Someone connected the dots and judges just confirmed it: Balenciaga is Pizzagate
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Of course it is. Tony Podesta and his entourage didn't just stop "wandering around a gallery with a glass of wine and a slice of pizza". They changed their shopping habits.
Direct link to the Substack write-up that the Gab posting links to:
“You’re a fucking scumbag.” I say to all these smarter than the room types who are completely fucking aloof of their own lack of awareness and ineptitude.
There will be a rise of Deny-denier.
Could be a rap song!
They will all hang after being beaten to near death.
I maintain that it should be broadcasted on PBS as a law and order drama-educational program.
Simulcast on NPR of course! :-)
Every scumbag should be allowed to live for a couple years, but in a prison that we get to visit, and remind them of how disgusting they are, 24 hours a day. Charge admission, use the money to finish the wall. Then do the other stuff and send them to hell.
Wrath is a sin too though. The way I look at it, if a person is getting pleasure from torturing a pedophile, isn’t that putting them in a pleasure-based relationship with a pedophile? Like are you tenderly running a knife down their cheek to make their fear more intense? If so, isn’t that like some kind of wrathful sexual dance of tension and release?
I think criminal execution of pedophiles should be more like putting down a rabid dog. No emotion, no torture, one bullet, then burn their corpse to ash. Then the next. Then the next. No prolonged wrathful dance. Just a nice blue-collar workmanlike string of legal executions of pedophiles. Nothing sexy about it. Nothing exciting. Just business.
Gary Plauche did nothing wrong. Also this guy did nothing wrong.
It's my view that yes, you have the right to a fair trial with an impartial jury. But if you get caught in that act, well, your life is basically forfeit.
I agree, quick death. The torture aspect is just weird. I do have one exception, I would love for Hillary to go last so she would have to live watching and knowing her time is coming. She’s the only one that I’d truly love to mentally torture with the anticipation of her hell that awaits.
Sun_wolf, while wrath may be a sin, I would take one for the team and happily volunteer to carry out the executions for all of these commie pedo satan fucks. Ill probably need a few other volunteers as well due to the number of aforementioned scum that needs dealt with. I do believe they need slow, agonizing, public death for what they have done to humanity and especially children. From covid, to economy, to drugs flooding our country, to molesting and grooming our kids, nothing should be ruled out punishment wise.There are many wonderful methods for ridding our world of this scum. We cannot start over anew without accountability for the scum and justice in the form of execution. If you've ever heard the podesta tape with the screaming child then you'd know there is no method too good for these assholes.
Hey, I feel the wrath for pedophiles too. And like I say, I think they should be executed. I just think there is wisdom in The Bible saying wrath is a sin and I think if a man ever did slowly torture thousands of pedophiles to death, using dozens of the most painful execution methods, that gradually some part of their soul would eventually separate from God through those prolonged acts of torture. And in a way, evil would win by a different path.
However, if the country ever gets to the point where the main public debate is precisely HOW the pedophiles should be executed by the state (slow and elaborate or quick and clean), then we will know we have truly won the culture war.
I like the idea of them being added to a zoo exhibit.....of hungry lions
I think that was the purpose of the stocks of old. The public could let the miscreant know what they thought about him, with smacks, spit, or vegetables, or worse.
Yes! Put their heads on Pikes by the side of the road!
Drawn. And. Quarter.
On the front of a car like Mad Max.
Please God we need this one bad. Those who know cannot sleep.
"Those who know cannot sleep."
This is an understatement.
The left has people programmed thinking our reactions to all of these drag queen / tranny / deviants preaching to kids is "homophobic". That is disgusting. Their foot soldiers can then rationalize ignoring us if they're completely unaware of their superior's underlying goals.
Of course, many of their foot soldiers are complicit in the torturing, raping, and murdering of children of course. Those sick fucks want this kind of behavior NORMALIZED ... not just legal, but NORMALIZED ... as in a "normal behavior among civilized humans" ... as if passing an innocent human being around as a "toy" is something humans should strive for!!!!).
I won't be surprised to learn that many of their footsoldiers are, in fact, kid rapists. There were many photos of Antifaggots getting their asses kicked in 2020 ... many of their men were wearing womens underwear ... at first I thought they may have been baby landwhales in training gear, but they were men. Moreover, many of those men were found to have police records, and quite a few were busted for varying degrees of kid diddling.
To be clear, in case anyone reading is a mentally retarded supreme court justice, I had the pictures confirmed by a genuine, molecular biologist that many of those Antifaggot pics were of men wearing womens underwear. She is fully qualified to make such judgements.
Anyway, despite all of this evidence, you still cannot get through to so many of these people for that reason! It is driving me crazy!!! They only believe their fucking televisions! If some kind of big arrests are imminent, the media as we know it has to be brought down simultaneously ... if not, they will spin the arrest and prosecution of pedophiles into some threat to "muh Democracy" and continue to escalate things. Otherwise normal people will still believe whatever fucking retard is on the TV no matter what you show them ... it's driving me crazy anymore!!!
