Google + Twitter + Geo Location Data = Election Fraud Estimated Previews? If this is true, it explains why Musk "paid" $44B for Twitter. If this is shutoff, while the elections are being monitored, while the mail-ins are being questioned/segmented... it blinds the enemy on election day.

Great way to keep cellphone cameras out of polling places that intend to cheat.
You think they are going to cheat in the open? In front of voters?
They won't even cheat in front of poll watchers.
They cheat near the finish line, when the chain of custody is down to single digits.
oh.. they'll cheat in plain sight. Just like Brazil.
I agree. They are not concerned at all about being caught red handed. They were in fact caught cheating in the open in 2020 and time has proven that they can get away with it.
Everything that goes against the leftist evil narrative is labeled as Conspiracy Theory or is called Debunked, but you already know that.
Ok but now that Musk owns twitter why is this trending? What “firehose” is operational, and what is its capacity.
It's so ridiculous. I've never seen cheaters, in all my life, not be held accountable. It was always the asshats in school and we knew they would cheat. Hell, I even did it but I paid for my crime. So sad to watch. We've got to get out there and vote. It's the only way.
Just like 2020. We all saw it happen. Went to bed at 11, woke up at 6:30, counting frozen. I was incredulous. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Vote counts changed as the day went on. It was ridiculous.
My God...you were able to sleep? I was up all night and I watched the literal flip in real time. I saw the traitors with a smile on. If they openly cheat it's not going to be good for them. They'll lie and lie until their done lying but the writing is on the wall for them. Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing.
Ah, remember when Telegram was the only app you had to worry about?
Your post would make sense if they didn't literally just do exactly that in 2020. Near nationwide.
Again, that was during the counting and wrap up... it's even worse when you consider they manipulate the machine count before the receipts are printed, and then again when all of the votes/ballots make it to the county aggegation.
Why wouldnt they when there are no consequences for cheating?
Because they cheat when the votes are tabulated - not when the ballots are cast. That's why they so desperately evade audits. They never want the ballots to be seen. They just want to control the count and say "Trust us".
Just bring the phone in a Faraday bag, and pull it out if you need it.
Or just write down the candidates you will vote for ahead of time.
Because we do research and all that shit...
Well during the last election I used my phone to look up candidates and some of the measures we were actually voting on while I was in my booth. We all know it tracks everything you do. Better to use it as the tool it is. If they are doing that much leg work to get a count to drop votes then obviously they have been caught if we are being told about it. I say fuck it, everyone bring your phones and record as much as possible without compromising other people's right to privacy while voting.
Yep, I'm not going to tell anyone NOT to do something they want to do. This post is more about mapping out another possible way they cheat vs. suggesting mobile devices be verboten.
I did the same. And if I saw something fishy going on, you better believe it's about to be recorded. Not sure that it's legal in my state, though. But I've known someone that got a fully filled out ballot before, so I'd be taking a picture of that crap if it happened to me.
My phone broke a little over 2 years ago, and I decided to wait until new iphone release before replacing it. After a couple months, I was so happy without a phone that I never got a new one. Phone free and fabulous. (I do keep a cheap prepaid in the glovebox in case of emergency)
Very smart person you are, Recyclops. Now what if EVERYONE did this? And is the cheap prepaid in a Faraday bag?
Good idea, I'll pick up a faraday phone pouch this week.
So... multiple fire hoses? All tied to devices. Lol. All the more reason not to bring your phone. Bring a camera if you think/see/suspect fuckery.
A tactic to think about would be to get a camera app that will record in the background, like CosyDVR. That way you can record video while it looks like you're texting or checking your crib sheet. Or keep it in your shirt pocket.
Might be a good time to use that old phone with no SIM card in it. Put it in airplane mode anyway. Don't know if you could do this on a burner phone that was never activated. A physical camera is also a good idea. Not sure if the zoom lens on some of those would provide any benefits.
And if your vehicle has Onstar or similar, consider carpooling or not driving at all.
Yeah, can't you just turn off your location data on your phone for a little while.
IMO it is a good idea to make your own faraday "cage" for your common areas and vehicle. The fabric is farely cheap ($20-$30) and one could make a cell phone slip for your pocket, line your vehicle center console or glove box. You can make it as large or as small as you need.
Good to have a faraday type cage that blocks all frequencies in and out accessible at any time should the need to "lie low" arise. Or simply because you value your privacy.
I have a metal lock box that looks like a Bible in my truck that I keep tucked away under my seat. I have it lined with aluminum foil.
I also have a safe that acts as a faraday box at home that I keep 3 backup laptops, my external hard drive and a dozen or so thumbdrives in.
When I built my house I had a 4 by 4 by 3 foot deep, steel floor safe installed in the basement concrete ( I am a concrete contractor). Except for the top it is completely encased in 4 inches of concrete with wire mesh. The top cover is 3/4 steel that lies flush with the floor and is then covered with a false ceramic tile to match the rest of the floor.
Originally I did this purely in case of fire for family heirloom stuff, important documents and other valuables but it makes for an impenetrable faraday box.
Agreed. I was referring to making more of a custom compartment to fill ones needs. For instance I keep other sensitive communication electronics that one may need during an emergency.
What is the fabric called? I am sure it is not sold in my local big box chain fabric store
Faraday fabric or you can look it up by searching 'emi blocking fabric' etc.
I’m taking my phone and I’m taking a picture of my ballot, just put it on airplane mode.
Pretty sure that's illegal, your vote is supposed to be private. A picture allows people to sell their vote by confirming who they voted for. That is exactly why we need to ban mail in ballots.
It's already illegal to buy votes though. Why would it being illegal stop that?
I'm with you on the core point though. Absentee with cause only.
