Clandestine.substack.com : you are witnessing the coalition of the three world superpowers standing up to the Globalist Deep State.. And in order to clean up something of this magnitude, it would take an alliance between the most powerful militaries in the world

I don’t think DS has enough MKUltra mercenaries to fight 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 and 🇺🇸
They're counting on their UN forces, mostly Chinese. Can't wait to see their faces when they give the order and the troops turn around and moon them like the Irish in Braveheart
Clown strength has always relied on MKUltra'd killers, be it mass shooters or assassinations. MS-13 is, or was, an untraceable hit squad for of brainwashed tortured killers for them. That's no military.
Last big event pre-COVID? Hong Kong Extradition Attempt. When we stood up in arms with our fellow Redditors (yikes) in crying out against China's Totalitarian Overreach. Turns out it was a sincere attempt to remove China's equivalent of MS-13 from their backyard.
Hell even the 1989 Tiananmen Square event doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Timed to completely eclipse news of the USSR's Ufa train disaster that killed 575, many of them children, from an unexplained explosion.
Their power comes from their willingness to go to any length Tonkin and cover up. When our side decides to give them some of their own medicine theyll crumble.
Sorry. I got called away for work just as I posted this! I meant to follow up with where that quote came from: https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/russia-supports-the-prc-and-reveals
Added to context. Thanks for the sauce, frog!
The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
Go watch the way MBS greeted the resident Potato with a mere fist bump, contrast that with MBS meeting Putin, all high 5's and hugs an shit.
Remember the SA connection was severed when the arrests were made! And think back to how many countries were making peace with each other when Trump was in power.
Pretty soon we're going to need a program so we can tell all the players apart. Who is DS, who are white hats, who are black hats, and such.
In sports we call this a roster
In business we call it an org chart
We're calling it something else.
Chopper manifest
^^This- Free Chopper Rides for many. Chipper list would do as well.
I am so so lost in the big picture view. I know who is the enemy here in the states, but I don't know who ultimately pulls the strings. I guess I've become a conspiracy theorist over this, but my spidey senses tell me there are a lot of clues given to us by the white hats and the good guys like Patel Patriot, Gregg Phillips, Truethevote lady and of course, Q. I am thinking it is the world wide cabal/deep state/NWO types that are the enemy. I think we will all understand this very soon. August is a hot month for sure. lol. I have to believe NCSWIC or I would give up hope.
Think of all the world leaders, the Royal families etc and think about 6 layers above them!
Yep. This. They're just the puppets. The handlers and masters are not in public spotlight.
I'm serious.
Vatican has him on speed dial. Enthroned him in a ceremony in 1963.
Rothschilds set a place for him at the table (allegedly).
My butt.
The Vatican was infiltrated by a group. That's your problem.
Seven-headed dragon and ten-horned Antichrist. Full historical perspective of Satan’s dominion over the earth. https://youtu.be/HO0vdOE3cfQ
I've become ESPECIALLY watchful as we embark on the month of "hot" August.
It sure feels like it is coming to a head.
"Nationalist" countries are less likely to engage in warfare with other countries in grifting WARS that only benefit global bankers. Zero global bankers and nationalist countries likely means zero future wars, as it is NOT in the national interest in almost all cases. Negotiated deals nation-nation in their OWN currencies are the way.
$, i sense a bit of sarcasm in your comment
There will always be a war from time to time. It's almost entirely factual to admit that wars are sometimes justified, and one country will hate another or feel offended at something and fight back, especially with current generations at the helms.
But absolutely, fewer wars by a notable margin. Imagine world peace, if only for an instant. A moment in time where the U.S. isn't at war with any country or organization. Jeeze.
The eagle, the bear, and the dragon..
u/#q2274 u/#q950
Yeah no duh Russia recognizes the PRC as the legitimate government representative of China. That's what it's supposed to be on paper to save Chinese face. If you are trying to be diplomatic you say the PRC is the legitimate government. If you are Pompeo and Grassley trying to call out the evil for what it is, you would be screaming the CCP and how they must be stopped. They don't mention the PRC at all.