Molecular biology..............
Dont forget 'genuine'
Pizza gate 2 electric boogaloo
I know, I wish OP would have just posted HER work and not somebody’s gab of her work.
So, been perusing the article and most of it is just the same content that we researched in what feels like another time now.
Which is good; I'm glad to see this coming back up. The world needs to know the truth, at any cost. We cannot stop this behavior if we don't jam people's eyelids in the open position and force their faces against the screen.
I'd still like to know who Sarah and Sonny 'Desta' are, the kids who drew the 'thank you' posters for 'cheese pizza' in neighbouring Besta Pizza.,-77.0699706,2a,46.9y,136.37h,68.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPTg6FxUZ7E_1FbqIC44ePA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656,-77.0699627,2a,35.3y,175.37h,69.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soHkJOrsTE8vX4v72Maxg_w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Don’t trust the real Dark judge. He’s already been exposed as a fraud along the same lines of Simon Parkes. He’s a Kenyan I believe who is just an internet guy.
Also, consider who the Dark Judges were. This should interest you a bit.
They are characters from Judge Dredd comic book who despise humanity, one of whom is Judge Sidney Death (Sidney Powell?) and another is Judge Kraken.
Interesting if nothing else.
dont know if this guy is fraud, but it jumps out at me when these articles only list democrats. this a uniparty, bi-partisan evil. the only thing they can agree on is pizza and screwing America. daddy bush literally said a thousand points of light and new world order in his speeches.
also consider rinos are highly skilled at hiding.
This!☝🏻 Paraphrasing the late George Carlin, “It’s one big club and you (we) ain’t in it!!”
This is ancient and bullshit that has been so thoroughly proven to be bullshit that I cant believe people are still peddling this shit...
Can you clarify a bit please? I’m not sure what it is you’re referring to as bullshit.
The whole Kenyan scammer thing, but it is so far in the past(I believe back when judges were still on twitter so years) that I wouldn't even begin to know where to look for it.
Have you never heard of Liz Crokin?
Dark Judge is just linking to her article.
In that picture the sunglasses have a couple of images in them, one is a face of a blonde and the other is harder to make out. If someone has some software to clean the image up? I’m sure 4chan is already on it.
That "Someone" is the brave Liz Crokin. If you havent seen her before, highly recommend watching her videos.
I think child abductions are bigger than Balenciaga or even Pizza Gate. I think we have predators.
Realdarkjudge is a larp faggot…. He takes things that are common knowledge to anons, and embellishes pretending he is a White house insider… Follow at your own discretion…
I don't follow anyone, I have a folder with bookmarks instead.
That said judges have an awful lot of military followers, some rather high up the food chain...
Ho Lee Fuk. It’s habbening for real
Hope so. Hope reddit/greatawakening and voat were beta platforms for releasing this on twit on a massive scale. I like that possibility. Let’s see some arrests, the MSM can only ignore for so long....
Sum Ting Wong
Only difference is they can’t control the narrative now. Too many people awake. Once people just now discovering this realize it’s just an extension of p!zagate and it was never truly debunked, there will be no turning back. I remember something about… These people won’t be able to walk down the street.
Can someone on twitter post a link to liz’s stack under an elon post??? Will it get booted???
I would but i’m twit-challenged (proudly).
I said that the first time I saw the ads for balenciaga here, I had never heard of the company before.
These sick fucks. Once this blows open- we hold public trials for these people and when convicted, straight to the chair.
Execute every last one of these satanic child rapists.
One issue I have, and yes, it is a minor one, is the insistence of pointing out that Cannibal Corpse shirt.
It's a band shirt, and doesn't make her a cannibal. In fact it takes away from the accusations.
In a court a lawyer would say 'goes to prove state of mind'.
I'm a metal-head myself and while the vast majority of metal bands are clean(I suspect much more so than any other musical genre) it isn't necessarily true of all of them, and picking a band name and choosing band visuals and themes also goes to state of mind so it is certainly an interesting pick....
I agree to an extent... But It's not even about the band per se.. Just let the shirt speak for itself. There's enough evidence without it, and frankly it seems like it's someone pointing it out who has no idea it's even a band.
Makes it easy to laugh off.
They'd probably do the DiCaprio meme when they see some of the song names.
Then you have a great band like Demolition Hammer that barely gets any recognition.
Also the black metal of today is not the same as the old scene of church burnings, murders and suicides.
Also that "state of mind" can be taken way out of context.
Kim K. sure has been quiet lately.
Regarding Liz Crokin.... Just for the record I have a hat with the hashtag #Qanon on it that I purchased from Liz Crokin in the summer of 2020.
Yes I'm stirring that pot again.
If you trust Liz and what you're reading then you shouldn't lose your mind over #Qanon
If you say there is no #Qanon then you should probably not believe Liz and what she wrote.
You get to decide.
My well worn hat shows what I'm not afraid of
Don't trust anyone, match and weigh info against other sources and collate with discernment..