^^^ heβs cutting at the thing that causes brainwashed normies to hate truthers so much. Heβs striking at what they are slowly figuring out is their indoctrination into a hyperfascist death cult that has been forced upon them since birth. Slowly, piece by piece, fact by fact, debunking by debunking, they are losing their fascist religion.
I remember a president who did this for anyone who wasnβt fooled into hating him.
Wow, I just looked at all of the tweets after Elon's. I've never done that before. It's frightening how many stupid, full of themselves people are on that site. Not too many people on there are awake.
I hope he's talking about more than just the woke stuff, and realizes that our scientific institutions are just as broken as our social ones. We've been lied to for over 100 years about the nature of electricity, and entire the understanding of physics has been hijacked by cross dressing weirdo Einstein.
Nikola Tesla developed a far better system of electricity using longitudinal waves, and wireless power systems based on a new understanding of electricity that is completely forbidden to talk about today.
I just wanna say, being dyslexic makes you see stuff like "pedos" in the text to the right of his head. It also makes you bad at boggle, but that's another story.
I suspect there may be more to this meme than meets the eye. Is there an Easter egg in there?
Yes, I saw the moon, and the 99s. That suggests they're still flipping sixes. Meanwhile the moon is already raining down on the matrix screen saver. You know what that means. Watch the water. Look to twitter. Maybe you'll see some green cheese from the dark side of the moon.
I'm not sure about the Jeo, but if you try to pronounce it you get something that matches the year of the rabbi-t memes we're starting to see. Israel for last? But more likely it's about Joe. Dyslexia again, sorry. Anyhow, the superb owl score had Joe Donkey/Burro and the tiger team losing to the sheep 20-23, so that seems to be on the menu.
Wow, that really sounds crazy. But not quite as crazy as Elon on the moon. Unless you meant metaphorically, in which case, yeah maybe...
I see punia on the right, not penia and coming off the punia is neo and sea. Not getting much outta that. Punia hints of prison, but that's a leap.
Down below is pi and some punctuation - ) * that looks like a dash line over the moon and a star below. And last night the crescent moon had a planet (Venus?) sorta below it. It's further away now and the moon is halfway so it might've been in that configuration several days ago. Did the cow jump over the moon? I forget what that's supposed to mean. No more "milk" money? Anyhow there's a moo crossing over the word moon.
Top left there's an ace above the word moon. Trump card played?
There's a j2 on the lower left for the date faggers. ;)
And over Neo's eye is eeerek! Reee! + kek? Is that a ke-reee!?!
If the earth isn't a sphere then why is the sun out in china when its dark in the usa? No globe denier will answer that simple question because they don't want to acknowledge that they are part of a deep state psyop regardless of if they are aware of it or not.
From what I understand the sunlight fades and is too far away for light to reach us at a certain point. The thing is when you begin to question the shape of the earth, it's not just the shape that gets jumbled. They are using garbage science in every field. It's much easier to blue pill with flat earth though. https://rumble.com/vfmj6z-sun-fade-out-02.html
We need to return to a nationwide curriculum that teaches critical thought. Our society is inherently dumber for having lowered the bar too many times and having the focus shift to things like common core style "2+2 doesn't always = 4" and "obey your authorities and what you learn in school".
Also, you should never be cancelled for asking questions during school. You should never be cancelled for asking a politically "incorrect" question about your professor. Your grade should not be reduced; it should in fact be raised due to a willingness to inquire further and seek greater answers.
That's what academia used to be. You used to want to ask questions, to seek answers, to find new information and learn new ways to do something, understand others' beliefs, step into their shoes and understand what they're thinking even if you don't think the same way or agree with them.
The thirst for knowledge should be rewarded, and if you can come up with a convincing argument -- even if it doesn't ultimately change minds -- you should be rewarded for that too.
Yes...but don't dare try to have an open discussion about the shape of the earth, certain faiths that have been booted from over 100 countries in near recent history or anything else that is counter narrative... because those things are just a big psyop and how dare you try to have an open mind about them, let alone discuss them in any detail.
Biblically, it does seem that the Universe, and our bodies within it, are a kind of created environment/simulation within the spirit realm not too far off from us making a virtual game world and filling it with characters controlled by other humans.
