I wouldn't share this with anyone, there are parts of the video that are easily debunked. This is bad, because when one isn't awake or open to the idea that Biden isn't the real Biden, the parts that are easily debunked will invalidate the entire video for said person.
like the video, thanks for sharing. and yes, i think he's whitehat JB, pretending to be blackhat JB through CGI, etc. will totally f*ck with the normies when Q reveals the truth. think some of these people have been undercover for decades, so Q could 'have it all'.
I don’t believe that’s the real Biden, but Is it a fake Jill Biden also? And what about the Democrats in congress? Like Maxine Waters. Are they in on it, are they fakes or are they fooled like the normies?
think some are 'in on it', and some are CGI. I also think it's the real Jill Biden, because it's the real Joe. he's been a spy for the whitehats; pretending he is a creeper to 'show' us what the elite have been doing for centuries.
Joe's been sucking the cabal cock since his first senate campaign in delware financed by Du Pont one of the original line of investors into the federal reserve. Delaware is also credit card capitol of America. Biden also bought a old Du Pont mansion. I'll have to agree to disagree on on being a good guy. Not to mention his wife and girls were "killed by a drunk driver" (actually brakes failed) the day he was to be signed in as senator. Also Robbert Kennedy letter to biden calling him a traitor.
did you watch the videos I posted? and yes, what you wrote is the Joe Biden narrative, which he probably had a part in creating. obvious he's been working with the Kennedys since he became friends with Teddy Kennedy after JBs wife Neila died. also, when did he have time to make all his nefarious plans? there's witnesses who rode the bus with him for years, he didn't travel the world like many DS do.
and could be wrong, but thought it was JFK Jr. that called him a traitor; which he would be if he's a deep undercover spy.
yes, it is difficult to believe, but that's why Q tells us to expand our thinking & that there are actors involved.
all that you mention is part of the 'act'. we've been in an evil world for 6,000 years, sure the whitehats don't mind 50 years of undercover work if it leads to a better life. JB was BFFs with Teddy Kennedy/the Kennedy family for almost 40 years, but we should think he's anti-American?...
Patriots are in Control, there is no blackhat evil JB running the government, the DS's been dismantled
we're watching the explanation/'show'
And if it still sounds crazy, figure out who benefits from JBs residency?...
it's not the left/democrats
listen to him carefully, it's not about JB. he's using JB to get to the press. he calls 'them' criminals multiple times.
He molested little girls on camera. I don't think an undercover double agent would molest children for a part of this movie. It was all over YouTube until before the 2020 election and YT scrubbed all the videos of him fondling little girls right in front of their families while taking pictures after being sworn in for senators. I saw it multiple times.
yes, I saw them, slow motion etc, but I know there's more to the story; Chris Coons and wife, weren't offended by JB. it was almost like they offered the daughter to him. there's also CGI throughout Q, even down to earlobes, so grabbing someone inappropriately could be faked/exaggerated too, the do it in movies ALL the time; rape scenes, murder, etc.
i'm definitely one to take Q literally; "be the autists we know you are". to me, that means questioning All the 'narratives'.
like a detective would, innocent until he's proven guilty.
If the different earlobe morphology and different eye color reports are accurate then I think the chances are quite high that we have two different peeps here.
What do you all think of the whitehats and the blackhats each having a Brandon and dueling over what he does? All the gafs and certain serious movie clips are of the the whitehats joe and all the attempts at serious threats and actions would be of the Dark Brandon. Like an escalated troll move by the whitehats that the baddies couldn't call out or be outted themselves... supposing the real Joe got apprehended and [they] started using a Brandon so the whitehats started using a Brandon too... ...just a shower thought...
If you look at say, 2012 Joe Biden, he very much looks like his brother James Biden. Enough that James could easily have been used as a body double. Fast forward 10 years to today and Joe Biden looks, at most, like James Biden's cousin. They both used to have a sort of New York mafioso look to them, whereas Joe Biden now has a confused old man look to him.
