I've called Catsfive out on like, 6 different occasions in the past. He hasn't banned me before (I think). I think he understands people will always be quick to ask questions about mods.
But always a friendly reminder that mod logs are open to the public (side bar; may have to switch to desktop viewing on mobile)
Glowie attempt to divide to concur. We are Anons. Period. We are not identified by any metric, just Anons. There are NO gay Anons anymore then there are black Anons, Mexican Anons, women Anons, Men Anons..... no identifiable identity just Anon.
This being sticky is telling of the mods though. 🤔
Not unless you're accusing the mods who make the stickies of being the glowbois.
Ultimately, it's a discussion that needs to be had. We may not reach consensus. That's part of living in a free country. I will never support homosexuality. Period. I have strong beliefs about it, have thought deeply about it, have spoken with many gay people at great length about it. I'm not going to hear a new argument that makes me start waving a pride flag around.
The best you'll get from me is acknowledgement that in a free country people should be free to live their own lives in a manner that makes them happy, and that they should be entitled to equal rights, and freedom from harassment.
And that's the best outlook, and a stance that should be applaudable from people on both sides. That is the Constitutional stance.
That said, it does infringe on others when you push gay pride parades that close off streets and expose children to shit that they don't need to be seeing, and when you invade schools with it.
Yeah and the fundamentalists aren't helping either. If anything, they're stoking it by doubling down on "returning to Christian values" specifically values that support and justify their shitty behavior towards other Americans.
Even for discussion sake if you could prove undoubtedly that this nation WAS founded on Christian principles, that changes nothing. We're under the Constitution. NOT the Bible or any other religious text. If you choose to submit to those rules and regulations willingly, great. I support your dedication. I also support and will defend people's right to choose to live how they want. If you can't respect the consent of others, then you should not be respected. The end.
Do you think the Bible is the only reason we are not killing each other or stealing from each other? You know these things are illegal in non-Christian countries, right?
There is a reason that there is no state religion. Henry VIII used the state religion as a weapon to create his own morality and force it on others. At the time this country was founded, there were well over 200 different brands of Christianity in Europe, each one claiming to be the one and only correct one. And if you talk to a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu or countless others, they'd tell you all 200 brands of Christianity were wrong. The Declaration refers to a "Creator" not to "God" or "a god."
This country was meant to accommodate people living according to their conscience. We called it freedom. Government's role was never meant to include defining a moral absolute. Again, see Henry VIII. Government's role was to create a structure in which people could live together freely.
I will agree that the founders did make some assumptions though, which did include the Christian norm from which they came. They assumed a moral society with general consensus on issues like the value of human life and respect for private property. Marxists throw those assumptions out the window, and that makes the discussion much harder. What if the moral consensus of a free people was to grant government the right to define a moral authority? The Founders never considered the possibility of some of what we've seen in the 20th century. There is no easy affirmative answer, even "the Bible."
That was actually John Adams who wrote that in the Treaty of Tripoli. You might notice he is the same author as the previous quote I cited. They were trying to cut a deal with Muslims whose pirates were raiding our ships. It was an act of geopolitics moreso than an accurate representation of his beliefs as he was trying to reassure their ruler that there would be no enmity between the two nations on account of religion.
Consent. That is the moral absolute that is indisputable. It applies to all aspects of our lives and is the basis of all morality.
Right after that or at the same level is truth. There is never justification for lying under any circumstance. Discretionary disclosure is a bit of a gray area, but ultimately the truth will set us all free and that idea transcends ideologies.
The only thing we all need to be in 100% agreement is respecting each other's right to life. Beyond that, most of the rest is semantics.
If an adult consents to be eaten by another adult, should society stand by and allow cannibalism to be practiced? Think I'm being over the top? That was a real thing that happened in Germany.
Anyone who thinks we can live in a moral society without acknowledging where the morals come from, the creator, is deluding themselves.
It's all connected. Acceptance of any sin is acceptance of all sin because acceptance of any sin is a rejection of God. If we say adultery and fornication are fine, then we have rejected God. Someone then comes along and says homosexuality is fine. Sure the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but it also says adultery and fornication is wrong but you do that. Then transgenderism. Sure the Bible says transgenderism is wrong, but it also says homosexuality, and adultery, and fornication are wrong too and no one seems to care. Then comes pedophilia. Sure the Bible says pedophilia is wrong, but it also says transgenderism, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication are all wrong too and no one cares.