Why do you think God would care about such things like Earth true shape or Moon landing? Those are completely insignificant topics that doesn't impact anything. And if God doesn't care about those topics, neither should we. The real truth is inaccessible to humans anyway, only God has it. Remember what happened the first time humanity got too curious?
Why do you think God would care about such things like Earth true shape
This is akin to asking why an artist cares what color the sky in his painting is. He cares in that he made a choice to make it that way. God may have created a clockwork universe that defined the shape, or he could have said I wanted planets to be round because people can circumnavigate them easier than if it was a cube.. we don't know. But we shouldn't assume he doesn't care how he made His creation. He cares about all of His creation. The birds, the ants, everything.
I worded it badly, just that line like that, you are indeed right.
Here's are my thoughts: God could have made the Earth flat, spherical, cubic, or whatever shape, and still make the universe works exactly how He wants. He chose a specific shape, and that's it. Maybe there's a reason, maybe it's just a result of all the other laws of the universe He wanted to have and He was fine with it, but there's no point in caring so much about this on our side. This shape, to us, is completely insignificant. Will your life change that much if tomorrow, you learn it's actually flat? Or Cubic? No, nothing will change.
This video explains it well, I don't know if this is actually how the continents are laid out though because I haven't studied the flight paths that planes take yet. There may also be more land outside of the ice wall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyhu5wM6_6s
Using the Bible as a scientific tool is beyond absurd. The Bible is here to help us, humans, understand God's law and sacrifice, not to understand God's creations.
Do you think the entire universe was created in true 6 Earth-days? What about all the carbon dating that tells us some stuff are millions or billions or years old, you think that's God tricking us and trying to make us believe something wrong? No, that doesn't add up, cause God can't lie, so he wouldn't make something purely to trick us into the wrong direction.
If the Earth is flat, why would they say circles anyway, among any other shape possible? Why not square? Ellipsis? Any form of any polygon ever? Why just say "circle"? In ancient times, where a word like "Sphere" may not exist because it's "too mathematical" for the time (exactly how terms like "factorial" or "root" didn't exist at the time), circle would be a decent way to describe the Earth if it was actually spherical.
"the horizon would constantly drop as you ascended" That implies 2 different things:
Either the Earth is finite, and thus, you should be able to see the entire Earth at once. But if it says "you only see the horizon no matter how far you go", that means you don't see the entire Earth, or else there would be no more horizon. Thus, this argument is completely wrong.
Either the Earth is infinite, which raises many many other questions and is completely incoherent with anything we've observed so far.
I'm open to ideas that the Earth may be something else that what we've been told, but so far, all the flat-Earthers arguments fall short very quickly. If you want to prove me it's flat, use actual mathematical tools like holonomy. I'll wait until then.
Do you think the entire universe was created in true 6 Earth-days
Do you think a God that created the entirity of the universe couldn't create the earth and everything in it within 6 days? Are you an authority of what constituted a day back then? What if time was much slower back then? Or the processes He employed were supercharged in some manner? I don't understand why someone would accept the idea of an all-powerful Creator God (creator of life, the universe and everything), but think He couldn't do it all in an instant if He wanted to.
Do you think a God that created the entirity of the universe couldn't create the earth and everything in it within 6 days?
I never said He couldn't. God lives outside time itself, so the whole "6 days" to Him is absolutely meaningless to begin with. He could make an infinite amount of universes before a photon even makes a single movement.
I'm not critizing the idea that God could create a world in 6 days, what I'm critizing is people thinking that, when everything in our world points to something different. If God created the world in 6 days, then why, in this very same universe, is carbon dating showing us some stuff are billions of years old? Why are stars billions of years old? Why are bones we find in the ground already millions of years old? Why would God create an universe in 6 days, but then make everything tell a lie to us to fool us at every corner? God is perfect, and He doesn't lie, so why would His very own creation lie to us?
Fair points, I imagine there is something to do with time dilation and how it affects things like carbon dating. I think there is a possibility that both are correct and we just don't understand a key thing that connects them. Didn't Einstein discover that time is not a constant? Could be related. I'm not a physicist though, or a geologist/etc. so this isn't something I study seriously.
