MAG Bitter Truth says Dolly is a biological male. I actually believe it. Those knockers are so fake. No hips and always wearing wigs. Can't believe it started that long ago.
I’ve seen her for 50 years. She’s changed with “enhancements”, but only someone insane would say she is a man. Remember her interview with Johnny Carson? The changes have been gradual. The tranny trend wasn’t in vogue back then.
My personal opinion of Dolly is pretty low. She renamed The Dixie Stampede at Dollywood in 2018 so leftists wouldn't be offended. She's good friends with Hanoi Jane Fonda. She said about BLM, "And of course Black Lives Matter. Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter? No!" And worst of all, she supported Killary in 2016:
The country star backed Hillary Clinton in 2016, telling the New York Times “Hillary might make as good a president as anybody ever has. I personally think a woman would do a great job. I think Hillary’s very qualified. So if she gets it, I’ll certainly be behind her.”
I came here to say the same thing. She's no friend of ours. I imagine when she's talking about "rebuking Satan," she probably means that MAGA people are evil for not embracing trannies.
I’ve heard that playboy and Hugh Hefner had blackmail tapes on half the celebrity population. That said, I also heard that she’s all over those video tapes
she's like a glitzy, celebrity version of old "Bobo" Gritz. She changes who she is when it benefits her. Pushes the vax, then rebukes Satan. give her a few months & she'll be shilling for brain implants & the mark.
I always loved Dolly when I was young but as I have gotten older and learned a thing or two I came to realize what a POS she and so many others are. She is a die hard liberal and she only did this to try to gain back the conservatives that keeps the lights on in Dollywood. Screw Dolly!!!!
She’s part of the satan worshiping cult of entertainment. Don’t believe any of her words, deceiving is what they do. She was a whore (Playboy secret tapes) and you can find plenty of photos of her depicting satanic one eye Freemason symbolism.
I still think she is Cyrus's mother and most likely was Billy Ray's handler at one point.. hence being Miley's mother and NOT her "god" mother as the claim lies.
That would put her at age 46 when being pregnant. Not impossible, but very unlikely, and at that age, she'd have been all over the news being pregnant at that age. Maybe test tube mother.
How can you be involved in this movement, who is investigating a pit of evil three times deeper then our eyeballs - and be so convinced that Evil does not exist?
Pedophiles - depopulation... the worst of the worst of the worst - we're investigating that all here - and you believe that Evil does not exist?
My heart aches for your eyes. Jesus loves you and has great plans for you - regardless of if you see Him or not - and that relationship is Free for you to rest in at any moment that you want it.
In case you're sincere and not being a jackass, I'll explain.
You should know I was talking about Satan by context of both the post and the comment. Satan is a made-up boogey man. Satan does not exist. "Good" and "evil" exist as far as human comprehension allows. Negative and positive. Differing degrees of the same event such as love and hate - the same emotion, opposing degrees.
Humans like to envoke this creature invention for personal reasons. When a human has done wrong by other humans, guess what? The devil had him under a spell! Or how about a religious leader, when caught doing things he admonishes others for? Satan was tempting him beyond what his mortal flesh could handle! Convenient, no? Or how about when the most evil of all happens to children? Well shit, it was Satan! I could go on and on but you get the picture.
You cannot name a single instance where harm inflicted on a human was not caused by another human. A mentally deranged human in some cases, but mostly just humans who crave money and power and will do anything to anyone, including children, to gain their desires.
Dolly knows some of these humans, but wouldn't dare name names. So she rides the fence, appeasing predators and the oh-so-concerned by "rebuking Satan."
By the way, you don't know me or my history and experiences. Don't attempt to point out the horrors happening as though it was all new to me. You're "aching heart" sounds more like a bleeding one.
She’s also been shilling the vax pretty hard on TV, but yknow what they say—you can’t win em all…
I saw that too. Was so disappointed.
This makes me nauseated.
MAG Bitter Truth says Dolly is a biological male. I actually believe it. Those knockers are so fake. No hips and always wearing wigs. Can't believe it started that long ago.
MAG thinks everyone is a tranny. It's pretty funny.
I’ve seen her for 50 years. She’s changed with “enhancements”, but only someone insane would say she is a man. Remember her interview with Johnny Carson? The changes have been gradual. The tranny trend wasn’t in vogue back then.
Yeah, but he's mostly right. Dolly is definitely male. I think it's funny people care enough to downvote me. :)
Her shoulders are too narrow for her to be a dude. You can always tell by the shoulders IMO.
Not true...some men are small boned .. probably malnourished
Post your sauce. And no, I won't accept this "MAG" entity since we have already established bias...
And you repeat his low iq shit.
Look at some ol d photos ..Rockefellers wife when he was president? Bush's wife? European royalty..some of them are hideous...Wallis Simpson?
It's part of their rituals...starts when first born..a boy will be changed to a girl etc most of fim stars are or they wouldn't get the parts
My personal opinion of Dolly is pretty low. She renamed The Dixie Stampede at Dollywood in 2018 so leftists wouldn't be offended. She's good friends with Hanoi Jane Fonda. She said about BLM, "And of course Black Lives Matter. Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter? No!" And worst of all, she supported Killary in 2016:
I guess she’s looking for redemption. God will be the ultimate judge.
She's a sell-out hack.
She's also Miley Cyrus's godmother.