We are watching a movie. It’s been obvious since fake Inauguration Day. It’s all about waking up the normies. We may have to keep it our big secret though, lest they loose their minds at being tricked. Perhaps we’ll never be given the full picture though and only people who’ve been properly paying attention will ever remember what happened.
yea I remember seeing folks trying to debunk that one when it first appeared, lighting or some such. Literally a completely different skin tone, the difference is too drastic to be lighting. Hard to explain and too bizarre
I recently saw a pick of old Pedo Joe shirtless from about 20 years ago where he was tattooed on both shoulders. Then it was compared to him getting the jab. No tattoos.
I have a thought too ... how about Beau as Hunter? I think Hunter was taken out long ago, when his "business associates" in China and ?Ukraine? went missing. Brain cancer, my ass. Would explain "Hunter" hooking up with Beau's wife, then later naming his kid Beau. Just a thought. Look at old photos, pre 2012
Good video. But I maintain it is completely normal for women to wear shoes that go with the outfit esp for photos and then later change into shoes you can actually walk in. She changed them after the ceremony before she had to walk a distance.
Uh they don’t have the tail rotor spinning while on ground. Further, it’s the rotor mast that makes the loud noise you hear. But the video conveniently stops the clip before it shows the mast rotor.
This video has some good stuff and seeded with some dumb stuff. Plus things that have been deemed normal like Biden using the fake White House for certain things. Trump did the same thing.
I wouldn’t share this with anyone who has a brain unless you want them to know you’re stupid lol
Good video, unfortunately most of this stuff is weak at best, and can be explained through plastic surgery, odd camera angles, and video compression. However, the one that puzzled me in particular was the two skin colors that made it look like he was wearing a face mask. What the hell is going on there?
Doesn't prove anything. Just raw meat to titillate a set of speculations and leaps to conclusions. People physically change with time (as I am finding out, being not far from the same age). Mysterious behavior of the military is only...mysterious behavior (no explanation). Being left-handed at one video appearance may only be the result of a cramp in his right hand; he is otherwise shown as right-handed. Eye color may change, or he may be wearing tinted contact lenses. It is now known that they have constructed an Oval Office surrogate in a different building. Why? Who knows? Maybe it is closer to the restroom than the real Oval Office.
I mean, it's all very tempting so long as you are failing to say things out loud and establish whether what is shown is proof of anything. But it is bunk. The end result is that he does things that only a President has power to do. Whether he "is" the President doesn't stop him from making life miserable for us. Cope with the reality, not with the head trip.
Plastic surgery the most likely explanation. And like most cases should have left well enough alone. Or he's wearing the shittiest latex ever. Whatever the deal is I will be so happy to not have to look at his retarded face any longer.
Plus, the only plastic surgeon who would attach detached ear-lobes is one would attach dicks to people's faces...it's not something a plastic surgeon would EVER do.
I thought about plastic surgery, too, but his head looks taller....and Hillary's doubles do not look like her at all...much different heights, weights, and faces...So if she has them, why wouldnt Biden?
Plastic surgery wouldn't make his ears go back and forth repeatedly from attached to not attached. In other words, we may have seen him for the last time a few years ago.
It's still the same old asshat .. surgeries , botox , aging etc .. even with a far off chance it was someone else .. that person hates America too and is running it into the sewer ..
Ok I think he’s a fake too but he blue eye/ brown eye thing is fake news. Both the real and fake bidet have blue eyes. Don’t use that one to red pill anyone or it will chomp you in the ass
On your phone you can download Tubemate from tubemate.net and copy and paste the URL of any video into the address bar and then download. (Edit: when you go to use Tubemate the first time, it will prompt you to download Video MP3 Converter as well or else it won't work. But it's legit and you'll be able to download any video after doing that).
On PC you can download JDownloader2 from jdownloader.org and then copy and paste the URL of any video after going to the "add links" section (I think that's what the button is called).
I wouldn't show this to people, it has some good stuff to consider, but other things are easily debunked (see: helicopter scene). And this is coming from someone on the camp that thinks the real Biden isn't in office.
Good to know thank you. Makes me wonder if it was put together with that purpose. Mix some real with some fake, to easily debunk the fake stuff and make everyone think it’s all fake misinformation
That's great use of The Who song, good video.
Hijacking top comment.
