Key point here: If you suddenly see 200+ Federal Agents, state law enforcement and especially out-of-area EMT's or extra ambulances show up and stay at local hotels for the night unexpectedly... LEAVE.
Don't stay for the show the next day... just get your family and leave the area.
A planned training exercise would explain why they restrained officers and citizens who were willing to go in hot. The officers think its just a drill so they hang out. By the time the ignorant drill participants realize that real planes did hit the towers or the devices they placed were real or that actor the glowbois escorted in has a real weapon, then its too late. They all go silent because they just saw first hand what the Satanists will do to complete their agenda
TY for keeping Ulvalde , up front and center ... we need to keep pushing it out there ,,, kids were killed ,,( supposedly) so Normies may take a closer look! Not sure how anyone ... deaf , dumn or blind can not understand ; that this is a major WTF ! ,
On the day of this explosion I was traveling from DFW to San Antonio Texas:
I followed a line of military Humvees that exited in West Texas just hours before the explosion. I remember thinking that I guess they really want some Kolachis because the area is known for them.
I always wonder if they were somehow involved with the explosion but now that my eyes are open it seems even more suspicious.
I love those kolachis and I'm heading to Dallas soon from atx. My friends think I'm going just to see them but little do they know it's just an excuse to stop at the Czechstop!! 😆
Let's keep it going though you are spot on. The mainstream deep state media shitheads want it to die because of what an epic bunch of fuckery it so obviously was, and the longer we can push it and keep it at least in the margins by asking questions and bringing it back with memes and the like, the greater the chance an even bigger thing drops out of that rotted husk of a false flag and redpills many more normies.
Excellent. Loved the part about white dads needing to protect their daughters from trannies. The part outlining the botched MK ultra handlers convo! Kek
Helicopter left Kerrville 45 minutes prior to the event. It went straight to Uvalde without and course change. Given 30 minutes for preflight and engine start, I would say 1:15 minute notification of an event that hasn’t happened yet is pretty amazing.
Pre-scheduled inter-agency meeting or training likely... the children involved were supposedly all 10 and 11 year olds, but 10-11 yos [5th and 6th grades] did not have classes in that school-- they had classes in another building/town in the same district according to a memo regarding planning from before start of school year.
Much later [after ridicule/questioning of discrepancies and weirdness online], some 'parents' could not say what grade their 'kid' was in when asked right after .. in usa public schools, generally fifth graders are 10-11 and sixth are 11-12 unless the child is held back or skips a year. Fifth and sixth graders were to attend Flores.
I’d like to ask how and why a school in a relatively small town also has its own Chief of Police? Even in fair sized cities where I live the police department supplies security to the schools.
When this first came out I was extremely hesitant to even believe it was true. The next day I saw a list breaking down who arrived from what agency and when they arrived. Once I read that list I understood. Apparently that town is a sort of home base/distribution point for tons of border patrol. They all live there.
When you look at the list you realize that the only reason 400 made it on scene is because it drug out so long. Over 200 of the people that arrive 30-40 min into the event were all border patrol agents that lived nearby. In other words 10 min in they heard it was still active, calmly put their gear on and just drive 5 min away to see if they could help.
That whole first 10-15 min there were only like 25-30 officers. I forget that actual number but it seemed perfectly reasonable. When it went on for so long everyone showed up then stood around doing nothing cause that's what cops do. Owe and that list even included like 4 fish and wildlife agents etc. They counted EVERYONE with a gun and badge.
What I'm saying is that 400 number is bullshit. If you create a standoff and it goes on for 10 hours you could make a list of 500 names that showed up easy. It means nothing. The names that count are the 30+ guys that were inside the building. Some for the whole hour.
This aspect of the situation has little to do with it being a false flag or whatever expect that they clearly picked this town BECAUSE it has tons of border patrol living there. If you look carefully several of the victims had a member of border patrol as a parent.
Assuming it wasn't that once in a decade true crazy person and really was a false flag it would have been run by the CIA and they probibly picked it because they want to stress the border patrol even more than they already are. Can you think of a better way to throw them off balance than to murder some of their children??? Degrading the border patrols ability to defend us is the cabal's top priority beyond the DC/Trump crap. All their operations depend on a porous border.
I'd completely forgotten about this. Why would any of these federals get involved in such a thing? Who asked them? And yeah, 30 minute response time is lightning fast. Those guys are not first responders. If I was a police officer down there I'd be asking a ton of questions.