We must accept all of God's law or we will end up like Israel, abandoned by God to our own evil whims until we destroy ourselves or another nation takes over. Anyone who thinks transgenderism is fine is apostate. Anyone who thinks homosexuality is fine is apostate. Anyone who thinks fornication and adultery are fine is apostate. If you think you can pick and choose when you want to obey God and when you don't, you're in for a rude awakening on judgement day.
I’m done sending normies here until the ‘God hates fags’ SPLC bullshit is toned down. I haven’t asked about some friends sexuality NOR do I care. Can we please get back to discussing WWG1WGA?
At least he had courage to sticky the beautiful, not gay christian post. We shouldn't tolerate gayness but also shouldn't hate people who are behaving, are curious (lol) and want to be here.
This is a forum for adults for the most part and it's not like you can keep children from being bombarded with the topic. Here we have both sides of the coin being openly talked about. I don't know what good can come of it. But it needs to be talked about.
[They] brought this on themselves. Backlash gonna happen, long overdue?
That said, I believe the Agents of Chaos who own media/Alphabets are doin' their thang-- divide & conqueer, order out of chaos.
My lil sister is ghey, she came out at 14 in mid-80's... yet we weren't shocked? Born that way, I witnessed it, solid traditional middle class upbringing, no shenanigans afoot. (My father is deaf, was a union Rep for the handicapped for Rockwell Intl, never lost a case. My mother a CPA)
Our grandma was our Sunday School teacher (Southern Baptist) so I ways figured God created her, my sis, that way... who was I to argue?
Golden Rule, Faggots! Spread love, not hate... 'member WE were chosen for a job, for this exact Time.
Darn near the same experience I had growing up only it is my brother.
I called him the other day and left a message about my feelings regarding the changes to Title IX - he even agreed (even though he wishes well for his trans friends) that the current push is way beyond even his scope as a gay man.
He just wants to be left alone, and doesn’t agree with the trans push.
That said, we are most definitely in a heightened state of evil reach in our world, or we are just more aware of it now?
"Q Supporters:
This is The Great Awakening. Our community is international, focused on helping ourselves and others walk away from the programming, and return our governments to "by the people, for the people!""
Hmm interesting. Nothing in there about a specific religious ideology.
This place isn't any one person's pulpit to preach your values with impunity. I took an oath to defend America against her enemies foreign and domestic. I took an oath to protect the rights of ALL Americans ESPECIALLY the ones I disagree with. I do NOT care how right you think you are about your personal lifestyles, choices or ideology. We live under the CONSTITUTION. Not the Bible. Not the Talmud. Not the Quran. Not the Marxist ideology. The Constitution which states clearly, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion nor prohibit the free exercise thereof." No. There's no "additional context" or any other bullshit, reaching explanation beyond that. The text says exactly what it means. That's it.
If you choose to conform to a specific ideology and abide by it's principals, GREAT! That's what it's all about. The right to choose your life for yourself or to follow any calling without limitations (provided you respect the consent of others). Beyond that, it's none of your business. If you try to control people for any reason, you are quite simply a faggot. Not even Jesus gave authority to anyone to control others. That is man made, contrived and heavily derived nonsense. My relationship with Jesus is between Him and I. It includes NONE of you. Same goes for everyone else. We may not agree on specifics. But that doesn't mean you are practicing your faith wrong or that I am. It means you have your understanding and I have mine.
I agree we need to protect children. But we don't achieve that with censorship or thought policing. Those are the tools of evil. Every time the church has had state power it uses and abuses in the name of Jesus... and often times is toppled and rightly so by freedom loving peoples. There is a reason the First Amendment was written the way it was. If you don't like it, that's fine. But that right isn't going away just because you think you're correct.
Ultimately this shit is a distraction. This is the time to be seeking common ground and building relationships. If other people turn against you, walk away and focus on the ones willing to listen. Vengeance is for the Lord. We're commanded to love. No exceptions... okay... the pedo elites and those types maybe, but average normies, unless they are harming children, aren't going to be won over with scorn and vitriol. They're just as lost and confused as we are. We need to set aside our petty differences if we're serious about winning. We need to put the Constitution first as that is in everyone's best interests. We don't all have to get along and be buddies. But we don't have to be spiteful either...