Russia talks about the PRC to be nice. Pompeo and Grassley talk about the CCP to attack and they don't mention the PRC. None of these entities talk about PRC and CCP in the same statement. Russia is for defending the peoples Republic of China. Pompeo and Grassley are against the the CCP.
This looks more like wishful thinking to say that Russia, Pompeo, and Grassley are allies from these statements. It looks like someone trying to put connections together where the wished they would fit but it doesn't fit well and seems forced.
I'm prepared to get downvoted (or banned) for saying something like this. I'm not seeing it.
they can't release the exact same statement, Lol.
Bioclandestine is trying to say that Russia is separating PRC from CCP, the same with Pompeo and Grassley to fit the narrative "Xi Jinping is gud guy, CCP bad. Pompeo & Grassley in Comms with Russia".
Yeah what he's posted up and what he said about the posts is full of flaws and the only people who would come to his conclusion, are people who've already decided "Xi Jinping gud guy helping Trump defeat CCP". This is hivemind mentality, bring better evidence or at the very least have the posts back up what you say.
Pompeo, Grassley, And Russia are not showing any connections other than their subject is about China.
Russia is marking the CCP as bad, Pompeo (sec of state for legal pres of USA) is doing the same.
They don't need the Exact same message to be on the same side, or to share a common enemy. The exact same message is something we see from the fake news and from shills, not from real people and patriots, freedom fighters.
Maybe I'm missing something, please quote for me where Russia marks the CCP as bad.
They don't recognise the CCP as the legal rulers of the PRC. That's about as offensive a political statement Russia can make just shy of denouncing - it's maybe worse, since the Russian's perspective is that the CCP are illegitimate and therefore unworthy of being denounced.
Please quote where they said that.
"Russia's principled position remains unchanged: we proceed from the premise that there is only one China, the PRC government is the only legitimate government representing all of China, and Taiwan, an integral part of China."
So... The Xi banning Pooh Bear thing could be entirely made up to get people to see him in a negative light... Like our media did with Trump and various false allegations...
But if China's media is out of Xi's control, then he wouldn't be able to get his counter points out... Then again he's from a different culture, he might simply not care cause he knows what's coming.
If you want to do a deep dive on the "Federalism" of China, take a look at how the CCP political organization is organized geographically. The structure is already setup as a federalist structure, and can be easily co-opted to become truly Federalist. It is not clear if this has effectively already happened. And "federalist" is really a "republic" if all of the rights protections are coupled with the federalist structure.
Note that they were attempting to do this same "stealth federalism" under Gorbachev in the Soviet Union, but globohomos brought down the whole thing so they could illegally "carve off" Ukraine and other Khazarian territories and steal assets after the kickoff of the NWO in 1989.
I believe this is part of the "Ukraine controversy" that it is NOT REALLY A COUNTRY and was illegally carved off of Russian/Soviet territory in violation of every single Soviet and Russian Treaty since 1924. (Ukraine as a country is 100% media fabrication, IMO); and there may be parallels with Taiwan in that regard as a "stolen territory", not from China, but from Japan.
Sheeeet.. will Japan be given Taiwan?!
Really glad people are finally seeing this. 6 months ago a group of us were shit on for saying this.
I've known for a very long time. My question though, is how powerful is the deep state in China and what do they control?
God bless these Axis Powers 2.0.
I, for one, would like to volunteer to do wetwork for this awesome alliance. I promise to keep a smile on my face the whole time.
DS is just shorthand for Jews
It's has been appearing that way
Marxism and Fascism are two sides of the same coin and both spawned from the same hellish pathology. About the only major difference is that Marxism has a worldwide revolutionary view, whereas Fascism is nationalistic and upholds the nation state. Globalists today want to create a hybrid of the two.
We did wake up. You're the one shilling over semantics.