Sounds like she is trolling but, correct on the fact that the SJW's are stripping woman of their very existence as a woman. Did she answer that question? I wonder.. lol.
Hey Bette, you are on the right scent, just hope you have the guts to disclose the result when you reach the end of the journey, because when you do get there you will be met with truth and this message: Should you disclose you will either no longer work in this town ever again or you will be made to succumb to your age.
I do like that old hags like her are now the enemy of the lefty idiots, its funny that their feminist privilege can be stolen just by pretending to be a women and they are mad about it.
But made even sweeter because they helped push this shit, now they can eat shit.
Seriously? How stupid is she? She didn't notice it's her side that's trying to erase women? Can we PLEASE stop getting headlines for people who are dumber than tree stumps every time they open their ignorant yaps?
The Supreme Court "stripped" no person of their right to control their body.
Smile, relax and be of good cheer, O hate-fueled Bette Midler and women in general. I have TERRIFIC NEWS:
You can STILL MURDER YOUR UNBORN BABY in about half the states of the union! Isn't that wonderful?
The Supreme Court DOES NOT MAKE LAWS!!
You have nothing to cry about! Nobody is coming after your ability to wantonly kill the most innocent person in your life, OK? Calm down. You still get to kill.
There. Isn't that better? You get to kill. Aaaaahhhhhh.
Wish we could erase Bette Midler - ugly and hateful human being.
That witch movie may have been a documentary.
Hate itself is super ugly, but man....that bitch got a head start in the womb.
Sounds like she is trolling but, correct on the fact that the SJW's are stripping woman of their very existence as a woman. Did she answer that question? I wonder.. lol.
Yeah she's way too dumb to be trolling. It went right over her head.
Hey Bette, you are on the right scent, just hope you have the guts to disclose the result when you reach the end of the journey, because when you do get there you will be met with truth and this message: Should you disclose you will either no longer work in this town ever again or you will be made to succumb to your age.
I lost one of my twitler accounts because of her. Found some nasty one piece swimsuit pics of her and asked why she was aging so fast.
Pics or gtfo
maybe in this case the pics should gtfo
Kek !
Fuck annon you juss made the Boner round.
It’s front hole you bigot…. 😂😂😂
I do like that old hags like her are now the enemy of the lefty idiots, its funny that their feminist privilege can be stolen just by pretending to be a women and they are mad about it. But made even sweeter because they helped push this shit, now they can eat shit.
Somehow Ifeel like the original tweet was a troll. I wonder who is controlling her twitter acct.
Married to a bona fide nazi.
Early Life checks out
Seriously? How stupid is she? She didn't notice it's her side that's trying to erase women? Can we PLEASE stop getting headlines for people who are dumber than tree stumps every time they open their ignorant yaps?
She really is dumb.
These people always have an angle.
Like con-artists?
And an angel...
Sounds like Bette middler is getting a clue about the transhuman agenda.
Libs of tictoc asking the right question. Just maybe that pronoun is "it".
Hah, will these creatures try and make it seem they were never the source of this woke BS?
Older I believe and more confused. At least Biden can blame his problems on dementia. Midler is just demented.
Libtards, of course. Isn't she one, too??
The Supreme Court "stripped" no person of their right to control their body.
Smile, relax and be of good cheer, O hate-fueled Bette Midler and women in general. I have TERRIFIC NEWS:
You can STILL MURDER YOUR UNBORN BABY in about half the states of the union! Isn't that wonderful?
The Supreme Court DOES NOT MAKE LAWS!!
You have nothing to cry about! Nobody is coming after your ability to wantonly kill the most innocent person in your life, OK? Calm down. You still get to kill. There. Isn't that better? You get to kill. Aaaaahhhhhh.
It's just like a man to pretend to be a woman and then try to forbid everybody else from saying he's not.