Have you asked it yourself? What business does Pelosi have traipsing all over the world, costing the taxpayers millions of dollars? Name a country - she has probably been there, and on the taxpayer's dime. But why? What is her function?
She is a congressperson (1 of 435 representatives, or 535 people if you count the senate) who was elected by a relatively small number of people to represent THEM. She does not represent me, nor does she represent you if you're not in her district. Is it the function of a congressperson to travel the world at the people's expense? WHAT is she doing? What is the purpose of her visits? She is not an ambassador, she is not a negotiator. She is a congressperson from one out of hundreds of districts who represents a relatively small number of people. I never see anybody question these trips or the justification and authority behind them. It seems most Americans will put up with just about anything, without question.
I've been asking this same question not only about this but the other congress critters that have been going to Ukraine.
Face to face meetings, trying to avoid NSA and Space Force surveillance would be my guess.
Congresscritters don't get their bags inspected when they return from overseas.
Makes sense, she has to go in person to pick up the kickbacks for the chip deal!
They're not cute enough to be critters.
It's an older term sir, but it checks out. I was just about to insult them (more).
Yeah, back in the good ol' days it was maybe appropriate (probably not), but now it reads better as rabid congresscritters.
She has been doing this for years.
Democrats are desperate to start a war with ANY COUNTRY at this point.
Russia wasn't taking the bait. China might be 2nd choice. If China refuses to invade Taiwan... then the Deep State will have to go back to what they know best. False-flag attack on NYC and blame Iran for it.
But if New York is nuked, how will we tell the difference?
the smell will IMPROVE!
No more "bahdegas" (Dr. Jill Biden) where you can buy your $10/pack cigarettes.
Exactly! Also why was no-name traveling to the Middle East and meeting with the isis terrorist?
Yes, or the countless others who have traveled around sticking their nose into places they have no business. It's been going on a long time.
Yessir! Like that butt sniffer senator that used to no-name’s sidekick, can’t remember his name, oh yea, Lyndsey Graham.
I truly believe he was into arms trading and gun running.
I believe the same thing. The question again begs to asked all the time: what business of ours, is theirs outside the boundaries of the US? That’s why we have a state dept…
She travels to find out how many $$$s these FOREIGN COUNTRIES need under the guise of 'FOREIGN AIDE'.
Then she returns to the states, formulates Bills in Congress for those FOREIGN AIDE agendas.
Bills get passed for millions. Pelosi and her cronies in Congress get kick-backs & pay-outs for whoever votes on these Bills. We saw this in Ukraine. It's money laundering with tax payer dollars.
Much of it goes into the pockets of corrupt politicians. That's how they get rich in Congress
That's why we saw so many in Congress, Corporate officials, Hollywood idiots traveling to Ukraine IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR ZONE!
They all had to go in person to get their kick-back & pay-out monies for voting on the millions that went to Ukraine under the guise of FOREIGN AIDE and Humanitarian aide.
Excellent question. Maybe we could get Peter Ducey to ask this at the next briefing.
Yes please!
I know a lot who are asking that question. Why is Pelosi there at all. What is so important that she would provoke a war with China to be there. What of National interest is that important that we are not being made aware of?
I'm glad to hear you know people asking, because I never seem to cross paths with them or even see people online questioning it. And she's not the only one. It's been going on for some time.
The people who are not asking are ignoring it cause the MSM is not telling them its a problem.
No doubt, but you and I wondered and we didn't need the msm to tell us. I think in part, it's an appalling lack of understanding of how our government is supposed to function. So many people probably think it's perfectly normal and part of her responsibilities.
What I am seeing is people dont care. More importantly, they dont want to "have to". That is why they do nothing and know nothing.
Maybe we should all run everything, since we know and care. LOL.
"Brave Nancy Pelosi, going in person to find out just what is going on and how to forge a path forward"
we have all been asking but getting no answers
Perhaps we should ask our own representatives to explain.
I wrote an e-mail to one of my congressmen and asked. Looking forward to seeing what he says.
You'll get a canned non-answer.
Great! Please let us know the response.
Representing the homeless in her district???
Or, the dead people who voted for her.
2007 discussion about this
Oh cool Thanks. I'm amazed you have that.
Just asked this question on one of the dozen planefag posts, what the hell is she doing visiting foreign nations? and why is nobody really asking about it?
