6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know[a] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
All mankind is born with sin. God can not be near sin, He is Holy. He gave us His Son, who was born without sin, to die on the cross to take on all our sins, so that everyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior can be cleansed of sin and go to Heaven.
.... and the blood. It's not just his amazing sacrifice, it is his blood. Think about it. Why does the bible always mention that about his blood? Think about it & what do we know, today, about human blood????
What do the Satanists call it? Acetochrome or something?
I think the Satanists want human blood more than some sort of "high" they get from it. I think it has to do with some sort of very dark power ritual. I've been in online magic & occult groups & yeah, a lot of them are into herbs & crystals & stuff but if you dig around, you will find a few who take the blood of animals to empower their rituals. IDK exactly what they do but I got the sense that they kill the animal right then, in the middle of the ritual. They don't write much about it.
There are also ancient cultures. A Kenyan friend of mine told me that, if someone in their tribe is sick. They take a goat, slit it's throat, put the blood in a cup and the sick person drinks it immediately. I guess the blood represents the life energy of the animal & that gives the sick person life. Or something like that. And of course there are the ancient Hebrews who were forbidden to drink the blood of animals not because it was bad but because it was so good that it was only supposed to be only for God
If the blood of animals is so special, I guess the blood of humans would be so much more & it must make these Satanists feel like gods or something. Very evil gods. The point I am trying to make is, imagine how much more powerful would be the blood of God made flesh, shed for us, out of his infinite love. This is more powerful than any magic those Satanists contrive and this is what protects us & will save us in the end. I bet you that they can feel the loss in their power every Sunday when so many priests all over the world transmute wine into the blood of Christ. My intuition tells me that THAT was the real reason they wanted churches closed over 'covid'
imagine how much more powerful would be the blood of God made flesh, shed for us, out of his infinite love. This is more powerful than any magic those Satanists contrive and this is what protects us & will save us in the end.
No it doesn't look holy to me. Not to pick on snakes or anything but couldn't they find a different animal to model those buildings by? Any other animal would have ben fine
Sadly, I think the Satanists have control of other denominations too. I know someone deeply religious who told me early on that he's not getting the shot, it's the sign of the beast. I saw him a few years later and asked him about that. He told me he discussed it with his priest & the priest told him it's fine so he took it. :/
It's kind of sad because he initially had the correct intuition about it but trusted the religious authority over his own.
Chris is our way to heaven and that belief allowed us a direct line to God again. Organized religion is supposed to help facilitate that connection, not be a gatekeeper for it. Sadly, that ends up being what happens in most cases, especially with larger churches, the draw to be a part of "the system" leads good men away from the path and they take their flock with them.
The correct answer that priest should given is that he pray to God for discernment which would have led him back to his original conclusion about the clot shot.
Correct. Many Catholics are awake to the truth, but many likely stay with their church and family for fear of being outcast and living/being utterly alone. They’re saved but trapped. At least, I’ve known many who feel that way.
That’s incorrect, if my entire family left the church and everyone I knew, I would still remain. It is out of love of God and the one true faith.
Absolutely nothing will ever shake that, even though leadership is obviously worshiping satan. This has nothing to do with the doctrine and what Christ established. You know some weak minded Catholics, perhaps they aren’t really Catholic.
Great! Stay strong in your faith, fren but at the same time you know not to always follow the church authorities for many of them follow satan (Maybe not your priest or bishop but they might be taking orders from those that are
hmmm. The thought just hit me.... So do you believe the church is still the "bride of Christ" even though, it is obviously infested with a satanic cancer?
The point I made was they are truly Christians, not “Roman Catholics,” as Roman Catholicism is heretical by nature and essence (and doctrine).. but circumstances will not allow every individual to leave their families/church etc. and it may take time until their circumstances afford them the ability to part if they choose to. The point is, not all Roman Catholics are saved, but many Catholics are genuinely saved. Here is an excellent sermon on the subject: https://youtu.be/FUjPRebk06o (Are Catholics Saved?)
