If Trump announces that he is running in 24, and complains about the cheat of 22
. He will lose 30% of his support' not because they don't care, its because they are exhausted. People that care live this 24hrs a day,they know that they are being ruled by an occupying force. They have lost friends and family, by telling them how they feel. Many lost their jobs by sticking to their guns, not excepting the experimental jab. Its now or never, for me and many others.
Correct. We have been shown a few things along the way.
The power of counties within states, for example. The power of states within our federation, is another. The DS/cabal control the elections of states by election fraud in the most populous counties. Federal elections are the sum total of all the states, and those are controlled by corrupting the key states (counties) with the most electoral college votes.
The populace as a whole has been corrupted by decades of relentless propaganda in the media, schools, universities and corporations, etc.
There is no way for ordinary citizens to undo all of that. It is an attack on our country to destroy it from within, slowly, without firing a shot. It has been going on for decades. Voting in rigged elections to try to put a stop to all of it is less than useless, as the 2020 and now 2022 elections have proven.
Fighting tyranny and evil with the equivalent of sternly worded letters is not just futile, it is blatantly moronic in its ineptitude.
If only we had a part of our government whose purpose was to defend the country, and our constitution, from attacks... both foreign and domestic. If only we had that... we could then actually fight back against these attacks.
Edit: for those that don't get it - this is just a long winded version of "the military is the only way".
The Military is not the only way. The Military is the only way while keeping some semblance of a normal society and our lives. But it is not the only way. This country was founded on a heap of bodies and rivers of blood. I will never wish for that upon anyone but history says we aren't getting our country back without it.
Hmm, imagine how the anons feel, who have been shooting from the rooftops, trying to make people see the obvious corruption, human trafficking, wars, biological weapons, project Mockingbird, project monarch, etc? How about the families of whistleblowers who have been persecuted for years or killed? How about the doctors who have been speaking truth for years about holistic natural health, attracted attention and then whose entire families were killed in "botched" robberies or "murder-suicides"? Traumatized kids, ruined for life? Little victims of abuse who were then gaslighted to madness? All the people on mind-altering drugs that never helped them but made everything worse?
Losing your job for not taking a jab intended to kill you had nothing to do with Trump; he started us into the torpedo before it could go off at max power, the rest was our choice. You world still want to work for either idiots who jump off clouds because the little box tells them to, or evil people who won't take the 'real' jab themselves and don't care if you die? Thanks I would rather know who I'm working for. And who I'm friends with. And where family members stand. All before the real shtf, because I don't want to have my back to anyone who will stab it.
Look at your cute little ultimatum. So many have died already, so many have suffered,, and so many more are at risk going forward, that a feeble demand ike this is about as serious as the Twitter employees demanding things of their new boss. Sorry, ex-twitter employees.
Whatever happens today, we are ready. And we'll still be here when you come back.
I told you our truth,the last of the few friends I have feel this. You proceeded to chastise me and others for feeling exhausted. You are nothing to me, actually you are less than nothing. I made no ultimatums , I just told you the upcoming result. Unlike you, I can accept who I am, and I know people way better than most.I spent my life serving other people , how bout you? You cannot accept humans who understand , that we are all a part of this. If he announces 20 and 22 steals and announces we will get them next time. Then I have prepared you for what will happen. Loss of support, do to exhaustion!
Look at your cute little ultimatum. So many have died already, so many have suffered,, and so many more are at risk going forward, that a feeble demand ike this is about as serious as the Twitter employees demanding things of their new boss. Sorry, ex-twitter employees.
You're right that OP's top-voted statement of frustration is a cute little ultimatum.
"So many have died already" = 108 million people were killed in wars in the 20th century
"So many have suffered" = 9.56 million people dying of cancer per year
If that's not what you had in mind with those phrases, you yourself are in for a Great Awakening surprise.
Anons have just cause for being frustrated, but COVID shots don't even make the top 100 list. That's how out of the game we are. That's how many illusions we're under. We don't even know what we should be complaining about, let alone whose responsible. So much suffering we take as "facts of life" or "natural disasters", are not so.