EDIT: vindicate me harder with your faceless downvotes, babies!!!
Glowie shill attack.
Who's stickying the posts that cause the strife?
Asking the real question.
I'll probably be banned for asking a question, but if so I'll see you all on 8kun.
I've called Catsfive out on like, 6 different occasions in the past. He hasn't banned me before (I think). I think he understands people will always be quick to ask questions about mods.
But always a friendly reminder that mod logs are open to the public (side bar; may have to switch to desktop viewing on mobile)
Brent75 probably.
I've already had a run in with that mod.
For 'griefing' and 'fishing' whatever those mean.
Weird words like these are used to get you.
It's like the same word playbook lefties use to have an excuse to get rid of you.
Most posts recently have been averaging about 15-20 comments.
80+ tells you it’s a thread worth hanging out in.
People are itching for legitimately interesting things to talk about.
Agreed. At the very least a plebbit brigade of sorts.
It's the deep state trying to penatrate our tight little souls .
You mean as souls…?
Honk honk 🤡🌎
Unnecessary sticky.
Unnecessary comment.
Ooooo. You showed me.
Say it with me
He seems to think we're all bots anyway. Beep boop. No one tells him skidoo
I leave this site for a few minutes and people are resurrecting...20s-era slang?
Scat! Shoo! Skiddoo!
But also, 20s era had the best men's fashion so would that be so bad?
Glowie attempt to divide to concur. We are Anons. Period. We are not identified by any metric, just Anons. There are NO gay Anons anymore then there are black Anons, Mexican Anons, women Anons, Men Anons..... no identifiable identity just Anon.
This being sticky is telling of the mods though. 🤔
What even sparked all this discussion about "the gays"? Aren't the T's making the most waves lately?
It reeks of Glowie divide & conquer BS.
Not unless you're accusing the mods who make the stickies of being the glowbois.
Ultimately, it's a discussion that needs to be had. We may not reach consensus. That's part of living in a free country. I will never support homosexuality. Period. I have strong beliefs about it, have thought deeply about it, have spoken with many gay people at great length about it. I'm not going to hear a new argument that makes me start waving a pride flag around.
The best you'll get from me is acknowledgement that in a free country people should be free to live their own lives in a manner that makes them happy, and that they should be entitled to equal rights, and freedom from harassment.
And that's the best outlook, and a stance that should be applaudable from people on both sides. That is the Constitutional stance.
That said, it does infringe on others when you push gay pride parades that close off streets and expose children to shit that they don't need to be seeing, and when you invade schools with it.
Well said.
Yeah and the fundamentalists aren't helping either. If anything, they're stoking it by doubling down on "returning to Christian values" specifically values that support and justify their shitty behavior towards other Americans.
Even for discussion sake if you could prove undoubtedly that this nation WAS founded on Christian principles, that changes nothing. We're under the Constitution. NOT the Bible or any other religious text. If you choose to submit to those rules and regulations willingly, great. I support your dedication. I also support and will defend people's right to choose to live how they want. If you can't respect the consent of others, then you should not be respected. The end.
So what moral absolute would you suggest? If the Bible isn't good enough for you then what do you suggest? Spill the beans smart guy!
Do you think the Bible is the only reason we are not killing each other or stealing from each other? You know these things are illegal in non-Christian countries, right?
There is a reason that there is no state religion. Henry VIII used the state religion as a weapon to create his own morality and force it on others. At the time this country was founded, there were well over 200 different brands of Christianity in Europe, each one claiming to be the one and only correct one. And if you talk to a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu or countless others, they'd tell you all 200 brands of Christianity were wrong. The Declaration refers to a "Creator" not to "God" or "a god."
This country was meant to accommodate people living according to their conscience. We called it freedom. Government's role was never meant to include defining a moral absolute. Again, see Henry VIII. Government's role was to create a structure in which people could live together freely.
