The media coverage is hilarious. "Fake news. He is not directing the Rothschild movie", "Its not the same Rothschilds because it is missing an s", "It is the same Rothschilds even though he insists it isn't, and he is a monster"
I read today about Gibson's next project being a sequel to the Passion of the Christ.
Haven't seen nuthin about no Rothschilds flick. Also, at the moment, "Rothschilds" is the dinsinfo machine's favorite catchword now.
"Putin said Rothschilds" "Scwab said Rothschilds"
They know more and more people are waking up to the truth, so their only counter is to inject as much Rothschilds disinfo as they can, in order to discredit actual Rothschilds related facts.
Step 1. Plant fake info, disinfo
Step 2. Use mainstream propaganda machine to claim it is fake
Step 3. Validate mainstream propaganda outlets and discredit 'alternative' narratives.
Of course, if there's serious corroboration for this report, I'd love to know... But I'm skeptical, for the aforementioned reasons.
So he is directing...I wonder who is doing the writing...there certainly is enough material and it really is quite an interesting story...almost unbelievable. I would think anyone involved in such a project would be in danger...these are very evil people.
Directing this movie takes some large testicular fortitude. Wow Mel. Just WOW!
He's got so much cash, he doesn't need to rely on studios or financial backers to get this done.
But muh precious Toyota/Lexus...proceeds to mash the throttle itself and not shut off...Short memory? Cognitive dissonance because Toyota is your religion? Sauce:
I wish Mel would do the grand masterpiece The Book of Revelation. The 10 Commandments was the old time blockbuster, and with the job Mel did with The Passion, I think a billion dollar budget - Hello Mr President Trump :) and make it the modern day masterpiece. We have the technology now to really visualize The Book Of Revelation, and make it look out of this world.
Amsterdam with Christian Bale would be a good one to watch as a warm up to this.
Just watched this over NY weekend and it blew some minds of friends and family. My tin foil hat got smaller in their eyes after it and it opend the door for some red (and black) pill drops.
Mel is the person "They" should have left alone. When "They" threatened his father it became very personal!
I always liked Mel Gibson not only as an actor and director, but for his rare bravery in Hollywood.
He always seemed to be a genuine sort of fella.
I didn't hear about that, the threat to his father...
The media coverage is hilarious. "Fake news. He is not directing the Rothschild movie", "Its not the same Rothschilds because it is missing an s", "It is the same Rothschilds even though he insists it isn't, and he is a monster"
But is the corroboration on the assertion?
I read today about Gibson's next project being a sequel to the Passion of the Christ.
Haven't seen nuthin about no Rothschilds flick. Also, at the moment, "Rothschilds" is the dinsinfo machine's favorite catchword now.
"Putin said Rothschilds" "Scwab said Rothschilds"
They know more and more people are waking up to the truth, so their only counter is to inject as much Rothschilds disinfo as they can, in order to discredit actual Rothschilds related facts.
Step 1. Plant fake info, disinfo
Step 2. Use mainstream propaganda machine to claim it is fake
Step 3. Validate mainstream propaganda outlets and discredit 'alternative' narratives.
Of course, if there's serious corroboration for this report, I'd love to know... But I'm skeptical, for the aforementioned reasons.
I hope Mel runs for Prime Minister 🇦🇺 Dead set legend.
So he is directing...I wonder who is doing the writing...there certainly is enough material and it really is quite an interesting story...almost unbelievable. I would think anyone involved in such a project would be in danger...these are very evil people.
Gibson himself has stated this is a hoax
Where? When?
he may need to change his name to Gel Mibson so they can't find him!
It’s also because he’s making Passion of the Christ 2: Electric Boogaloo
Gibson has been in the crosshairs of the NWO for years. Nothing new for him.
Does anyone know when this comes out? I see news articles related to it going back as far as 2019.
right after The Sound Of Freedom
Yeah, what happened with that film?
My guess is that it's a ready bullet in the chamber, waiting on the timing of what I assume is accompanied child trafficking declas drops.
The publicity link is still active.
Brave browser tags the link as "Not Secure"
This....It's too late to be late on accident.
That’s Jim Caveziel’s trafficking movie, right!? I was just about to ask about that, it kind of vanished off the movie scene.
None that I've found. Leaning towards feel-good meme.
(Who) owns the banks?
Jooknow who
Shut it down, they know!
Stop noticing things!
When I was in college, my history teacher had us spend our first day watching this old black and white movie about the rise of the Rothschilds.
I had never heard of the family before, and just zoned out of the movie.
I wish I had paid attention. Or could remember what the movie was called.
Was it this one?
This looks like the one!
The memory was over 20 years old, but I did remember a lot of horn-heavy musical segues, which many 1930s movies had.
Thanks a lot.
Get digging fren!
GO Mel! 100% support for you brother.
Mel Gibson is a very brave man!
Considering they do their best work when the spotlight is off them, the Rothchilds aren't going to like this.
Directing this movie takes some large testicular fortitude. Wow Mel. Just WOW! He's got so much cash, he doesn't need to rely on studios or financial backers to get this done.
Mel better not drive any newer car. He may end up driving at high speed into a tree or a ditch.
But muh precious Toyota/Lexus...proceeds to mash the throttle itself and not shut off...Short memory? Cognitive dissonance because Toyota is your religion? Sauce:
I wish Mel would do the grand masterpiece The Book of Revelation. The 10 Commandments was the old time blockbuster, and with the job Mel did with The Passion, I think a billion dollar budget - Hello Mr President Trump :) and make it the modern day masterpiece. We have the technology now to really visualize The Book Of Revelation, and make it look out of this world.
I wish i had FU money.
Amsterdam with Christian Bale would be a good one to watch as a warm up to this. Just watched this over NY weekend and it blew some minds of friends and family. My tin foil hat got smaller in their eyes after it and it opend the door for some red (and black) pill drops.
Now get them to watch The Greatest Story Never Told lol
Which one? there are many...
The one about Adolf Hitler
More fake news from OP.