Q group is literally on the precipice of ending all wars as we know it, all economic suffering, all resource scarcity, and we are complaining like children that our tendies are getting lukewarm.
I was referring to only the whistleblowers trying to stop subs if the insanity. Well aware of the many victims. Trying to shake a whiner out of their bubble.
Well, remember the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness. Not one single original person freed from Egypt entered the promised land. Says because of unbelief.
GODS word says this mental pressure is but for a little while. and to obtain peace try the promise, "thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on the because he trusteth in thee.
Find the promises of God and stay your thoughts on those. The rest is Dis-ease of mind.
What are you talking about? The proof was there with the "Spy Ring in Congress," the proof was there with the "Biden Laptop," the proof was there on "January 6," and the proof was before your very eyes in the run up to the the 2020 Presidential election and the current gubernatorial election in Arizona. You choose to ignor the truth. You must be talking about admissible evidence whose rules were created by our corrupt political and justice system over the last serveral decades. Don't worry friend, proof will be forth coming in abundance now that the corral has been built, military justice. Jump back in or chose to be on the wrong side of history.
I’m not jumping back in to shit. What a fuckin joke. Better catch you frens before they run off after Trumps “historic moment in history” being a fuckin letdown. We need leadership that straight up isn’t willing to play their fuckin game anymore. Trump is close, but he was due a whole lot more “FUCK YOU”s than he delivered. We need someone that isn’t fucking around. Trump just spent boatloads of coin on announcing his ego wasn’t done
Absolutely true. This endless movie has to end for the sake of our country and for our sanity. We have tried waking everyone we know, we have been watching in horror as evil has blanketed the U.S. and the world. We've been to and watched hundreds of rallies and speeches and devoted our attention to every statement, drop, we've learned comms, are witnessing what the left has done and continues to do in an effort to destroy families, communities, our heritage, culture, health, religion, life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness. We have been told countless times that "we caught them all" and yet they did it again in AZ, PA, MI, NV, GA, NY and elsewhere again this month. Without intervention by the military to do what our compromised DOJ and Courts cannot or will not do, we the people will be likely to take matters into their own hands. We do not want to give the left what they most want, a civil war that would create death, destruction, chaos and an excuse to take all power away from the people and place it in the hands of these thieves and criminals.
End is a relative term. Do you want the pressure off but nothing changed? Back to slavery?
I'm not down with that. This suffering is no where near what I've suffered at war in other places. Stop listening to msm, get your mids in God's Promises that are yay amd amen.
Let's say the end of this chapter...i.e, Trump back in office, criminals who stole the election in jail along with those that torture and abused babies. That would be a big help. Christ may very well come back today or tomorrow. But one thing is certain, if the election steal isn't addressed with arrests, the Dems will do it again in 2024 and every election after until it is stopped.
He is part of a team, and they collectively maneuver in the war; the comms are not just for us, and so he may be letting the deep state hang on to hope of stopping him, expending all their sleepers.
Maybe, not even Trump knows when the storm will hit until the minute they tell him. Maybe he thought the storm would hit prior to Xiden inauguration. Remember the speech he made in El Paso in January. He looked defeated. Maybe the plan isn't even fully known to him.
Defeated? Or had to make a difficult move in the war? Or learned of another betrayal? Or learned of something so awful it would put most normies in the hospital?
could be any of the above, but it is the only time I recall looking at Trump and not seeing victory and optimism. I don't know the answer just speculating.
What could be worse than murdering children for their adrenochrome ? What could be worse than the tunnel children? Nothing. And he's knew about that this whole time, possibly his whole life. No, it wasn't something like that. It's something new.
If military intelligence recruited Trump, that would seem to be contradictory. But, who know, just praying that the announcement is bigger than I think it will be.
I don't think the white hats have ever been in control. They have war-gamed scenarios and are prepared for almost every action/reaction of the cabal. I don't think they have a plan as such, rather they have a goal, and they try to move us all towards that goal by implementing (or not) various plans and counterplans along the way.
