Maybe President Trump will get to sit in a nice, comfy chair in the oval office, and get to watch, while you swing from a rope that's made in China just for you!
Shitwell is a traitor.
A traitors justice awaits.
“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” ~ Mike Tyson, Big Chief Knock a Muhfuggah Out.
Listen to this video here at the 24.12 mark of what Trump, Pence and Bill Barr did to enact the process of 'Equal Time' for Trump vs. The Jan 6th Select Committee Hearing and airing the hearing live. *(Which we all know is not bi-partisan and only reflects 'their narrative')
Apparently, a law or procedure was silently put into place so that either side be given EQUAL TIME as per the law for each side to present evidence and their findings of that days' events.
So, I think through Steve Bannon's lawsuit, some of the TRUTH from Trump's EQUAL TIME, which includes MSM media coverage will be revealed! Bannon has subpoenaed Nancy Pelosi, Schiff and others and other evidence of that day. His testimony is in July sometime.
That little bitch would never say that to Trump’s face
Swalwell is a traitor by definition, he knowingly colluded with a Chinese spy.
Great. So Rep. Eric Swalwell will agree to sit his lying ass in a witness chair?
"Have you ever had sexual intercourse with Fang Fang or do you leave that to her black bull boyfriend?"
I think he's is reflecting what he's already had to endure through the military 'questioning...'
Military; Good Old Shake Down of these nasty, traitorous politicians.
Sleazy Swallwell? The same guy who sleeps with a chynese spy?
I see Swalwell is playing with his food again.
Maybe President Trump will get to sit in a nice, comfy chair in the oval office, and get to watch, while you swing from a rope that's made in China just for you! Shitwell is a traitor. A traitors justice awaits.
The same Swalwell that fucked a Chinese spy?
That's the one...
Fartwell talking about asses on chairs just gives me a pukey feeling
I was going to reply with the fartwell animated gif this site used to have but I don't see it anymore.
Just saw it in the thread about him asking for a pardon.
Awfully cocky there, Swalwell. Pride cometh before a fall.
A sitting member of congress, just called a private citizen a liar in a public forum. Is this defamation?
Except Trump isn't really a private citizen. He's the President of the United States.
Seems a decent defense. They should use it. In court.
Lock him up as a traitor. Ties to China.
Oh wow
Pretty brave for a traitor who dated a chinese spy...
It's not a trial so that statement is all kinds of wrong
Oh please don't throw me in the briar patch! Anything but that!
Dang -- THUMBS UP for the folk reference!!!
The profile pic - Is Swalwell chestfeeding that baby?
“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” ~ Mike Tyson, Big Chief Knock a Muhfuggah Out.
The loudest? Batter up looks like the spie is next.
Careful what you wish for, you Chinese-spy-compromised traitor.
I wish Swalwell would stop swallowing cum long enough to grow a pair.
Eric, your day of reckoning is coming. You sold out to China.
So is Eric nursing his adopted baby? Does the baby look like Fang Fang?
You first, Swallows-well.
I will personally celebrate and have a large party the day treasonous Swinewell receives the death penalty for his crimes.
I'll buy some wagyu steaks and share it with neighbors.
Listen to this video here at the 24.12 mark of what Trump, Pence and Bill Barr did to enact the process of 'Equal Time' for Trump vs. The Jan 6th Select Committee Hearing and airing the hearing live. *(Which we all know is not bi-partisan and only reflects 'their narrative')
Apparently, a law or procedure was silently put into place so that either side be given EQUAL TIME as per the law for each side to present evidence and their findings of that days' events.
So, I think through Steve Bannon's lawsuit, some of the TRUTH from Trump's EQUAL TIME, which includes MSM media coverage will be revealed! Bannon has subpoenaed Nancy Pelosi, Schiff and others and other evidence of that day. His testimony is in July sometime.
For Swallowswell, equal time means half the time on his knees, and half the time bent over a mattress.
Eric please see the law passed. Nothing to do with what you are squaking about.
Glass houses, houses
Fangfang has entered the witness stand