The purpose of diversity is to destroy nationalism.
They have destroyed all of the unique national cultures of Europe. People used to travel the world to experience different cultures. Now in the name of diversity it is offensive to have a unique culture.
I'll be the guy to say it, since nobody here has said it yet. Again, /pol/ has this topic wrapped up and figured out lol.
Globohomo has certainly destroyed Europe as you mentioned, but every culture destroyed has been white culture, specifically. You don't see mass immigration into any non-white country. Only white people should be forced to give up their culture and identity, along with nationalistic pride. Because white people are the "racist" ones and holding everyone else back.
Another poster in here already said it, but if God wanted us to already be intermixed, then he would have placed us that way out of the gate. "White replacement" isn't just a theory, but part of the ways globohomo has been attacking everyone and turning us against each other - to make good little slaves, the ones that are left anyway.
Why do you think globohomo has worked so hard to try and destroy post-USSR Russia? They're really the only white, homogeneous (and Christian) country left besides the US. Patton was right, for more than a few reasons, when he said we fought the wrong enemy.
"The problem is and has always been the Jew. The Jew has a predisposition to burrow into a people and then weaken them to the point of their destruction.
I already see their names predominating again with bankers, heads of large companies, lawyers, politicians and so forth. With this trend they will acquire great wealth and power over the Western world.
Morals and Christianity will be attacked; women will be the primary targets as they are the vessels of reproduction of their peoples. They will bring in the darker races in an effort to pollute Europe, all while holding weak politicians in the hands who will support such endeavors."
1981 interview former WWII German General
100%. We can't ignore the topic much longer, because it's another way to divide us. The problem is framing the issue in such a way to get people to realize what's actually happening, without sounding "racist". Culture replacement isn't the same as culture assimilation.... It's far more insidious, and what globohomo (would) have in store for the "useless eaters".
All you have to do is look at pop culture and once you see it, you can't unsee the signals, predictive programming, etc.
There is a lot to unpack on just this topic alone, as u/P900 mentioned, and it's nuanced more than others, just because of the "racist" label. /pol/ is far more blunt on this, but it doesn't make what's happening any less true.
Yep. Years back I attended a chamber of commerce meeting for work. This particular one was about a certain business and their diversity team. It was a panel of 6 or 7 black women. 😒 Not a very diverse panel.
You're correct. If I would have made this comment last year my account would have been banned for racism. I'm glad people are starting to come around to the truth.
Yes God forbid the children of Israel, today the Caucasian race, from race mixing. It literally pissed him off. While on the side of Esau aka Edomites, race mixing, incest, and satanic worship along with brutality against children.
Sound familiar?
Parasites always kill the host in the end. That is why these invasions are engineered around the world. In the NWO there is no room for national boundaries.
Can someone please explain the upside of diversity that goes beyond food and music? Look at the state of our cities to see just one of the many rotting effects of diversity.
Funny thing is those who push diversity on the rest of us live in separate communities or isolated private land. They do not practice what they preach.
Like minded people live mostly peaceful together. I guess African and Arabian are exceptions. It’s easier to trust your own tribe than to trust someone else’s. Much like your own family members vs strangers. Apply the same concept of family to entire population
Socialism has more backing in homogeneous society. Why it sort of works in western Europe.
The more diverse the ethnic makeup, less support for taxing your paycheck to support welfare for habib and his 6 kids. You can sympathize with habib but he is not part of the people you identify
You blame "diversity" for the problems but its the small handful of psychopaths who control the media that makes all the "friction between cultures". Don't fall for the "conservative" narrative that everyone has to be split up by skin color, divide and conquer
No, it's the lack of cultural similarity that creates the friction. Some cultures are more violent and stupid than others. It's just a fact. Why do we have to be afraid of facts? The authors of The Bell Curve were correct and demonized for it.
Blacks take the cake for moronic culture in America. Thomas Sowell, Owens, Justice Thomas, Ben Carson...why are these not as influential as 2-pac (who i'd resurrect if I could just to shoot myself)?
People can integrate but only over time and a little at a time. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Too much too fast destroys a society. It's an attack, and the cabal is doing it intentionally.