You can't enact this plan (on our side) unless it was over before it started. (public awareness, Q 'reveal'). This thing was in the bag before we even knew of the plan. You are all watching THE SHOW.
Which is why I say it isn't a single plan, but rather a goal with lots of contingency plans. It is like a chess game, where you think moves and countermoves. In military terms that is i believe called strategy planning or wargaming. I'm sure they had many scenarios ready for what happened on Jan 6.
Like you say in your other post, we are all watching THE SHOW - moves and countermoves, where not all moves go according to the expected.
Wonder why I got all the downvotes here. All I really said was that there was not one single master plan, but rather many small plans and contingency plans, that zig-zag their way to a common goal.
Edit: Perhaps my first sentence threw people off. By "not in control" I mean the whitehats do not have a remote control to steer the cabal as they see fit. Rather, they have their strategies to move the cabal in a certain direction or into intermediate traps. They anticipate many moves, but there are always the unexpected, where they might have a plan B ready, or they have to come up with it. The more they can anticipate the enemy, the better, but it is never going to be perfect. We have seen many setbacks and we have not seen the last...
I agree. Patriots are in control of their own plans and strategies.
The White Hats aren't allowing all this horrible stuff to happen at the hands of Black Hats - the child trafficking, the hijacked elections, the treasonous actions, the Covid vaccine atrocities - as "part of the plan."
Please tell me that is not what you all have believed all this time.
"The plan" is what they are using to fight back against all this stuff. They aren't "making it happen" or "letting it happen" as part of "the plan."
Patriots are not in control of everything we hear about, whether good or bad.
Patriots are doing all they can to stop it but that can't be done in a short time. It's too huge and too entrenched and has been for literally thousands of years.
Patriots are in control of themselves and their plans. Not the evil that we are all fighting. Otherwise, it would have been over long ago.
It's true that people have to be shown but not at the expense of innocent children. If patriots didn't stop it, it's because they couldn't. Trying to bring it out into the open so that "people would be shown" was probably their last best hope of ending it.
This has happened so many times already. Some kind of big announcement or some hype about some day being super important or “you are going to remember where you were” or whatever only for it to end up being yet another head fake. I’m expecting at least another year. We are no where close to revealing any of the corruption or moving on arrests. Q said people would be demanding arrests. No one except the people awake are demanding any arrests for anything and no one is going to report anything that would result in that happening.
I can't recall Trump ever saying anything like that. Controlled opposition, paytriots, datefags, yes. Not Trump. You're floating on surface chatter, look at the currents underneath to find the big fish moving in deep water.
My interpretation of The word "Hopefully" allows Trump an out in case he has to move his announcement again to another date. So he is hoping everything is going to go as planned and he can make whatever historical announcement today.
Currently sections of Trump’s own base is using his own platform to divide Patriots, not including the division all over media to leave him as they state he needs to “put up or shut up” about him, “coming soon”, I’ll be back” etc.
I think he is going to announce that the National Guard or US Space Force will be helping to audit or assist in recounting the election, maybe specifically in Arizona, and match data. Because right now, this right here would fire up his base! Not only fixing the overwhelming fraud in Arizona, but show he still has that pull with the military.
Why would the media allow this? Of course they would because it was announced/documented they were going to monitor the elections days before it started. So the media should be fine with getting some “non-bias” clarification of results. What media group or politician is going to say the US military is lying? None because you’re dead or it’s political suicide to the whole country for chastising the military for doing a Constitutional job.
Think about it Anons. It’s a perfect chess move to fix things in 1 state that will certainly lead to all the others they monitored per announcement, then leading to EVERY OTHER STATE when the same, identical issues are found per the US Military. Then a full audit by them using their data can take place! Who is going to politically argue, if the military finds fraud or anomalies that fully caused a correct election outcome?! Yes it may take awhile, months even to do all the States. But it will be widely accepted by the majority of all Americans, and will put US boots into the media’s mouth’s when all the their dirt the military finds matches up with all the dirt our side has been trying to voice since 2020!
