With apologies to our based GAW lady frogs, but, after watching CDC director Rochelle Walensky
look right into the camera and say "My message is simple: It is essential that these Americans get their second booster shot right away," WHELP, I'll go ahead and be the one to say it:
卐 - NAZI BITCH! - 卐

Evil knows no sex,
Evil know no race,
Evil know no Socioeconomics,
Evil corrupts the weak, the stupid and the greedy wherever it finds them.
There's an order: God over Jesus, Jesus over man, man over woman, woman over child.
At the end of the day a wise woman will find the same truths as a wise man.
We are but two halves of a greater whole, neither more nor less than the other, as God made the halves to find each other. Together we become his divine creation.
Datadude got it.
Tks bro,
Every so often I'll stumble on to it... God's tender mercies...
But all in and with love. No man should dominate a woman or a child without love, responsibility and the will to protect and provide!!!
Don't agree with the man over woman part. Sometimes the woman is over the man in knowledge. Personally seen that many times.
Only narcists = humans without empathy, make it to the top - men and women!
And society would be a lot better with intact families = loving, providing and protecting men, and respecting, nourishing and with happiness fulfilled women raising healthy, reasonable, educated children BEFORE contributing to society with their talents and wisdom.
I don't know that I disagree with you love, my only point being is, just because this woman chooses to be evil doesn't mean all women are. Evil can touch the hearts of any, if they allow it to be so.
100% correct.
As a woman, I fully support your choice of words.
Thank you for understanding, frog 🐸🙏
As I woman I too agree.
Fellow female fren here. Can confirm, feminism ruined everything. That's all.
It ruined a lot of things but not EVERYTHING.
Dang near everything.
It didn't corrupt Wall Street. It didn't create the central banks.
No, but it's ruined everything to do with families and homes and children.
You sure that's a woman? That's a demon!
No truer words than this one.
I'm going to add - white college educated women have got to be the WORST in terms of derangement.
(I am a white college educated female.)
Someone get her a female pepe!
I don't think someones sex or skin color has anything to do with being deranged. When it comes to college, the propagation of derangement is heavily influenced by the "professors" who usually have a more intelligent way to explain their derangement to influential children (who's brains have not fully developed yet) who have not thought enough on the subject or have done their own research. Usually the masses in college latch on to an idea that sounds more intelligent in order to have a more intelligent sounding idea than they originally had without actually thinking critically to accept or develop that intelligent idea. A good college will teach a student how to trust a professor by thinking critically about the information given by the professor. Trust but verify. I say all that to say, it's the system of influence that elevates the deranged professors that in turn influence the deranged students that eventually move into a society that is more willing to "accept what they hear from trusted sources". The system was purposely designed this way to make a more complaint society. The derangement is much deeper than white women.
Enough with the self-pity! How blessed we to be able to attend college, be citizens of this great country, children of the most high God & be brilliant enough to be reading GA rn.
where was there any 'self-pity'?
When she wrote, “white college educated women have got to be the WORST in terms of derangement. (I am a white college educated female.)”
but that's not 'self-pity'🤦♀️
you went to college?
she's not feeling 'sorry for herself' because she's white.
she's tired of liberal women ruining it for other white women.
I totally get that, but it just helps with the divisive narrative that “all white people bad”. And I’m OVER hearing that so I said something about being grateful instead.
Unfortunately, I did go to college. It was one of the stupidest wastes of money/time and most indoctrinating thing I’ve ever experienced, lol!
This is literally snowflake bullshit, same as we get from the lefttards.
Why? because NachosLibres said, "it just helps with the divisive narrative that “all white people bad”. And I’m OVER hearing that" or was it "I did go to college. It was one of the stupidest wastes of money/time and most indoctrinating thing I’ve ever experienced"? That to me sounds like the antithesis of "snowflake bullshit". Please someone correct me if I am wrong but, I think Nachos was saying it is important to not play into the racial or sexist nature of ideas. Lets leave that to the left. I agree that this thread is playing in that arena. We need to move above racial / sex, and speak to ideas that will not alienate groups of people because of the things a person can't change (race / sex), but influence them to awaken to ideas that can change our society for the better. GA is for the awakening of the masses. How best can we communicate TRUTH to the masses?