I wouldn't share this with anyone, there are parts of the video that are easily debunked. This is bad, because when one isn't awake or open to the idea that Biden isn't the real Biden, the parts that are easily debunked will invalidate the entire video for said person.
Be careful who you follow.
like the video, thanks for sharing. and yes, i think he's whitehat JB, pretending to be blackhat JB through CGI, etc. will totally f*ck with the normies when Q reveals the truth. think some of these people have been undercover for decades, so Q could 'have it all'.
Shot as in dead?
Or shot by a camera?
I think many scenes were shot pre-presidency.
"...He's got half his head left!."
Youtube link.
I don’t believe that’s the real Biden, but Is it a fake Jill Biden also? And what about the Democrats in congress? Like Maxine Waters. Are they in on it, are they fakes or are they fooled like the normies?
think some are 'in on it', and some are CGI. I also think it's the real Jill Biden, because it's the real Joe. he's been a spy for the whitehats; pretending he is a creeper to 'show' us what the elite have been doing for centuries.
listen to how JFK 'awakened' his interest;
and how he let's us know about the naked senators, and some of their shenanigans.
how else would we know this if sleepy Joe didn't have a big mouth...
like Q says, someone has to 'show' us what's going on.
there's also 'infiltration' and 'disinfo' involved...
Joe's been sucking the cabal cock since his first senate campaign in delware financed by Du Pont one of the original line of investors into the federal reserve. Delaware is also credit card capitol of America. Biden also bought a old Du Pont mansion. I'll have to agree to disagree on on being a good guy. Not to mention his wife and girls were "killed by a drunk driver" (actually brakes failed) the day he was to be signed in as senator. Also Robbert Kennedy letter to biden calling him a traitor.
did you watch the videos I posted? and yes, what you wrote is the Joe Biden narrative, which he probably had a part in creating. obvious he's been working with the Kennedys since he became friends with Teddy Kennedy after JBs wife Neila died. also, when did he have time to make all his nefarious plans? there's witnesses who rode the bus with him for years, he didn't travel the world like many DS do.
and could be wrong, but thought it was JFK Jr. that called him a traitor; which he would be if he's a deep undercover spy.
Yeah I meant JFK Jr.
What about the laptop What about the diary.
A good guy? Lol
I'll keep your idea in my head but far from the plausible side of things.
I watched the videos. Biden lied his whole career can't trust Any of that
The point is the pedophiles traitor is gone!
Just an actor pretending to be him in the past 3 years.
yes, it is difficult to believe, but that's why Q tells us to expand our thinking & that there are actors involved.
all that you mention is part of the 'act'. we've been in an evil world for 6,000 years, sure the whitehats don't mind 50 years of undercover work if it leads to a better life. JB was BFFs with Teddy Kennedy/the Kennedy family for almost 40 years, but we should think he's anti-American?...
Patriots are in Control, there is no blackhat evil JB running the government, the DS's been dismantled we're watching the explanation/'show'
And if it still sounds crazy, figure out who benefits from JBs residency?...
it's not the left/democrats
listen to him carefully, it's not about JB. he's using JB to get to the press. he calls 'them' criminals multiple times.
He molested little girls on camera. I don't think an undercover double agent would molest children for a part of this movie. It was all over YouTube until before the 2020 election and YT scrubbed all the videos of him fondling little girls right in front of their families while taking pictures after being sworn in for senators. I saw it multiple times.
yes, I saw them, slow motion etc, but I know there's more to the story; Chris Coons and wife, weren't offended by JB. it was almost like they offered the daughter to him. there's also CGI throughout Q, even down to earlobes, so grabbing someone inappropriately could be faked/exaggerated too, the do it in movies ALL the time; rape scenes, murder, etc.
i'm definitely one to take Q literally; "be the autists we know you are". to me, that means questioning All the 'narratives'.
like a detective would, innocent until he's proven guilty.
PLUS, the elephant in the room...
he HELPs DJT more than he hurts him.
CGI maybe? I'm not sure.
Why did they scrub them from YouTube?
Just imagine when the average guy normy learns this.
I tell some of them, they think I am nuts.
Talking of nuts, I tell them about Mike Obama too.