Heretical? That is laughable, leaving the Church and making something of your own faith heretical. Like I said we are the one true faith and nothing will ever change that. It is not circumstances, the Catholics who do not leave are the ones who know their faith. I did extensive research before joining the Church.
I don’t need to watch that video, I know my faith and know what it takes to be saved. Your the one throwing heresy around. This board does have a big issue with Catholics and I don’t understand why.
The leadership is Jesus, is he evil? What are you even talking about? Let’s talk about this for a second, buddy. Jesus established this Church and created order for us, whether someone wants to follow that order is up to them, that is simply called freewill. The entire leadership could worship the devil but that doesn’t matter, because the order that Jesus established is all the same, which is why they are trying to kill the Latin mass, because people know what is true and what isn’t.
People who usually attack the Church are those who do not understand it. I’m not sitting here with a notepad waiting for the Masonic pope to tell me what to do, are you out of your mind? I know and understand the Truth and I don’t need anyone to tell me that anymore and the Truth lies within the Church, the one true faith. I will be Catholic until I die. Also look around there is a reason why the Catholic Church is the only one attacked in media, we were the first ones and we will be the last. Buddy.
No it’s not, just because the Church may have been taken over for the short time, does not mean that’s it’s inherently evil, the doctrine remains pure and we know the truth. If what the leadership says, goes against the doctrine and what Jesus established why would we follow it? I don’t need to change any tune when you are trying to point me away from Jesus, I will not abandon the Church, don’t call me crazy when you clearly don’t understand the faith.
What is there to think about? You telling me not to visit Gods home on Sunday? That actually breaks the commandments. There really isn’t much to think about, we are required to go to Church on Sundays, all Catholics and Christians. Ok so you said Jesus first so what? Jesus established the Church, it’s His word and his Truth that I follow. I am not arrogant enough to say “oh Jesus told me to worship in a certain way but I’m gonna do it the way I want to do it”, that sounds way more satanic than following the original doctrine that Jesus established.
I don’t think your that smart, my family never left, we are all Catholic, I said in the situation that they did leave, I would remain with the Church, which is the same as remaining with Jesus. Learn how to read. I will go to Gods house of worship though, you can remain in your bed and be arrogant enough to think you can do it better from there. We are all going to have sins to account for when we die, I am very glad that is not one of the things I will have to answer for. You know who else decided that they could do things better on their own? Satan. Good luck with that one.
Nothing changes until people stand up and speak their truth. There will be difficult conversations with family and friends, but the chips will fall, everything will settle, and everybody will be better for it in the end. I know from experience…I used to be Mormon.
Speak the TRUTH. Jesus showed us the way. He knew by speaking the truth, he would be executed.
Its unfortunate... the people that attended and even one of the priests I grew up with seemed very much like good people. Every time our priest had to step out due to vacation/whatever we would get a creepy priest. One old guy that sung in Latin and a young guy that would make jokes like it was comedy night. Its a shame. I worked with a guy who was abused by a priest in the Mexican Catholic church and I vow to expose them to honor this man who had his childhood stripped from him.
"Then there’s disinfo like Gematria – Gematria is remarkably similar to symbolism comms except instead of directly interpreting symbolism you instead feed a number into a machine that pops out dozens of unrelated symbols (with hundreds of variants based on method) that you can interpret however you like.
In other words it’s a very good way to get people to never notice actual symbolism comms by putting a gibberish in-between comms and interpretation. A see what you want to see machine. There’s a good reason Q has never mentioned it yet I see clowns often promoting it.
Symbolism comms:
Word -> Meaning
Image -> Meaning
Animal -> Meaning
Object-> Meaning
Gematria Comms:
Word -> Gematria -> Meanings 1-1000 -keep trying modes until you find one that looks sinister!