You’re a SHILL. Do your women-hating elsewhere. How is supporting good conservative America First leaders - regardless of their genitalia - leftard BS? #blocked lol
I mean when you really look closely the people cheering for, going to, and supporting drag queen story hour has been women. The bulk majority of attendees of these events has been single mothers. Also the bulk majority of public school teachers who want to groom boys to mutilate their bodies and become women are women. Those same teachers want to teach sexuality to 5 year olds. Those same teachers will scream at boys and emasculate them in front of their entire class cause they hate boys. It was also a female teacher in Australia who had all boys stand up and apologize to the girls in class for being terrible just because they are boys.
Not all women are idiots like this one.
I raise you, Kari Lake
The best person for the job, male, female or whatever colors.
Amen, back to meritocracy which is what makes countries great. Hiring poor quality people simply because of their demographics gets us people like Joseph Biden who suffers from dementia and pedophilia but qualifies as "otherly abled," Kamala Harris who can't manage to string together words into a coherent sentence, , and Richard "Rachel" Levine who can't seem to understand human reproductive anatomy functions despite being a licensed medical doctor.
Enough diversity hires. Bring back qualified people. Does anyone actually give a shit about the skin color of the plumber who's coming up fix the toilet that's overflowing and backing up into every room in the house? No. You just want a guy who's going to get the thing fixed before your whole house smells like shit.
That's why I like the Midwest now (except for chiggers). You have people coming in fixing your toilets and electricians or communication specialists and they are all different colors or races. As long as they can get the work done correctly and timely I don't care if they are Black, White, Hispanics, Asians or otherwise.
Not offended in the least but must make the point that this person is an actor/spokesmodel and not running anything but her mouth.
No offense taken here!
It's a biological fact that women are more emotional than men. It's also a psychological fact that emotions cloud judgement. That doesn't mean women are bad. Also I am speaking in black and white terms here. There are always exceptions.
That is not a biological fact. Get out of the 1800s. I’ve worked with lots of men in business that claim they’re “not emotional”, then when something doesn’t go their way, get furious about some deal or someone’s tone and have to rage or drink to get over it, yada yada. Men are just as hormonal as women. Look up the science.
They didn't have Nintendo Switch or Reddit back in the 1800s. Men simply weren't as faggy back then as they are now.
Agreed! “Faggy” has taken over & getting away from screens & taking chivalry & masculinity back to the 1800s would be a great thing.
I agree with you 100%. Seen the cool head women leaders before.
Biological fact? Bold statement. Do you have sauce we could read?
At this time, no, I don't feel like looking for sauce.
Well then someday, when your emotions are just right, and you “feel like looking”, you might want to get your “facts” straight about biological and psychological science 😬
Does anyone on our side actually think that?
Most of us just want the right people for the job. Doesn't matter what sex or race.
Exactly. Walensky’s horrible, regardless of her race or gender.
This is a masonic problem, not a women problem.
That's not what the Bible teaches.
yes it is, read your bible.
I can support my position with scripture EASILY. I also am under one of the LEADING textual transmission experts in the world, Dr James White. Youi should read this
My church wrote part of the Amicus brief that overturned Roe v Wade and NEVER closed for a singe service or had a mask mandate during COVID specifically because as Reformed Baptists, scripture is on of our "5 Solas"
How about your church? Did they bow to Cesar and close or require masks at any point? If so, read your Bible.
All you have taken the time to type down is complete and utter nonsense and has nothing to do with what I originally wrote.
I have stated that we have a masonic problem, not a women problem.
Reread what I said and also reread your bible because I don't think your doing a good job at it.
Incase you still don't get it Masons=builders.
