Catherine Herridge
“It's long overdue for Congress to take action and really fund this problem,” PIDB member Ezra Cohen tells @CBS_Herridge on how to possibly fix the U.S. government's classified records system. “The US system is unique in the sense there's an assumption that all government activities will ultimately be judged by the public, even if it's time delayed. And so the idea that we might have records that will never see the public light because we just don't have the resources to process them is frankly a threat to our democracy”
"Section 922 of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act directed, among other things, that SO/LIC report directly to the Secretary on administrative, readiness and organization, resources and equipment, and civilian personnel matters and that the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) work through SO/LIC on these issues."
Export Controls:
State Needs to Improve Compliance Data to Enhance Oversight of Defense Services
Published: Feb 06, 2023. Publicly Released: Feb 06, 2023.
U.S. companies or individuals that sell certain defense services, like military training, to foreign buyers often need permission first from the State Department, which enforces U.S. International Arms Trafficking Regulations.
According to State, from FYs 2013-2021, it received 8,547 voluntary disclosures of potential regulation violations from exporters.
However, State said it could not readily provide data from its compliance database on how many disclosures or potential violations involved defense services. Without such data, State will have difficulty assessing defense services export trends and risks. Our recommendations address this issue.
What GAO Found
The Department of State, which has responsibility for enforcing the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), uses three mechanisms to monitor and enforce ITAR compliance among U.S. individuals or entities exporting defense services. They are (1) exporters' voluntary disclosures about their potential ITAR violations; (2) directed disclosures exporters submit in response to State's request for information about potential violations; and (3) referrals from State's end-use monitoring program.
State's Process for Identifying Potential ITAR Violations
According to State, in fiscal years 2013 through 2021, it received 8,547 voluntary disclosures of potential ITAR violations from exporters; requested information about potential violations from respondents in 505 directed disclosures; and found 85 potential violations through its end-use monitoring program. However, State told GAO it could not readily provide GAO with data from its compliance database on how many disclosures or potential violations involved defense services. According to State officials, State could not specify the number of cases related to potential ITAR violations for defense services in both the Compliance Case Management System and its predecessor system. According to State officials, State has limitations in its internal information technology mechanism used to tag cases, and in the mechanism used to collect information on violations from the regulated community. As a result, GAO found that State may not be able to readily use these data to assess trends or risks related to the export of defense services. State officials said they plan to develop procedures to improve data entry and quality, but were unable to provide GAO with documentation of these plans. State also plans to implement an online application that would improve the accuracy of disclosure submissions but has not yet established a definitive time frame for implementing the application.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) pursued at least 11 cases involving defense services during fiscal years 2013 through 2021. According to DOJ officials, these numbers are likely undercounts because DOJ databases do not specifically track ITAR violations and the department often charges persons under other statutes due to the high legal bar of prosecuting such violations. During this period, State pursued 16 civil enforcement actions for ITAR violations, five for unauthorized defense service exports; imposed fines of $100,000 to $41 million each year; and imposed other remedies.
Why GAO Did This Study
Cases involving private U.S. companies and individuals who have provided defense services, such as military training or furnishing technical data directly to foreign governments or entities, in violation of the ITAR have prompted questions about the U.S. government's monitoring and enforcement of such cases. U.S. persons seeking to export defense articles and defense services subject to control on the U.S. Munitions List as direct commercial sales must obtain authorization from State before exporting them. This process assists State in limiting exports that could present national security risks.
GAO was asked to review the U.S. government's efforts to enforce ITAR requirements for exports of defense services. This report examines (1) State's mechanisms for ensuring U.S. persons comply with ITAR requirements for defense services and (2) the actions that State and DOJ have pursued when a suspected violation of ITAR requirements has occurred. GAO reviewed related laws and regulations ; analyzed agency data on compliance, investigations, and prosecutions in fiscal years 2013 through 2021 ; and interviewed State and DOJ officials in Washington, D.C.
This is a public version of a sensitive report GAO issued in September 2022. Information State deemed sensitive has been removed.
GAO recommends that State complete and implement: (1) procedures for recording data on potential ITAR violations and (2) changes to electronic data collection mechanisms to improve accuracy and completeness of data. State concurred with the recommendations.
Recommendations for Executive Action
The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Defense Trade Controls should complete and implement procedures for DDTC compliance specialists to capture complete and accurate information on ITAR violations related to defense services in CCMS.(Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Defense Trade Controls should complete and implement electronic data collection mechanisms to improve the accuracy and completeness of CCMS data on violations of ITAR requirements for defense services.(Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
It would certainly be quite the incredible twist to have the Resident speak the words that so many had convinced themselves would come from Trump, even though the Q post clearly never explicitly said as much.
Don't be fooled. If Biden does say "The storm is upon us.", please remember the cabal knows that we are waiting for that very announcement and wouldn't hesitate to use it to make us look even more foolish. I pray that doesn't happen.
Exactly, we should also analyze it from that perspective. They have as much access to the drops as we do, and like many times prior would not hesitate to use things we believe to mock and demoralize. I for one am more interested GEOTUS' response. Who knows though, I'm always down for a pleasant surprise.
Who’s to say they’re not? My belief is that the normies will never wind up here or never hold our beliefs because it’s too far out of their realm of reality. But amongst themselves I think there’s probably a huge movement of people questioning everything in a hushed tone because the media and the government is dead set on making them feel like a crazy fringe minority. The people will tow the line because they fear being labeled conspiracy theorist or made up terms like qanon.