“I tell them about Mike Obama too”
Be sure and include this video on your next lecture series. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CBHgVu822cw
I’m hard core MAGA. But there is de-humanization tactics on both sides.
I'm not dehumanising Mike Obama, just pointing out a very big deception.
Michelle Obama is not a tranny. All those childhood photos, etc make that crystal clear.
What do you think about the current Biden? Actor or not?
If the different earlobe morphology and different eye color reports are accurate then I think the chances are quite high that we have two different peeps here.
What do you all think of the whitehats and the blackhats each having a Brandon and dueling over what he does? All the gafs and certain serious movie clips are of the the whitehats joe and all the attempts at serious threats and actions would be of the Dark Brandon. Like an escalated troll move by the whitehats that the baddies couldn't call out or be outted themselves... supposing the real Joe got apprehended and [they] started using a Brandon so the whitehats started using a Brandon too... ...just a shower thought...
If you look at say, 2012 Joe Biden, he very much looks like his brother James Biden. Enough that James could easily have been used as a body double. Fast forward 10 years to today and Joe Biden looks, at most, like James Biden's cousin. They both used to have a sort of New York mafioso look to them, whereas Joe Biden now has a confused old man look to him.
look at Biden at State of the Union 2011 vs SOTU 2012. Not the same guy.
Wow, you are not kidding
that brings up a lot of questions about why Joe was replaced mid way. through the Obama reign, and who replaced him.
Lots of doubles I guess.
I noticed that as well. He used to look so much like his brother. Eyes and forehead and now he looks nothing like him.
Exactly, he used to be super intense in the eyes and brow area.
Mafioso, good term
And yet there will always be a gaggle of naysayers here who are like - comon man, don’t start with this again!
We are watching a movie. It’s been obvious since fake Inauguration Day. It’s all about waking up the normies. We may have to keep it our big secret though, lest they loose their minds at being tricked. Perhaps we’ll never be given the full picture though and only people who’ve been properly paying attention will ever remember what happened.
This post by u/enough_of_the_racism hints at exactly that: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTfp2jmT/im-realizing-we-likely-wont-ever/
I wonder how the history books will record this pivotal time in history?
Man, that obvious mask at the 3:40 mark....whew! The most blatant thing I've seen yet.
I know, I never saw that video before. That's crazy, how would anyone be able to explain that away?
yea I remember seeing folks trying to debunk that one when it first appeared, lighting or some such. Literally a completely different skin tone, the difference is too drastic to be lighting. Hard to explain and too bizarre
I recently saw a pick of old Pedo Joe shirtless from about 20 years ago where he was tattooed on both shoulders. Then it was compared to him getting the jab. No tattoos.
That was Hunter.
I remember that. It was something like "I plead guilty"
But the Reconstitution Theory says biden is the president but trump laid out the groundwork to effectively neuter the office. Which is it?
oh wait..you’re a (((redacted)))
The Biden=Puppet=Phony Who controls the strings? Who’s behind the mask? How many fakes are there?
I still wonder about Kamala, too. Is Kamala truly a woman?
One thing we can all agree on, is that administration is a sham.
Of all the wild speculation about a double I haven't heard this theory. How about Beau? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beau_Biden
I have a thought too ... how about Beau as Hunter? I think Hunter was taken out long ago, when his "business associates" in China and ?Ukraine? went missing. Brain cancer, my ass. Would explain "Hunter" hooking up with Beau's wife, then later naming his kid Beau. Just a thought. Look at old photos, pre 2012
Good video. But I maintain it is completely normal for women to wear shoes that go with the outfit esp for photos and then later change into shoes you can actually walk in. She changed them after the ceremony before she had to walk a distance.
The Who bring back some solid memories for an old man! Thanks! Video was excellent too!
This is full of some dumb stuff.
Like “why aren’t the rotors spinning”
Uh they don’t have the tail rotor spinning while on ground. Further, it’s the rotor mast that makes the loud noise you hear. But the video conveniently stops the clip before it shows the mast rotor.
This video has some good stuff and seeded with some dumb stuff. Plus things that have been deemed normal like Biden using the fake White House for certain things. Trump did the same thing.