Um we have both and Masons are actively trying to blur the roles of men and women and attack traditional roles, strengths, duties, and order.
Women in leadership positions are a biblical problem and against God's design. It's a sign of judgment on a nation.
I'm 100% against Masons and secret societies in general. I just understand WHY they attack God's order and creation and WHY Christians should defend those standards and use scripture as our guide.
It's great that we are both against Masons. Here's the question.... do you stand with God's Word against women as leaders which the Bible mentions clearly and in several places or are you not reading your Bible and following it?
Oh and you dodged my question: ( bet I know why!) **How about your church? Did they bow to Cesar and close or require masks at any point? **
Which is why its a Masonic problem to its core, women being in charge is just an affect. I also didn't doge anything I refused to acknowledge such a irrelevant question and I will continue not to answer it, not out of any shame but because it doesn't matter and has nothing to do with this conversation. I will not let you change the topic, stop being petty.
I don't care whether a women is in power or not, as women can be good as long as they serve the cause, I can give many many examples of a woman doing the right thing, biblical and historical, that lead us as a whole in the direction of God. Even just look at Kari Lake, who was Trump endorsed by the way, and I think she is doing a great job at shining a light on the 2020 election, but your so extreme you don't really care about that do you? You want to talk about dodging, what about dodging the link I sent you? That you clearly didn't know about, its simple things like that, that leads me to believe you don't know as much as you think you do.
Edit: you know what, I will answer your stupid fucking question, no we DID NOT close down OR wear masks, get off your high horse. You ain't anything special and you know what, we are CATHOLIC.
Yeah not caring what God instructs us to care about is a real good look. So is the cussing.
You mean the one to Psalm 118:22? "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."
I did respond to it "I'm 100% against Masons and secret societies in general...."
Although we agree about Masons = Bad, definitively saying that verse was referring to Masons given the context and where that word in the original language was used elsewhere in scripture is really weak surface level proof texting and if that's what your whole argument hangs on for a Biblical standard I would not recco doing a moderated debate on this ever. I was being nice by not bringing up your poor exegesis. But I doubt you've even bothered to look beyond your initial assumption / concussion. Are any / all of the other verses using that word / phrase talking about Masons? Doesn't look like that's even remotely the case https://biblehub.com/hebrew/1129.htm
If only you could focus on what the Bible CLEARLY says instead of ignoring that to elevate things it doesn't. But that's what many Catholics have been trained to do right? Sola scriptura: “Scripture alone” was considered heretical by your sect and people were murdered for it as official decrees from the church.
Love the pedo earrings.
I agree. It was sold as “women should have a career outside the home if they want to” and it ended up as “women have to work along with the men for a family to have enough income”. Doubled the slave force and……..who’s raising/indoctrinating the kids? I know a lot of women who would love to stay home and raise the kids but can’t afford to. There is no “choice” for them.
What's worse than idle hands?
Idle women
Her evil actions had nothing to do with her genitalia.
Nice earrings for a disgusting, evil POS
boy lover logo on the ear rings
I believe the fact that she is a disgusting Nazi puppet has nothing to do with her having a vagina. There are plenty of Nazi puppets with penises. I’m not offended, however this correlation simply makes no sense and pedals the MS narrative that “trumpers are misogynists”. Let’s not go there, frens. We need men and women in leadership like Kari Lake - NOT because she has a VAGINA; but because she’s a badass with a BRAIN. Let’s keep our brains sharp and not sticky or support divisive misogynist trash like this.
I can’t say that you’re wrong🙂.
It wouldn’t matter if it was a woman or a man. These people have been MK ultra and programmed to see what they’re supposed to say. It could be a dog up they’re saying it, if it’s programmed to say it it will.
We don't claim her. Plus, I wouldn't trust the judgement of someone that still has sperm brows.
Most in positions of power pushing the leftist agenda are men, though some are men pretending to be women.
