic issues indirectly, whereas some other things are directly.
Economy requiring selling baby parts is far more direct economic issue than say, unemployment caused by bad economic policies.
I’d characterize that as more of a scale or degree of affect.
I believe it’s just by virtue of our connected society today, and all the modern wonders we enjoy which in affect allows us to prosper as humans.
A ‘healthy’ economy then creates a multitude of additional vocations one can pursue (e.g. employment in some specific skill/field beyond subsistence). Then from there we scale that up and organize around those.
But I do think the ‘selling baby parts’ issue is maybe not so much an economic issue but rather a morality issue at it’s core, so it’s a Good v. Evil item. I do believe though that if we truly had a Healthy Economy, then it would be built on GOOD principles, which would then wither out the bad/evil actors.
Hence why I think the idea of they ‘black market’ is the place of seedy stuff.
The fact that we have institutions (Planned Parenthood) actively engaged in the ‘trade’ of baby parts is a sign that IT IS a ‘black market’ actor = evil!
Well, we already know that PP sells body parts. Is it really that far fetched to think this is an entire industry? Have to say I’ve dived pretty deep into the rabbit hole and at times gotten overwhelmed and needed to step away to digest What I’m learning. But this is the first time I genuinely feel shook up over a theory, albeit one that is completely plausible.
Evwry physical activity has a spiritual source. Either righteous or unrighteous.
They definitely made money, but the ritual abuse of unborn is sacrifice to Satan. He just let them keep the proceeds for the deed.
Love of money.
"Last year we saw the fall of Myanmar and Afghanistan, dismantling of opium production."
Has there been a decrease in heroin in the USA since this happened?
Regardless of the heroin, I think your theory has a lot of merit. If RvW is overturned, the blue states are still going to be aborting like mad ... plus a lot of red states have measures present to prevent an instant ban of abortion.
That isn't enough for the left though ... they seem to be depending on all 50 states to be killing babies. They're raising hell over this for political campaign reasons of course, but they seem to have gone full retard++ ... if they start "protesting" (i.e. rioting) like they did in 2020, they aren't going to be able to cover that up like they did last time ... moreover, they'll lose even MORE support from independents thus wiping out any gains they might have made exploiting the overturn of RvW.
Campaigns on the left have to know this. It isn't a stretch to believe that they're howling for other reasons. Money makes the most sense. We already know a lot of these satanic death stations sell fetal corpses ... I really think you are onto something here. I don't know if aborted body parts earn them enough to be a pillar of support for the worthless USD, but I'd have to imagine that somebody important is going to be losing a couple billion dollars in the fetal human remains industry.
Thats worth digging. All I know is the moment Taliban actually started enforcing the opium ban, the Cabal caused a coup in Pakistan, put Imran Khan on charges of treason bearing down a death sentence. To me thats very telling.
And yes, if baby parts are funding the deficit, just like everything else in the economy, the amount of abortions and the amount of baby parts needs to keep growing to keep up with the pyramid scheme. Hence the need for abortions in all states, hence the aggressive campaign to get women to abort as many times as they can, and push to abort later and later in the pregnancy.
When they start rioting, I believe they will bring out their Afghan terrorist assets. I also believe all of those illegals are closely monitored by the white hats. There is a chance that all this will escalate pretty fast.
This is a very good point. I dont know the answer as to whether its just another industry, or its a pillar of the economy. My gut feeling says it's a pillar, we have to wait and see.
Heroin hasn't been a thing or an issue for at least a couple of years. People addicted to street opiates have said it was increasingly hard to get regular heroin starting at least a couple years ago, and nearly everything anymore on the street is versions of fentanyl. Any opium trade ban in the middle east is already too late to make a difference in the United States, and most likely the opium would have been sold to another part of the world, since it's easily been at least a couple years since heroin was common in the US.
When i was a narc first we got oxymoron purest into our streets. Chinese, via Mexico, then we got rhe heroin, then we got the Chinese fetynal. Then we got dead addicts. The demographic. Middle class white kids 18 to 25.
