It’s irrelevant what they see. It’s time we stop giving them this power, as if we need their acknowledgement aligned with ours. Ignorance is no longer an excuse in this day and age. Live like a retard, die like one.
Mike posting from where he is living in the pod, eating only the bugs, and slowly freezing to death? Please keep telling us exactly how badly things are going for Trump!
Lmaooooooo more like we ain’t desperate, and more people are joining in. Fucking commies always twisting reality. Get fucked, you lost all control. Down with the NWO.
Love the projection/prognostication of violence on "our" side....another reason this article exists, aside from the fact that rags like Salon lap up the mind vomit of liberal inbreds like Mikey R.
I thought the reason everyone hates us is because Q is a pacification psyop? But we're also supposed to be violent terrorists IRL? Make up your mind ffs. We don't do doublethink over here like you cultists, Mr Mikey.
The media are ramping up their rhetoric about violence from QAnon, if they are so concerned why don't they just stop what they are doing (HA! HA!).
If QAnon was violent, I would think the violence would have been started a while ago. Right now there doesn't seem to be a need for violence, although I like seeing the commies scared.
Who do they even write this crap for, themselves? Lefties already despise Trump more than anything, people that like Trump aren't about to suddenly dislike him because of a BS hit piece like this, and everybody left over doesn't even care about politics most likely. So... yeah, I guess they do just write this junk for themselves.
Mike Rothschild!??😂That’s all they have now??? That’s the cabals only play?🤦🏻♀️ Mike Rothschild!??????🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh now I KNOW we’re nearing the end! 👏🏻We have definitely won this! It’s done! Just waiting for the tribunal’s to commence!
We are "violent terrorists" because we "protested" at the capital on January 6rh, 2021. Yet Black Lives Matter burned tons of stuff to the ground and destroyed statues in mostly "peaceful protests."
These clowns are hysterical. Like old ladies with lawn chairs and working mothers and fathers with kids playing while Trump speaks at his PACKED rallies leaving the grounds spotless when they leave? Like THAT kind of 'violence'?
Or do you mean the BLM/Antifa violence like burning of businesses, cop cars, looting stores, beating and killing innocent people..causing billions of dollars worth of damage and a smoldering aftermath?
Which is it? You fucking clown.
I'm tired of these flat out lies by these idiots. He needs to be sued for his lies and slander. Then maybe he'll shut his fat lying mouth.
If Trump is desperate, It would be shown as a sign of weakness. Of course this is exactly how 5-D chess works. You have to show weakness when you are strong. This is exactly why Mike Pence decided not to reject electoral votes due to voter fraud. If Mike Pence rejected the electoral votes, the media could say that he was working for the liar in chief (Trump).
Why always the 'fear of mass violence' by us, when we're never violent, even in the midst of a democrat insurrection and treasonous coup against the presidency of the United States?
Did these retards not see how big the crowds attending his rallies are?
Yes, they do; that's why hitpieces like this are being cranked out constantly by the derp state...
If the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary.
"Author Mike Rothschild" LMAO
You can't make this shit up.
Protecting the bloodline
That bloodline must be erased, no matter the age. I know it's really fucking rough, but they must be expunged. All of them.
Rough? Let me know when "expunged" starts happening. I'll buy season tickets.
I've found it is easier to write with good music on in the background.
Here you go Mike. I'm sure you are here all the time.
It’s irrelevant what they see. It’s time we stop giving them this power, as if we need their acknowledgement aligned with ours. Ignorance is no longer an excuse in this day and age. Live like a retard, die like one.
Mike is such a retard.
He looks like a fag too
We don't hear from dickbrain Travis View much anymore. It's always Mike Rothschild.
Lol yes
Military Tribunals followed by prompt hangings is defined as JUSTICE, Michael.
Mike posting from where he is living in the pod, eating only the bugs, and slowly freezing to death? Please keep telling us exactly how badly things are going for Trump!
Love to see it.