If kids died, what exactly are we up against? It sounds like a hot war with the federal government.
an even more interesting question is, why were 7 different law enforcement agencies present? How did they get to this remote town so quickly? and what was going on in that warehouse behind the school during this made up event?
No idea. I’ve just been lurking some because I’m too burned out to participate more. I’m a Texan so provided a link. Do with it what you will. May not explain everything, but it may be a piece.
I've stomped around this area from time to time all my life. I could see a sudden influx of deputies, definitely Border Patrol, a few state troopers, and maybe a nearby marshall at news of an active shooter, but not much else around.
As you see I commented on your post and agree 100 percent !
I'm not good with internet .. do u have any artical , info about how they came so fast and ft on far away ??? I 100 percent believe it but don't have the info , I really want to push this in some faces , ty so much !
Key point here: If you suddenly see 200+ Federal Agents, state law enforcement and especially out-of-area EMT's or extra ambulances show up and stay at local hotels for the night unexpectedly... LEAVE.
Don't stay for the show the next day... just get your family and leave the area.
Great advice
So you have the sauce this happened at Uvalde?
Concur 💯%
Would make perfect sense if it were just a multi-county, multi-agency DRILL.
You're red hot, Iceman. 🔥
Have a nice, cold glass of shampagna :)
A planned training exercise would explain why they restrained officers and citizens who were willing to go in hot. The officers think its just a drill so they hang out. By the time the ignorant drill participants realize that real planes did hit the towers or the devices they placed were real or that actor the glowbois escorted in has a real weapon, then its too late. They all go silent because they just saw first hand what the Satanists will do to complete their agenda
TY for keeping Ulvalde , up front and center ... we need to keep pushing it out there ,,, kids were killed ,,( supposedly) so Normies may take a closer look! Not sure how anyone ... deaf , dumn or blind can not understand ; that this is a major WTF ! ,
On the day of this explosion I was traveling from DFW to San Antonio Texas: I followed a line of military Humvees that exited in West Texas just hours before the explosion. I remember thinking that I guess they really want some Kolachis because the area is known for them. I always wonder if they were somehow involved with the explosion but now that my eyes are open it seems even more suspicious.
I love those kolachis and I'm heading to Dallas soon from atx. My friends think I'm going just to see them but little do they know it's just an excuse to stop at the Czechstop!! 😆
A fellow atx’er! Howdy!
Hey hey! 👋
Anyone who doesn’t stop in West doesn’t know kolaches !(;
What the hells a kolachi?
Pastries, they're czech in origin.
Yup, and then they used old footage from an explosion in Henderson Nevada
tbf, those are SOME kolachis!
West, Texas is on the other side of the state from Uvalde.
It's a "pig in a blanket", not a kolachi.
Damn Texans.
That's just one favorite is cream cheese.
I'm a damn Texan btw...
The Kolaches he is talking about are kolaches. He’s not talking about the pigs in a blanket.
Haloupki here unless you are talking a little weenie wrapped in dough. Those we shove sticks in and call em corn dogs.
So I happened to have put together an amusing and topical write-up on Uvalde recently on Substack. Its free and you might find it enlightening or amusing, I'd be honored if anyone did.
Let's keep it going though you are spot on. The mainstream deep state media shitheads want it to die because of what an epic bunch of fuckery it so obviously was, and the longer we can push it and keep it at least in the margins by asking questions and bringing it back with memes and the like, the greater the chance an even bigger thing drops out of that rotted husk of a false flag and redpills many more normies.
Excellent. Loved the part about white dads needing to protect their daughters from trannies. The part outlining the botched MK ultra handlers convo! Kek
Helicopter left Kerrville 45 minutes prior to the event. It went straight to Uvalde without and course change. Given 30 minutes for preflight and engine start, I would say 1:15 minute notification of an event that hasn’t happened yet is pretty amazing.
You mean, kinda like the feds getting a page not to come into work the day of the OK City bombing? You mean, something weird like that?
Oh, I'm sure it's nothin.
Yep !
Excellent question
Pre-scheduled inter-agency meeting or training likely... the children involved were supposedly all 10 and 11 year olds, but 10-11 yos [5th and 6th grades] did not have classes in that school-- they had classes in another building/town in the same district according to a memo regarding planning from before start of school year.