Any other play Trump does right now, unless he’s ready to just rush in and “arrest people” will start that Civil War the Cabal has been gunning for. I could be wrong, but I think given the circumstances, this is the Trump hand about to be played for now.
Why do all these announcements happen so late in the evening? Seems to me if there is something so important to say ...you would want to do that during the day time so that everyone can listen and respond promptly.
I can't help but think of a line from Josey Wales.....
Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
If you step back and think about it, we haven't even begun to fight!
Hold the line, we control our future, our faith is our resolve. And remember, "Movie".
I have read this entire tread and hear a genuine heart level conversation between patriots. One that’s surely been had many times in bunkers, foxholes and barns. This time in our homes at our phone or computer. I feel it deeply on both sides. I pray for a MOAB tonight… Mother of all Booms!! I also pray for those in the trenches of this fight. And I cry out for strength for all of us to stay strong in the fight regardless of what happens tonight.
I look at post 34, and one line stands out- “ Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.” This tells me that it may be an indication that things need to be moved forward at a “strike like a lion” pace, and that we’ve done all we can to awaken people. I think it’s time to do just that, and let the chips fall where they may regarding the public who may or may not be awakened yet. I guess we’ll see what happens.
Just say no to:
2024 run - "Speaker of the House" Candidacy - "Declassified Docz" Media won't cover - Regular Rally - More talk
Just say yes to: MIL interruption, headed by Space Force, describing and detailing the 908 mission that collected data of fraud for 2020 AND 2022.
Also, it is the PERFECT time for the MIL to step in, because normies on BOTH sides 'think' Sleepy Joe is running the Military. Devolution baby.
It is irrelevant. The biggest news in the last 245 years, is that the people have now legitimately altered the government, via the Reclamation of Proper Governance.
But for real, The way President Trump is saying it will change America forever. It has to be something larger than him running in 2024. Or another political party. Neither of these things will change America forever. Because they will cheat out of 2024 again. It has to be something big that will neuter the swamp.
Otherwise, see y'all in the gulag.
He's got to tell us something we don't already know
That won't make the normies go insane (he can't say he's taking over, for example)
He can't be Speaker of the House - that would be a literal death trap that he would never survive
I'm hoping for new political party (Patriot Party)
and that Space Force has 100% of the receipts on hijacked elections
AND on this massive massive massive FTX money laundering machine that involves most of Congress and the other world leaders (and FTX certainly wasn't the only one involved)
It’s almost like Trump is asking the military, do something. That’s why he’s using the Hopefully. He wants today to be the day. But it doesn’t seem to be up to him. This is weird. I don’t remember Trump ever building up a day like this. Esp after what has taken place this past week. All I do know that if it’s just a ‘24 run, Trump will lose support. I think he will. Maybe he won’t. Maybe the normies are finally ready to engage. But from my perspective, they are just done.
If Trump announces that he is running in 24, and complains about the cheat of 22 . He will lose 30% of his support' not because they don't care, its because they are exhausted. People that care live this 24hrs a day,they know that they are being ruled by an occupying force. They have lost friends and family, by telling them how they feel. Many lost their jobs by sticking to their guns, not excepting the experimental jab. Its now or never, for me and many others.
Correct. We have been shown a few things along the way.
The power of counties within states, for example. The power of states within our federation, is another. The DS/cabal control the elections of states by election fraud in the most populous counties. Federal elections are the sum total of all the states, and those are controlled by corrupting the key states (counties) with the most electoral college votes.
The populace as a whole has been corrupted by decades of relentless propaganda in the media, schools, universities and corporations, etc.
There is no way for ordinary citizens to undo all of that. It is an attack on our country to destroy it from within, slowly, without firing a shot. It has been going on for decades. Voting in rigged elections to try to put a stop to all of it is less than useless, as the 2020 and now 2022 elections have proven.
Fighting tyranny and evil with the equivalent of sternly worded letters is not just futile, it is blatantly moronic in its ineptitude.
If only we had a part of our government whose purpose was to defend the country, and our constitution, from attacks... both foreign and domestic. If only we had that... we could then actually fight back against these attacks.
Edit: for those that don't get it - this is just a long winded version of "the military is the only way".
