Oh fucking lighten up. There are thousands of religions, each with millions of people who will die for them - they all contradict each other. Deal with it.
Yeah. I'm a Daoist and that's not what our religion says at all. Every other religion says if you don't believe them, you go to hell. Since you aren't gonna believe in all of them, you're going to hell anyway.
Leftism, by nature, is diametrically opposed to the idea of objective truth. The postmodern foundation of leftists stands in opposition to Christianity, especially since it offers only one way of salvation (through Christ).
Now, your anger over biblical Christianity is causing your judgment to be clouted and to cross the line of flawed logic and reasoning, claiming that any opponent of yours must be or is like a leftist. The essence and nature of leftist postmodernism is openness and all inclusive, hence this is why you see Presbyterian and Lutheran etc churches featuring homosexuals as “pastors” and in leadership. Their gospel is not biblical and it is not “one way.”
You are being irrational and wrongfully portraying leftists for the sake of arguing and defying your religious opponent… which ironically is similar to how leftists argue and believe (openness and shunning that which is objective, true, and exclusive).
If your religion believes it's own version of truth is the only version of truth, you are no different from leftism.
Christianity isn't wrong. But the modern interpretations of it being the truth and the only truth seems no less inane than leftism denying electoral fraud, promoting CRT and dividing society.
God made Christ the singular way to salvation because only Christ could atone for the sins of all of humanity who believe in Him. Other false paths have no way to atone for sin, that's why they have so many rituals to purify themselves, and even then it's going to miss, no one can clean his own soul, only Christ can do it for us.
Sixteen redeemers who died for our salvation ..how come all of them are said to be pagan except the last one jesus who is a dead ringer for previous one Mithras. Even the same dates etc. Lamb of god..rose again third day etc
Wrong again… Christianity is not a religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. Everything else is a religion. Even you deny Christ as your own religion. It’s called Gnosticism. It’s been around for ages, people think they have all the secret knowledge, their worldly knowledge, and they think they’re better than everybody else, you know secret information. They have tied a man-made belief systems, into their religion, so they can control the masses.
Christianity is as simple as it comes. Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, and having a relationship with him. You don’t even have to go to church to do that. You can do it straight from your own home, driving in your car, walking down the street, and it doesn’t involve controlling the masses.
Yes, people do get caught up in churches, and groups of people who still try to do that, but the fundamental basics of Christianity is a simple relationship with the living God. I pray one day that you find it. It’s one of the most awesome feelings a human being can experience. Assurance in a sinful, fallen world.
I believe in God but I don't believe in Christ, because I was born on a continent in a country that doesn't start with Christianity as state religion.
Daoism does not see God as an entity but as a force of nature. It doesn't teach you to find assurance, but to find peace. You and I face the same enemy, have the same principles, but we came from different paths. Does that mean I subscribe to a different religion and therefore have to go to hell?
I'm not here preaching my religion because that's not the point. I subscribe to a philosophical belief that God is very real and exists, and everything will work out in the end (as dictated by Daoism). But one should be able to find God in their own way without being judged or pigeon-holed by one set of written work.
People like that do not naturally figure it out, unfortunately. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. They choose to lock themselves into their own perception of God against the Word of God. They represent the Age of Enlightenment and postmodernism thinking.
Wow… I couldn’t have said it any better. The thing is is that I think at one time I know for sure I was one of those people, perhaps you as well. I don’t know for sure about yourself. But I was definitely in the world at one time, and once you see the truth of Christ, your eyes or wide awake to so many other things.
I think the problem with that the world right now, is there so much information. People can dive down so many rabbit holes, some of them never make it out. The simplicity of Christianity, is what makes it so difficult for people to accept. It’s the only religion on the planet. That is God reaching out to man. Every other religion is man reaching out to God, and that is so fallible.
The English words Daoism (/ˈdaʊ.ɪzəm/) and Taoism (/ˈdaʊ.ɪzəm/ or /ˈtaʊ.ɪzəm/) are alternative spellings for the same-named Chinese philosophy and religion. The root for Daoism or Taoism is the Chinese word 道 ("road" or "way"), which was transcribed tao or tau in the earliest systems for the romanization of Chinese and dao or dau in 20th century systems.