I recall them stating they were 4th graders
Much later [after ridicule/questioning of discrepancies and weirdness online], some 'parents' could not say what grade their 'kid' was in when asked right after .. in usa public schools, generally fifth graders are 10-11 and sixth are 11-12 unless the child is held back or skips a year. Fifth and sixth graders were to attend Flores.
I’d like to ask how and why a school in a relatively small town also has its own Chief of Police? Even in fair sized cities where I live the police department supplies security to the schools.
he was supposedly living 70 miles away- research him
Carlos Arrendondo was the cowboy hat wearing guy who pushed the wheelchair with amputee guy in it
He had more stars on his lapel than Eisenhower did. Sheesh.
It's a Texas thing
NO, 'They' (MSM) worked real hard to ignore this Impossible fact and covered it up.
When this first came out I was extremely hesitant to even believe it was true. The next day I saw a list breaking down who arrived from what agency and when they arrived. Once I read that list I understood. Apparently that town is a sort of home base/distribution point for tons of border patrol. They all live there.
When you look at the list you realize that the only reason 400 made it on scene is because it drug out so long. Over 200 of the people that arrive 30-40 min into the event were all border patrol agents that lived nearby. In other words 10 min in they heard it was still active, calmly put their gear on and just drive 5 min away to see if they could help.
That whole first 10-15 min there were only like 25-30 officers. I forget that actual number but it seemed perfectly reasonable. When it went on for so long everyone showed up then stood around doing nothing cause that's what cops do. Owe and that list even included like 4 fish and wildlife agents etc. They counted EVERYONE with a gun and badge.
What I'm saying is that 400 number is bullshit. If you create a standoff and it goes on for 10 hours you could make a list of 500 names that showed up easy. It means nothing. The names that count are the 30+ guys that were inside the building. Some for the whole hour.
This aspect of the situation has little to do with it being a false flag or whatever expect that they clearly picked this town BECAUSE it has tons of border patrol living there. If you look carefully several of the victims had a member of border patrol as a parent.
So it could be cartel making a statement to border patrol?
Assuming it wasn't that once in a decade true crazy person and really was a false flag it would have been run by the CIA and they probibly picked it because they want to stress the border patrol even more than they already are. Can you think of a better way to throw them off balance than to murder some of their children??? Degrading the border patrols ability to defend us is the cabal's top priority beyond the DC/Trump crap. All their operations depend on a porous border.
Same MO as how Skorzeny pulled off his greatest op.
I've been asking that question since the day it happened. Uvalde is in the middle of nowhere.
350 of them were there to make sure the 50 real cops didn't stop their carefully curated false flag.
I'd completely forgotten about this. Why would any of these federals get involved in such a thing? Who asked them? And yeah, 30 minute response time is lightning fast. Those guys are not first responders. If I was a police officer down there I'd be asking a ton of questions.
If kids died, what exactly are we up against? It sounds like a hot war with the federal government.
Unless it was a cartel hit and the agencies had intel....small border town can have a lot of corruption.
uploaded just to add to this discussion
That’s an excellent observation and point.
I asked this very question not long after this 'fact' was released.
The parents were in on it.
I have seen zero evidence of "400 agents"... not a single pic or vid of this massive crowd of agents???
the border patrol has jurisdiction for 100 miles from every external border point
"The Constitution in the 100-Mile Border Zone | American Civil Liberties Union"
Uvalde is 89 miles from the border
an even more interesting question is, why were 7 different law enforcement agencies present? How did they get to this remote town so quickly? and what was going on in that warehouse behind the school during this made up event?
No idea. I’ve just been lurking some because I’m too burned out to participate more. I’m a Texan so provided a link. Do with it what you will. May not explain everything, but it may be a piece.
i hear you. i was just responding to the question in the article asking why was the border patrol there.
Bill Clinton is still a rapist.
Fake shooting with clown sprinkles all over it...just like almost every other one.
I've stomped around this area from time to time all my life. I could see a sudden influx of deputies, definitely Border Patrol, a few state troopers, and maybe a nearby marshall at news of an active shooter, but not much else around.
As you see I commented on your post and agree 100 percent ! I'm not good with internet .. do u have any artical , info about how they came so fast and ft on far away ??? I 100 percent believe it but don't have the info , I really want to push this in some faces , ty so much !
Well, their response time to end the incident was 1.5 hours, so that is a lot of time for very many officers to arrive from all around.
San Antonio is an hour away. By the time they got rolling, 1.5 hrs would be a heck of a time.
Those are very intriguing questions.
Sauce on 400?