As a bit of indication of that consider the multiple year long anti-semitism push everywhere Q pushes. Now consider Gematria connecting “comms” to it. A match made for disinfo pushes. Also, if it were a thing, then why in the heck is it never mentioned ANYWHERE except by anon’s trying to decode things.
Think about it, if it were a thing there’d by tons of slip-ups from CIA or celebs or it being mentioned in declassified documents somewhere that Q highlights, but no It’s just a magic solution. A way to take anything and turn it into something you can interpret as a comm. It takes all the effort out of it as well.
I often spend HOURS decoding single comms. It often requires digging into history and cross referencing news to comm.
Which is why Q says things like “News unlocks the map” Because if you reconcile the news events to the Q post you get the meaning. Same thing is true of most comms out in the wild. It takes effort and time, not a symbol generator.
Most symbolism comms are various groups of clowns commenting on the real news is going on at any given moment. Nothing perverted just clowns making a statement.
Or this one, https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/08/music-decoded/ -The comms when decoded explained how JFK was taken out. As it turns out it was Mi6+CIA and they used a clown on the radio back then to send info to agents preparing the operation. Imagine if I decoded those words with Gematria? (btw back when this was released I found multiple large following Algo pushed Youtube channels doing exactly that and reaching nonsensical conclusions)"
Gematria is rubbish. You can convert words into numbers, but the reverse is make believe. Thousands of choices, and these people choose the "meaningful" ones. And there are gullible people who believe it.
It's similar to the "Bible Code" where you take the original text of the Bible, print it in columns, and find "messages" by skipping so many letters and picking letters to spell things. You can actually do the very same thing with any long text. I corresponded with the Amazing Randi about this many years ago. I took a chapter of "Moby Dick," put it in WordPerfect, deleted all the spaces and punctuation, capitalized all the letters, and created a huge rectangle out of the text. I found all kinds of words and "messages." Randi agreed with my findings.
So, actually reading the article, Francis was talking with someone about making a payment to free a nun who had been captured by Al-Qaida. Doesn't seem too wicked. Also Francis wanted some documentation about this expense. Doesn't seem too corrupt either. The corruption part was that the payment was irregular and the person who was supposed to ransom the nun instead spent the money on personal items. Yet the real story was not discussed here in this thread at all, only tired old gripes.
The Catholic Church and the Pope are the reason that most Christian religions celebrate Sunday instead of the real Sabbath on Saturday. They just did that by fiat.
They also ignore Jesus' own words and claim that the Crucifixion occurred on what they call "Good Friday." Jesus said that proof of His being the Messiah would be that, just like Jonah was in the whale for three days and three nights, He would be in the earth for three days and three nights. "Good Friday" until the wee hours of Sunday morning is only a day and a half. The Crucifixion must have occurred on Wednesday. The Catholic Church knew what day it was and lied to all of us.
They have even implied that the Resurrection occurred on Sunday morning at sunrise, when the empty tomb was found before daylight, everything was quiet and still, the stone had rolled away, and the Roman troops had fled on fear of death. So the Resurrection might have occurred on Saturday evening just as the Sabbath ended.
All one has to do is read the Bible. Then point to catholic doctrine and see where the disconnect is. I couldn’t find most catholic rituals mentioned anywhere in the Bible, including baptizing babies. Idol worship (praying to statues) is forbidden by God, yet it’s normalized in Catholicism. God reserves his most severe judgment for those who lead his flock astray. Just read the Bible and pray to Jesus/ God. And stop tithing $$ to Catholic Church— it’s used to defend pedophiles and human traffickers. Mother Theresa was also a big human trafficker for the Vatican.
I dont know if I got duped but our church did baptisms, and we did the sacrament(bread and wine). Everything else was just singing songs of praise and glory to God. I have all the songs in my head still, all of them with great messages, "Glory to God in the highest, and peace to Gods people on Earth."