It actually makes sense that the phasing out of the drugs has started couple years ago. Whatever final supplies are being cut out are probably the last taps being turned off. This is all part of the controlled demolition.
If the US economy relied on selling baby parts, then who in the world would need that fucking many baby parts and for what?
Pharmaceutical companies and satanist elites.
u/dty6 u/lonewulf
I made a post about the dates. Roe v Wade was decided on 1/22/1973
73 is a very important number to the cabal who believe in the mysticism of numbers and certain dates.
Read more about it here:
Queen Victoria died on 1/22/1901
45 years later the CIA is formed (originally CIG) on 1/22/1946.
72 years later on 1/22/1973 Roe v Wade is decided by the SC whose chief justice is Warren Burger.
On the very same day that Roe v Wade becomes imposed on 50 states, LBJ dies. LBJ was both 36th president and 37th vice president.
Nixon becomes the 37th president two days before Roe v wade is decided.
Remember that 37 is the mirror of 73 (one of their favorite numbers).
It is no coincidence that Roe V Wade passed on the anniversary of Queen Victoria's death date. Many terrible things tend to happen on that date because they worship her memory.
Queen Victoria's DNA tainted almost all the bloodlines of Europe with genetic blood diseases. It has long been suspected that her real father was the head of the Rothschild and that the Rothschild bloodline took over the royal family with Queen Victoria.
Look at the dates.
We also got this bizarre story:
Interesting how often the Royals' homes are getting broke into lately.
Even if people aren't interested in Royals, their lives and dates greatly affected us. Dates were chosen for the US that connected to the British Royal family.
1/20 was chosen for a reason for the inauguration of US presidents. It was originally 3/4.
Look at how it got changed. Don't underestimate how far they were willing to go just to get the dates right. The cabal murdered their own loyal puppet King George V on 1/20/1936. Supposedly he knew the doctor was about to euthanize him and according to stories screamed "Damn you!" and struggled before they killed a king to make sure they got the 1/20 date.
366 days later (leap year) FDR became the first president inaugurated on 1/20 (FDR was inaugurated on 1/20/1937). 37 years later Nixon becomes the 37th president and is inaugurated on 1/20/1973.
Two days later, Roe v wade is decided.
These were not coincidences. These were planned out dates.
This is fantastic, thanks for this.
I believe it was 36 years later, not 37 - but nevertheless.
The 37 years is counting from the death of King George V, not from FDR's inauguration. That's the starting point for the DS date.
Ah, perfect!
Can selling baby parts be that lucrative to prop up dollars?
I'm not saying you're wrong because I haven't looked deeply in the numbers but who is buying baby parts en masse to create such demand? Big pharma?
Its the stem cells they are after.
I have been saying for a long time that adrenochrome is to distract away from what they are really after - stem cells - and that stem cells provide all the benefit adrenochrome supposedly does. Both are derived from the blood of innocents but one is firmly in the realm of conspiracy theory and can be mocked and the other has a firm scientific underpinning.
In Gordie Howes last days he was unable to walk or talk or engage in any meaningful way. The family took him to Mexico for stem cell treatments. Shortly afterwords he was shooting pucks around the yard with the great grandkids. Thats the power of fetal stem cells.
I find it odd that after the initial stem cell debate several years ago that the issue has completely disappeared from MSM.
Fun fact: The Russian Ruble against the US dollar is now HIGHER than before the war started thanks to tying the Ruble to gold. And the USD is booming, so that is saying something.
This is how controlled demolition of the supreme Cabal weaponry - Western Financial System - looks
Very interesting theory - makes a lot of sense.
Omg yes!!!
This is an interesting thought. Another, and this is a bit of a memory jog, so hopefully I'm remembering the details properly. The US has a ton of island territory all over the world. International law prescribes a certain economic influence radius around such islands that extends into the sea. The nation that owns the land owns the associated sea and it's resources. I want to say it was 2013ish, but Obama made a fairly quiet move to effectively double the amount of national park territory preserved as federal land. He did so by designating these ocean regions as national parks and nature preserves. The environmentalists thought it was great, and it got a day's worth of headlines.