I wouldn’t share this with anyone who has a brain unless you want them to know you’re stupid lol
The Great Afakening
Unless one of the videos are reversed...signed left handed now..and right handed before is 100% proof. Nothing else needs to be said.
I was hoping, but its not true. Elsewhere in this video it shows the correct, unreversed photo. Even has a shot of him signing with his right @ 1:52.
Who is replacing him?, hopefully an actor guided by good people and President Trump
I reckon so, that's why he produces these glorious and effective gaffes. It's also why he doesn't walk like someone with dementia.
So what happened to the real Biden?
Lying 10 feet in a concrete slab in the middle of the ocean.
Good video, unfortunately most of this stuff is weak at best, and can be explained through plastic surgery, odd camera angles, and video compression. However, the one that puzzled me in particular was the two skin colors that made it look like he was wearing a face mask. What the hell is going on there?
3:55.... Obama in white face? ;o)
Doesn't prove anything. Just raw meat to titillate a set of speculations and leaps to conclusions. People physically change with time (as I am finding out, being not far from the same age). Mysterious behavior of the military is only...mysterious behavior (no explanation). Being left-handed at one video appearance may only be the result of a cramp in his right hand; he is otherwise shown as right-handed. Eye color may change, or he may be wearing tinted contact lenses. It is now known that they have constructed an Oval Office surrogate in a different building. Why? Who knows? Maybe it is closer to the restroom than the real Oval Office.
I mean, it's all very tempting so long as you are failing to say things out loud and establish whether what is shown is proof of anything. But it is bunk. The end result is that he does things that only a President has power to do. Whether he "is" the President doesn't stop him from making life miserable for us. Cope with the reality, not with the head trip.
Drop 3589: Mathematically impossible? Coincidence? The truth is right in front of you.
Nice. Military took over in Jan 2021.
Plastic surgery the most likely explanation. And like most cases should have left well enough alone. Or he's wearing the shittiest latex ever. Whatever the deal is I will be so happy to not have to look at his retarded face any longer.
Plastic surgery doesnt explain the obvious mask or the change in his eyes.
Plus, the only plastic surgeon who would attach detached ear-lobes is one would attach dicks to people's faces...it's not something a plastic surgeon would EVER do.
My grandbaby has one attached, and .one detached earlobe, not going to get surgery for her, it's not very noticeable anyway.
But I doubt that's the case for joe I agree probably some double there are a lot of weird things happening.
Plus his head is larger than the one in the real picture
I thought about plastic surgery, too, but his head looks taller....and Hillary's doubles do not look like her at all...much different heights, weights, and faces...So if she has them, why wouldnt Biden?
Yeap look at his head like you said is larger
Plastic surgery wouldn't make his ears go back and forth repeatedly from attached to not attached. In other words, we may have seen him for the last time a few years ago.
So military doesnt salute the President anymore?
45 said he is.
It's still the same old asshat .. surgeries , botox , aging etc .. even with a far off chance it was someone else .. that person hates America too and is running it into the sewer ..
Ok I think he’s a fake too but he blue eye/ brown eye thing is fake news. Both the real and fake bidet have blue eyes. Don’t use that one to red pill anyone or it will chomp you in the ass
Palpatine Biden is the best one.
Great video. Thanks.
People need to see this. I forgot about a lot of these. How can I download this video?
On your phone you can download Tubemate from tubemate.net and copy and paste the URL of any video into the address bar and then download. (Edit: when you go to use Tubemate the first time, it will prompt you to download Video MP3 Converter as well or else it won't work. But it's legit and you'll be able to download any video after doing that).
On PC you can download JDownloader2 from jdownloader.org and then copy and paste the URL of any video after going to the "add links" section (I think that's what the button is called).
For a Mac buy "Downie 4".
I wouldn't show this to people, it has some good stuff to consider, but other things are easily debunked (see: helicopter scene). And this is coming from someone on the camp that thinks the real Biden isn't in office.
Good to know thank you. Makes me wonder if it was put together with that purpose. Mix some real with some fake, to easily debunk the fake stuff and make everyone think it’s all fake misinformation
Yes. Good thinking.
Some phones have screen record available or maybe an app is available.