The sacrament could be construed as cannibalistic now that I know what I know, but I dont remember anything else that was crazy except confessional and them telling us not to have sex until adulthood at the schools over and over again. We volunteered with housing the homeless, and fed the city. Maybe one of the few churches that wanted to do well for everyone...they always showed their finances also. Their balance was 1 million but they always expanded when it got any higher.
So praying to Mary as a substitute for Christ is not really praying to the statue but just near it. All the attributes of Christ are assigned to mary. That's weird. Almost like they are trying to create another god.
So the statues are just adorations? I remember stations of the cross, praying to St Mary, etc. Where in the bible does it state to do those things? I couldn't find it...why after 40+ years of Catholicism I pray to God/Jesus directly and get my instruction from the bible....
Twice Jesus was accused of blasphemy in the Bible. Those occasions gave us clear written definitions of blasphemy. The antichrist will be blaspheme against God which will help reveal those devils. Christ is the Son of God and can forgive sins. Both of these were considered blasphemy if he were a mortal man. The pope Claims to be infallible as god on earth, heaven and the universe. All the priests claim to be able to forgive sins as if God himself forgave them. Since I know in my heart that a kid fucker cannot forgive sins and cannot be God on earth.
They may not all be pedophiles but they are blasphemous.
I was raised Catholic and even went to 12 years of Catholic school indoctrination. I felt there was something weird about the Catholic church since age 7, (Confirmation ritual) when I was told to kiss the Bishop's ring. Why would we have to do that? Although I no longer consider myself as a devout Catholic.
I still find comfort from certain things such as stained glass, candles, frankincense and myrrh incense, and the rosary. Ever since I saw a video depicting the symbolism on the altar at St John's Basilica a couple of years ago, I finally realized this church is demonic! It is mind numbing to be so blind to these things for so long. They duped me for over 50 years. I can't figure out why Catholic priest do exorcisms if they are complicit in Satan's agenda.
Whoever wrote the article is clearly Catholic as he/she goes to explain how many men of God committed sin and yet were men of God. God will forgive but you have to repent, NOT hide the sin behind lies and cover them up.
Believe it or not, muslims are actually more efficient at abstaining from sin, mostly because the Koran actually allows them to do weird and unethical shit. Nevertheless, by their own religion, they are righteous!
Don't be religious, religion doesn't save.
Just seek the truth and the truth will find you.
John 14:6-7
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know[a] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
Jesus was the sacrifice that defeats evil. He died for all and the price for us to be free of sin is free.
That is a concept that too many do not accept.
We know that the concept of human sacrifice, in order to gain power and/or please some deity, was tremendously widespread throughout history
I tend to think Jesus was the (human) sacrifice that ended all other human sacrifices.
He saved all of us by taking this onto himself, so that no other human - especially a child - would ever again be sacrificed in the name of power.
"This is my blood you drink
"This is my body you eat"
(so that you need not ever drink human blood or eat human flesh ever again)
He was the last sacrifice, and therefore humans are not to ever sacrifice anyone ever again.
All mankind is born with sin. God can not be near sin, He is Holy. He gave us His Son, who was born without sin, to die on the cross to take on all our sins, so that everyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior can be cleansed of sin and go to Heaven.
It is the new covenant.
yes, exactly.
.... and the blood. It's not just his amazing sacrifice, it is his blood. Think about it. Why does the bible always mention that about his blood? Think about it & what do we know, today, about human blood????
What do the Satanists call it? Acetochrome or something?
I think the Satanists want human blood more than some sort of "high" they get from it. I think it has to do with some sort of very dark power ritual. I've been in online magic & occult groups & yeah, a lot of them are into herbs & crystals & stuff but if you dig around, you will find a few who take the blood of animals to empower their rituals. IDK exactly what they do but I got the sense that they kill the animal right then, in the middle of the ritual. They don't write much about it.
