We live in a holographic universe [consciousness matrix]. Reality is created by our collective beliefs and fueled by our emotions.
Everything is the Ether. The "ether' is conscious energy [God]. We are individual points of conscious energy [souls].
"The Absolute is conscious energy in infinity (i.e. without boundaries), it occupies every dimension to include the time-space dimension in which we have our physical existence but we cannot perceive it." https://youtu.be/bOYl1oqgDX4
I asked God about that holographic theory years ago. I had no objections TO the theory, I just wanted to know the truth. He responded by asking me if there was anything in the world I KNEW to be a real substance, not holographic, not an illusion. I thought about it and knew what He was referring to: the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is not a hologram, and He shed His actual real blood for actual real beings. Like for like. If His blood is real and not a hologram, that breaks the theory. Everything is real and the "hologram theory" fails.
Science speculates we live in a digital simulation, kinda like a video game. Science knows Has someone cracked the code and can see how the simulation is being played out? I do believe you are right, we live in a Matrix and the main problem is, 85% of people want to stay there!
In the case if the monarchy, I think that battle was won when Trump walked in front of the Queen and stood under the royal seal. Whatever leverage he had, it was enough to force the crown to play ball.
Agreed. I think we are a couple of years behind reality. The same when Trump was invited into the Forbidden City; crossed the DMZ into DPRK; and was invited to participate in the sword dance in SA.
Stars: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman
Countries: UK, Bulgaria, USA
Languages: English, Italian, French, Japanese
Budget: $60,000,000 (estimated)
After the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysterious circumstances, all leaders of the Western world must attend his funeral. But what starts out as the most protected event on earth, turns into a deadly plot to kill the world's most powerful leaders and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. The President of the United States, his formidable secret service head and a British MI-6 agent who trusts no one are the only people that have any hope of stopping it. Written by Anonymous
Would be great if the white hats pulled off a massive surprise at the Queen’s funeral. Open the casket and when all are in shock to see there is no body there, or just a bunch of bricks, they mass arrest everyone!
That'd be September 24th 2019 given the Hollywood release date of March 18th, 2013 and according to wiki:
On September 24, 2019, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that six committees would undertake formal impeachment inquiries after reports about controversial interactions between Trump and the country of Ukraine.
To dive deeper, there was a sequel to it, Olympus has fallen, which is the same movie but in the USA. If you follow the release date of March 18, 2013 and follow the same pattern (6 years, 6 months, and 6 days) you arrive to September 24, 2019 which is the exact day that Nancy Pelosi announces the formal impeachment inquiry into US President. Hollywood trying to take down Trump (Olympus) but failed?
So what is it in the Mayan calendar? Calendars are semi-arbitrary. Numerical coincidences are a fact of life. Are you going to stretch this into the allegation that EVERYTHING that happened on that day is somehow correlated with the Queen's death? Including other deaths and births? Or automobile and home purchases? Or headaches and kidney stones? Or books checked out from the library? I mean, if you go into this in detail, you will be faced with the absurdity of a "connection."
Ah yes, the queen dying 666 days after the movie London Has Fallen was released is exactly the same as some homeless guy getting a kidney stone 666 days after the movie London Has Fallen was released.
These connections are truly just as valid and relevant as each other. My God, you're a genius!
Of course there is. Happens all the time in games of chance. For example, the odds that two dice will both roll to snake eyes is 1/36. Can't get around it. The case that some coincidences are rare does not make them impossible. In fact, depending on the nature of the coincidence, it could easily be impossible for the probability to be zero. (Out of a deck of cards with two Jokers, thoroughly shuffled, the odds of drawing a Joker---or any specific card---is 1/27.)
If events depart significantly from random occurrence, then that is a clue that something other than coincidence is going on, but only until that happens. What are the odds that, in meeting a stranger, you will not have any letters of your names in common? That would be rare...but obviously possible.
The demonstrated existence of random processes guarantees there will be coincidences, as systems have only a finite number of states to be in and the cross-occurrence or non-occurrence of two systems having the same state will be coincidental.
👉All the world’s scum are in attendance for her service. Viewing time for little people has ceased. Only VIP…in one building…
Oddly, (not) Putin, Trump, Xi, Kim Fat Fat, Saudi’s aging King, (possibly Japan’s assassinated PM faking it-?) and small handful of other world leaders are not in attendance…
🪳And someone drops a can of Raid on the roach nest—we all watch it burn in real time on TV…🪳
I watched this not long ago - specifically to see what they were telling us. Husband and I kept glancing back and forth at each other throughout.... good to know what they are planning on.