I will agree that the founders did make some assumptions though, which did include the Christian norm from which they came. They assumed a moral society with general consensus on issues like the value of human life and respect for private property. Marxists throw those assumptions out the window, and that makes the discussion much harder. What if the moral consensus of a free people was to grant government the right to define a moral authority? The Founders never considered the possibility of some of what we've seen in the 20th century. There is no easy affirmative answer, even "the Bible."
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -John Adams.
“The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” - George Washington
That was actually John Adams who wrote that in the Treaty of Tripoli. You might notice he is the same author as the previous quote I cited. They were trying to cut a deal with Muslims whose pirates were raiding our ships. It was an act of geopolitics moreso than an accurate representation of his beliefs as he was trying to reassure their ruler that there would be no enmity between the two nations on account of religion.
Consent. That is the moral absolute that is indisputable. It applies to all aspects of our lives and is the basis of all morality.
Right after that or at the same level is truth. There is never justification for lying under any circumstance. Discretionary disclosure is a bit of a gray area, but ultimately the truth will set us all free and that idea transcends ideologies.
The only thing we all need to be in 100% agreement is respecting each other's right to life. Beyond that, most of the rest is semantics.
If an adult consents to be eaten by another adult, should society stand by and allow cannibalism to be practiced? Think I'm being over the top? That was a real thing that happened in Germany.
I will grant you that this is a better analog than others probably want to see.
It is an evocative question and that's undeniable. Cannibalism has been practiced through millennia as has homosexuality and bisexuality.
It's absolutely worth thinking about.
Don’t forget about euthanasia.
Pedophilia too. Look at ancient Egypt or even the death of Socrates. Who was fighting against pedophiles and their democratic schemes in his time.
You're suffering from Fundamentalist Derangement Syndrome.
The "Bible thumpers" are living in your head rent free at this point.
You mean the one who quotes the Bible in the Q posts? That fundamentalist?
Fair, I forgot, thought that had died down. No one around me has mentioned it in weeks.
i have no idea what you're talking about and idg enough of af to find out
This is probably for the best.
Because otherwise people would figure out the shitstorm you helped create.
OK, whatever you say "last post 6 months ago"
What are you insinuating exactly? That I'm some kind of shill for calling you out?
Is he alone in this?
Are you saying he’s been hiding in the closet, waiting for an opportune time to come out and penetrate our movement? He sounds gay.
Anyone who thinks we can live in a moral society without acknowledging where the morals come from, the creator, is deluding themselves.
It's all connected. Acceptance of any sin is acceptance of all sin because acceptance of any sin is a rejection of God. If we say adultery and fornication are fine, then we have rejected God. Someone then comes along and says homosexuality is fine. Sure the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but it also says adultery and fornication is wrong but you do that. Then transgenderism. Sure the Bible says transgenderism is wrong, but it also says homosexuality, and adultery, and fornication are wrong too and no one seems to care. Then comes pedophilia. Sure the Bible says pedophilia is wrong, but it also says transgenderism, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication are all wrong too and no one cares.
We must accept all of God's law or we will end up like Israel, abandoned by God to our own evil whims until we destroy ourselves or another nation takes over. Anyone who thinks transgenderism is fine is apostate. Anyone who thinks homosexuality is fine is apostate. Anyone who thinks fornication and adultery are fine is apostate. If you think you can pick and choose when you want to obey God and when you don't, you're in for a rude awakening on judgement day.
Just fags being fags
The shills are working hard to divide and conquer us, the Question is are we going to let them?
I’m done sending normies here until the ‘God hates fags’ SPLC bullshit is toned down. I haven’t asked about some friends sexuality NOR do I care. Can we please get back to discussing WWG1WGA?
This. Breathe, frog. Controlled burn. We need this topic to burn itself out. We'll get back to winning here shortly.
It would have burned out in that first thread had you not added gasoline to the fire by stickying that other ugly anti-Christian thread
At least he had courage to sticky the beautiful, not gay christian post. We shouldn't tolerate gayness but also shouldn't hate people who are behaving, are curious (lol) and want to be here.
This is a forum for adults for the most part and it's not like you can keep children from being bombarded with the topic. Here we have both sides of the coin being openly talked about. I don't know what good can come of it. But it needs to be talked about.
[They] brought this on themselves. Backlash gonna happen, long overdue?
That said, I believe the Agents of Chaos who own media/Alphabets are doin' their thang-- divide & conqueer, order out of chaos.