There are also ancient cultures. A Kenyan friend of mine told me that, if someone in their tribe is sick. They take a goat, slit it's throat, put the blood in a cup and the sick person drinks it immediately. I guess the blood represents the life energy of the animal & that gives the sick person life. Or something like that. And of course there are the ancient Hebrews who were forbidden to drink the blood of animals not because it was bad but because it was so good that it was only supposed to be only for God
If the blood of animals is so special, I guess the blood of humans would be so much more & it must make these Satanists feel like gods or something. Very evil gods. The point I am trying to make is, imagine how much more powerful would be the blood of God made flesh, shed for us, out of his infinite love. This is more powerful than any magic those Satanists contrive and this is what protects us & will save us in the end. I bet you that they can feel the loss in their power every Sunday when so many priests all over the world transmute wine into the blood of Christ. My intuition tells me that THAT was the real reason they wanted churches closed over 'covid'
Anyways, that's how I see it.
I think that's it right there.
This doesn’t look like how Christ would be assembling with his saints to you? Unbelievable.
Your telling me Jesus wouldn’t erect a serpents head temple and sit on his throne inside the serpents mouth indicating he’s the serpents tongue?
This is ridiculous.
No it doesn't look holy to me. Not to pick on snakes or anything but couldn't they find a different animal to model those buildings by? Any other animal would have ben fine
Sadly, I think the Satanists have control of other denominations too. I know someone deeply religious who told me early on that he's not getting the shot, it's the sign of the beast. I saw him a few years later and asked him about that. He told me he discussed it with his priest & the priest told him it's fine so he took it. :/
It's kind of sad because he initially had the correct intuition about it but trusted the religious authority over his own.
All denominations controlled by Satan. Christ is the head of the body.
Could you expand?
Chris is our way to heaven and that belief allowed us a direct line to God again. Organized religion is supposed to help facilitate that connection, not be a gatekeeper for it. Sadly, that ends up being what happens in most cases, especially with larger churches, the draw to be a part of "the system" leads good men away from the path and they take their flock with them.
The correct answer that priest should given is that he pray to God for discernment which would have led him back to his original conclusion about the clot shot.
Correct. Many Catholics are awake to the truth, but many likely stay with their church and family for fear of being outcast and living/being utterly alone. They’re saved but trapped. At least, I’ve known many who feel that way.
That’s incorrect, if my entire family left the church and everyone I knew, I would still remain. It is out of love of God and the one true faith.
Absolutely nothing will ever shake that, even though leadership is obviously worshiping satan. This has nothing to do with the doctrine and what Christ established. You know some weak minded Catholics, perhaps they aren’t really Catholic.
I am home, not trapped, most of us feel this way.
It is out of love of God you remain at Church.
It is out of habit that you remain at that Church.
It is love. Great and everlasting love.
Great! Stay strong in your faith, fren but at the same time you know not to always follow the church authorities for many of them follow satan (Maybe not your priest or bishop but they might be taking orders from those that are
Appreciate that friend:) I know the truth and can’t be steered away. Thank for not attacking the Church that does mean a lot.
hmmm. The thought just hit me.... So do you believe the church is still the "bride of Christ" even though, it is obviously infested with a satanic cancer?
Yup, the gates of hell will never defeat the Church.
You just said it best, it’s a cancer and it doesn’t belong, the Church still is the bride of Christ.
I didn’t say that applies to everyone. That’s the reason it is not incorrect.
It is incorrect because the Catholics who know their faith don’t stay for the people.
Many Christians leave their faith for Catholicism because they leave because of people and go where God is at.
Nice, I figured you wouldn’t be able to muster anything else up.
Have fun heretic.
You’re already shredded. So all you get now is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The point I made was they are truly Christians, not “Roman Catholics,” as Roman Catholicism is heretical by nature and essence (and doctrine).. but circumstances will not allow every individual to leave their families/church etc. and it may take time until their circumstances afford them the ability to part if they choose to. The point is, not all Roman Catholics are saved, but many Catholics are genuinely saved. Here is an excellent sermon on the subject: https://youtu.be/FUjPRebk06o (Are Catholics Saved?)
