"You're a conspiracy theorist cult member."...
This is their defence mechanism taught to them by the mainstream media...
They cannot reject the proof of the arguments so they resort to dismissing you entirely as a way to protect themselves from being red-pilled...
This is what the mainstream media taught them to do and at some point, a red pill clicks within their minds and they become unplugged from the Matrix...
Once that happens, they can never go back...
Keep planting seeds, anons...
You never know which red pill will finally sink in for good and change their life forever...
We must not give up...
(ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter)
I like to pretend to be ONE OF THEM. That way... I get past their initial defenses... and we can actually talk. Even though I'm NOT vaxxed... I say things like:
"I've been wondering about having my heart checked since my "booster". I've heard other people having heart problems and am getting scared. Have you had any problems? Is anyone in your family getting their hearts tested?"
"I haven't had any problems, but I've been reading about people having blood clots. Have you heard anything?"
That way... they aren't defensive and it gets them thinking.
That IS sneaky. Do you then rip the mask off and declare your pureblood status? Please say yes.
This is a good move. We should all do this, it might work en masse. For me, I would have to bite so much of my tongue I might end up mute. But i like the potential. I just spent the day with extended normie family and it was excruciating. I realise it would have been so much more different if I had applied your tactic.
Tell me about it. Talking to my PT the other day and she says "...at least we have the vaccine and it's doing something." Me: " Ya, it's definitely doing something..." I let it go there, i was the only mean tweet lover in there and I actually like the work they do. But whoo boy, they are gut-hooked with the kool aid.
;) Misinformation is necessary....
You’re a cruel SOB, LOL.
The best thing is to say nothing.
The time for warning is over and those that have been diligent, thought for themselves and their children and grandchildren, spent time in research etc. they will be vindicated. There is nothing we can do but love them. There will come a time very soon, when panic sets in and they will seek us out for answers. They have joined a worldwide religion and nothing at this point will deter them, but soon the cold hard reality will hit them.
Your time now should be preparing your immediate loved ones for what is coming. Stocking up on food and provisions etc. I’m hearing some really worrying things from the likes of Colonel Douglas MacGregor that the neocons in the Pentagon are desperate for a war. It could be that the precipice we were told about is rapidly approaching. 🙏🏼
Yep - I let them vent. Time's on my side now.
The response I get is: "I don't want to talk about it."
I get this all of the time, too, along with, "we'll have to agree to disagree."
Tip: Begin any internet comment debate with "As a black woman, it's my view that..."
I think many are starting to wake up and are very scared. One of my vaxxed friends is very nervous around me, worried I might say something to confirm her fears.
If you know she's worried about that subject you might as well bring it up & have to conversation.
Otherwise she might just get more paranoid by the day
And even though she might be on the clock at least you can face that uncertain future together as her friend, on the same page/wavelength. Could be somewhat empowering rather than just "fear fear fear" all the time
She is way too fragile, does not even want to know about climate change or the Chinese system of control. You can lead a horse to water and all that. My daughter is also in denial, can't force the issue. They will see it themselves at some point, maybe. Done all I can for now.
I found out today that calling them sheeple REALLY pisses them off. They get so mad they look like they're about to induce a coincidence and die of climate change.
Spit my coffee out. Thanks a lot.
Actually my favorites are the ones who agree w you about the clot shot, but still think you're a crazy conspiracy nut about everything else.
What about them makes them your favorite?
They understand sarcasm.
I do too but I still wanted to hear it spelled out.
When they cant debate they resort to name calling. Thats when I laugh at them and say 'I Won', you dont have an answer so you can only call out names. You lost.
But then you are confirming their suspicions that you aren't genuine in your concern but instead are looking for satisfaction or control. But obviously name calling should never be dignified with another response. Walk away from childishness. It's time for serious people.
My favorite is, “that’s been debunked”!
Logical Fallacy. Attack the source rather than the information.
That's not an example of logical fallacy. It's ad hominem that you are describing. Just fyi.
ad hominem is a sub set of logical fallacy
Which is a logical fallacy
And the perfect response back is, "Stop being in constant denial, think it through a little further. "
The big phrase I've been getting hit with is, "Correlation does not equal causation." Typically this is in reference to vaxx injuries. It honestly breaks my heart.