Women have been the root cause of problems since Eve. They always strive to override men. Even God. The more I live under women leadership the more mysoginist i become. I believe woman need to follow the role God has designed for them for us to be successful as a people. Plain and simple. I totally agree with you and just for reference, I too and a multiple degree holding women having worked in the tech field for 40 years. Many in management at fortune 100 companies. A very awakening career in the light of today.
Again, wow - agree to disagree with the misogyny.
Are you a woman? Did you come up during the days of feminism? As a young women did you see families destroyed by the siren call of equality? Have you watched men be emasculated through pure propaganda and try to raise a son through "girl power"? Not to even mention were we are today. You be you but frankly I'm tired of the lies. God designed us differently because we are different and notnonevis better than the other? Women need to let men be the men and regain their pride in who they are.
The point is usually Not if women ran everything....But, qualified women with a moral back bone. Take gender out of the equation..... you still have a whole lot of evil running things.
Ya’ll see those earrings ?
Symbolism will be their downfall 😈
The president of the US, the prime minister of Canada, and the leader of the WEF are men. Gender doesn't matter.
The Bible says that women in leadership is a sign of judgement on a nation.
Where does it say that?
1 Timothy 2:12-15
Isaiah 3:12
More here http://byhisgraceandforhisglory.blogspot.com/2008/02/curse-of-women-rulers.html?m=1
It’s good for all of us to be submissive to the will of God & to receive instruction. It’s also important to know the context surrounding this piece of scripture in order to fully understand the very specific situation Paul is writing to Timothy about regarding the early church.
In this case, Paul is referring to a group of boisterous and gossiping women that were disturbing a specific church’s gatherings. I do not think Paul is referring to silencing all women in every circumstance throughout the course of history. If that were the case, great women like Kari Lake or Candace Owens “shouldn’t” be able to “lead”.
Paul was a great man of God, but if Christians took everything he said in this scripture literally, Christian women wouldn’t be able to wear braids or gold today.
Prostitutes in that time and area were identified by these items, and that is what he’s referring to. In the same way, he’s not saying that it’s sinful for all women to lead, wear gold or braid their hair in every circumstance, throughout the course of history.
“Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.” 1 Timothy 2:9-10, 12 NASB1995
Good job. Thank you.
The Curse of Women Rulers What does God Almighty have to say about all this? Is His Word neutral on this subject, is He for women being in leadership positions, or does He oppose women as rulers? Let's have God's holy and inspired Word speak for itself. First of all, the Bible is quite clear in its teachings that the woman is not to be the head of the home-her husband is to be in loving authority over the household, leading it with servanthood and care. The wife is to joyfully, willingly and lovingly submit to her husband's leadership, and is to respect the fact that God has wisely ordained that the man be the leader of the home and its inhabitants(Ephes. 5:22-24, Titus 2:5, Col. 3:18, 1 Peter 3:1,6). Likewise, women are not to be in leadership positions in the church. The offices of pastor, elder, bishop, preacher, etc. are all to belong to men-not women. 1 Timothy 2:11-12 says, "Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence." 1 Corinthians 14:34-36 teaches this as well: "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church." From the Lord's teachings that the leadership of the family and church is to be male, I think it becomes clear that the leadership of cities, states, nations, provinces, businesses, etc. is also to be male. For, if women are not allowed to be leaders of households and churches, what makes us think that it would be fine for them to be in leadership over cities or even nations-which are made up of families and churches? The Lord does not merely leave us to our own guesses or opinions on this subject, though! Rather, He provides for us solid evidence in the Scriptures that reveals it is clearly wrong for women to be rulers. First, we must remember that 1 Timothy 2:12 says that women are not permitted to have authority over men. Therefore, it goes without saying that women are not to rule over cities, businesses, states, nations, etc., for men are persent in each of these. The Lord goes on to reveal in His Word that not only is it sinful for women to be rulers, but that the nation which has women rulers is under a curse of judgement from God Almighty. In Isaiah 3, we discover that Israel had fallen into disobedience. The people of Israel were not obeying God, and their lifestyles were not in