My lil sister is ghey, she came out at 14 in mid-80's... yet we weren't shocked? Born that way, I witnessed it, solid traditional middle class upbringing, no shenanigans afoot. (My father is deaf, was a union Rep for the handicapped for Rockwell Intl, never lost a case. My mother a CPA)
Our grandma was our Sunday School teacher (Southern Baptist) so I ways figured God created her, my sis, that way... who was I to argue?
Golden Rule, Faggots! Spread love, not hate... 'member WE were chosen for a job, for this exact Time.
WWG1WGA doesn't exclude.
Darn near the same experience I had growing up only it is my brother.
I called him the other day and left a message about my feelings regarding the changes to Title IX - he even agreed (even though he wishes well for his trans friends) that the current push is way beyond even his scope as a gay man.
He just wants to be left alone, and doesn’t agree with the trans push.
That said, we are most definitely in a heightened state of evil reach in our world, or we are just more aware of it now?
Absolutely! God tells us to love our brothers and sisters as ourselves. It's a simple as that.
So, what you're saying ,is she is going to Hell inspite of you're families efforts ?
The way I see it, we can choose tyranny one way or the other, or we can choose freedom.
Glowies are trying to divide us and force us into tyranny, they don’t care much how.
"Toruble"? Misspellings matter. : )
That's actually a leftover from a China meme about a month back.
Goes to show how not-up-to-speed I am! I thought I was being clever
Infiltration from within by the cat kissers
Old news
Last post: 8 months ago
It's very simple. Gays are no better than trannies
Looks like a cartoon to me. Editing can take care of it
Can we trick the ACLU into declaring the rainbow flag a hate symbol and then watch people melt down?
"Q Supporters: This is The Great Awakening. Our community is international, focused on helping ourselves and others walk away from the programming, and return our governments to "by the people, for the people!""
Hmm interesting. Nothing in there about a specific religious ideology.
This place isn't any one person's pulpit to preach your values with impunity. I took an oath to defend America against her enemies foreign and domestic. I took an oath to protect the rights of ALL Americans ESPECIALLY the ones I disagree with. I do NOT care how right you think you are about your personal lifestyles, choices or ideology. We live under the CONSTITUTION. Not the Bible. Not the Talmud. Not the Quran. Not the Marxist ideology. The Constitution which states clearly, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion nor prohibit the free exercise thereof." No. There's no "additional context" or any other bullshit, reaching explanation beyond that. The text says exactly what it means. That's it.
If you choose to conform to a specific ideology and abide by it's principals, GREAT! That's what it's all about. The right to choose your life for yourself or to follow any calling without limitations (provided you respect the consent of others). Beyond that, it's none of your business. If you try to control people for any reason, you are quite simply a faggot. Not even Jesus gave authority to anyone to control others. That is man made, contrived and heavily derived nonsense. My relationship with Jesus is between Him and I. It includes NONE of you. Same goes for everyone else. We may not agree on specifics. But that doesn't mean you are practicing your faith wrong or that I am. It means you have your understanding and I have mine.
I agree we need to protect children. But we don't achieve that with censorship or thought policing. Those are the tools of evil. Every time the church has had state power it uses and abuses in the name of Jesus... and often times is toppled and rightly so by freedom loving peoples. There is a reason the First Amendment was written the way it was. If you don't like it, that's fine. But that right isn't going away just because you think you're correct.
Ultimately this shit is a distraction. This is the time to be seeking common ground and building relationships. If other people turn against you, walk away and focus on the ones willing to listen. Vengeance is for the Lord. We're commanded to love. No exceptions... okay... the pedo elites and those types maybe, but average normies, unless they are harming children, aren't going to be won over with scorn and vitriol. They're just as lost and confused as we are. We need to set aside our petty differences if we're serious about winning. We need to put the Constitution first as that is in everyone's best interests. We don't all have to get along and be buddies. But we don't have to be spiteful either...
EDIT: vindicate me harder with your faceless downvotes, babies!!!
Well said patriot!
100% THIS!🐸❤👌🇺🇸😁
You have been doing a fantastic job this evening fren. “If you try to control people for any reason, you are quite simply a faggot.” Bravo!