Also, I think the scale of time is related to this. The Bible talks about the Earth being something like 6 thousand years old at this point, or maybe 7, I forget. That's orders of magnitude off from our best understanding in science. What if our scale of measurement is off somehow? That could reconcile these puzzling differences.
I'm not excluding either your theory, or the simple fact that our understanding of the world is completely wrong. Maybe carbon dating is not used correctly, or doesn't show what we expected, except we have nothing for now. In fact, I'm almost certain
all of our theories are still wrong. And yes, time is very weird and more "fluid-like" than we think, so it's also a strong possibility. Time is related to space, but could very well be related to something like dark matter/dark energy, stuff that we've detected all over the universe but still are completely unable to understand.
It would be interesting if someone would scope out our most scientific understanding of the Universe in segements of time, be it billions or trillions of years, whatever, and then scaled it all into a period of 6 days representing eras or whatever. Perhaps that would give us insight.
I agree with that, but we should also accept we will be left in the dark in some topics. We can't handle all the truth on all subjects, not a single human can hold that much. I would rather get the truth on subject that matters to me directly (best example for now: the covid vaccines), rather than wasting my time on trying to debunk the Moon landing. Ok cool, the Moon landing was fake and I have the proof, now what? I know the top people are liars already, so it's not going to change much.
God said we live on a plane with upturned edges under a dome. I mean, it literally says that in several places in the bible. So...We should ignore those words from God but keep others? Not sure how bible thumping works, so feel free to tell us what gets omitted. Why does the shape of earth matter? Because it's one of the most elementary topics and we've all been lied to about it. It's because that shit stain that got cast out for acting the fool is the father of lies and he'll do anything to confuse and obscure the truth - God's truth AND your own senses. Lies on top of lies to keep you satans little bitch... believing you are a little insignificant turd in a huge universe where nothing matters and being evil has no consequence. Or...if the bible is true, and we live in a closed system, then we are special and significant to God. Like i mentioned upthread... you can't have any kind of adult conversation without someone throwing a tantrum like a cunt. Just talk...lay out facts or biblical references and discuss. We don't need any more closed minded cunts. You're glowing like an evil minion.
I, myself would say...I've already done it...I HAVE NOT WATCHED ANY NEWS OFF ANY CHANNEL IN THE LAST 15 YEARS!!! When I saw HOW they Newsies were doing things just to make the polls and elections razor thin...they were in on it...
But critical thought and analysis is too much workβ¦just tell us what we should think and what we are supposed to be outraged about this week! Are we still mad about confederate statues Iβve been offline for a while. π
https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1608828315581976576?s=20&t=5vGU7NYud48mzd_VWTLjkA sauce
^^^ heβs cutting at the thing that causes brainwashed normies to hate truthers so much. Heβs striking at what they are slowly figuring out is their indoctrination into a hyperfascist death cult that has been forced upon them since birth. Slowly, piece by piece, fact by fact, debunking by debunking, they are losing their fascist religion.
I remember a president who did this for anyone who wasnβt fooled into hating him.
Excellent comment Patriot !
Wow, I just looked at all of the tweets after Elon's. I've never done that before. It's frightening how many stupid, full of themselves people are on that site. Not too many people on there are awake.
Yep they haven't gotten a clue whatsoever !
Spot on Elon. You're coming along nicely grasshoppa...
I hope he's talking about more than just the woke stuff, and realizes that our scientific institutions are just as broken as our social ones. We've been lied to for over 100 years about the nature of electricity, and entire the understanding of physics has been hijacked by cross dressing weirdo Einstein.
Nikola Tesla developed a far better system of electricity using longitudinal waves, and wireless power systems based on a new understanding of electricity that is completely forbidden to talk about today.
He's definitely breaking the ice !
True. And not just electricity, but also human physiology.
The powers that be have been lying and hiding the truth about EVERYTHING from cell metabolism to cancer to nutrition.
I just wanna say, being dyslexic makes you see stuff like "pedos" in the text to the right of his head. It also makes you bad at boggle, but that's another story.
I suspect there may be more to this meme than meets the eye. Is there an Easter egg in there?
It spells "peods" though right?