Skin color is just skin color. Upbringing and culture is what molds a person, along with individual intelligence. Humans are like animals, aggression, intelligence, endurance, strength, will power. All these are passed down genetically and culturally.
It has nothing to do with skin pigmentation, it has everything to do with culture.
Some cultures, are objectively, not subjectively, worse than others. By every single metric, those cultures degrade societies into unlivable, miserable shitholes when they show up.
It has little to do with skin color. In fact, there are some white cultures I don't want anywhere in my neighborhood either, like die-hard, low-IQ rednecks. I don't wanna be anywhere near them. These people revel in poorness like it's some kind of badge of honor to be poor and miserable. "I aint never had nothin and I don't need nothin neither. Rich peeple been stealin from me mah whole life!"
I pulled into a convenience store in Texas one time, in an area that I didn't know well, and a bunch of rednecks (not good ole boys... rednecks. There's a huge fucking difference) were standing around outside. I felt just as out of place and threatened as I did the day I drove into Compton by accident, and we have the same skin color.
There’s a lot more than that. Dilution of IQ. Increased crime. Decay of infrastructure due to the decrease of the quality of services. And general societal decay.
I have said many times. Diversity is our strength is a slogan and goal established by those in power. It is their strength they use it to divide and conquer. Mixed multitudes become necessary for this purpose. Many people believe the bible supports this. It does not. It's the opposite.
Mixing different cultures while promoting individuality instead of Nationalism combined with Marxist, Communist, propaganda = a divided society that can never come together to overthrow the Money Makers. The 2% who share the same genetic makeup that don't want the rest to know it's them. So while the peasant class is fighting each other than can print trillions.
I know you will probably disagree. But is not just the joo. I think is far more dark than anyone ever has imagined. The blood lines go all the way back to the days after Noah. The watchers never left. Reason I believe is not just the joo is why else would they sacrifice their own. These who hold the power clearly see themselves differently than the very day joo with a job and a family to support. Ask yourself why not all Jews are rich. But only a hand full along with their shabbos goys.
I actually agree. I would like everyone in government to get DNA tested so we could find out how many of these ppl in power are related.
You might disagree with me now, but I'm of the opinion that all those "black eyes" symbolize something far darker. Rumor has it that some "thing" gets inserted in there. Now, what I'm not exactly sure.... Part me even wonders if they are human, clones, or just hijacked meat sacks.
Well the watchers are higher dimensional beings than us. They can manifest themselves in our lower dimension. These are essentially inter dimensional aliens. People often forget that aliens could exist with in our own universe that we exist in in the physical form, and they could be creations just like we are. Maybe there is a reason God put us all apart from each other in different home worlds. How ever there are also higher dimensions not seen by the human eye and that is where the creator and his legions of angels are. So when people say aliens = demons or angels or angels, and demons = aliens. They could be bunching the two together. They forget the possibility of aliens with in our own universe existing as we do, and higher dimension beings exist in their own higher dimensional plain of existence simultaneously.
Good find. Everyone needs to take note of this. So many publications since the dawn of the net are still there. Do date-sensitive searches on your favorite search engine for various topics. Take note of what they used to admit 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago that they won't admit today. Hell... Just looking up news from March 2020 can be eye opening. Seeing how much everyone collectively changed their minds all of a sudden and how they pretend, no, it's always been this way.... It's eye opening
I'm gonna be controversial here and say that this isn't even true.
When some cultures move into a neighborhood, they raise the civic health.
When other cultures move into a neighborhood, they lower the civic health.
That's the missing component to this puzzle that they refuse to look at. It's not solely just because different cultures are intermingling, it's because some cultures are objectively worse than others. I'm not sorry to say that.
The thuggery muggery gangsta culture, to name one, is not a good culture. It is a bad culture. It breeds bad men, which in turn breeds bad women, which in turn breeds worse kids, which in turn degrades society with each progressive generation. If that element moves into your neighborhood, just throw civic health out of the window because it's done.