accordance with His design. Because of their wicked disobedience, they were under a curse from God, and were thus experiencing His judgment, wrath and displeasure. Isaiah 3:12 tells us what part of this curse was: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them." When a nation has women rulers(whether ruling over the cities and states, churches, or the nation as a whole), it is a clear sign that that nation is under a direct curse from God, for women rulers are a sign of judgment. The feminists would like us all to believe that women being in positions of power and leadership is a sign of progress, and is a wonderful thing that should have happened long ago. However, God has shown us that any nation with women in leadership positions is under judgment from Him. Therefore, women rulers are a punishment for that nation's disobedience to God and His Word. In light of this passage from Isaiah, it becomes clear that America is already under a curse from God. We may not yet have a woman ruling over the nation as a whole, but countless women are already ruling over businesses, cities, states, government systems, etc. America, rather than following after God and His Word, has been duped by feminism and has fallen prey to its satanical lies. Rather than holding up God's Word as its standard, America has ceaselessly praised the lies of feminism and other worldly, God-hating philosophies. America is no longer the nation its founders designed it to be-a nation founded on Biblical principles. We are now a nation based on humanistic, feministic and evolutionary teachings. We've relentlessly disobeyed God-a God of justice. Because of this, we are now facing the consequences of our disobedience. America is now under a curse from God, and part of that curse is that women are ruling over us. But there is hope still! We brought this curse upon ourselves because of our disobedience. But 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 says, "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn form their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." If we want this curse to be lifted, then we must turn from our error and disobedience, and instead embrace God's design for the family, church and nation. It is only then that we will be forgiven and will have this curse lifted from us.
Let me guess... Church of Christ? A text out of context is a pretext. Give me Candace Owens over Joe Biden any day.
Haha, mic drop. Well said.
Try old school Protestant like our founding fathers. Specifically Reformed Baptist "5 Solas" ring a bell?
My church, Apologia, wrote part of the amicus brief that overturned Roe. We also run EndAbortionNow.com and have equipped church's all over the world to fight abortion in a Biblical way and have been wildly successful at that and pushing abolition legislation around the country.
So if you want to say something bad about the church pastored by Dr. James White or Jeff Durbin go right ahead. Dr White wrote the book on debunking KJV-onlyism and one of the leading authorities on textual transmission and translations which is an interest you seem to share.
My church NEVER closed it's doors for Covid or had a mask mandate. How about yours? Did you bow to Cesar?
As a woman, i do not claim this dolt lol. I mean look at her.
It’s not just that she’s a woman. There is a bigger reason that she is so excited about poisoning and sterilizing the country. The woman aspect is responsible for their complete failure to convince the entire country to both get jabs, and even worse with the boosters. They looked like scientifically illiterate flip flopping morons from day one, because their top leadership are all clearly incompetent female diversity hires.
Being a woman explains the incompetence. But there is also evil intent here. A psychotic need to destroy white people and subjugate us under an unelected cabal of little hat bureaucrats. That would be explained by her “early life.”
Yaaaa, “being a woman explains the incompetence”? So all women are incompetent? 🤔
In leadership positions as head of large organizations yes. As medical workers or other jobs that require empathy and care, they naturally excel.
Wow. You need to surround yourself with healthier women. #agreetodisagree #sandiago
Another Fauci, dressed in drag....
this bitch got some funky eyebrows
OOooooooo I like the flair.
And yeah we shouldn't be ruled by women... shouldn't be ruled exclusively by men either. There is wisdom in making both genders socially equal. If people want to live traditional, let them live traditionally. If people want to gender swap roles, that is also their business. Dictating what people can and cannot do based on gender "norms" is wrong. There are always exceptions to the rules and provided we don't change physical requirements, absolutely women who want to be Seals and Marine Snipers should be allowed to at least try.
But most importantly, just focus on living your own life and leave your neighbors be.
I can't stand her voice. It sounds like Kermit trying to talk while being strangled. 🐸