It also spells Jeo next to his cheek, who is Jeo?
It also spells "moon" next to his other cheek, does this mean he's on the moon?
On the far right it spells Penia, what is that?
There are 12 "9"'s on the pic. What does that mean?
Yes, I saw the moon, and the 99s. That suggests they're still flipping sixes. Meanwhile the moon is already raining down on the matrix screen saver. You know what that means. Watch the water. Look to twitter. Maybe you'll see some green cheese from the dark side of the moon.
I'm not sure about the Jeo, but if you try to pronounce it you get something that matches the year of the rabbi-t memes we're starting to see. Israel for last? But more likely it's about Joe. Dyslexia again, sorry. Anyhow, the superb owl score had Joe Donkey/Burro and the tiger team losing to the sheep 20-23, so that seems to be on the menu.
Wow, that really sounds crazy. But not quite as crazy as Elon on the moon. Unless you meant metaphorically, in which case, yeah maybe...
ok this is... interesting... regarding Elon's Matrix pic and "moon" (link is a timeskipped interview with Tate)
https://youtu.be/t8-43XC5ZL4?t=3501 (2 weeks ago interview)
My skepticism is stunned a bit now. :) I could be completely wrong about the pic.
Tate mentions Elon and the Moon, and that the Matrix sent their agents..
Elon posts a pic that references the moon and the Matrix shortly after Tate's event.
Tate retweeted that Elon post/pic also.
ok shutting up now. ;)
more edits: that pic is old, possibly first found in Aug 12, 2010.
Keep brainstorming you may just find a connection !
Ok, what else is in there?
I see punia on the right, not penia and coming off the punia is neo and sea. Not getting much outta that. Punia hints of prison, but that's a leap.
Down below is pi and some punctuation - ) * that looks like a dash line over the moon and a star below. And last night the crescent moon had a planet (Venus?) sorta below it. It's further away now and the moon is halfway so it might've been in that configuration several days ago. Did the cow jump over the moon? I forget what that's supposed to mean. No more "milk" money? Anyhow there's a moo crossing over the word moon.
Top left there's an ace above the word moon. Trump card played?
There's a j2 on the lower left for the date faggers. ;)
And over Neo's eye is eeerek! Reee! + kek? Is that a ke-reee!?!
Dyslexia is real. Numbers are the worst for me. I always have to repeat someoneβs phone number like 3 times.
If the earth isn't a sphere then why is the sun out in china when its dark in the usa? No globe denier will answer that simple question because they don't want to acknowledge that they are part of a deep state psyop regardless of if they are aware of it or not.
maybe "china" isn't where they tell you it is...
They would say the sun is small and localized. It's the same size as the moon. The earth is like a terrarium.
From what I understand the sunlight fades and is too far away for light to reach us at a certain point. The thing is when you begin to question the shape of the earth, it's not just the shape that gets jumbled. They are using garbage science in every field. It's much easier to blue pill with flat earth though. https://rumble.com/vfmj6z-sun-fade-out-02.html
We need to return to a nationwide curriculum that teaches critical thought. Our society is inherently dumber for having lowered the bar too many times and having the focus shift to things like common core style "2+2 doesn't always = 4" and "obey your authorities and what you learn in school".
Also, you should never be cancelled for asking questions during school. You should never be cancelled for asking a politically "incorrect" question about your professor. Your grade should not be reduced; it should in fact be raised due to a willingness to inquire further and seek greater answers.
That's what academia used to be. You used to want to ask questions, to seek answers, to find new information and learn new ways to do something, understand others' beliefs, step into their shoes and understand what they're thinking even if you don't think the same way or agree with them.
The thirst for knowledge should be rewarded, and if you can come up with a convincing argument -- even if it doesn't ultimately change minds -- you should be rewarded for that too.
Hey you, anon. Want to get a head start on the Critical Thinking?
Great research in all the decoding symbols ! Thanks for the link. πΊπΈπ
Yes...but don't dare try to have an open discussion about the shape of the earth, certain faiths that have been booted from over 100 countries in near recent history or anything else that is counter narrative... because those things are just a big psyop and how dare you try to have an open mind about them, let alone discuss them in any detail.