Sometimes the best questions are answered with more questions.
Thats a very good question.
Start asking this, rhetorically, to normies.
Great post.
I asked the question on the dot wins. Someone criticized me and said it’s a diplomatic trip, which is hilarious, given that she’s not a diplomat. Foreign trips are not part of her job description.
Congress writes legislation all the time that deals with and interacts with other nations on Earth. They could be trade deals, economic discussions informing legislation, military cooperation which has to get funding and certain decisions by Congress. They could be discussing commodities when figuring out bills to deal with supply issues worldwide. She could be discussing microchip production and what it would take to build more in the US, or have Taiwanese companies come build in the US. Some members of Congress are on the foreign affairs committee, so would even moreso be working directly with foreign nations.
Regardless of if these examples are factually true in regards to current world events, these are examples of things Congress has to deal with and it includes dealing with foreign countries. Speaker of the house is one of the key positions what would go to other countries to discuss legislation or other policy topics.
And even if it were, is she really the person we want or need to be representing us, considering how she's even worse than Joe for making a coherent point.
I've been wondering about this myself for quite some time about all of them.
Why is that fraud Andy Kim doing with her? Exactly what business in Taiwan does that faggot have out of his district in NJ?
I asked. Losta guesses all maybees.
Your guess is as good as any.
Hunter’s got too much heat on him lately, so someone has to go make the shady deals in his place.
Your lips to my ears. I have often wondered that myself. WTH do these people need to be traveling all over the world on our money. I have only 1 congressman that serves my district. This crap has to stop. These politicians take such advantage of these "free" trips/vacations on our dime all in the name of nothing.
My husband and two of our daughters have talked about this several times. Since when did Drunk Nancy become a foreign Ambassador, Envoy, etc? Isn't this better left to the Secretary of State? Well, Blinken is a douchebag and she is such a narcissist she probably figures it is all up to her to be the savior of the US. And while she is at it, will figure out how to steal/launde more money from the people. Remember when Trump grounded her?
I'm with you. We are all hoping for a particular outcome from this trip.
I think Biden died when they said he had Covid the first time. We've only seen obviously doctored, or outright faked, videos of him since.
Honestly sounds like a likely outcome.
Anyone else feel constantly like they still can't believe what they're watching?
Well let's just say being a Congressman has morfed into a golden ticket to the Wonka Factory.
I see folks question here all the time. Have you read any of the posts???
Officially called "fact finding trips," but the truth? They are junkets. First class air, 5 star hotels. Been going on since trans-Atlanic flights were possible.
it's a publicity stunt. The press from this will make her look good in the eyes of her supporters and voters (or so she hopes). it's all about raising her profile. She could even be setting up for (shudder) a presidential run.
Or she's the most high-priced coke-mule in the world, lmao.
More people are asking that same question. Until we all say enough is enough and refuse to pay taxes with large enough numbers, we will never be heard.
Spot On!
Visiting other countries and representing the USA has always been the job of the SOS...right?
Many people ask this question, regularly. We need some checks and balances pronto.
good vodka is hard to find.... she's travelling the world over to find that perfect one!
Distracting from her insider trading.
What authority does Congress have to send members to foreign countries?
Senate and House members often travel abroad on fact-finding missions to places deemed vital to U.S. national interests. Certainly, the most important authority given to Congress overall is the power to declare war and to raise and support the armed forces. The authority is granted in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution.
The Role of the Congress in U.S. Foreign Policy
Their primary function is to make law. In fact, it's the very first thing enumerated in the very first article of the constitution. They have numerous authorized responsibilities, but they are the only branch of government bequeathed with the power to make law. Having said what you did about war, do you believe Nancy's trip has anything to do with declaring war?
No, I don't think so. It was just part of the paragraph I copied.
I see. Thanks.
Boe Jiden didn’t want her to go. Pelosi might be the deep state pawn we all think she is.
And Joe isn't? I didn't hear he didn't want her to go. If that was the case, he could have and should have stopped her. As president, he has authority to do so. Certainly to cut off her taxpayer funds (as Trump once did.)
If Joe is really a actor. Then that could explain why she and him don’t really seem to agree on much. She might have been told what is really happening. So many possibilities. Only time will tell.
Yeah, this movie has plenty of plot twists.