Someday they're going to realize what's what. And it may be too late for many of them - or their children.
Response to correlation does not equal causation:
Sometimes it does. Statistics deals with the probability that something doesn't occur by chance. I don't know about you, but I'm not comfortable gambling with the lives of my loved ones given these odds.
Response to correlation does not equal causation:
so correlation precludes causation?
I have literally posted links to court documents and people refused to even look at them. NPC is a meme in real life.
When Steve Kirsch was first confronted by "the jab may be dangerous", he says he denied it to this woman's face. He said no that can't be true after a friend told him she lost 3 people from what she believed to be jab related. She said, but they're still dead. He said it hit him at that moment. He couldn't deny this woman lost 3 family members after their jab. This was his motivation to prove her wrong but instead he red pilled himself.
Truly, The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways.
Bedrock Standard.
Contradict ~ Ridicule ~ Dismiss.
Yes, but at least I am not dying.
Or, "We're never going to agree so we should just stop talking about this."
That is why I say all we need to do is get them to question, because they are then at the threshold to reality.
at this stage fuck em, When my family bring it up i try but really it just has to play out.
My normie friends say I have been misled in regards to science (even though they regularly ask me for medical advice regarding my career of physical therapy). So, I send them all the documents about vax dangers to back up what I say. They then ignore all the links and just restate their accusations and judgments. It is very tiring.
To me, they are exactly like an npc, repeating their programmed message. And I am like the active player who keep bumping into the npc trying to get a new response.
The difference is, I love these npc's and am hoping they will finally wake up. I feel at least responsible enough to keep giving them the new evidence.
anything more than a meme, is just a gish gallop to them
And some people will NEVER be red pilled. The were destined to remain an NPC
Really hurt when my wife said I was in a cult. "Q"
The truth on all matters will be revealed.
Luke 8:17-18 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. 18 Therefore take heed how you hear.
I was presenting the idea that natural immunity was good and plenty for Covid and I did not need a jab. I posted some info from studies and Drs. She proceeded to try to discredit my sources, going to great lengths to make them look illegal. Problem was, she was attacking the wrong source. She was all up in the air about someone with a similar name but not the right group. It was hilarious.
They’ll come along, whether they like it or not. It’s usually someones’ hobby that’ll get them invested, and they’ll start to awaken. When their beloved leisure activity is negatively affected (goes woke), then it’s a process for them to go through for the next few years. It’s a personal journey you must take. They must have a passion for something in life; otherwise, it will never happen for them.
Or they’ll die before the epiphany. For those that have been invested in this, what good is it to be validated when the ones you love have died along the way? It becomes an empty win. This is the reality I live with… Appreciate what you have, folks before they’re gone suddenly.
It's because they don't have any data or proof to backup any of the claims they make, what they have is a perceived authority figure telling them things are a certain way. Anyone they perceive to have "less authority" will never convince them things are different since their beliefs are grounded solely in authority, data and logic are totally meaningless to them. It's very tough to break through to this type of person, thankfully right now the powers that be seem to be on a quest to discredit themselves, so these people are beginning to question the same people they previously perceived to be an authority.
Once somebody begins to trust you more than the original source for their beliefs, the red pill suddenly becomes palatable and the result is usually instantaneous. Like you say: once the red pill clicks you can't go back.
That's what happens when you question someone's religion.
under-rated comment.
we really need to use religious language to describe whats going on in the world.
secular language isn't cutting it.
we are not dealing with rational, logical, intelligent people...
we are dealing with a VACCINE CULT.
Yep. And deprogrammimg people from cults is very difficult, but not impossible. Hopefully if some of the shepherds can be deprogrammed, the sheep will follow.
sometimes it just takes the right spark.
like steve kirsch, told a friend he didn't believe her when she said 3 friends had died, presumably of vaccine...
friend said to steve, yeah... but they are still dead.
Good point. I hadn't heard that. Thanks for sharing.
direct to ad-hominem.