But believe me when I show you BS space shit like spaceman in tesla... lmao
What if Musk is trolling NASA by showing people how easy it is to fake space?
Yes he did say it has to be real because it looks so fake
You might be onto something. It clearly says "moon" to the left of his head.
Or more likely linked to that Tate dude with another "Matrix" post. Coincidence? Doubtful.
Elon is on record and on video saying this is all quite possibly a simulation.
He knows there is no spoon.
Biblically, it does seem that the Universe, and our bodies within it, are a kind of created environment/simulation within the spirit realm not too far off from us making a virtual game world and filling it with characters controlled by other humans.
Make critical thinking great again.
With each successive tweet Elon Musk slowly rises in esteem
ENTIRE BELIEF SYSTEM includes, Fake Moon Landing, Earth's True Shape, Viruses and all the other BULLSHIT lies you were fed to keep you from the TRUTH.
Some of you have a hard time breaking away from the Control system and think it's only HALF fake...... NOPE.
But you can start TODAY!
I suggest an internal chat with GOD as a great beginning!
Why do you think God would care about such things like Earth true shape or Moon landing? Those are completely insignificant topics that doesn't impact anything. And if God doesn't care about those topics, neither should we. The real truth is inaccessible to humans anyway, only God has it. Remember what happened the first time humanity got too curious?
This is akin to asking why an artist cares what color the sky in his painting is. He cares in that he made a choice to make it that way. God may have created a clockwork universe that defined the shape, or he could have said I wanted planets to be round because people can circumnavigate them easier than if it was a cube.. we don't know. But we shouldn't assume he doesn't care how he made His creation. He cares about all of His creation. The birds, the ants, everything.
I worded it badly, just that line like that, you are indeed right.
Here's are my thoughts: God could have made the Earth flat, spherical, cubic, or whatever shape, and still make the universe works exactly how He wants. He chose a specific shape, and that's it. Maybe there's a reason, maybe it's just a result of all the other laws of the universe He wanted to have and He was fine with it, but there's no point in caring so much about this on our side. This shape, to us, is completely insignificant. Will your life change that much if tomorrow, you learn it's actually flat? Or Cubic? No, nothing will change.
Yep, he could tweak the code to do whatever he wanted, if it was important to Him. Or he could just let it work itself out as a product of his design.
All circles are flat though, sphere is what they should've said if they were talking about a globe.
I agree the FE maps are fascinating to look at. What about the sun gets you confused on the Flat Earth?
That huge looking sun is interesting, I haven't ever seen it that big before but I think I've seen it bigger than normal sometimes.
This video explains it well, I don't know if this is actually how the continents are laid out though because I haven't studied the flight paths that planes take yet. There may also be more land outside of the ice wall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyhu5wM6_6s
Using the Bible as a scientific tool is beyond absurd. The Bible is here to help us, humans, understand God's law and sacrifice, not to understand God's creations.
Do you think the entire universe was created in true 6 Earth-days? What about all the carbon dating that tells us some stuff are millions or billions or years old, you think that's God tricking us and trying to make us believe something wrong? No, that doesn't add up, cause God can't lie, so he wouldn't make something purely to trick us into the wrong direction.
If the Earth is flat, why would they say circles anyway, among any other shape possible? Why not square? Ellipsis? Any form of any polygon ever? Why just say "circle"? In ancient times, where a word like "Sphere" may not exist because it's "too mathematical" for the time (exactly how terms like "factorial" or "root" didn't exist at the time), circle would be a decent way to describe the Earth if it was actually spherical.
"the horizon would constantly drop as you ascended" That implies 2 different things:
Either the Earth is finite, and thus, you should be able to see the entire Earth at once. But if it says "you only see the horizon no matter how far you go", that means you don't see the entire Earth, or else there would be no more horizon. Thus, this argument is completely wrong.
Either the Earth is infinite, which raises many many other questions and is completely incoherent with anything we've observed so far.
I'm open to ideas that the Earth may be something else that what we've been told, but so far, all the flat-Earthers arguments fall short very quickly. If you want to prove me it's flat, use actual mathematical tools like holonomy. I'll wait until then.
