In response to Russia's shutdown of their natural gas pipeline, Germany's ZDF TV has reached out to Wim Hof, Dutch "human icicle" and cold-immersion Guinness World Record Holder, to shoot a TV series teaching his deep breathing "body warming" yoga techniques to ordinary Germans this winter.

Checkmate Putin.
KEK! See flair! Thanks, frog!
Bless Wim Hof
If this were to actually happen I could see it backfiring as the masses undo their conditioning through Wim's methods. I could see it as a white hat campaign really.
Wim Hof is great.
Came here to say this.
I knew it was only a matter of time b4 Wim Hoff enter the show!
Seriously, if Hoff starts talking about Q I’ll finally build my wife the ice bath she’s been asking for.
Hilarious post. THANK YOU
To be fair, his breathing techniques actually work.
The ice baths do help you curb anxiety in general.
You can test it right now. Go to your shower, turn it on to hot, soak for a bit, and then turn it to cold and stand there taking it for 30 seconds.
Can you do it?
Why not?
Anxiety building up just staring at the cold knob?
If you can't conquer that anxiety, then how can you hope to conquer your Self?
Beat the fear of putting yourself in uncomfortable climates and then nothing will hold you back.
I'm Canadian, so, YES. Love the cold water! There are rivers up here that are just NUTS how cold they are. Helps being used to it but you have to stay on it. When I was in Egypt I lost that ability a bit...
Extended family had a "cabin" (the thing was bigger than an average house) in Sicamous, and nobody else would go swimming, but I would jump in and find out that the lake was mostly melt and was sitting around 5°C.
Hard to do more than short bouts, but still, when you have so little access to a lake, you must take advantage.
I can handle the cold no problem. I don't need to test myself to see if I have mental strength. I had 18 years of my life in poverty that trained me to handle shitty environments
I'll be "that guy who is no fun at parties."
Don't get me wrong Mr. Hof seems like a great guy. And I think for mental health the stuff he talks about is a good idea.
But his "magic iceman" technique is 95% about conditioning one's mind to not overreact to cold, and then slowly conditioning his physiology to cold.
Because end of the day humans are really, really, really, really, really, really resistant to cold. Like a naked human has the same heat retention as a shaved grizzly bear despite the latter have 300% more mass and much more ball-like shape.
And the longer you expose yourself to cold, the more your body physically adapts to it, expressing new genes, altering the kind of fat you store under skin, changing your metabolism, and even creating anti-freezing proteins, thickening your blood and so on. Mr. Hof has spend his whole like exposing himself to cold. Its one of the reasons people 10+ climates handle it better than people who move there. Its not just a head-game, people "used to it" physically don't suffer in cold anywhere near as much and will get hypothermia much, much later than fresh transplants from a hot climate.
And then if your ancestors are from a cold climate, you will get several more degrees of cold-adaptation as humans with long histories in cold, like Scandinavians and Germanics start with a better baseline because they are literally evolved for it. Physical evolution to handle cold is how the Vikings were able to navigate the north Atlantic in their longships and not all turn into popsicles.
Oh look Mr. Hof is germanic and started his "cold adventures" in his youth, so has been doing it for decades.
He is not super natural, he is pushing the human design to its limits.
If you look into some of his lessons, he claims nothing but this.
Can you hold your breath for 2 minutes? Without training?
I didn't think I could, but I did his breathing technique and hot-damn it turns out you CAN hold your breath for 2 minutes RIGHT NOW and all it takes is hyperventilating 3 times in a short time frame.
When I started I could easily hold my breath for 2 minutes. I'm up to 3 minutes right now, not even trying hard either.
His logic was that we lost this technique that our ancestors knew about for millennia. How did our caveman ancestors manage to chase a wounded deer for miles without tiring? What was a Viking berserker? What are war dances meant to do?
In reality, it was just preparing for exertion by breathing so much so quickly that your body gets full up on oxygen content. That's the trick; simple really.
Who shaved the grizzly bear?
Wim Hifs techniques work like magic and you havent said anything he hasn't already said but you've completely missed the point of the excersize and you're creating a straw-man in your head that is your own psyche rationalizing an excuse to not do something because you're lazy or scared.
Fact is you tried to be that guy by your own admission but you're woefully underequipped mentally "to be that guy".
LMAO, I said I was the "no fun at parties guy" as in the guy who spoils the "fun" of a story by pointing out the science. I made no mention of trying it or even wanting to try doing it myself.
I've never attempted Hof's method myself, I don't see the point in it for me in my life. I'll stick with being good enough to skip a coat when grabbing the mail in the winter. I am indeed lazy, what is your point?
I'm sure you could go out and train to be a competitor in the World Strongest Man yourself, what are you lazy for not doing it? Wait, what is that, you don't wanna be a strongman so badly you are willing to ruthlessly training your body every day of every week for years? You too must be lazy.
If you want to go do the Hof, it, go do it. You will be cooler than me for the ability. I can't rock climb, deepwater dive, or BMX either. I'm good with this.
So its YOU you are attacking me on a strawman. I am just pointing it is well inside the human design to do what he does, if you have the time and inclination to do so.
I'm sure his techniques work. I am saying that they are not literally magic you dignus, I've seen plenty of people who think it is.
"I made no mention of trying it or even wanting to try doing it myself." Is all you needed to type.
You are a troll.
Bro you're in a thread spouting crap about something you know nothing about by your own admission. This conversation is over. Bye now.