This comment might not be viewed as woke or tolerant. But out of all cultures some of the worst to live near or next to due to superiority complex are Blacks, Jews, Indians, and Arabs. By % alone. Yeah I am aware that every culture and race has their trash. But these groups either think they are better than you, or feel that what ever is yours should belong to them for some reason.
But why is NYT even publishing this information? What's the angle here? This is completely against their all-pervading narrative they've worked tirelessly to ram down our throats!
This study should have simply been ignored. What do you suppose they're trying to accomplish?
So many issues can be dealt with by just being pleasant but asking questions that require a statement maker to back up their statement. I don't mind diversity of races, but I'd prefer to have people whose core values are similar to mine. In fact, I'd prefer to be the only person of my race in a neighborhood, class, work setting, etc. with people who are patriots and conservatives, then in a neighborhood that is 100% my race, but all liberals. Yuck.
Bowling Alone was very well known in it's time. It's troubling that its conclusions would be news to so many in this day and age. Then again, it's harder to destroy a society if you allow facts to circulate.
The purpose of diversity is to destroy nationalism.
They have destroyed all of the unique national cultures of Europe. People used to travel the world to experience different cultures. Now in the name of diversity it is offensive to have a unique culture.
I'll be the guy to say it, since nobody here has said it yet. Again, /pol/ has this topic wrapped up and figured out lol.
Globohomo has certainly destroyed Europe as you mentioned, but every culture destroyed has been white culture, specifically. You don't see mass immigration into any non-white country. Only white people should be forced to give up their culture and identity, along with nationalistic pride. Because white people are the "racist" ones and holding everyone else back.
Another poster in here already said it, but if God wanted us to already be intermixed, then he would have placed us that way out of the gate. "White replacement" isn't just a theory, but part of the ways globohomo has been attacking everyone and turning us against each other - to make good little slaves, the ones that are left anyway.
Why do you think globohomo has worked so hard to try and destroy post-USSR Russia? They're really the only white, homogeneous (and Christian) country left besides the US. Patton was right, for more than a few reasons, when he said we fought the wrong enemy.
Been saying this ^ for a very long time now. Every time you hear diversity, what they really mean is anti white.
"The problem is and has always been the Jew. The Jew has a predisposition to burrow into a people and then weaken them to the point of their destruction.
I already see their names predominating again with bankers, heads of large companies, lawyers, politicians and so forth. With this trend they will acquire great wealth and power over the Western world.
Morals and Christianity will be attacked; women will be the primary targets as they are the vessels of reproduction of their peoples. They will bring in the darker races in an effort to pollute Europe, all while holding weak politicians in the hands who will support such endeavors." 1981 interview former WWII German General
Holy fuck that's explosive.
Why do you think they are kicked out everywhere....
Oh no!
100%. We can't ignore the topic much longer, because it's another way to divide us. The problem is framing the issue in such a way to get people to realize what's actually happening, without sounding "racist". Culture replacement isn't the same as culture assimilation.... It's far more insidious, and what globohomo (would) have in store for the "useless eaters".
All you have to do is look at pop culture and once you see it, you can't unsee the signals, predictive programming, etc.
There is a lot to unpack on just this topic alone, as u/P900 mentioned, and it's nuanced more than others, just because of the "racist" label. /pol/ is far more blunt on this, but it doesn't make what's happening any less true.
Tagging u/BasedRawMilkDrinker
Yep. Years back I attended a chamber of commerce meeting for work. This particular one was about a certain business and their diversity team. It was a panel of 6 or 7 black women. 😒 Not a very diverse panel.
You are exactly correct.
I didn’t want to make my comment too long by getting into the details.
You're correct. If I would have made this comment last year my account would have been banned for racism. I'm glad people are starting to come around to the truth.
He said we fought the wrong enemy and he was naming Russia. How ever you just said Russia is the last white nation on earth. ??
Yes God forbid the children of Israel, today the Caucasian race, from race mixing. It literally pissed him off. While on the side of Esau aka Edomites, race mixing, incest, and satanic worship along with brutality against children. Sound familiar?
Parasites always kill the host in the end. That is why these invasions are engineered around the world. In the NWO there is no room for national boundaries.