The Military is not the only way. The Military is the only way while keeping some semblance of a normal society and our lives. But it is not the only way. This country was founded on a heap of bodies and rivers of blood. I will never wish for that upon anyone but history says we aren't getting our country back without it.
what proof or evidence suggest today that military is not only compromised but actively fighting DS?
Trump is still alive.
A literal shit ton of it.
Hmm, imagine how the anons feel, who have been shooting from the rooftops, trying to make people see the obvious corruption, human trafficking, wars, biological weapons, project Mockingbird, project monarch, etc? How about the families of whistleblowers who have been persecuted for years or killed? How about the doctors who have been speaking truth for years about holistic natural health, attracted attention and then whose entire families were killed in "botched" robberies or "murder-suicides"? Traumatized kids, ruined for life? Little victims of abuse who were then gaslighted to madness? All the people on mind-altering drugs that never helped them but made everything worse?
Losing your job for not taking a jab intended to kill you had nothing to do with Trump; he started us into the torpedo before it could go off at max power, the rest was our choice. You world still want to work for either idiots who jump off clouds because the little box tells them to, or evil people who won't take the 'real' jab themselves and don't care if you die? Thanks I would rather know who I'm working for. And who I'm friends with. And where family members stand. All before the real shtf, because I don't want to have my back to anyone who will stab it.
Look at your cute little ultimatum. So many have died already, so many have suffered,, and so many more are at risk going forward, that a feeble demand ike this is about as serious as the Twitter employees demanding things of their new boss. Sorry, ex-twitter employees.
Whatever happens today, we are ready. And we'll still be here when you come back.
I told you our truth,the last of the few friends I have feel this. You proceeded to chastise me and others for feeling exhausted. You are nothing to me, actually you are less than nothing. I made no ultimatums , I just told you the upcoming result. Unlike you, I can accept who I am, and I know people way better than most.I spent my life serving other people , how bout you? You cannot accept humans who understand , that we are all a part of this. If he announces 20 and 22 steals and announces we will get them next time. Then I have prepared you for what will happen. Loss of support, do to exhaustion!
You're right that OP's top-voted statement of frustration is a cute little ultimatum.
"So many have died already" = 108 million people were killed in wars in the 20th century
"So many have suffered" = 9.56 million people dying of cancer per year
If that's not what you had in mind with those phrases, you yourself are in for a Great Awakening surprise.
Anons have just cause for being frustrated, but COVID shots don't even make the top 100 list. That's how out of the game we are. That's how many illusions we're under. We don't even know what we should be complaining about, let alone whose responsible. So much suffering we take as "facts of life" or "natural disasters", are not so.
Q group is literally on the precipice of ending all wars as we know it, all economic suffering, all resource scarcity, and we are complaining like children that our tendies are getting lukewarm.
Hard agree! Wish I could give more than a single updoot to this!
I was referring to only the whistleblowers trying to stop subs if the insanity. Well aware of the many victims. Trying to shake a whiner out of their bubble.
Well, remember the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness. Not one single original person freed from Egypt entered the promised land. Says because of unbelief.
GODS word says this mental pressure is but for a little while. and to obtain peace try the promise, "thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on the because he trusteth in thee. Find the promises of God and stay your thoughts on those. The rest is Dis-ease of mind.
Again, this self righteousness of duty (without proof of claim) is why I’m out already. Poor Anon…..
What are you talking about? The proof was there with the "Spy Ring in Congress," the proof was there with the "Biden Laptop," the proof was there on "January 6," and the proof was before your very eyes in the run up to the the 2020 Presidential election and the current gubernatorial election in Arizona. You choose to ignor the truth. You must be talking about admissible evidence whose rules were created by our corrupt political and justice system over the last serveral decades. Don't worry friend, proof will be forth coming in abundance now that the corral has been built, military justice. Jump back in or chose to be on the wrong side of history.