You and I believe in the same thing through different religions.
Why is your way better than mine and I will go to hell?
Why are you giving God anthropogenic qualities and assume he is determined to convert him to Christianity of God is supposed to exceed human comprehension?
Yes, only Christianity has atonement for sin. No other deity or religion features a perfect law where their god is dies to atone for sin. Islam, for instance, hates Christianity and in their eschatology Dajjal comes to shatter crosses because the cross represents atonement for sin. Since Satan is behind all false religion, Satan naturally hates atonement because he hates the triune God.
I see you have a handshake, but you are very intelligent when it comes to God’s word for sure. And you’re very articulate. Sometimes my emotions get in the way, but I’m trying to say. Thank you for pointing it out so eloquently.
What other god died for their people?
What other god died for people sins?
What other God has ever offered something to people other than hopeless dreams?
I believe God’s word is inerrant, you have chosen to not believe that.
But there is factual information regarding the life of Christ, his existence on this planet, and his crucifixion. I don’t care if you believe anything else in the Bible… Everybody in the world knows about Jesus Christ. There are archaeological digs with proven information regarding Christ.
But this is all I’m going to say to you because you’ve already made up your mind. We know that. You constantly come here and try to denigrate Christians. Because you think you’re better than everybody else, like you’ve got some secret knowledge. Well, the last time that happened a bunch of people drink Kool-Aid and died.
Don’t bother getting back to me because I will not be interacting with you. You are here to cost division, and I will rest in my faith in Christ.
On all accounts… If I’m wrong, based on the way, I live my life in a godly manner, loving, caring, moral, praying for others, and raising my vibration for whatever it is you want to call it. Then I’m good to go in the future, right? But if I am right, you’re going to hell. That’s something for you to consider.
This is a basic piece of information that everyone has, and yet they still are so prideful. They refuse to embrace it. At the very least, I’m good to go either way. However; if I do not believe that, God’s word is inerrant, then what do I based my salvation on? I can’t pick and choose what in God’s word that I agree with because it’s uncomfortable. I choose to believe 100%, and that’s my assurance of salvation. It is one of the most wonderful feelings of human being can half, I hope one day that you embrace that.
What you don’t understand is that there are many of your beliefs, that are in the Bible… They’re just not called words that are used war, New Age purposes. It’s because of man’s heart heart that they can’t even take the time to read the Bible all the way through to understand a lot of what you believe is in the Bible
Christianity has some fine moral tenets but missed out on vital ontology taught outside modern religion such as reincarnation, other dimensions, timelines, the akashic records, etc. Ancient hermeticism is also worth studying to understand the basic laws and nature of the universe.
I understand life as simplified here: Souls are an extension of Source, the mass of conscious energy that created the big bang. Everything is comprised of living energy. Source or All-that-is divided itself into these souls so it could experience what it already knew conceptually in its state of blissful infinite being. Our mission is to collect these experiences and return to Source.
There is no permanent hell and certainly no devil. Just lower dimension housing beings with lower vibrations. Everything must eventually return to the One because God is all that is.
I was going to try and reply to you with facts and knowledge. But everything that you’ve mentioned, is in the Bible. But you’ve chosen to not believe it, so you don’t see it there. I’m not gonna get into details because you’ve already made your mind up. But once I got to the end of your comment, and you said, there is no devil, that’s when I knew that I could not take you serious at all. If you cannot see that there is a Satan, and demons in this world, and that evil is prevailing right now, then there’s no reason for us to have a conversation. I will be praying for you though.
I’m just shocked that you, being part of the Q movement, don’t understand the fundamental basis of evil, Satan, demons, and what you speak of a spiritual realm. Yes, I agree with you on your spiritual realm theory, because God talks about it in his word. And in that room, there is a war going on between good and evil.