Heretical? That is laughable, leaving the Church and making something of your own faith heretical. Like I said we are the one true faith and nothing will ever change that. It is not circumstances, the Catholics who do not leave are the ones who know their faith. I did extensive research before joining the Church.
I don’t need to watch that video, I know my faith and know what it takes to be saved. Your the one throwing heresy around. This board does have a big issue with Catholics and I don’t understand why.
The leadership is Jesus, is he evil? What are you even talking about? Let’s talk about this for a second, buddy. Jesus established this Church and created order for us, whether someone wants to follow that order is up to them, that is simply called freewill. The entire leadership could worship the devil but that doesn’t matter, because the order that Jesus established is all the same, which is why they are trying to kill the Latin mass, because people know what is true and what isn’t.
People who usually attack the Church are those who do not understand it. I’m not sitting here with a notepad waiting for the Masonic pope to tell me what to do, are you out of your mind? I know and understand the Truth and I don’t need anyone to tell me that anymore and the Truth lies within the Church, the one true faith. I will be Catholic until I die. Also look around there is a reason why the Catholic Church is the only one attacked in media, we were the first ones and we will be the last. Buddy.
No it’s not, just because the Church may have been taken over for the short time, does not mean that’s it’s inherently evil, the doctrine remains pure and we know the truth. If what the leadership says, goes against the doctrine and what Jesus established why would we follow it? I don’t need to change any tune when you are trying to point me away from Jesus, I will not abandon the Church, don’t call me crazy when you clearly don’t understand the faith.
What is there to think about? You telling me not to visit Gods home on Sunday? That actually breaks the commandments. There really isn’t much to think about, we are required to go to Church on Sundays, all Catholics and Christians. Ok so you said Jesus first so what? Jesus established the Church, it’s His word and his Truth that I follow. I am not arrogant enough to say “oh Jesus told me to worship in a certain way but I’m gonna do it the way I want to do it”, that sounds way more satanic than following the original doctrine that Jesus established.
I don’t think your that smart, my family never left, we are all Catholic, I said in the situation that they did leave, I would remain with the Church, which is the same as remaining with Jesus. Learn how to read. I will go to Gods house of worship though, you can remain in your bed and be arrogant enough to think you can do it better from there. We are all going to have sins to account for when we die, I am very glad that is not one of the things I will have to answer for. You know who else decided that they could do things better on their own? Satan. Good luck with that one.
They are trapping themselves.... common cult behavior
Nothing changes until people stand up and speak their truth. There will be difficult conversations with family and friends, but the chips will fall, everything will settle, and everybody will be better for it in the end. I know from experience…I used to be Mormon.
Speak the TRUTH. Jesus showed us the way. He knew by speaking the truth, he would be executed.
Amen 🎯 crucified for the truth
Most are not saved. They rely on works for their salvation. All the Catholics i know left and became baptized adult Christians.
We are never alone...we are all part of the one consciousness people call god
Its unfortunate... the people that attended and even one of the priests I grew up with seemed very much like good people. Every time our priest had to step out due to vacation/whatever we would get a creepy priest. One old guy that sung in Latin and a young guy that would make jokes like it was comedy night. Its a shame. I worked with a guy who was abused by a priest in the Mexican Catholic church and I vow to expose them to honor this man who had his childhood stripped from him.
Jesuits = closet Satanists… never forget that. It’s all about their sick code and Satanic Ritual Magik. They like to murder people ‘by the numbers’.
Learn Gematria, you can decode their evil acts in real time.
How does one learn Gematria?
I’m a big fan of learning, so I’m truly curious. Is it unlike a language? I can fathom it would be difficult to pick up.
"Then there’s disinfo like Gematria – Gematria is remarkably similar to symbolism comms except instead of directly interpreting symbolism you instead feed a number into a machine that pops out dozens of unrelated symbols (with hundreds of variants based on method) that you can interpret however you like.