I’m not jumping back in to shit. What a fuckin joke. Better catch you frens before they run off after Trumps “historic moment in history” being a fuckin letdown. We need leadership that straight up isn’t willing to play their fuckin game anymore. Trump is close, but he was due a whole lot more “FUCK YOU”s than he delivered. We need someone that isn’t fucking around. Trump just spent boatloads of coin on announcing his ego wasn’t done
Absolutely true. This endless movie has to end for the sake of our country and for our sanity. We have tried waking everyone we know, we have been watching in horror as evil has blanketed the U.S. and the world. We've been to and watched hundreds of rallies and speeches and devoted our attention to every statement, drop, we've learned comms, are witnessing what the left has done and continues to do in an effort to destroy families, communities, our heritage, culture, health, religion, life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness. We have been told countless times that "we caught them all" and yet they did it again in AZ, PA, MI, NV, GA, NY and elsewhere again this month. Without intervention by the military to do what our compromised DOJ and Courts cannot or will not do, we the people will be likely to take matters into their own hands. We do not want to give the left what they most want, a civil war that would create death, destruction, chaos and an excuse to take all power away from the people and place it in the hands of these thieves and criminals.
End is a relative term. Do you want the pressure off but nothing changed? Back to slavery?
I'm not down with that. This suffering is no where near what I've suffered at war in other places. Stop listening to msm, get your mids in God's Promises that are yay amd amen.
Christ is coming back, could be today
Let's say the end of this chapter...i.e, Trump back in office, criminals who stole the election in jail along with those that torture and abused babies. That would be a big help. Christ may very well come back today or tomorrow. But one thing is certain, if the election steal isn't addressed with arrests, the Dems will do it again in 2024 and every election after until it is stopped.
I feel ya fren.
Hang in mate no point giving up now. This was never going to be easy
Holy shit
I still don't understand his use of the qualifier "hopefully".
Does it mean that he is not in control of whatever the hell is going on behind the scenes?
He is part of a team, and they collectively maneuver in the war; the comms are not just for us, and so he may be letting the deep state hang on to hope of stopping him, expending all their sleepers.
It implies some sort of an ask, or appeal... even if just for show... ex:
Of course, they won't, things will then have to stew for a few more weeks towards the precipice while whatever seed he plants takes root.
Maybe, not even Trump knows when the storm will hit until the minute they tell him. Maybe he thought the storm would hit prior to Xiden inauguration. Remember the speech he made in El Paso in January. He looked defeated. Maybe the plan isn't even fully known to him.
Defeated? Or had to make a difficult move in the war? Or learned of another betrayal? Or learned of something so awful it would put most normies in the hospital?
could be any of the above, but it is the only time I recall looking at Trump and not seeing victory and optimism. I don't know the answer just speculating.
Dunno about defeated but he did look disappointed about something. And then that number 17 jersey appeared in the crowd at the end of his address.
What could be worse than murdering children for their adrenochrome ? What could be worse than the tunnel children? Nothing. And he's knew about that this whole time, possibly his whole life. No, it wasn't something like that. It's something new.
I was thinking about CERN and timelines, but also betrayals are a big deal to him. We may never know
I recall a Q drop which said something to the effect that Potus will decide the date.
If military intelligence recruited Trump, that would seem to be contradictory. But, who know, just praying that the announcement is bigger than I think it will be.
They're making the storm And it's building around you as you speak.
He hopes most people will see it the same way. In my opinion.
I don't think the white hats have ever been in control. They have war-gamed scenarios and are prepared for almost every action/reaction of the cabal. I don't think they have a plan as such, rather they have a goal, and they try to move us all towards that goal by implementing (or not) various plans and counterplans along the way.
Then 0lease explain the very, very long list of deltas and coincidents.
Educated guesses. Interpretations of messages. You do understand this is a message board right? Only a few know the plan.
Mathmatically Impossible. Q. I thought this was a Q board. Facebook is a message board.
That’s not how math works
You can't enact this plan (on our side) unless it was over before it started. (public awareness, Q 'reveal'). This thing was in the bag before we even knew of the plan. You are all watching THE SHOW.
I do think that we've had some setbacks, Jan 6th felt like we got flanked and shifted to contingency plans.
