Hahaha … Shockingly Stupid. “I poisoned you out of Love, and you ‘anti-vaxers’ tried to save our lives out of hate.” That is one DUMB BEOTCH. Proof positive, the respect that accompanied the prefix “Dr.” Has been diluted by the rancid grog of woke academia.
I think there will be many more similar declarations. They know they made a stuuuuupid choice and are fucked. It's hard to admit to stupid when you are stupid.
Injecting your patients with experimental concoctions just so they can keep their job, while you recommend the shot to others with no proof of safety and efficacy.
Thanks. I didn't understand the pedo reference, but now I see you're talking about the type of toxic "love" offered by pedos and other abusers, which is clearly not love.
Sad. It’s sad she is trying to revise history to soothe her guilty conscience. The anti-vaccine people were pleading with people to open their eyes and not take the mRNA vaccines. And, for standing up against the insanity they were subjected to off the charts hatred from pro-vaxxers.
I really don't like when people generalize and assume I'm hateful because I didn't want to inject myself with an experimental therapy out of consideration for the safety of others. It is called discernment and it isn't emotionally derived. They're just mad because they fell for the scam and we didn't, so they have to turn it into virtue in someway to justify their errs. I've seen enough to know that these virtuous types really don't give two-shits about anything other than looking good on social media and following the herd so they can feel like they are a part of something bigger -- when in reality they are just another boot-licker.
Like many others, my decision to avoid the experimental poison was not made because of hate. It was a thoughtful decision made based on a common sense aversion to risky behaviors. She may be an MD (I'm not), but her education did not give her common sense.
This is what abusive psychopaths say. Also, she doesn't know the heart of everyone who made an opposite decision. Pushing your arrogance on others is not love.
Yeah. Relatives of mine have said about the same thing to me, and thought I was an idiot for not getting the shot, and used the phase “why can’t you just trust the science?” to try to justify their position. This is discrimination 101, and I called them out on it. They know it is, but it doesn’t stop them from spewing hate. Unfortunately, the hate is misplaced on us truthers/critical thinkers right now….
To me... she just admitted the jab is a poison and that it will likely be the cause of her death. She realizes she can't change her poor (deadly) choice and now, out of fear, out of resignation, is attempting to justify her assinine decision. Too bad her "love" for others doesn't extend to the murderous advice she no doubt gave to her patients .
She is projecting like all leftists. She is assigning our anti vax opinion to hate when it's the opposite. We don't want people harmed, even people we don't know. She hates us because she knows this to be true.
I would fully expect that we'll be hearing some variation of this from every vaxxer now. "I made a noble sacrifice because I thought it would help YOU and save GRANDMA, you selfish bastard."
This way, they can admit the shit is dangerous but still virtue signal about having taken it.
I don't know if this Twitter poster is real or what, but I think the post was meant to tell the normies what to say.
wonder if the free vax shoulda come with a free shovel, so the recipient can dig their own burial hole, and save others the trouble...just a thought...
We risked being ostracized, hated, and literally deleted by our friends and family to let you know you were injecting poison. WHY? Because we care too. It was out of love we risked our lives and relationships to try to save your stubborn proud ass.
It is not logical to believe that getting vaccinated with a poisonous vaccine would be a selfless act of love, as it would ultimately harm the person getting vaccinated. It is also not logical to assume that all those who oppose vaccination do so out of hate, as there can be many reasons why someone might have concerns or reservations about vaccination. It is important to approach the topic of vaccination with an open mind and to consider the available evidence in order to make informed decisions.
That is one of the most unbelievably stupid statements I have seen yet.
Hahaha … Shockingly Stupid. “I poisoned you out of Love, and you ‘anti-vaxers’ tried to save our lives out of hate.” That is one DUMB BEOTCH. Proof positive, the respect that accompanied the prefix “Dr.” Has been diluted by the rancid grog of woke academia.
Lol. The vaccines were created from hate, but I assaulted you with them with love
I think there will be many more similar declarations. They know they made a stuuuuupid choice and are fucked. It's hard to admit to stupid when you are stupid.
Narcissists are experts at coping skills.
Yep. And all the indoctrinated go...awwww she’s so sweet.
Case in point — why it is one of the seven deadly sins.
No, she's evil. She's talking about love as in the pedos "love is love."
Forced love is called rape!
Injecting your patients with experimental concoctions just so they can keep their job, while you recommend the shot to others with no proof of safety and efficacy.
What makes you say that?
She's clearly showing a grasp of the concept of the harm, and presents her "love" as a justification for the potential for death of those injected.
Not even caring if the injection was fully poison.
Thanks. I didn't understand the pedo reference, but now I see you're talking about the type of toxic "love" offered by pedos and other abusers, which is clearly not love.
Oh, I suppose that lacked clarity that the pedo reference was more for analogy, not an insinuated accusation.
Sad. It’s sad she is trying to revise history to soothe her guilty conscience. The anti-vaccine people were pleading with people to open their eyes and not take the mRNA vaccines. And, for standing up against the insanity they were subjected to off the charts hatred from pro-vaxxers.