And just a little quip on your thoughts on reincarnation… I would never server God that would make me live on this planet more than once. It’s the most preposterous idea I’ve ever heard of. Also, there are some of that movement, that actually believe you choose your life before you come here. It’s Madness simply madness. Because by that logic, you would be telling me that a child who gets ass raped every day chose that before they came here. That is a Satanic doctrine. Because that’s what they love to do the children. Nobody in their right mind would ever choose that life for themselves.
The thought of never knowing where you’re going to end up, or if you’ve ever measured up to whatever standard that some esoteric being has created, is how hopelessness is created on this planet. The promises that Christ, make for us, give us assurance of the here after. I take comfort inn that.
If I am wrong, based on your studies, I would pass with flying colors, because I live my life in a positive manner, morally, praying for others, uplifting my spirit, or raising my vibration whatever you wanna call it, and I’m good to go. But if I am right, you risk going to hell. This is the simple basic Christianity plan that I don’t understand how people miss this little fact.
Thanks for your reply. I have nothing against Christianity on a moral basis. There are some wholesome and sound teachings relating to the core family.
Of course I believe in evil. It is one of the dyads, you know male & female, good & evil. That doesn't mean there is an actual devil and eternal condemnation. It makes no sense for God to create such a foul being. God created us all in his image. Which means we have its power of creation. Our thoughts can therefore manifest anything in the astral realm. We can do this here as well but there is a delay.
God also imbued us with free will. Some have chosen evil in this life this is true.
Yes we plan and choose our lives in advance. It is the only way to make sense of the suffering. Some choose a more difficult life to advance themselves spiritually. Other lives are the consequences of karma, the meeting of self. Nothing is 100% predetermined. People can, as a result of their freedom of choice, always deviate from their chosen plan and commit evil.
No kidding about hairline .. I must be a prude this is offensive to me , our president is an honorable man with a beautiful wife he respects ,,, I know it’s all in fun but DJT has more class than to be tempted by this balding forehead chick lol
Yes , thank you I thought I’d get a bunch of slack ! I started commenting on it when I first saw it and then stopped , I went back to it and saw the comment about the hair I thought OK I’m going to just say it …yes it was disgusting! Thank you for being bolder than me
Image is from Milo Manara, an Italian comic book artist who in 2011 decided to illustrate the 1668 works of French poet/fabulist Jean de la Fontaine.
Besides the well-known tales with a high moral and symbolic value that we all know, the French author Jean de La Fontaine also wrote sonnets and licentious, libertine stories. In 2011, Milo Manara decided to illustrate these poems, summarizing, in 12 beautiful images, the eroticism and voluptuousness found in those adult fables.
Ratio'd refers to the ratio of comments to likes. It's an inexact way to judge a post's popularity. Many likes and few comments means people like it, fewer likes and many comments means people hate it and are saying so.
I think it refers to the difference in number between likes and dislikes, upvotes and down votes, etc. Usually meaning that you are getting WAY more negative feedback than positive.
Basically, Elon is a Cenobite (see Hellraiser + Elon’s Satanic Champion Armor): Elon promises sensational pleasures beyond your imagination, but the pleasures are always his while he pleasures himself to your torturous fall into hell.
He’s the the guy whose joke you laughed at that at a party, and who never stopped cracking jokes all night long - a bore but you were forced to laugh. He should stop. One is good enough.
Oh He's coming.
Kabala: do not come.. do not come..
Trump: I’m gonna come.
That's a riot !!
And that chick is inciting an erection 🥁
An Insurr-erection!
haha Schmuck Schumer and his famous gaffe
Fiery but mostly peaceful
ahahah lol 😅🤣
That video pops up every once in a while just to bring me to my knees in tears
To Christians, this is not hilarious.
And Musk is definitely not a follower of Jesus Christ.
Oh fucking lighten up. There are thousands of religions, each with millions of people who will die for them - they all contradict each other. Deal with it.
Actually, you’re wrong
All religions are man reaching out to God
Christianity is the only religion that God reaches out to man. It’s called a relationship with Christ.