In other words it’s a very good way to get people to never notice actual symbolism comms by putting a gibberish in-between comms and interpretation. A see what you want to see machine. There’s a good reason Q has never mentioned it yet I see clowns often promoting it.
Symbolism comms:
Gematria Comms:
Word -> Gematria -> Meanings 1-1000 -keep trying modes until you find one that looks sinister!
As a bit of indication of that consider the multiple year long anti-semitism push everywhere Q pushes. Now consider Gematria connecting “comms” to it. A match made for disinfo pushes. Also, if it were a thing, then why in the heck is it never mentioned ANYWHERE except by anon’s trying to decode things.
Think about it, if it were a thing there’d by tons of slip-ups from CIA or celebs or it being mentioned in declassified documents somewhere that Q highlights, but no It’s just a magic solution. A way to take anything and turn it into something you can interpret as a comm. It takes all the effort out of it as well.
I often spend HOURS decoding single comms. It often requires digging into history and cross referencing news to comm.
Which is why Q says things like “News unlocks the map” Because if you reconcile the news events to the Q post you get the meaning. Same thing is true of most comms out in the wild. It takes effort and time, not a symbol generator.
Most symbolism comms are various groups of clowns commenting on the real news is going on at any given moment. Nothing perverted just clowns making a statement.
Or this one, https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/08/music-decoded/ -The comms when decoded explained how JFK was taken out. As it turns out it was Mi6+CIA and they used a clown on the radio back then to send info to agents preparing the operation. Imagine if I decoded those words with Gematria? (btw back when this was released I found multiple large following Algo pushed Youtube channels doing exactly that and reaching nonsensical conclusions)"
Great post...I have always wondered about the validity of gematria and you have given some clear insight that helps me get off the fence.
Gematria is rubbish. You can convert words into numbers, but the reverse is make believe. Thousands of choices, and these people choose the "meaningful" ones. And there are gullible people who believe it.
It's similar to the "Bible Code" where you take the original text of the Bible, print it in columns, and find "messages" by skipping so many letters and picking letters to spell things. You can actually do the very same thing with any long text. I corresponded with the Amazing Randi about this many years ago. I took a chapter of "Moby Dick," put it in WordPerfect, deleted all the spaces and punctuation, capitalized all the letters, and created a huge rectangle out of the text. I found all kinds of words and "messages." Randi agreed with my findings.
Read Zachary Hubbard’s 2 books. The first one for sure, “Letters and Numbers”.
Gematria calculator
So, actually reading the article, Francis was talking with someone about making a payment to free a nun who had been captured by Al-Qaida. Doesn't seem too wicked. Also Francis wanted some documentation about this expense. Doesn't seem too corrupt either. The corruption part was that the payment was irregular and the person who was supposed to ransom the nun instead spent the money on personal items. Yet the real story was not discussed here in this thread at all, only tired old gripes.
Yep. Nobody seems to read the article, they just trot out their old anti Catholic talking points. No idea how this even got stickied.
The Catholic Church and the Pope are the reason that most Christian religions celebrate Sunday instead of the real Sabbath on Saturday. They just did that by fiat.
They also ignore Jesus' own words and claim that the Crucifixion occurred on what they call "Good Friday." Jesus said that proof of His being the Messiah would be that, just like Jonah was in the whale for three days and three nights, He would be in the earth for three days and three nights. "Good Friday" until the wee hours of Sunday morning is only a day and a half. The Crucifixion must have occurred on Wednesday. The Catholic Church knew what day it was and lied to all of us.
They have even implied that the Resurrection occurred on Sunday morning at sunrise, when the empty tomb was found before daylight, everything was quiet and still, the stone had rolled away, and the Roman troops had fled on fear of death. So the Resurrection might have occurred on Saturday evening just as the Sabbath ended.
