Sometimes if your mod team seems a bit terse with people, here's a great example of the kind of unfathomably stupid, retarded, zero self-awareness people we deal with every day. Y'all believe this Nazi retard's question?? Off to Bandera with you, loser! We thank you for your patience with us, frogs!

But, besides his name, what was he banned for?
Well, this is sort of like mods banning u/SayRacistShitTrollModsAllDay
My only question would be, if their username was blackpower, would they have received the same treatment? If so, I agree with this.
Ya exactly, our society is flooded with 70 iq retard collectivism, things like BLM, NDN collective. But whites liking whites is off the table here.
This... Or jewpride, or anything else...
I absolutely believe they would be, especially since it would only lead to unproductive arguments completely irrelevant to anything at all.
Nah, the name's good enough. If you choose a name like "whitepower1488" it's self-evident you're here to stir up shit.
MOS here en masse to shake our hand
Seems like a minority report.
There are more offensive names on this board right now.
Yes...but no one using "X Power" is here in a good capacity.
They have tried to paint us as white supremacists, even when we are black, Asian, Hispanic, otherkin, merpeople, etc.
May as well get ahead of the mainstream mediaites who are just trying to take "gotcha!" screenshots for their next article.
Would this guy be banned as well...
Dwight Power
The name is enough for a ban.
Why is this stickied?
Kinda using this humorous post as a vehicle to remind everyone that the GreatAwakening's mod logs are open to the public and can be viewed by anyone. Wanna peek into how hard your mod team works and how many individual actions are taken every day? Wanna preview peek on which users we are working with the FBI and the rest of the IC to shadow-ban, de-boost, and eliminate troublesome narratives they don't like? Take a look! Hahaha :)
They say modding is a thankless job, but I don't agree. There is literally nothing better in the world than watching our best researchers make light work of the lying deep state's narratives and peel back the layers of the truth for the world to see, and reading modmail and hearing the shills and other assorted get faggots REEEEEE all the way home.
chef's kiss
“ Wanna preview peek on which users we are working with the FBI and the rest of the IC to shadow-ban, de-boost, and eliminate troublesome narratives they don't like?”
Can you please clear this up? The way it reads to me is the mods are working with the FBI and IC.
Reeee all the way home? There's a brainworm hahah. Thanks for your work mod anons!
Would someone get banned for advocating black power? Seems we should be able to discuss these topics at the very least. Half the WP crowd is only a thing because the US has been inundated with dark skinned migrants for 60 years. The politicians lied to the American people when they created the immigration act of 1965.
The rule should be no racial supremacy of any kind.
Because humans are equally stupid no matter their skin colour.
This is fundamentally wrong. I get that you're trying to be inclusive and well meaning. However, a group of people from Tajikistan will have genetic averages that differ from a group of people in Chile. Humans are not equal when it comes to stupidity. You could argue that environment plays part of our make-up, but not all.
I guess the only way to find out is make a username and see what happens. FAFO?
That handle still available?
Kek bagelLvr …….filing that one for later trolling
Maybe it's a powerful white car built on January 4, 1988?
This guy gets it
Being happy with who you are, not wishing you could be something or someone else, is healthy. Attaching "pride" to it, however, leads to division, which is exactly what [they] want. Being proud of whites but not proud of other colors is racial division on a platter.
They hate Trump in large part because he is the Grand Unifier, seeking to UNITE the law-abiding people of the "United" States, of all colors, against the forces of evil in the cabal. If you obey the law, care about your country and its Constitution, and view its People as equals, you're on the Trump team.
The cabal wants you "proud" of being white. The prouder you are, the more race-conscious you are, the easier you are to manipulate.
There's nothing wrong with being proud of being white and the culture and heritage that comes with it.
And if the cabal wants us to be "proud" of being white then why does the cabal denigrate white pride in every institution it controls?
Racial division.
Thank you for your patience and tolerance
This looks sincere and in need of upvotes.
Yikes. Thanks mods for all your hard work.
Agree. Thx mods for your dedication
I got downvoted for essentially saying 'thank you' (??) ooooookkkkaaaayyyyy
You were downvoted for licking boots.
bwahahaha. Guess I won't do that again.
great dave chappelle skit. terrible username
I only know of one town named Bandara and it's in Texas. I believe that we're keeping our crazy people in Austin these days. ;)
It's the mythical Nazi Ukraine "heaven"
Wow, cool. Thanks for teaching me something new.
Haha, that's information that I only hope occupies a tiny portion of only one brain cell, here, 10 years from now
I'm going to need it even deeper than that, dude. Like at the end of Men in Black, where he just "flashy flashy's" away 45 years as an agent dealing with all that crazy stuff, just, FOOF, I want modmail completely flushed from my mind :D
Heehee...was thinking the same thing since I'm from Texas...