Yeah. I'm a Daoist and that's not what our religion says at all. Every other religion says if you don't believe them, you go to hell. Since you aren't gonna believe in all of them, you're going to hell anyway.
Sorry, but you’re wrong. You’ll figure it out one day.
You sound like a Leftist.
Why is there only one way to reach God if God loves everyone and wants everyone to reach him?
If you love God, stop believing in religion.
Leftism, by nature, is diametrically opposed to the idea of objective truth. The postmodern foundation of leftists stands in opposition to Christianity, especially since it offers only one way of salvation (through Christ).
Now, your anger over biblical Christianity is causing your judgment to be clouted and to cross the line of flawed logic and reasoning, claiming that any opponent of yours must be or is like a leftist. The essence and nature of leftist postmodernism is openness and all inclusive, hence this is why you see Presbyterian and Lutheran etc churches featuring homosexuals as “pastors” and in leadership. Their gospel is not biblical and it is not “one way.”
You are being irrational and wrongfully portraying leftists for the sake of arguing and defying your religious opponent… which ironically is similar to how leftists argue and believe (openness and shunning that which is objective, true, and exclusive).
If your religion believes it's own version of truth is the only version of truth, you are no different from leftism.
Christianity isn't wrong. But the modern interpretations of it being the truth and the only truth seems no less inane than leftism denying electoral fraud, promoting CRT and dividing society.
God made Christ the singular way to salvation because only Christ could atone for the sins of all of humanity who believe in Him. Other false paths have no way to atone for sin, that's why they have so many rituals to purify themselves, and even then it's going to miss, no one can clean his own soul, only Christ can do it for us.
Seems like a really defeatist way to look at God, cornering us into not having any choice but to believe in Christianity.
I believe God to be more benevolent, and much more passive, than Christianity would make him out to be.
Sixteen redeemers who died for our salvation ..how come all of them are said to be pagan except the last one jesus who is a dead ringer for previous one Mithras. Even the same dates etc. Lamb of god..rose again third day etc
Wrong again… Christianity is not a religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. Everything else is a religion. Even you deny Christ as your own religion. It’s called Gnosticism. It’s been around for ages, people think they have all the secret knowledge, their worldly knowledge, and they think they’re better than everybody else, you know secret information. They have tied a man-made belief systems, into their religion, so they can control the masses.
Christianity is as simple as it comes. Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, and having a relationship with him. You don’t even have to go to church to do that. You can do it straight from your own home, driving in your car, walking down the street, and it doesn’t involve controlling the masses.
Yes, people do get caught up in churches, and groups of people who still try to do that, but the fundamental basics of Christianity is a simple relationship with the living God. I pray one day that you find it. It’s one of the most awesome feelings a human being can experience. Assurance in a sinful, fallen world.
I believe in God but I don't believe in Christ, because I was born on a continent in a country that doesn't start with Christianity as state religion.
Daoism does not see God as an entity but as a force of nature. It doesn't teach you to find assurance, but to find peace. You and I face the same enemy, have the same principles, but we came from different paths. Does that mean I subscribe to a different religion and therefore have to go to hell?
I'm not here preaching my religion because that's not the point. I subscribe to a philosophical belief that God is very real and exists, and everything will work out in the end (as dictated by Daoism). But one should be able to find God in their own way without being judged or pigeon-holed by one set of written work.
People like that do not naturally figure it out, unfortunately. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. They choose to lock themselves into their own perception of God against the Word of God. They represent the Age of Enlightenment and postmodernism thinking.
Wow… I couldn’t have said it any better. The thing is is that I think at one time I know for sure I was one of those people, perhaps you as well. I don’t know for sure about yourself. But I was definitely in the world at one time, and once you see the truth of Christ, your eyes or wide awake to so many other things.
I think the problem with that the world right now, is there so much information. People can dive down so many rabbit holes, some of them never make it out. The simplicity of Christianity, is what makes it so difficult for people to accept. It’s the only religion on the planet. That is God reaching out to man. Every other religion is man reaching out to God, and that is so fallible.
God bless you for your kind and wise words.
