some names to look up wrt possession and "The Presence of Other Worlds in Schizophrenia": Jerry Marzinsky, Wilson Van Dusen, Sherry Swiney, Emanuel Swedenborg. if they were hallucinations they would be chaotic/disordered and incoherent, but always they are consistently malevolent, coherent and particularly anti-religious, bar none. now more than ever is the time to understand this phenomenon as we are seeing it manifest through the "progressive left"; 90+% of the observed intent of these mind-parasite entities lines up with their sentiment. the more I learn the more confidently I can say that we are dealing with an ancient spiritual evil by many names throughout history: Wetiko, Archon, Flyer, Demon, Shadow People, etc. etc.. anyway, look for some of Jerry & Sherry's interviews, there's a channel I found on BitChute that's collected a few of them: "THE PRESENCE OF OTHER WORLDS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA-BITC"
How many times has this woman been the victim of a sexual assault when she was young? This amount of rage comes from a much deeper place of hurt and abuse. I bet her backstory would explain this completely unhinged behavior.
I honestly believe its the media gaslighting. I get pissed off when politics don't go my way too, but I don't virtue signal by throwing a temper tantrum on camera like an animal.
This is another instance where I rank animals over humans in intelligence. My dog acts good on camera every time, she knows. Humans are the only species on earth that have specialized in stupidity.
Girl, YOUR FRONT DOOR IS OPEN! Do you get along with your neighbors? Not any more, I'm sure, after this insane outburst. Why are all these libs only screaming when a camera is running? Why do they have to post these insipid things? I know, I know....virtue signaling. All the gals I've seen make these lame vids... ALL OF THEM... seem to be in little danger of being fertilized by any sane man.
She has more problems than just emotional. When she opens her mouth real wide you can see she has numerous molars that are blackened and appear rotten. This may mean she has an infection that has gotten into her bloodstream. The woman needs to see a dentist ASAP and probably go on an antibiotic.
I honestly can’t get over how these people feel they need to carry on like this over “losing the right” to murder a human being. The reaction, frankly, is demonic - Satan has so easily deceived them that their souls are just dead. It’s really quite astonishing. Collective mental and moral breakdown.
Okay, I'm not the only one who saw it, right? When she started screaming like a demon, her eyes literally turned red, then turned white again once she "calmed down."
I've known many people who I've suspected have had demons inside them, or at least influencing them, but this is the first time I've seen one actually manifest in the physical through a human. God help us.
Also, does she want us to believe that men are actually sleeping so much with her that she constantly needs access to abortions? Honey, ain't no man sleeping with you, and the demon is the least of the reasons.
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths."
2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV
When anyone has to video their reaction to something, it negates their truth, IMO. If she had her meltdown after videoing or before and just wanted to share, that's one thing. Just shows these people are twisted attention whores.
I never believed in demons til this great awakening. I’m a believer now
It's not too late to put on that armor of God. 😳
Were there any peril-sensitive sunglasses in that basket?
Asking for a fren...
man, look at her eyes
Pray for her. She's clearly under the influence of demons there.
some names to look up wrt possession and "The Presence of Other Worlds in Schizophrenia": Jerry Marzinsky, Wilson Van Dusen, Sherry Swiney, Emanuel Swedenborg. if they were hallucinations they would be chaotic/disordered and incoherent, but always they are consistently malevolent, coherent and particularly anti-religious, bar none. now more than ever is the time to understand this phenomenon as we are seeing it manifest through the "progressive left"; 90+% of the observed intent of these mind-parasite entities lines up with their sentiment. the more I learn the more confidently I can say that we are dealing with an ancient spiritual evil by many names throughout history: Wetiko, Archon, Flyer, Demon, Shadow People, etc. etc.. anyway, look for some of Jerry & Sherry's interviews, there's a channel I found on BitChute that's collected a few of them: "THE PRESENCE OF OTHER WORLDS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA-BITC"
"progressive left" you meant to say possessed left. They are definitely under the influence
It's the exact same evil that was cast out of Heaven.
There is nothing new under the sun. Same battle.
The battle is God's, not ours. Remain faithful.
I will check it out
Came in to say this. That change is insane.
Looks like a real life version of the Video Copilot Andrew Kramer After Effect Demon Warp video.
Ewww i dont even want to see that one
How many times has this woman been the victim of a sexual assault when she was young? This amount of rage comes from a much deeper place of hurt and abuse. I bet her backstory would explain this completely unhinged behavior.
I honestly believe its the media gaslighting. I get pissed off when politics don't go my way too, but I don't virtue signal by throwing a temper tantrum on camera like an animal.
This is another instance where I rank animals over humans in intelligence. My dog acts good on camera every time, she knows. Humans are the only species on earth that have specialized in stupidity.
Make me a sandwich.. na, nope.
This bitch will poison your sandwich.
If eyes are the window to the soul... Well it ain't looking good, sheesh.
Those eyes!
Girl, YOUR FRONT DOOR IS OPEN! Do you get along with your neighbors? Not any more, I'm sure, after this insane outburst. Why are all these libs only screaming when a camera is running? Why do they have to post these insipid things? I know, I know....virtue signaling. All the gals I've seen make these lame vids... ALL OF THEM... seem to be in little danger of being fertilized by any sane man.
She has more problems than just emotional. When she opens her mouth real wide you can see she has numerous molars that are blackened and appear rotten. This may mean she has an infection that has gotten into her bloodstream. The woman needs to see a dentist ASAP and probably go on an antibiotic.
Sucking "fecal tipped" penii transmits Shigella, which rots yer teef.
I always wondered why most of my fag customers had rotting teeth...
Sad (but true) - these people are broken and then evil entities can enter.
The 💉💉💉 isn’t good for your health and neither is all this rage
I honestly can’t get over how these people feel they need to carry on like this over “losing the right” to murder a human being. The reaction, frankly, is demonic - Satan has so easily deceived them that their souls are just dead. It’s really quite astonishing. Collective mental and moral breakdown.
Okay, I'm not the only one who saw it, right? When she started screaming like a demon, her eyes literally turned red, then turned white again once she "calmed down."
I've known many people who I've suspected have had demons inside them, or at least influencing them, but this is the first time I've seen one actually manifest in the physical through a human. God help us.
Also, does she want us to believe that men are actually sleeping so much with her that she constantly needs access to abortions? Honey, ain't no man sleeping with you, and the demon is the least of the reasons.
Is she single? Asking for a friend.
Is that friend a psychopath?
Shit she could still kill the dishes.
Dishes are done man!
I liked that goofy movie.
Don't tell... ;)
Why is it that these menatlists feel the need to publicise their breakdown?
The kind of girl you can take home to meet your mother.
"Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store. Name's Ash, housewares."
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV
Calling her a demon is being too kind!
My daddy always told me, don't stick your dick in crazy
That rates right along the need for exorcisims
Demon people
Completely unhinged.🙁 Pray for her.🙏🏻
Deevil besatin!
Why would anyone think anyone else would want to watch this in a nonsarcastic way?
Hahahahahahhaha this lady needs an exorcist
Time for some good old exorcism’s. To bad many priests have demons inside also…
yup, he\she knows no more getting knocked up in the back room of mom motorhome
I played it without sound even than I was shocked!!
Demons are real and they manafest themselves exactly like this.
When anyone has to video their reaction to something, it negates their truth, IMO. If she had her meltdown after videoing or before and just wanted to share, that's one thing. Just shows these people are twisted attention whores.
...and they wonder, on a slightly but strangely parallel topic, of why "MGTOW" is growing more and more popular.
She doesn't just need Jesus, she needs an exorcism. Wow.