Why it matters is that there are estimates into the trillions of dollars for the value of the resources in those ocean floors from rare earth metals to untapped fossil fuel reserves. Now they're all US federal property and completely untouchable, and they'll stay that way because they're now backing our busted ass currency.
Very interesting indeed. I remember Obama doubling the national park area, but I never understood how exactly he did it. This makes a lot of sense.
Damn. This theory just hit me like 🤯
“On top of that, the population growth in the West dropped off too quickly due to aggressive promotion of these birth control measures through elite-backed non-profits as Planned Parenthood, leaving us with a serious population aging problem and a society in which adequate medicare programs are hardly even feasible anymore, especially not in western Europe. Graying populations are putting an ever increasing amount of stress on the younger generation.”
Yeah this is a key for their demographics based social control, and also provided rationale for looting the pension fund ("it's not going be enough anyways, so we might add well loot it...")
drugs, abortion and oil?
Need to take a close look at just how much money comes from the body parts market.
"Perhaps he (Trump) could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?" (11th line from the top)
Cosmetics Industries are suspected of using PP : . There’s big money in certain products.
I am reviving this thread as I found yet another connection to this time line.
Nixon signed "War Against Cancer Act" on Dec 23 1971 (10 days after Roe V Wade was argued).
Dr Robert Strecker in his letter to congress in 1986 makes the case that a Bio-weapons attack against US was initiated by WHO after this act was signed by Nixon
If anyone wants to dig further, you are welcome.
u/Zeitreise u/Stumpycake u/Burt_Williams u/Supremeclientele31 u/CaptainQirk
When there is nothing stable for the US to offer, they have to resort to criminal enterprises. And drugs, human and organ trafficking are by far the most profitable enterprises. Add to this, the possibility that the Elite overlords value child sacrifice very highly makes this even more important/
No. This is weird man
And kind of crazy. It should not of been stickied
Ah you subscribe to the notion that research should only be focused on what does not sound crazy. Cool.
No. This isn’t research. It’s crazy speculation. There’s a difference. Cool
Way less crazy than lets say, scientifically accepted vaccine research or tramsgender research. But hey you stick to peer reviewed journals, okay?
Bro, I’m not an adversary, I’m just pointing out idiocy. Even though we can become crazy sometimes. This is an example of it
Adversary / Non-adversary, never matters to me. All I care about are people whose minds are open enough to break through the matrix.
The Supreme Court is not repealing Roe because it is the right thing, This is because the clot shot has rendered so many women sterile, that if the number of abortions are tracked, we would see the covid shots have had a terrible effect. The clot shots will put planned parenthood/abortion clinics out of business. Vaccinated sterile women have no need. The Supreme Court is protecting Big Pharma and the Cabal. This is all a devious plan.
This whole "trying to hide sterility" makes no sense because even after Roe v Wade is repealed, states are still free to make abortion legal. So its not like it can be hidden. And there are so many tons of stats that will expose fertility that number of abortion is the least significant stats.
Anons should not fall for disinfo enemy spreads using things areas know we care about, trying to cover up real issues.
Yup, You got it. The SC is grasping at straws. As much as they try, they cannot hide it.
Yep, my strongest suspicion is that there is some case against PP thats making its way in the court system, and its going to break soon.
Oh wait, the Casey Anthony case thats cited after Roe vs Wade was actually brought by Planned Parenthood!
Why do you call it the Casey Anthony case?
That was Bob Casey of PA ... he was a Rat that was staunchly against abortion. He was worshiped in PA.
His fucking lazy, worthless, degenerate son is currently a sitting US Senator. He is pro-abortion 100% (which means that dear old dad's hatred of abortion was nothing more than an act ... I'm sure if he were alive today he'd claim that his views "evolved").
More than an act. He probably did that in extreme to enable the PP case against him which they knew they would lose and set some pretty strong legal precedents.
I know that Casey tightened the abortion rights even further than R v W.
Sorry, I have also been digging into the whole child abduction cases including Jon Benet Ramsey and Caylee Anthony (whose mum is Casey Anthony) - got mixed up.
I dunno, sanctity of life is pretty deep in and of itself.