I certainly was that way early on, and I think most Christians were (at least in my experience) even if they grow up/grew up in the church.
You nailed it with the “simplicity” of Christianity and the gospel. Perfectly said. The analogy of reaching is spot on. I like it.
I used to be a Taoist myself until I found Jesus. Can’t explain it to you but I regret thinking I was right.
Hard to agree with you when you spell it wrong.
(Hey, i'm also a taoist)
The English words Daoism (/ˈdaʊ.ɪzəm/) and Taoism (/ˈdaʊ.ɪzəm/ or /ˈtaʊ.ɪzəm/) are alternative spellings for the same-named Chinese philosophy and religion. The root for Daoism or Taoism is the Chinese word 道 ("road" or "way"), which was transcribed tao or tau in the earliest systems for the romanization of Chinese and dao or dau in 20th century systems.
Thank you for posting that.
That's because it's a path to Hell.
Seems weird, since Daoism came before Christianity. So did Catholicism, from which Protestantism is born, which also came from Judaism Judaism.
You know nothing about another religion but instantly call it a path to hell. That seems... rather narrow-minded.
It's not narrow minded, God prescribed a way to avoid Hell, as i mentioned before, being exclusive isnt a demerit.
Being exclusive is actually what makes genuine faith in Christ ("Christianity") the only viable option.
Any false god can claim to be the true one, but only the One delivers on what He promises, and only in exchange for faith.
Faith is the key, not hating your neighbor, not killing for God, not threatening people with Hellfire if they dont succumb to the church's will.
You and I believe in the same thing through different religions.
Why is your way better than mine and I will go to hell?
Why are you giving God anthropogenic qualities and assume he is determined to convert him to Christianity of God is supposed to exceed human comprehension?
Yes, only Christianity has atonement for sin. No other deity or religion features a perfect law where their god is dies to atone for sin. Islam, for instance, hates Christianity and in their eschatology Dajjal comes to shatter crosses because the cross represents atonement for sin. Since Satan is behind all false religion, Satan naturally hates atonement because he hates the triune God.
I see you have a handshake, but you are very intelligent when it comes to God’s word for sure. And you’re very articulate. Sometimes my emotions get in the way, but I’m trying to say. Thank you for pointing it out so eloquently.
You are well versed in Scripture and defended very well, thank you for the kind words
Correct and well said.
Where does it say that? Apart from a books written by the Jews
What other god died for their people? What other god died for people sins? What other God has ever offered something to people other than hopeless dreams?
I believe God’s word is inerrant, you have chosen to not believe that.
But there is factual information regarding the life of Christ, his existence on this planet, and his crucifixion. I don’t care if you believe anything else in the Bible… Everybody in the world knows about Jesus Christ. There are archaeological digs with proven information regarding Christ.
But this is all I’m going to say to you because you’ve already made up your mind. We know that. You constantly come here and try to denigrate Christians. Because you think you’re better than everybody else, like you’ve got some secret knowledge. Well, the last time that happened a bunch of people drink Kool-Aid and died.
Don’t bother getting back to me because I will not be interacting with you. You are here to cost division, and I will rest in my faith in Christ.
On all accounts… If I’m wrong, based on the way, I live my life in a godly manner, loving, caring, moral, praying for others, and raising my vibration for whatever it is you want to call it. Then I’m good to go in the future, right? But if I am right, you’re going to hell. That’s something for you to consider.
This is a basic piece of information that everyone has, and yet they still are so prideful. They refuse to embrace it. At the very least, I’m good to go either way. However; if I do not believe that, God’s word is inerrant, then what do I based my salvation on? I can’t pick and choose what in God’s word that I agree with because it’s uncomfortable. I choose to believe 100%, and that’s my assurance of salvation. It is one of the most wonderful feelings of human being can half, I hope one day that you embrace that.
What you don’t understand is that there are many of your beliefs, that are in the Bible… They’re just not called words that are used war, New Age purposes. It’s because of man’s heart heart that they can’t even take the time to read the Bible all the way through to understand a lot of what you believe is in the Bible
This is sixteen crucified saviours . Well you did ask!!