Remember liberals vote and decide decisions on EMOTIONS. Common sense people make decisions on FACTS!
Spot on.
If she’s a DOCTOR, how many others did she lead to the Poisonous Decision by example… by definition then, Jim jones was virtuous !!🤨
This time the phrase "drink the Kool aid" came from the government and the media.
All of them.
Jim Jones' heart was in the right place. He was 'saving' 900 people from the 'evils' of the world by sending them to a better place. #JimJonesLovesYou
Fuk. Beat me too it. Fuk yes 100% Jim Jones, David Coresh, L Ron Hubbard.
And she made sure to signal her virtue by including the Ukrainian flag in her profile pic.
I came here to say just that.
Yet Another Decision she could use the Same BS statement for !!
K, Bye! Love ya!
I really don't like when people generalize and assume I'm hateful because I didn't want to inject myself with an experimental therapy out of consideration for the safety of others. It is called discernment and it isn't emotionally derived. They're just mad because they fell for the scam and we didn't, so they have to turn it into virtue in someway to justify their errs. I've seen enough to know that these virtuous types really don't give two-shits about anything other than looking good on social media and following the herd so they can feel like they are a part of something bigger -- when in reality they are just another boot-licker.
Funny thing is, they ARE apart of something bigger, the biggest thing in the history of mankind. The Great Awakening. Only now, the losing end.
Antivaxxers acted on common sense, intelligence and knowledge. We know better than to be injected with a poison.
Sounds like she now knows the truth and is trying to find some way to justify what she has done.
agree, thinking that her martyrdom is all she has left...and/or perhaps the malpractice lawsuits are incoming...
Trying to justify her stupidity.
...life is not a video game...
And even if it were a video game you play it differently when you only one life.
...doggy winks...
sounds like an epitaph
Like many others, my decision to avoid the experimental poison was not made because of hate. It was a thoughtful decision made based on a common sense aversion to risky behaviors. She may be an MD (I'm not), but her education did not give her common sense.
When her heart swells up to double the size does that mean it's even more in the right place?
This is what abusive psychopaths say. Also, she doesn't know the heart of everyone who made an opposite decision. Pushing your arrogance on others is not love.
Yeah. Relatives of mine have said about the same thing to me, and thought I was an idiot for not getting the shot, and used the phase “why can’t you just trust the science?” to try to justify their position. This is discrimination 101, and I called them out on it. They know it is, but it doesn’t stop them from spewing hate. Unfortunately, the hate is misplaced on us truthers/critical thinkers right now….
To me... she just admitted the jab is a poison and that it will likely be the cause of her death. She realizes she can't change her poor (deadly) choice and now, out of fear, out of resignation, is attempting to justify her assinine decision. Too bad her "love" for others doesn't extend to the murderous advice she no doubt gave to her patients .
Goofy bitch needs to be sued for malpractice.
My number 1 responsibility is to be alive to raise my children to adulthood. I make my decisions accordingly. Has nothing to do with hate.
She is projecting like all leftists. She is assigning our anti vax opinion to hate when it's the opposite. We don't want people harmed, even people we don't know. She hates us because she knows this to be true.
"My heart was in the right place?" Yip, for endocarditis. As your heart enlarges, I guess you will have more love?
I'm not saying you are retarded, you should be making decisions using your brain.
I am a pureblood because my brain was in the right place.
The road to Hell, is paved with good intentions.
I didn't do jack out of hate. I remained unvaxxed out of love for myself, my wife and my children.
Proof you can't fix stupid.
That's weird... I never noticed any hate... ~{°¡°}~
Right?? Not only Virtue Signaling but also Politically Labeling those of us who chose not to as Haters !!
We even tried to warn them.
Sounds pretty baffled to me.....
...a prerequisite for holding a medical licence in this situational reality....
...doggy winks...
👆This is the I am going to be right no matter what you say, do, proof, explain, mansplain, or prove. NO MATTER WHAT I WIN!!!
I would fully expect that we'll be hearing some variation of this from every vaxxer now. "I made a noble sacrifice because I thought it would help YOU and save GRANDMA, you selfish bastard."
This way, they can admit the shit is dangerous but still virtue signal about having taken it.
I don't know if this Twitter poster is real or what, but I think the post was meant to tell the normies what to say.
Watch for it.
The delusion is strong with this one ...
wonder if the free vax shoulda come with a free shovel, so the recipient can dig their own burial hole, and save others the trouble...just a thought...
Your heart can be in the right place and you can still be an ignorant menace to society.
Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind. -C.S. Lewis
We risked being ostracized, hated, and literally deleted by our friends and family to let you know you were injecting poison. WHY? Because we care too. It was out of love we risked our lives and relationships to try to save your stubborn proud ass.
What an absolute moron
It is not logical to believe that getting vaccinated with a poisonous vaccine would be a selfless act of love, as it would ultimately harm the person getting vaccinated. It is also not logical to assume that all those who oppose vaccination do so out of hate, as there can be many reasons why someone might have concerns or reservations about vaccination. It is important to approach the topic of vaccination with an open mind and to consider the available evidence in order to make informed decisions.