This is insane, how many times can they get these number anomalies around her death. I swear we live in a fucking matrix.
This simulation is being run by a very old A I with limited data and a twisted sense of humor.
Starting to wonder if the matrix isn't being run by those weird little elves eveyone sees on dmt trips.
I hate to break it to you but it's just a few of us. The rest are afraid to try it.
Name checks out.
Either that or God controls the timing......
God controls the matrix
God is the matrix
We live in a holographic universe [consciousness matrix]. Reality is created by our collective beliefs and fueled by our emotions.
Everything is the Ether. The "ether' is conscious energy [God]. We are individual points of conscious energy [souls].
"The Absolute is conscious energy in infinity (i.e. without boundaries), it occupies every dimension to include the time-space dimension in which we have our physical existence but we cannot perceive it." https://youtu.be/bOYl1oqgDX4
I asked God about that holographic theory years ago. I had no objections TO the theory, I just wanted to know the truth. He responded by asking me if there was anything in the world I KNEW to be a real substance, not holographic, not an illusion. I thought about it and knew what He was referring to: the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is not a hologram, and He shed His actual real blood for actual real beings. Like for like. If His blood is real and not a hologram, that breaks the theory. Everything is real and the "hologram theory" fails.
Universe. Uni = one. Verse = fictional world.
Kinda in our face isn't it.
It nice to know I'm not the only one who knows the truth.
I wish more people understood.
Was told this journey can be a lonely one. I'm learning to be OK with that.
what other number anomalies have there been? I heard someone mention one once but I never saw it (apparently it's all over tiktok).
Science speculates we live in a digital simulation, kinda like a video game. Science knows Has someone cracked the code and can see how the simulation is being played out? I do believe you are right, we live in a Matrix and the main problem is, 85% of people want to stay there!
The question is..."flat digital simulation or globe one"
It makes one wonder if the battle was won long ago by our side. And we have to wait to see how it all plays out. Game theory gives me a headache.
The battle was won 2000 years ago. God has given us all this time to awaken to the Truth because He doesn't want to lose a single child.
nothing can stop what is coming is not just a catch phrase
I believe all of it already went down. Now these c9ntrolled actors have to put up with this until the normies finally figure it out.
In the case if the monarchy, I think that battle was won when Trump walked in front of the Queen and stood under the royal seal. Whatever leverage he had, it was enough to force the crown to play ball.
Agreed. I think we are a couple of years behind reality. The same when Trump was invited into the Forbidden City; crossed the DMZ into DPRK; and was invited to participate in the sword dance in SA.
And don't forget that classic photo with the Pope!
Oh yes, the one where it looks like someone just flattened the Pontiff's puppy.
No Pope had ever endured the indignation of having their fingies tickled by a head of state. Until then. Historically unprecedented events.
Kek! Always a favorite! 😂
Bruh… the queens down, London has fallen. We’re expecting something spicy between 9/22 9/24 This shits getting wild.
Director: Babak Najafi
Writer: Creighton Rothenberger, Katrin Benedikt
Stars: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman
Countries: UK, Bulgaria, USA
Languages: English, Italian, French, Japanese
Budget: $60,000,000 (estimated)
Summary: After the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysterious circumstances, all leaders of the Western world must attend his funeral. But what starts out as the most protected event on earth, turns into a deadly plot to kill the world's most powerful leaders and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. The President of the United States, his formidable secret service head and a British MI-6 agent who trusts no one are the only people that have any hope of stopping it. Written by Anonymous
Ehem this is slightly concerning lol. I have family there, should I tell them not to attend the funeral tomorrow?
dang ok
Yeah I told them to just stay away from where the events take place, just in case
Are there any innocent?
Well, we are all on the chess board. So playing isn't an option.
Would be great if the white hats pulled off a massive surprise at the Queen’s funeral. Open the casket and when all are in shock to see there is no body there, or just a bunch of bricks, they mass arrest everyone!
....open the casket and find a huge iguana..... lol
(She looks embarrassed and angrily slams the lid back shut because everyone saw her in the middle of molting.)