Which is why I say it isn't a single plan, but rather a goal with lots of contingency plans. It is like a chess game, where you think moves and countermoves. In military terms that is i believe called strategy planning or wargaming. I'm sure they had many scenarios ready for what happened on Jan 6.
Like you say in your other post, we are all watching THE SHOW - moves and countermoves, where not all moves go according to the expected.
Wonder why I got all the downvotes here. All I really said was that there was not one single master plan, but rather many small plans and contingency plans, that zig-zag their way to a common goal.
Edit: Perhaps my first sentence threw people off. By "not in control" I mean the whitehats do not have a remote control to steer the cabal as they see fit. Rather, they have their strategies to move the cabal in a certain direction or into intermediate traps. They anticipate many moves, but there are always the unexpected, where they might have a plan B ready, or they have to come up with it. The more they can anticipate the enemy, the better, but it is never going to be perfect. We have seen many setbacks and we have not seen the last...
I agree. Patriots are in control of their own plans and strategies.
The White Hats aren't allowing all this horrible stuff to happen at the hands of Black Hats - the child trafficking, the hijacked elections, the treasonous actions, the Covid vaccine atrocities - as "part of the plan."
Please tell me that is not what you all have believed all this time.
"The plan" is what they are using to fight back against all this stuff. They aren't "making it happen" or "letting it happen" as part of "the plan."
Patriots are not in control of everything we hear about, whether good or bad.
Patriots are doing all they can to stop it but that can't be done in a short time. It's too huge and too entrenched and has been for literally thousands of years.
Patriots are in control of themselves and their plans. Not the evil that we are all fighting. Otherwise, it would have been over long ago.
It's true that people have to be shown but not at the expense of innocent children. If patriots didn't stop it, it's because they couldn't. Trying to bring it out into the open so that "people would be shown" was probably their last best hope of ending it.
Let's hope it worked.
Excellent put, fren!
Screenshot guys, please.
This has happened so many times already. Some kind of big announcement or some hype about some day being super important or “you are going to remember where you were” or whatever only for it to end up being yet another head fake. I’m expecting at least another year. We are no where close to revealing any of the corruption or moving on arrests. Q said people would be demanding arrests. No one except the people awake are demanding any arrests for anything and no one is going to report anything that would result in that happening.
Yes...But by Trump? Nope....He is a man of his word.
I can't recall Trump ever saying anything like that. Controlled opposition, paytriots, datefags, yes. Not Trump. You're floating on surface chatter, look at the currents underneath to find the big fish moving in deep water.
Jan 6th was the pulse of "Military gonna step in stop this steal!" And we are here again. Fun times!
The word hope or hopefully always bumped for me. The word itself leaves the door open to failure. I wonder why Trump used that word. Twice.
My thought is that he can't predict the actions/reactions of normies. The brainwashed zombies do not behave in rational ways.
My interpretation of The word "Hopefully" allows Trump an out in case he has to move his announcement again to another date. So he is hoping everything is going to go as planned and he can make whatever historical announcement today.
What time is the announcement?
9 pm EST
thanks fren
Currently sections of Trump’s own base is using his own platform to divide Patriots, not including the division all over media to leave him as they state he needs to “put up or shut up” about him, “coming soon”, I’ll be back” etc.
I think he is going to announce that the National Guard or US Space Force will be helping to audit or assist in recounting the election, maybe specifically in Arizona, and match data. Because right now, this right here would fire up his base! Not only fixing the overwhelming fraud in Arizona, but show he still has that pull with the military.
Why would the media allow this? Of course they would because it was announced/documented they were going to monitor the elections days before it started. So the media should be fine with getting some “non-bias” clarification of results. What media group or politician is going to say the US military is lying? None because you’re dead or it’s political suicide to the whole country for chastising the military for doing a Constitutional job.