They look and sound far too much alike.. my theory is she really is her MOTHER
Mine is also mixed.
However, Dollywood is a good vision of what a clean/moral Disney land/world would be.
I came here to say the same thing. She's no friend of ours. I imagine when she's talking about "rebuking Satan," she probably means that MAGA people are evil for not embracing trannies.
She's gonna die suddenly from a rare cancer.
maybe even breast cancer!
Meanwhile she's BFFs and Godmother to satanist Miley Cyrus.
She’s Fake (lol)
I’ve heard that playboy and Hugh Hefner had blackmail tapes on half the celebrity population. That said, I also heard that she’s all over those video tapes
Need sauce, or some other lubricant hehe
Bro how the fuck you bout to whack off to dolly parton
She wasn't always 76.
Trash don’t fall for this she’s just like the rest of them
You go, girl!
After she just did a heavy metal gig with Judas Priest ??
Priest singer Rob Halford is a devout Christian. It saved him from addiction.
But he's a big time homosexual - does not compute...
Mark 9:38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”
39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,
40 for whoever is not against us is for us.
41 Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.
i was hoping she would use the name of Jesus to rebuke satan
Kind of funny how Jesus's quote here is the exact opposite of that asinine Bush quote.
she's like a glitzy, celebrity version of old "Bobo" Gritz. She changes who she is when it benefits her. Pushes the vax, then rebukes Satan. give her a few months & she'll be shilling for brain implants & the mark.
It's because of this bitch that we lost one of the greats, Early Cuyler.
"Numbers? Numbers was created by prehistoric hispanics to steal jobs from the Romans." - Early Cuyler
"Y'all will wait until my bottomless thirst is slate."
I always loved Dolly when I was young but as I have gotten older and learned a thing or two I came to realize what a POS she and so many others are. She is a die hard liberal and she only did this to try to gain back the conservatives that keeps the lights on in Dollywood. Screw Dolly!!!!
She should do this after praising Lil Nas X's cover of "Jolene". He is a known Satanist who claimed his sneakers contained human blood on the sides.
She also needs to explain why Cat Stevens is on her war protest album, "Those were the Days".
Shes still a Democrat
Dolly was born in 1946. That makes her 77!
Satan eh? So powerful that a hillbilly in Georgia outplays him in a fiddle contest.
This bitch is so fake. Her face is worse than HRC.
She’s part of the satan worshiping cult of entertainment. Don’t believe any of her words, deceiving is what they do. She was a whore (Playboy secret tapes) and you can find plenty of photos of her depicting satanic one eye Freemason symbolism.
She also wrote a diddy encouraging people to get the vaccine
I still think she is Cyrus's mother and most likely was Billy Ray's handler at one point.. hence being Miley's mother and NOT her "god" mother as the claim lies.
Why the masonic black and white clothing?
That would put her at age 46 when being pregnant. Not impossible, but very unlikely, and at that age, she'd have been all over the news being pregnant at that age. Maybe test tube mother.
I hope she can ask Satan to leave her niece Miley Cyrus! Hopefully she’s praying for her.
Blame-shifting to a boogey man that doesn't exist so she doesn't have to name names. And the religious sheep baaaa and applaud.
How can you be involved in this movement, who is investigating a pit of evil three times deeper then our eyeballs - and be so convinced that Evil does not exist?
Pedophiles - depopulation... the worst of the worst of the worst - we're investigating that all here - and you believe that Evil does not exist?
My heart aches for your eyes. Jesus loves you and has great plans for you - regardless of if you see Him or not - and that relationship is Free for you to rest in at any moment that you want it.
Much love to you, fren.
It should be aching for your eyes. Quote my comment and show me where I said evil does not exist. I'll wait.
"Blame-shifting to a boogey man that doesn't exist"
I said show me where i said evil does not exist. I'll wait again.
What were you referring to when you said boogey man?
In case you're sincere and not being a jackass, I'll explain.
You should know I was talking about Satan by context of both the post and the comment. Satan is a made-up boogey man. Satan does not exist. "Good" and "evil" exist as far as human comprehension allows. Negative and positive. Differing degrees of the same event such as love and hate - the same emotion, opposing degrees.
Humans like to envoke this creature invention for personal reasons. When a human has done wrong by other humans, guess what? The devil had him under a spell! Or how about a religious leader, when caught doing things he admonishes others for? Satan was tempting him beyond what his mortal flesh could handle! Convenient, no? Or how about when the most evil of all happens to children? Well shit, it was Satan! I could go on and on but you get the picture.
You cannot name a single instance where harm inflicted on a human was not caused by another human. A mentally deranged human in some cases, but mostly just humans who crave money and power and will do anything to anyone, including children, to gain their desires.
Dolly knows some of these humans, but wouldn't dare name names. So she rides the fence, appeasing predators and the oh-so-concerned by "rebuking Satan."
By the way, you don't know me or my history and experiences. Don't attempt to point out the horrors happening as though it was all new to me. You're "aching heart" sounds more like a bleeding one.
Of course I'm sincere.
Freemasons trick..
Qcdoes satan exist? Does the thought of satan exist?
There is not a being called satan . IT is people who are destroying everything beautiful. And she is one of them doing the destroying
In her efforts to appear to be a woman she had operations to remove bones in her ribcage.
Deceivers ever