Holy crap
Time apart: 6 years, 6 months, 6 days including the end date
3/3/2016 to 9/8/2022
Was there some date connection to Olympus Has Fallen like this?
If so I would be interested in what happens with Angel?
That'd be September 24th 2019 given the Hollywood release date of March 18th, 2013 and according to wiki:
On September 24, 2019, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that six committees would undertake formal impeachment inquiries after reports about controversial interactions between Trump and the country of Ukraine.
It's not crazy but it's not nothing I suppose
What is Hillary & Bill's heritage (it was her turn) or could it point to something in Greece during that time?
Thanks for the dig.
Holy shit! that one is 9 years 6 months and 6 days! https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/time/days-between-dates.php
March 18th, 2013 to September 24, 2022
Yes, it was a series, the Has Fallen Series
and wasnt the White House Down series connected to these?
Morgan Freeman is Q
Imagine reading every Q drop in Morgan Freeman's voice.
So she may have died sometime before and they just released the news now
Or they just waited to kill her until the correct date. Either works.
To dive deeper, there was a sequel to it, Olympus has fallen, which is the same movie but in the USA. If you follow the release date of March 18, 2013 and follow the same pattern (6 years, 6 months, and 6 days) you arrive to September 24, 2019 which is the exact day that Nancy Pelosi announces the formal impeachment inquiry into US President. Hollywood trying to take down Trump (Olympus) but failed?
But if you use September 24, 2022, it is 9 years, 6 months, and 6 days! 3477 days: https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/time/days-between-dates.php
That is next Saturday.
Is there a numeric link to Olympus? If so I would be looking towards Angel date.
How many movies in that series? Q's post 3 movies playing at once hmmm
Trust the Plan!
6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days from the UK release.
March 4th, 2016 was the US release, a Friday. Standard for movie releases here is for Fridays.
Is Thursday a typical movie release day for the UK or is that unusual?
So what is it in the Mayan calendar? Calendars are semi-arbitrary. Numerical coincidences are a fact of life. Are you going to stretch this into the allegation that EVERYTHING that happened on that day is somehow correlated with the Queen's death? Including other deaths and births? Or automobile and home purchases? Or headaches and kidney stones? Or books checked out from the library? I mean, if you go into this in detail, you will be faced with the absurdity of a "connection."
Ah yes, the queen dying 666 days after the movie London Has Fallen was released is exactly the same as some homeless guy getting a kidney stone 666 days after the movie London Has Fallen was released.
These connections are truly just as valid and relevant as each other. My God, you're a genius!
No such thing as a coinicindence.
Of course there is. Happens all the time in games of chance. For example, the odds that two dice will both roll to snake eyes is 1/36. Can't get around it. The case that some coincidences are rare does not make them impossible. In fact, depending on the nature of the coincidence, it could easily be impossible for the probability to be zero. (Out of a deck of cards with two Jokers, thoroughly shuffled, the odds of drawing a Joker---or any specific card---is 1/27.)
If events depart significantly from random occurrence, then that is a clue that something other than coincidence is going on, but only until that happens. What are the odds that, in meeting a stranger, you will not have any letters of your names in common? That would be rare...but obviously possible.
The demonstrated existence of random processes guarantees there will be coincidences, as systems have only a finite number of states to be in and the cross-occurrence or non-occurrence of two systems having the same state will be coincidental.
I genuinely would like to hear the explanation of the naysayers/downdooters for a coincidence like this.
For me I see no link from one to the other……
If it was the banking system Rather than the queen I could see the link….
But London is not the queen and the queen is not London…. There’s never been a link between the 2 in terms of this film and it’s premis…
No coincidences
Let’s say…this plays out like the movie:
👉All the world’s scum are in attendance for her service. Viewing time for little people has ceased. Only VIP…in one building…
Oddly, (not) Putin, Trump, Xi, Kim Fat Fat, Saudi’s aging King, (possibly Japan’s assassinated PM faking it-?) and small handful of other world leaders are not in attendance…
🪳And someone drops a can of Raid on the roach nest—we all watch it burn in real time on TV…🪳
I’m not shedding a tear.
The REPORTED death of the Queen.
How do we really know....?
Probably a coincedence. _ Also, there are no coincedences.
When you look you shall find
I watched this not long ago - specifically to see what they were telling us. Husband and I kept glancing back and forth at each other throughout.... good to know what they are planning on.