The panic is showing.
Meanwhile we and President Trump are sitting back and twiddling our thumbs.
AND the "HOO"!!!!! 😂😂😂😂
If we're all he's got left, then we're all he needs.
Lmaooooooo more like we ain’t desperate, and more people are joining in. Fucking commies always twisting reality. Get fucked, you lost all control. Down with the NWO.
Love the projection/prognostication of violence on "our" side....another reason this article exists, aside from the fact that rags like Salon lap up the mind vomit of liberal inbreds like Mikey R.
I love the smell of fear in the morning…smells like victory
I thought the reason everyone hates us is because Q is a pacification psyop? But we're also supposed to be violent terrorists IRL? Make up your mind ffs. We don't do doublethink over here like you cultists, Mr Mikey.
So right , good call , what a bunch of retard little good balls !
Mike Rothschild...The nose knows.
How exactly is the Q anon cult spreading,
if Q anon is just a baseless conspiracy theory?
Q lives in Rothchild's head rent free, doesn't he
Mikey putting out another stellar failure hit piece. They can hear you breathing Mikey.
The media are ramping up their rhetoric about violence from QAnon, if they are so concerned why don't they just stop what they are doing (HA! HA!). If QAnon was violent, I would think the violence would have been started a while ago. Right now there doesn't seem to be a need for violence, although I like seeing the commies scared.
Who do they even write this crap for, themselves? Lefties already despise Trump more than anything, people that like Trump aren't about to suddenly dislike him because of a BS hit piece like this, and everybody left over doesn't even care about politics most likely. So... yeah, I guess they do just write this junk for themselves.
Mike Rothschild!??😂That’s all they have now??? That’s the cabals only play?🤦🏻♀️ Mike Rothschild!??????🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh now I KNOW we’re nearing the end! 👏🏻We have definitely won this! It’s done! Just waiting for the tribunal’s to commence!
WOW!!!! There are a lot of Qanons then? Didn't realize. Does the media say Qanon on purpose? Do they know that title is two different entities?
We are "violent terrorists" because we "protested" at the capital on January 6rh, 2021. Yet Black Lives Matter burned tons of stuff to the ground and destroyed statues in mostly "peaceful protests."
"Author Mike Rothschild"...
Once again lumping Alex Jones with "QAnon."
These people are stupid!
"Mass Violence." LOL
These clowns are hysterical. Like old ladies with lawn chairs and working mothers and fathers with kids playing while Trump speaks at his PACKED rallies leaving the grounds spotless when they leave? Like THAT kind of 'violence'?
Or do you mean the BLM/Antifa violence like burning of businesses, cop cars, looting stores, beating and killing innocent people..causing billions of dollars worth of damage and a smoldering aftermath?
Which is it? You fucking clown.
I'm tired of these flat out lies by these idiots. He needs to be sued for his lies and slander. Then maybe he'll shut his fat lying mouth.
Did Prine get the death cult protocol of isolation, ventilator, and remdesivir?
Rothschild = lying sack of Biden
SERPENT seed are Sweating bullets.
Isn't Salon the publisher that gave a pedophile a platform?
Mass violence? Bro I'm sittin in my house eatin popcorn. I'm not gonna hurt a fly. Where do they get this stuff?
If Trump is desperate, It would be shown as a sign of weakness. Of course this is exactly how 5-D chess works. You have to show weakness when you are strong. This is exactly why Mike Pence decided not to reject electoral votes due to voter fraud. If Mike Pence rejected the electoral votes, the media could say that he was working for the liar in chief (Trump).
Just a small fringe minority 😁😂. Get fucked you AIDS riddled leftist fucktards.
Lol. Salon fucking quoting Mike Rothschild as an authority.
This is far-left wishful thinking, nothing more.
Why always the 'fear of mass violence' by us, when we're never violent, even in the midst of a democrat insurrection and treasonous coup against the presidency of the United States?
Projection, anyone?