Read about the mammalian dive reflex.
Might help with anxiety and lower one's heart rate.
Been doing it this way every day for 5+ years!
Oh shit what a meme 🤡🥶
I've done the Whim Hoff method before. You really do feel better, I just found it hard to stick with. It was fine in the winter, but the ice baths really suck in warm weather for some reason. You sleep like a baby after a cold shower or bath though, it's great for insomnia or people that sleep hot.
"Just repeat after me: I THINK I'M WARM, I THINK I'M WARM.....keep it up, mind over matter..."
Shit does work.
If it got that bad for me I would just light the town on fire so we can all stay warm for the night .
How's that saying go?
Make a man a fire keep him warm for a night. Set a man on fire keep him warm the rest of his life.
The international white hats are just as big a bunch of smartasses as ours. 🤣
Seriously. I can't tell if this is satire or not.
It's mine, but, how far off is ut, really?
See how well 90-year-old grandma does with his techniques.
Do this for 3 minutes a day and you’ll live forever. No seriously folks there’s really a health benefit to this pretty incredible
LOL! what about the children?
Watch Trump negotiate with Putin opening the pipe line to Europe.
Brilliant precision German engineering right there!
3…2…1…they will trot out some celebrity to show everyone how to properly eat…ze bugs. Cold. Cause you can’t cook your frozen mealworms without gas…
Know what is gonna be fun?
When all those people, I think fully 1/2 of Germany population now and something like 70% of the people under 40 years old, who are 1st generation immigrants from HOT equatorial cultures face a 10 month long German winter with no heat and no hope of getting heat. Not like they are from ultra-violent countries with a long history of civil wars or anything...
Then remember how thre Greens happily bragged they got Germany to shutter its entire nuclear energy program? Even if somehow they still HAD the reactors, which I think the already destoryed, getting Uranium and restarting the program takes months and $millions per reactor. Good luck.
And Biden has already sent them all the oil the US has to give, the majority of US production is going to both Europe and China right now, and the Strategic reserve is drained.
Full stop, this is actually the end of the EU and the EU nations that support it. Europe is gonna be a blanket of riot's, uprisings, and violence by January.
Those ME refugees have thin blood. They aren't gonna take too kindly to freezing in the dark.
Is this all just a big ploy to harden the German people who have grown soft? I know its obviously horrible if your government forces you to take cold showers, but I do them voluntarily and they are honestly great for you.
I am okay with cold water on my body but when it comes time to wash my head, the cold water gives me an immediate, really painful headache.
Oh really? I get the wind sort of knocked out of me when the cold hits my body, but once I get my head under and soaked too, it usually calms me down and makes it tolerable. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
They should just put the video of the Germans laughing at DJT when he predicted this. Their anger will keep them warm!
I don’t know why more homes don’t keep a fireplace.. you could even rig one up outside a window within hours and use airflow to pull the heat into your home. These people actually expect their people to go without heat this winter? Nah fam. Build a fuckin yurt there’s 0 reason to be cold with a Forrest a few miles away.
There's very few things that come out on a global scale that get me hyped in a positive way. In reality Wim Hof's breathing and lectures (thoughts behind the techniques) i would consider some of the most beneficial information you could share with someone.
I started tinkering around with Wim around 2015 and can honestly say it changed my life for the better.
Would, and have, reccomended Wim to anyone and everyone.
Be healthy. Be happy.
Wim Hof is great—sucks that they need him.
He has free videos/shows all over the web (and he looks about 30 years older now BTW). I first saw him on Solari being interviewed by Catherine Austin Fitts. Nice if it is not permanent...
"Anyone can do it?" So. The German gov't has fixed the pesky lack of & high cost of natural gas in coming months, and it will be the German citizens own fault if they don't feel warm this winter.
If this 8s the dutchman who casually swims under 8ced over canals, he has superpowers. Super monk level control of his body response
Of all the actions they could take to help their people.🤨 Ok, so when it's time for these freaks to pay for their crimes against humanity, throw them in a vat of ice water and tell them to use this dude's techniques to stay alive as long as they can then walk away and leave them.
Funny synchronicity:
I first heard about this Wim Hof fella in this very thread.
Today (1 day later) a good friend of mine tells me that he just bought the Book „The Wim Hof“ method.
How do you say: "cold as a witch's tit" in deutchlanderspeak?
Meme today, but.... Tomorrow?
Well. You know how it works. It's a meme for NOW, but.........
Send it to the Bee...
The greenies made a huge deal, happily bragging about shutting down and dismantling Germany's nuclear energy program too. 😂
Backup grid?
They don't even have a 20% capacity buffer in case of a partial loss of grid, or to keep their existing equipment from running over capacity.
Germany at this point is one good powerplant accident from a grid cascade failure and a nationwide blackout.
Though many regions in the US are no better.
Globalists don't like spending on infrastructure because its not money directly into their pockets. Never mind the fact the UN found that for every $1 spent on national infrastructure, it generates about $250 of GDP by permitting business to to thrive.
Well of course, but is nothing but a cover for graft.
They don't actually build anything.
Very few energy plants. They chose to save the planet from carbon dioxide getting into the sky, rather than protect human beings from freezing to death.
They have to redefine coal as "green energy m" first
I heard Germany was looking into trying to restart a couple of coal powered energy plants, but I doubt they can, or will remedy the situation any time soon.