Only one resurrected.
God bless you and have a great day
Christianity has some fine moral tenets but missed out on vital ontology taught outside modern religion such as reincarnation, other dimensions, timelines, the akashic records, etc. Ancient hermeticism is also worth studying to understand the basic laws and nature of the universe.
I understand life as simplified here: Souls are an extension of Source, the mass of conscious energy that created the big bang. Everything is comprised of living energy. Source or All-that-is divided itself into these souls so it could experience what it already knew conceptually in its state of blissful infinite being. Our mission is to collect these experiences and return to Source.
There is no permanent hell and certainly no devil. Just lower dimension housing beings with lower vibrations. Everything must eventually return to the One because God is all that is.
I was going to try and reply to you with facts and knowledge. But everything that you’ve mentioned, is in the Bible. But you’ve chosen to not believe it, so you don’t see it there. I’m not gonna get into details because you’ve already made your mind up. But once I got to the end of your comment, and you said, there is no devil, that’s when I knew that I could not take you serious at all. If you cannot see that there is a Satan, and demons in this world, and that evil is prevailing right now, then there’s no reason for us to have a conversation. I will be praying for you though.
I’m just shocked that you, being part of the Q movement, don’t understand the fundamental basis of evil, Satan, demons, and what you speak of a spiritual realm. Yes, I agree with you on your spiritual realm theory, because God talks about it in his word. And in that room, there is a war going on between good and evil.
And just a little quip on your thoughts on reincarnation… I would never server God that would make me live on this planet more than once. It’s the most preposterous idea I’ve ever heard of. Also, there are some of that movement, that actually believe you choose your life before you come here. It’s Madness simply madness. Because by that logic, you would be telling me that a child who gets ass raped every day chose that before they came here. That is a Satanic doctrine. Because that’s what they love to do the children. Nobody in their right mind would ever choose that life for themselves.
The thought of never knowing where you’re going to end up, or if you’ve ever measured up to whatever standard that some esoteric being has created, is how hopelessness is created on this planet. The promises that Christ, make for us, give us assurance of the here after. I take comfort inn that.
If I am wrong, based on your studies, I would pass with flying colors, because I live my life in a positive manner, morally, praying for others, uplifting my spirit, or raising my vibration whatever you wanna call it, and I’m good to go. But if I am right, you risk going to hell. This is the simple basic Christianity plan that I don’t understand how people miss this little fact.
Thanks for your reply. I have nothing against Christianity on a moral basis. There are some wholesome and sound teachings relating to the core family.
Of course I believe in evil. It is one of the dyads, you know male & female, good & evil. That doesn't mean there is an actual devil and eternal condemnation. It makes no sense for God to create such a foul being. God created us all in his image. Which means we have its power of creation. Our thoughts can therefore manifest anything in the astral realm. We can do this here as well but there is a delay.
God also imbued us with free will. Some have chosen evil in this life this is true.
Yes we plan and choose our lives in advance. It is the only way to make sense of the suffering. Some choose a more difficult life to advance themselves spiritually. Other lives are the consequences of karma, the meeting of self. Nothing is 100% predetermined. People can, as a result of their freedom of choice, always deviate from their chosen plan and commit evil.
Hope this makes sense.
Disgusting, isn't it? Hurts my heart.
Satanists love to mock Christ and His sacrifice.
It’s always surprising to see how many here revel in that mockery.
This is the tip of the iceberg of the blasphemous “art” Milo Manara has created, and he also recently created propaganda supporting the plandemic.
Musk keeps showing who he is and so many in this movement roll around happily in his shit.
Perhaps Musk knows the truth. gospel of Peter
Nope the dude worships satan idk what the fuss about Elon is. He is not apart of the good side of God wins
It's Trump praying in the meme, though . . .
Agree 💯
Elon is most excellent at this kek
The one of Peg from family guy trying to resist taking the drug is also good, but I think this one is even better...
Master troll... hilarious.