I'm not even a fan of early voting.
I personally dont trust airplane mode. Any device that uses a software switch for on/off can also be switched on automatically by said software. And they do from time to time.
Pen camera ($30). Place it on your shirt pocket and record the entire voyage from time you left your vehicle to time you got back in.
While I haven't ever seen airplane mode send out traffic, it doesn't take more than an unnoticeable micro second to ping out your geolocation information and metadata to match you to the data they've already collected. Even if you were looking directly at it, you probably wouldn't even notice anything change.
It's good -- integral even -- to not trust software switches on anything that is sensitive.
E.g. buying a microphone or webcam for streaming, calls, etc., you want hardware switches that physically severs the connection while off.
There have even been instances of PCs being woken from being powered off if you use low power quick boot BIOS settings IIRC, but I am foggy on the direct times I've read about this occurring.
Some Motherboards have “Wake on LAN” option in BIOS. You can remotely power on the computer after it has been shut down
You can buy phones now that have hardware switches.
SIM & IMEI will enable a lock at that time, and it could be used against you later. use an offline camera for pictures / tape recorder for audio.
I remember a test where someone carried around a phone in airplane mode and it still knew where they went. Location off I assume because it would be a useless test otherwise. But keeping it disconnected in airplane mode until a little after polls close should prevent the data from being uploaded just long enough to thwart possible live cheats.
And what will that do? I have a photo of my 2020 ballot. Now what?
There have been instances of cheating due to deliberately "mis"printed ballots, ballots without names on it, different ballots based on profiling when you enter, different paper that causes it to go to adjudication, so on.
Being able to take a photo of your ballot helps catch these avenues of cheating.
Is this only if you have Twitter app installed on your phone? If it doesn't matter, then I am not seeing why we're talking about Twitter, when Google already does that with Android phones?
I mean, I do understand Twitter's firehosing of data but if it doesn't matter whether we have Twitter on our phones or not, then why even bother talking about Twitter in the first place?
This is a good warning here, but a little late and small scale to cover or alert the whole country. We’ll try though.
I’m going to need my phone later that day, but I can put it in a faraday bag before I leave the house!
Source? Considering only 22% of Americans have twitter, it wouldn’t show a complete picture at all
Its not just Twitter. It is all apps that use the Google cloud. I would argue that its not just the Google cloud. Greg Phillips has said that most all cell phones have many apps that use geo-location. This information is sold to aggregators that in turn sell this location data to anyone that will pay for it.
Don't worry the national guard has been activated to save the Democrats
Yea that National Guard thing sounds like it's being pitched as something good for election integrity but states that they are coordinating with national government, and no what that is for the good.
Could this backfire if cell phone data is compared against the number of ballots received? There would be an excess of red ballots at the polls compared to what the cell tracking suggests. (Just a discussion, I still think this is a good idea.)
It would certainly be interesting!
The issue is that what they are doing is illegal. TTV showed us that the legal avenue is expensive, time consuming and still* doesn't result in those involved to be immediately investigated.
But I'd love it if we could scrape this data and then show it vs. the results.
Just posted so demoralizing. There’s not one positive comment about this, everybody is so full of doom and gloom and they are convinced that are elections will be stolen again. How sad is that.
when i left my car after parking at the voting station, i remember the fat middle age white woman who gave me the stink eye as she left her car as i looked around (i wasnt sure where the door was)
after i voted, (i took my sweet time googling my candidate as i voted)
i remember seeing that woman arguing that she wanted to use something that wasn't picture id to cast her vote even though i remember seeing her drive up so she should have her driver licence
perhaps i should have called her out on this since this seemed like blatantly trying to cheat
i only remember all of this cause she gave me the stink eye
I'm poll watching so bringing phone, but learned im not allowed to take photos or videos. I was just surprised, and if i see anything not good may be a chance I might forget that rule in the shuffle lol
Same. And people have told me you ARE allowed (at least here) - but it just can't be of voters/ballots/PII
This thread is scaring the crap out of me. Being an old person, I have seen how the world has basically gone to shit since the introduction of cell phones.
If its down to the choice of having a decent government and having your phones, how are you going to choose?
Or just put in in flight mode.
I recently had to go to my car dealership since my car’s gps system is outdated (factory sent out old gps on cars) and there are no updates yet available for any cars from 2021 to present. So I now use apple play in my car with goggle maps as I don’t trust the gps in my car. Yesterday I was playing around to make sure it worked and without even putting In where I was going it KNEW I was headed to my church for choir practice. Blew me away!
Not sure if anyone has noticed this. If you’re into “Angel numbers” (numbers repeating, in sequence, totaling) sometimes zeros are counted as 1’s.
44,000,000,000 = 17
Dont take your phone..... so noone can call the police when antifa shows up
Election week
That's not the message I got on FB. I have a phone without minutes, so it doesn't count as a phone, but as a game machine/camera. Someone on FB suggested checking available wi-fi networks near your polling place, then at the door, and then inside. Notify the "proper" authorities if you see something odd.
They are going to find a way to cheat. They will cheat and it will be so obvious, but I didn’t think we’re going to win anything but maybe eek out a tiny majority. Kari Lake will lose and so will Oz.
God I hope I’m wrong
All of Twitter was migrated to Google's cloud.
Need some hard evidence of this.
Well I work all day in a poll so not leaving my phone home But it’s a very small precinct where only 200 people voted on Election Day in 2020. Most likely the majority of them voted early or by absentee ballot due to it being a heavily Democrat precinct
White hats do not need third party software to monitor elections, or phones.
Sure cells help, but there is CLAS sat tech, among other things that they can use.
reads like a LARP
If this is true, it explains why Biden tried to stop the sale by saying it was a national security threat.