Do you think a God that created the entirity of the universe couldn't create the earth and everything in it within 6 days? Are you an authority of what constituted a day back then? What if time was much slower back then? Or the processes He employed were supercharged in some manner? I don't understand why someone would accept the idea of an all-powerful Creator God (creator of life, the universe and everything), but think He couldn't do it all in an instant if He wanted to.
I never said He couldn't. God lives outside time itself, so the whole "6 days" to Him is absolutely meaningless to begin with. He could make an infinite amount of universes before a photon even makes a single movement.
I'm not critizing the idea that God could create a world in 6 days, what I'm critizing is people thinking that, when everything in our world points to something different. If God created the world in 6 days, then why, in this very same universe, is carbon dating showing us some stuff are billions of years old? Why are stars billions of years old? Why are bones we find in the ground already millions of years old? Why would God create an universe in 6 days, but then make everything tell a lie to us to fool us at every corner? God is perfect, and He doesn't lie, so why would His very own creation lie to us?
Fair points, I imagine there is something to do with time dilation and how it affects things like carbon dating. I think there is a possibility that both are correct and we just don't understand a key thing that connects them. Didn't Einstein discover that time is not a constant? Could be related. I'm not a physicist though, or a geologist/etc. so this isn't something I study seriously.
Also, I think the scale of time is related to this. The Bible talks about the Earth being something like 6 thousand years old at this point, or maybe 7, I forget. That's orders of magnitude off from our best understanding in science. What if our scale of measurement is off somehow? That could reconcile these puzzling differences.
I'm not excluding either your theory, or the simple fact that our understanding of the world is completely wrong. Maybe carbon dating is not used correctly, or doesn't show what we expected, except we have nothing for now. In fact, I'm almost certain all of our theories are still wrong. And yes, time is very weird and more "fluid-like" than we think, so it's also a strong possibility. Time is related to space, but could very well be related to something like dark matter/dark energy, stuff that we've detected all over the universe but still are completely unable to understand.
It would be interesting if someone would scope out our most scientific understanding of the Universe in segements of time, be it billions or trillions of years, whatever, and then scaled it all into a period of 6 days representing eras or whatever. Perhaps that would give us insight.
I agree with that, but we should also accept we will be left in the dark in some topics. We can't handle all the truth on all subjects, not a single human can hold that much. I would rather get the truth on subject that matters to me directly (best example for now: the covid vaccines), rather than wasting my time on trying to debunk the Moon landing. Ok cool, the Moon landing was fake and I have the proof, now what? I know the top people are liars already, so it's not going to change much.
God said we live on a plane with upturned edges under a dome. I mean, it literally says that in several places in the bible. So...We should ignore those words from God but keep others? Not sure how bible thumping works, so feel free to tell us what gets omitted. Why does the shape of earth matter? Because it's one of the most elementary topics and we've all been lied to about it. It's because that shit stain that got cast out for acting the fool is the father of lies and he'll do anything to confuse and obscure the truth - God's truth AND your own senses. Lies on top of lies to keep you satans little bitch... believing you are a little insignificant turd in a huge universe where nothing matters and being evil has no consequence. Or...if the bible is true, and we live in a closed system, then we are special and significant to God. Like i mentioned upthread... you can't have any kind of adult conversation without someone throwing a tantrum like a cunt. Just talk...lay out facts or biblical references and discuss. We don't need any more closed minded cunts. You're glowing like an evil minion.
This sounds like it was written by a poly-sci student that just discovered Radiohead and really loves a thesaurus.
Big words make smart.
I'll buy that for $2.
If you told me this, Elon, you would beβ¦β¦right!π―π―
I, myself would say...I've already done it...I HAVE NOT WATCHED ANY NEWS OFF ANY CHANNEL IN THE LAST 15 YEARS!!! When I saw HOW they Newsies were doing things just to make the polls and elections razor thin...they were in on it...
This is proving to be hard, even for many amongst us who are partially awake.
I'm beginning to think that Elon Musk might be awake.
A wise man would start with the Word of God.
But critical thought and analysis is too much workβ¦just tell us what we should think and what we are supposed to be outraged about this week! Are we still mad about confederate statues Iβve been offline for a while. π
This includes religious traditionalism.