These are facts, not "talking points."
Yes the one pope is catholic. The question is, is Catholicism really Christianity!
All one has to do is read the Bible. Then point to catholic doctrine and see where the disconnect is. I couldn’t find most catholic rituals mentioned anywhere in the Bible, including baptizing babies. Idol worship (praying to statues) is forbidden by God, yet it’s normalized in Catholicism. God reserves his most severe judgment for those who lead his flock astray. Just read the Bible and pray to Jesus/ God. And stop tithing $$ to Catholic Church— it’s used to defend pedophiles and human traffickers. Mother Theresa was also a big human trafficker for the Vatican.
I dont know if I got duped but our church did baptisms, and we did the sacrament(bread and wine). Everything else was just singing songs of praise and glory to God. I have all the songs in my head still, all of them with great messages, "Glory to God in the highest, and peace to Gods people on Earth."
The sacrament could be construed as cannibalistic now that I know what I know, but I dont remember anything else that was crazy except confessional and them telling us not to have sex until adulthood at the schools over and over again. We volunteered with housing the homeless, and fed the city. Maybe one of the few churches that wanted to do well for everyone...they always showed their finances also. Their balance was 1 million but they always expanded when it got any higher.
Those were the days, naive and happy.
Catholics don't pray to statues.
Catholics have statues but the statues themselves are not prayed to.
Catholics are not pagans no matter how much you claim they are
So praying to Mary as a substitute for Christ is not really praying to the statue but just near it. All the attributes of Christ are assigned to mary. That's weird. Almost like they are trying to create another god.
So the statues are just adorations? I remember stations of the cross, praying to St Mary, etc. Where in the bible does it state to do those things? I couldn't find it...why after 40+ years of Catholicism I pray to God/Jesus directly and get my instruction from the bible....
Twice Jesus was accused of blasphemy in the Bible. Those occasions gave us clear written definitions of blasphemy. The antichrist will be blaspheme against God which will help reveal those devils. Christ is the Son of God and can forgive sins. Both of these were considered blasphemy if he were a mortal man. The pope Claims to be infallible as god on earth, heaven and the universe. All the priests claim to be able to forgive sins as if God himself forgave them. Since I know in my heart that a kid fucker cannot forgive sins and cannot be God on earth. They may not all be pedophiles but they are blasphemous.
Someone doesn't understand papal infallibility.
Christ Himself gave His disciples the authority to forgive sins.
The Pope is not a disciple. Peter was not the first pope. The church in Rome stole its authority from the original church in Jerusalem.
Synagogue of Satan.
Dude is a False Pope selected by the globull cabal. (Ever notice there's still 'the other' Pope still around?)
I was raised Catholic and even went to 12 years of Catholic school indoctrination. I felt there was something weird about the Catholic church since age 7, (Confirmation ritual) when I was told to kiss the Bishop's ring. Why would we have to do that? Although I no longer consider myself as a devout Catholic. I still find comfort from certain things such as stained glass, candles, frankincense and myrrh incense, and the rosary. Ever since I saw a video depicting the symbolism on the altar at St John's Basilica a couple of years ago, I finally realized this church is demonic! It is mind numbing to be so blind to these things for so long. They duped me for over 50 years. I can't figure out why Catholic priest do exorcisms if they are complicit in Satan's agenda.
It’s only what the Black Pope told him to say….!!
Moral of the story: This illustrates that all humans, even those who are in the service of God, are fallible creatures and prone to error.
Whoever wrote the article is clearly Catholic as he/she goes to explain how many men of God committed sin and yet were men of God. God will forgive but you have to repent, NOT hide the sin behind lies and cover them up.
For what it's worth, he looks like a bad dude.
He looks nothing like Corn Pop. :)
Believe it or not, muslims are actually more efficient at abstaining from sin, mostly because the Koran actually allows them to do weird and unethical shit. Nevertheless, by their own religion, they are righteous!