Yea I don’t care for this at all. Maybe Elon’s satanic costume is on a bit to tight.
This is cringe.
I am laughing my head off and I don't feel guilty. I am also a Christian. You have to laugh to get through this kind of time.
Rather sick. Really?
He will be back on twitter when he's ready to announce ...
I’m sticking to my guns on this one… Musk is not a White Hat.
Meh….not very clever just very crass….
Trump resisting, but he may weaken and have a new grabbed her by the pussy gym story. Kek
It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. JTT Jesus JTT
I mean from GOD btw not the lady. Obviously you have her permission LolZ
yup, she has her bird beak out and wings spread haha
Love Elon's sense of humor. I was going to post this. LMAO
Not much temptation with a receding hairline like that js 😂
No kidding about hairline .. I must be a prude this is offensive to me , our president is an honorable man with a beautiful wife he respects ,,, I know it’s all in fun but DJT has more class than to be tempted by this balding forehead chick lol
Trump is above all that. I agree.
Yes he is ! It’s a bit raunchy!
Exactly. Trump is the most godly man that we've ever had as president. He would never want trash like this about him.
Agreed. Do you think Trump will make a post on Twitter? I’m on the fence about it lol
Maybe. A lot of people are pressuring him to use it. If it even lasts. Elon Musk may turn it into something else.
It's Christ depicted, not Trump.. It is disgusting and sacrilegious.
Yes , thank you I thought I’d get a bunch of slack ! I started commenting on it when I first saw it and then stopped , I went back to it and saw the comment about the hair I thought OK I’m going to just say it …yes it was disgusting! Thank you for being bolder than me
Yet Musk plainly wrote Trumps name on it.
Lol I thought you were talking about the dude at first
What am I seeing here?? Twitter is a hoe and Trump is a saint??
Trump staying loyal on his Truth Social platform while his slutty ex (Twitter) comes calling.
Twitter wants trump to use her/take her for a spin lol, its been a while
You're seeing that Twitter is an alluring propositioning temptress to Trump, and Trump is praying for the patience and will to resist.
The joke is that Trump is a damn saint if he resists tens of millions of followers.
The left will have a field day with this.
Image is from Milo Manara, an Italian comic book artist who in 2011 decided to illustrate the 1668 works of French poet/fabulist Jean de la Fontaine.
He's a Satanist.
Is this a comm then?
I haven't thought about that. That's a good point. I'm not familiar enough with Fontaine to know, unfortunately.
Me, either....but I believe it's a comm to someone. Need to dig...
Actually its a test of character. Trump said hes not coming back..we will see.
Ratio'd refers to the ratio of comments to likes. It's an inexact way to judge a post's popularity. Many likes and few comments means people like it, fewer likes and many comments means people hate it and are saying so.
I think it refers to the difference in number between likes and dislikes, upvotes and down votes, etc. Usually meaning that you are getting WAY more negative feedback than positive.
Is... is he tempting Don to grab Twitter by the pussy?
Is this Jesus in the dessert circa 2022? I feel like this is DS trying to bait the storm tweet to try and mess with the plan
🎂 is my favorite dessert
My fellow Americans….
Top fucking kek
IDK but that looks just like @jack to me.
Twitter's kinda cute!
Basically, Elon is a Cenobite (see Hellraiser + Elon’s Satanic Champion Armor): Elon promises sensational pleasures beyond your imagination, but the pleasures are always his while he pleasures himself to your torturous fall into hell.
Unfortunate but true.
Elon's Baphomet Halloween costume.
I think you just came Up with the best definition of a “troll” that I’ve ever heard!
It's called an open forum of free-flowing conversation. That is what we do here.
If you can only handle one narrative, then just stare in the mirror and enjoy the company.
This goes way deeper into the spiritual realm than MOST can contemplate, or even want to contemplate.
A dangerous world with grand deceptions swirling in every direction.
He’s the the guy whose joke you laughed at that at a party, and who never stopped cracking jokes all night long - a bore but you were forced to laugh. He should stop. One is good enough.