Holy Hell, Fed Chairman blames inflation on the Unvaccinated…
🧠 These people are stupid!
“What did we get wrong? — Believing everyone would get vaccinated and the millions of people who dropped out of the labor force would come back and the wages wouldn’t be under such pressure.”
So he is saying, people not getting vaccinated & the shock of the "war" are to blame for the manufactured supply issues we are facing.
What about closing down and restricting businesses in the name of fear of spreading coof? What about paying people to stay home and sending out stimulus checks? What about killing domestic energy production?
Jerome Powell's job is to bring tea and bagels to Janet Yellen when she rings a little bell.
😂😂😂 This top quality post right here! Lol ...❤️
Bagel with Lox?
Deaths of working-age people are up 40% too thanks to the shot
YET Yet these STUPID employers are still pushing to be employed by them you need a C19 jab and a Vax ID!
Oh I know if your up front about it, you find out immediately where they stand on it, which considering that all the health issues aside it’s totally Un-Constitutional just let’s me see what type of company they are. It’s frustrating though as everyone keeps saying to you, “there’s so many jobs out there ...”
You dodged a bullet - next opportunity!
Plus the shot induced injuries that didn't kill but made it bad enough to continue to work.
And many lost their jobs for not getting jabbed. Or have serious vax related injuries that keep them from working.
Or can’t take the shot due to another illness so I’m blocked out the work force.
Source, please. Would like to use this.
Perfect. Thank you!
"Anything BUT the truth" is the motto for today's DC.
It could be somewhat truthful: they though enough people would take the shot, die, and reduce demand in the economy thus taking some pressure off inflation
How about this as causative factors: stopping the different drilling areas in the Gulf, Keystone, Alaska, and others; refusing to sign leases for further exploration; forcing/paying/blackmailing companies to mandate an EUA shot with a multitude of adverse reactions/deaths which does not function as a vaccine to provide any benefit-resulting in massive unemployment by those who object to following government dictates; Sending massive amounts of money to the Ukraine for which there is no accountability; cut backs on diesel fuel production further increasing trucking prices and as a result prices of all goods; slow down at the West Coast shipping ports with no end in site; encouraging and aiding in a massive influx of illegals for which the Federal government pays housing, health care, education, phones, money to live, while making LEGAL citizens pay for health care or not be able to afford health care, pay for college education while illegals have their’s free or subsidized.
SSSSsshhhhhhh..... we're not supposed to talk about such things!! The Left requires magical thinking, a belief in pixie dust and unicorns, and that they can repeal the Laws of Economics and the Laws of Physics. So we don't discuss root causes that any moron could understand. The Demwit Party is not full of morons, that's too high a rating... more like complete imbeciles.
I remember when COVID was blamed on the unjabbed.
So were more people supposed to die and reduce consumption/demand to the point that inflation would not have happened? Sounds like THAT was their plan!
Yup, that's what their "model" predicted.
Shame on us for not helping out, and removing them...
This is literally genocidal rhetoric
Well they are literally genocidal maniacs sooo
I am constantly encountering business and restaurants that can't find enough workers. It was understandable that people didn't work during covid since Uncle Sam was paying them more not to work, but that gravy train is gone, so what are all those people doing for income?
Nitter link: https://nitter.net/tomselliott/status/1542152231587291137
No matter how often it happens, I am still astonished by how they willingly & knowingly lie.
no. it's like the question "how many children have to die before you will let us take away your guns?"
it is the idea that we are to blame for inflation because
and, if we would just obey, they wouldn't have to punish us so hard, would they?
Thats what satanists do, they invert the truth
What about FJB making gasoline so expensive truckers aren't driving.
What about Biden's storm troopers not allowing ships laden with goods from docking?
How about we get rid of the Fed? Almost like SCOTUS ruling in W. Virginia's favor is making Powell nervous.
They thought we'd be more compliant about willingly killing ourselves...
Can you blame them though? Tons of people lined up for blocks to get them and their children jabbed without a second thought. They just simply miscalculated the number of people fed up with the bs
What if, as it seems the Fed and the ECB are at war, that Powell is seemingly throwing Biden under the bus af times, he's suggesting that all the pro Vax mandates and stuff are the cause.
"Believing" in this context seems to me to be another instance of finger pointing.
But I haven't read the whole thing yet.
The brainless morons are going to eat this up, they created this whole mess with the scare that hundreds of millions are going to die, that was Fauci's fear campaign during the first few months of the pandemic. Everyone flipped out causing TP shortages etc. Everyone was panicking. 2/3's of businesses were labeled un-essential and had to close down, people refused to work because of the fear.
But then it turned out that it was not a pandemic, doctors were bored dancing in empty hospitals. Then Trump dumped a shitton of stimulus checks further inflating the dollar, then Biden went fucking balls to the wall printing even more more more more more. Then the government threatened no jab or no job.. businesses agreed and many lost their jobs because they were smart enough not to get the jab. Then tens of thousands died from the jab, millions of people's immune systems have been damaged and many cannot or refuse to work because of their aids-like symptoms. Now we are here, the fed is blaming the citizens for their fuck ups, their overprinting, their forceful coercion making people lose their jobs. Hitler scapegoated a small segment of minorities to cause irritation to the average German citizen... guess what's going to happen next?
The difference is that Hitler's scapegoats weren't the heavily armed portion of the population.
I'm still not getting their clot shot.
Just thank your lucky stars that you're not normal; otherwise you'd be believing this crap.
Aww someone's langry, (lib- tard angry) he didn't get his kick back money for the world wide genocide. The shots didn't make the money he thought it would. Bye bye fed.
Seems like a marker that this is a movie
If more people had died the demand driving inflation would be alleviated.
LibTard logic be like that.
I thought it was all Donald Trump's fault?
It is our fault. We didn’t contribute to their profits 😂
Further proof that they want us angry. It’s working.
unvaxxed dollars built America. The newly poisoned should build their own cities.
He probably said that to be outrageous knowing we would run with it and hide the underlying problems with the economy. Smart move actually.
Well if the unvaccinated are dying like they're saying, that would lower demand and thus lower the prices of all things... But all things are way more expensive right now! How can this be? All the while also claiming that we are at near record levels of low unemployment.
Diversity hire.
It's simple. Target business & employees that targeted you. Self ban from ever using their services or buying their products, not for a day, a week or a month, but for life. Make them feel the pain they enforced on you. The masses will always win. And support the businesses that were not influenced by the world's biggest scam known to mankind. Build small businesses into empires while you watch the old ones tumble. It's called people power & people power will always win.
These people are stupid. They did not consider that the lowly plebs might, some of them, actually hate their jobs and find that getting fired gave them an opportunity to change their lives. Or that businesses would adapt and discover they could do without some of their workers. We were all supposed to be NPCs.
A lot of those people that dropped out of labor force were too injured from the jabs to work again.