As long as I get to see Japan I'll be happy.
Can confirm. I once worked in academia, where the wokeism is as stifling as a heavy fog.
Can someone please explain the upside of diversity that goes beyond food and music? Look at the state of our cities to see just one of the many rotting effects of diversity.
Funny thing is those who push diversity on the rest of us live in separate communities or isolated private land. They do not practice what they preach.
All one has to do is look how liberal NYC is segregated on ethnic lines. People want to live next to people like them. Go figure
Food and music.
Actual physical Diversity is not required for the enjoyment of exotic food or music.
i stand corrected
They destroy everything they touch.
Like minded people live mostly peaceful together. I guess African and Arabian are exceptions. It’s easier to trust your own tribe than to trust someone else’s. Much like your own family members vs strangers. Apply the same concept of family to entire population
Socialism has more backing in homogeneous society. Why it sort of works in western Europe.
The more diverse the ethnic makeup, less support for taxing your paycheck to support welfare for habib and his 6 kids. You can sympathize with habib but he is not part of the people you identify
By design
The business environment is the same. They have been selling diversity for 20 years, and nothing has improved. Just more friction between cultures.
You blame "diversity" for the problems but its the small handful of psychopaths who control the media that makes all the "friction between cultures". Don't fall for the "conservative" narrative that everyone has to be split up by skin color, divide and conquer
No, it's the lack of cultural similarity that creates the friction. Some cultures are more violent and stupid than others. It's just a fact. Why do we have to be afraid of facts? The authors of The Bell Curve were correct and demonized for it.
Blacks take the cake for moronic culture in America. Thomas Sowell, Owens, Justice Thomas, Ben Carson...why are these not as influential as 2-pac (who i'd resurrect if I could just to shoot myself)?
Completely backwards.
You can't be pointing out facts!
People can integrate but only over time and a little at a time. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Too much too fast destroys a society. It's an attack, and the cabal is doing it intentionally.
And the diversity that infiltrated latter day Rome was in fact a significant contributor to it's demise.
Skin color is not the issue. It is about culture.
Although the two correlate more often than not.
Skin color is just skin color. Upbringing and culture is what molds a person, along with individual intelligence. Humans are like animals, aggression, intelligence, endurance, strength, will power. All these are passed down genetically and culturally.
Very true!
It has nothing to do with skin pigmentation, it has everything to do with culture.
Some cultures, are objectively, not subjectively, worse than others. By every single metric, those cultures degrade societies into unlivable, miserable shitholes when they show up.
It has little to do with skin color. In fact, there are some white cultures I don't want anywhere in my neighborhood either, like die-hard, low-IQ rednecks. I don't wanna be anywhere near them. These people revel in poorness like it's some kind of badge of honor to be poor and miserable. "I aint never had nothin and I don't need nothin neither. Rich peeple been stealin from me mah whole life!"
I pulled into a convenience store in Texas one time, in an area that I didn't know well, and a bunch of rednecks (not good ole boys... rednecks. There's a huge fucking difference) were standing around outside. I felt just as out of place and threatened as I did the day I drove into Compton by accident, and we have the same skin color.
There’s a lot more than that. Dilution of IQ. Increased crime. Decay of infrastructure due to the decrease of the quality of services. And general societal decay.
I have said many times. Diversity is our strength is a slogan and goal established by those in power. It is their strength they use it to divide and conquer. Mixed multitudes become necessary for this purpose. Many people believe the bible supports this. It does not. It's the opposite.
Mixing different cultures while promoting individuality instead of Nationalism combined with Marxist, Communist, propaganda = a divided society that can never come together to overthrow the Money Makers. The 2% who share the same genetic makeup that don't want the rest to know it's them. So while the peasant class is fighting each other than can print trillions.
I know you will probably disagree. But is not just the joo. I think is far more dark than anyone ever has imagined. The blood lines go all the way back to the days after Noah. The watchers never left. Reason I believe is not just the joo is why else would they sacrifice their own. These who hold the power clearly see themselves differently than the very day joo with a job and a family to support. Ask yourself why not all Jews are rich. But only a hand full along with their shabbos goys.