Maybe it was a misspelling. I'm sure he meant "white powder". He's probably an avid skier or snowboarder.
Or cocaine enthusiast.
Cocaine is wonderful...white people are aight
It’s only OK if David Chappelle says it
There’s no room for division by race here. This isn’t CNN or MSNBC.
So the mods here are shabbos faggots too, I see.
Give us censorship! Keep these white creeps away from me, I'm scared? Let's bitch about bitching about race.
Black power is ok. White power not ok. Got it.
Name like that must be a wannabe glowie. Even FBI can do better than that...
Kind of on-the-nose, isn't it? Even for a genuine racist?
Just saying ye(kanye) is not wrong, make that what u will
On the flip side, we’ve had Soapbox Banhammer ban users for no apparent reason, or the reason I assume is that he simply doesn’t like the way certain people conduct themselves, so he uses an alternative name to be a bully.
I'm a bit confused as to how this screen was captured.
It was a screencap and then I blended it using a collage/combine app on my phone, then cropped his username to zoom it in like that
Using phone apps vs Photoshop (where I used to live for 12 hours a day for 12 yeasr straight) is like going from a F1 car to a pedal car, but, it's rather amazing how much you can get done.
What I want to know is how you got a screenshot from what appears to be his point of view. The implications are unsettling, because it suggests that the mod team can hijack accounts.
White used to be a farm implement manufacturer... quite possibly the dude sold re-manufactured engines!
Yeah, we believe in white weakness around here, right pedes 🤡
Ooh is this one of those terrible nazis that coincidentally turned out to be right about homosexuals, transvestites, pedophiles, communists and jewish subversion and have been WARNING about them for 70 years?
I argue this thread itself is causing more division than its worth, however its great to see racial supremacy being stamped out, one account at a time.
There is no reason in this movement we should defend a name with “whitepower” in it. Don’t be dense, that user is NOT here for our good.
Just a friendly reminder that the FBI are a bunch of faggots.
Thank you for your time.
ITT: People who are going to try and get as close as possible to being racist/ethnist without being banned.
GA mods can't handle people sticking up for their own race? Sounding a lot like the PDW mods.
Bro. Check yourself, your ignorance is showing. It's a Nazi code, and this is from their own words, not some BS the ADL made up. I have personally seen video of Russians demanding from a neo-Nazi to unlock his phone. He wouldn't, so the soldier just put in 1488 as the pin, and immediately got in.
How it works:
This is an elite research board. Your flippant, casual comments only show who belongs here on GAW and who possibly perhaps doesn't.
This is one of the most heavily modded places on the entire Internet. Your mod notes show exactly what you really feel. "Burn in hell, kike?" That's a past removed comment from you, 2 months ago.
Ponder your existence. You are marked for permanent removal upon next infraction.
See you in 3 days.
I’m sure after sending so many off to neverland you’ve been able to map the similarities in use of phrases and numerology in usernames. Just brushing shoulders with them on here I’ve been able to notice the trends as far as unique usernames peddling deception and what sometimes seems like it’s connected to a larger “group” of usernames that validate each others posts. It’s surprising to me how so many people can miss the point and only focus on the Color and not the Ideology present in the username, and even though this shit stain didn’t even make it through the door he’s still cultivating division🤯
A lot of the times the Overtly “racist” account names are generally just shills made to discredit The Great Awakening. 9/10 Post activity shows the reason they’re here in the first place, stoking dissent, amplifying divisions, creating confusion, exploiting fears, all meant to discourage and demoralize. In my opinion if a few “halfway decent” “white supremacists” happen to get thrown overboard to avoid chaos, I say so be it. The unfortunate truth is that a lot of people don’t have the proper level of discernment yet to identify much less just ignore this type of manipulation which usually leads to falling victim to it, which if avoided ideas can be nurtured instead of being corrupted.
But hey, just my opinion 🤷🏼♂️
In my career, I've (many a time) had to do tasks that were no fun, but were necessary to do. You are doing the same with work like this.
Thank you.
(You also get first eyes on a lot of very good information, discoveries, analyses, etc. That's a good benefit. Hang on to that when the mod-days get long!)
Thanks again.
Thanks you again and again Mods. What you do for us is truly extraordinary, this is the place to find the latest and truest news, with the least amount of troll annoyance, and your work is deeply appreciated. Whatever you have to do to keep it running smoothly, I will never question.
This is why I like this page. You keep all the morons out. Nothing worse than someone saying White Power. Or say something like "The Joos." No one has time for racism or anti-scientism. Our movement is about inclusion and love. Not hate and bigotry.
Jewish is not a race.
Stop noticing things you Anti-Semites! Kek