Think about it Anons. It’s a perfect chess move to fix things in 1 state that will certainly lead to all the others they monitored per announcement, then leading to EVERY OTHER STATE when the same, identical issues are found per the US Military. Then a full audit by them using their data can take place! Who is going to politically argue, if the military finds fraud or anomalies that fully caused a correct election outcome?! Yes it may take awhile, months even to do all the States. But it will be widely accepted by the majority of all Americans, and will put US boots into the media’s mouth’s when all the their dirt the military finds matches up with all the dirt our side has been trying to voice since 2020!
Any other play Trump does right now, unless he’s ready to just rush in and “arrest people” will start that Civil War the Cabal has been gunning for. I could be wrong, but I think given the circumstances, this is the Trump hand about to be played for now.
Here are a few relevant Q posts with TODAY capitalized.
Q Post 2440 Q Post 2356 Q Post 2205 Q Post 603 Q Post 147 Q Post 62 Q Post 50
If it's an announcement for 2024, I'm done and I'll see y'all in the gulags.
Honestly ofnits anything remotely like "I am running in 24 to save the country" it will be a black pill for a great many of us
Why do all these announcements happen so late in the evening? Seems to me if there is something so important to say ...you would want to do that during the day time so that everyone can listen and respond promptly.
Are you unemployed by any chance?
Most people will be home by that time. Like when a president addressing the country. It’s always at night, in the evening when most can hear it.
“The president is on! He’s on every channel!”
The old days.
Perhaps you are right. I have the luxury of peeking in on the news at work.
Time to grow a pair doomers......
I can't help but think of a line from Josey Wales.....
Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
If you step back and think about it, we haven't even begun to fight!
Hold the line, we control our future, our faith is our resolve. And remember, "Movie".
I have read this entire tread and hear a genuine heart level conversation between patriots. One that’s surely been had many times in bunkers, foxholes and barns. This time in our homes at our phone or computer. I feel it deeply on both sides. I pray for a MOAB tonight… Mother of all Booms!! I also pray for those in the trenches of this fight. And I cry out for strength for all of us to stay strong in the fight regardless of what happens tonight.
I look at post 34, and one line stands out- “ Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.” This tells me that it may be an indication that things need to be moved forward at a “strike like a lion” pace, and that we’ve done all we can to awaken people. I think it’s time to do just that, and let the chips fall where they may regarding the public who may or may not be awakened yet. I guess we’ll see what happens.
Just say no to: 2024 run - "Speaker of the House" Candidacy - "Declassified Docz" Media won't cover - Regular Rally - More talk Just say yes to: MIL interruption, headed by Space Force, describing and detailing the 908 mission that collected data of fraud for 2020 AND 2022. Also, it is the PERFECT time for the MIL to step in, because normies on BOTH sides 'think' Sleepy Joe is running the Military. Devolution baby.
It is irrelevant. The biggest news in the last 245 years, is that the people have now legitimately altered the government, via the Reclamation of Proper Governance.
Read online for free at Smashwords!
Anyone else counting down the hours????!!!!
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine! 😂
But for real, The way President Trump is saying it will change America forever. It has to be something larger than him running in 2024. Or another political party. Neither of these things will change America forever. Because they will cheat out of 2024 again. It has to be something big that will neuter the swamp. Otherwise, see y'all in the gulag.
The post was made at 1:21 am.
He's got to tell us something we don't already know
That won't make the normies go insane (he can't say he's taking over, for example)
He can't be Speaker of the House - that would be a literal death trap that he would never survive
I'm hoping for new political party (Patriot Party)
and that Space Force has 100% of the receipts on hijacked elections
AND on this massive massive massive FTX money laundering machine that involves most of Congress and the other world leaders (and FTX certainly wasn't the only one involved)
I don’t know why everyone thinks announcing a 2024 run would be the most important thing ever. IMHO it must be something mush more tangible than that.
I think it is because things have been crazy hyped to just be a let down
It’s almost like Trump is asking the military, do something. That’s why he’s using the Hopefully. He wants today to be the day. But it doesn’t seem to be up to him. This is weird. I don’t remember Trump ever building up a day like this. Esp after what has taken place this past week. All I do know that if it’s just a ‘24 run, Trump will lose support. I think he will. Maybe he won’t. Maybe the normies are finally ready to engage. But from my perspective, they are just done.