I actually agree. I would like everyone in government to get DNA tested so we could find out how many of these ppl in power are related.
You might disagree with me now, but I'm of the opinion that all those "black eyes" symbolize something far darker. Rumor has it that some "thing" gets inserted in there. Now, what I'm not exactly sure.... Part me even wonders if they are human, clones, or just hijacked meat sacks.
By watchers, do you mean the Annunaki on the Black Knight Satellite?
Well the watchers are higher dimensional beings than us. They can manifest themselves in our lower dimension. These are essentially inter dimensional aliens. People often forget that aliens could exist with in our own universe that we exist in in the physical form, and they could be creations just like we are. Maybe there is a reason God put us all apart from each other in different home worlds. How ever there are also higher dimensions not seen by the human eye and that is where the creator and his legions of angels are. So when people say aliens = demons or angels or angels, and demons = aliens. They could be bunching the two together. They forget the possibility of aliens with in our own universe existing as we do, and higher dimension beings exist in their own higher dimensional plain of existence simultaneously.
There are people that don't believe there are other species in the universe.
Good find. Everyone needs to take note of this. So many publications since the dawn of the net are still there. Do date-sensitive searches on your favorite search engine for various topics. Take note of what they used to admit 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago that they won't admit today. Hell... Just looking up news from March 2020 can be eye opening. Seeing how much everyone collectively changed their minds all of a sudden and how they pretend, no, it's always been this way.... It's eye opening
I'm gonna be controversial here and say that this isn't even true.
When some cultures move into a neighborhood, they raise the civic health.
When other cultures move into a neighborhood, they lower the civic health.
That's the missing component to this puzzle that they refuse to look at. It's not solely just because different cultures are intermingling, it's because some cultures are objectively worse than others. I'm not sorry to say that.
The thuggery muggery gangsta culture, to name one, is not a good culture. It is a bad culture. It breeds bad men, which in turn breeds bad women, which in turn breeds worse kids, which in turn degrades society with each progressive generation. If that element moves into your neighborhood, just throw civic health out of the window because it's done.
This comment might not be viewed as woke or tolerant. But out of all cultures some of the worst to live near or next to due to superiority complex are Blacks, Jews, Indians, and Arabs. By % alone. Yeah I am aware that every culture and race has their trash. But these groups either think they are better than you, or feel that what ever is yours should belong to them for some reason.
People on this thread get it! Thank God the real Israelites are starting to see.
Palestinians ?
But why is NYT even publishing this information? What's the angle here? This is completely against their all-pervading narrative they've worked tirelessly to ram down our throats!
This study should have simply been ignored. What do you suppose they're trying to accomplish?
The article is 15 years old. I guess they hadn't thought it out through the foreign invasion at the border.
Oh geez, I didn't even realize that. Thanks for pointing it out!
Link to the study
insert "you don't say" meme here
In Dem speak, America is rayciss
The whole article was pretty interesting.
When 4-6% of the population commits fully 50% of the violent crime in the country, well... how's that diversity treating you?
Anyone who doesn’t see “diversity is our strength” as Orwellian bullshit propaganda is an idiot.
NPC: Diversity is our strength!
Thinker: Really? Interesting. How so?
NPC: Silence and zombie stare.
So many issues can be dealt with by just being pleasant but asking questions that require a statement maker to back up their statement. I don't mind diversity of races, but I'd prefer to have people whose core values are similar to mine. In fact, I'd prefer to be the only person of my race in a neighborhood, class, work setting, etc. with people who are patriots and conservatives, then in a neighborhood that is 100% my race, but all liberals. Yuck.
Need to be careful to not over correct into what they have been saying about the right...
DIVersity = DIVide.
<Sarcasm>Who knew that birds of a feather flock together?</Sarcasm>
Bowling Alone was very well known in it's time. It's troubling that its conclusions would be news to so many in this day and age. Then again, it's harder to destroy a society if you allow facts to circulate.
Just noticed that the article is 15 years old.
And new York times would have NO agenda saying this... nope none
The antonym of diversity is community.
Ever been to Lewiston, Maine?
Oh no!