I think the normie majority is people too afraid to speak up but just need a flash point.
See, that's how they condition you to put up with more and more crap. It's the boiling frog in water trick. You can always, no matter what, tell yourself it could get worse. Next thing you know, you are in a FEMA camp drinking dirty water repeating the mantra, this isn't the precipice, not enough people have woken up. Don't fall for this trick.
I get it too but people fall over immediately after getting jabbed and they call it long covid. Some won't waken no matter what and at this point if they haven't, can't see it happening.
Obvious truths are starting to come out now. Watch the next year or 2. It's going to be extremely obvious. There will be like 10% or something that won't wake up according to Q.
Drop 2523 Drops combined paint a full picture.
Do you believe in coincidences?
May GOD BLESS those who fight to defend our great Nation.
We, the PEOPLE.
Q It’s also funny it was drafted 18 hours before he posted his cookie pic.
It's not that i believe something significant will happen in a few days, but just that this is comms, perhaps just a threat to the enemy about Gitmo camps being prepped.
It's such a common opener for sotu tho
But Joe would say "my fellow citizens of the world" if the white hats weren't controlling him. 😉
C'mon man
True, except for the comms within his tweet. Chances of 10:28am to match up with Q's arrival? I mean, seriously.
Q started Oct 28, 2017. But yes, it's an interesting delta.
Just an FYI.... Oct. 30th falls on a monday this year.... Just saying kek
Very awesome graphic! 2023 seems to be the year of the storm!
The storm is a (pause) us...
Mind = Blown
We are in the PAUSE = EYE OF THE STORM
THE START = ... "the Storm is upon us" was earlier
If you are in the eye of the storm, you are in the middle, where it is quiet, before you once again go through the storm to get out fully.
So if Biden's speech is the pause, then Trump's reaction to his speech would be the storm resuming.
A bot down voted you.
I was trying to be silly but maybe they thought it was my hard analytical work or who knows. All good.
"the storm is upon us....end quote"
Anon, you are onto something big I think.
I'm not reading all that
I believe the correct internet slang is tl;dr
INRAT has a nice ring to it though...
I'm gunna start using that instead of TL;DR now. Behold, the birth of an internet acronym..
Does this old fuck really eat cookies for breakfast?
he just ate something that eats cookies.
The tweet says "Getting ready" so cookies = baited trap.
Who is he catching? Santa?
Pssst, Santa isn't real...but...Kids are.
No way in hell that is not a comm. I'm sure decoding symbols blog will break down what 2 cookies mean with one half ate. (Seriously.)
Probably eats little chocolate donuts for breakfast... Olympian approved!
Goyslop approved by the government.
WOW. Goyslop.....that's a mouthful of truth right there.
It certainly is.
Original thread by DRan. And here's all the other Q/Biden coincidences.
We're nowhere near the bottom yet
Looks like he was having breakfast at Walmart break room table.
Dem cookies should be popcorn 🍿
My Fellow Americans= common opening for a SOTU address
The Storm Is Upon US= not so much......
It would certainly be quite the incredible twist to have the Resident speak the words that so many had convinced themselves would come from Trump, even though the Q post clearly never explicitly said as much.
Don't be fooled. If Biden does say "The storm is upon us.", please remember the cabal knows that we are waiting for that very announcement and wouldn't hesitate to use it to make us look even more foolish. I pray that doesn't happen.
Exactly, we should also analyze it from that perspective. They have as much access to the drops as we do, and like many times prior would not hesitate to use things we believe to mock and demoralize. I for one am more interested GEOTUS' response. Who knows though, I'm always down for a pleasant surprise.
Not even close to the precipice, enough sheep have to be awake pissed first.
Who’s to say they’re not? My belief is that the normies will never wind up here or never hold our beliefs because it’s too far out of their realm of reality. But amongst themselves I think there’s probably a huge movement of people questioning everything in a hushed tone because the media and the government is dead set on making them feel like a crazy fringe minority. The people will tow the line because they fear being labeled conspiracy theorist or made up terms like qanon.
I think the normie majority is people too afraid to speak up but just need a flash point.
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
See, that's how they condition you to put up with more and more crap. It's the boiling frog in water trick. You can always, no matter what, tell yourself it could get worse. Next thing you know, you are in a FEMA camp drinking dirty water repeating the mantra, this isn't the precipice, not enough people have woken up. Don't fall for this trick.
Nah it makes complete sense. if you just clean up the corruption and cabal without showing people the truth, the cabal will be back in a decade.
For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.
Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].
Important to understand.
Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
I get it too but people fall over immediately after getting jabbed and they call it long covid. Some won't waken no matter what and at this point if they haven't, can't see it happening.
Obvious truths are starting to come out now. Watch the next year or 2. It's going to be extremely obvious. There will be like 10% or something that won't wake up according to Q.
Drop 2523 Drops combined paint a full picture. Do you believe in coincidences? May GOD BLESS those who fight to defend our great Nation. We, the PEOPLE. Q It’s also funny it was drafted 18 hours before he posted his cookie pic.
Exciting but we know that the movie still has a ways to go.
this stuff makes me eat compulsively
Wow. Nice catch.
How could you even believe this?
Believe this coincidence in particular? or that Biden is controlled by the White Hats?
It's not that i believe something significant will happen in a few days, but just that this is comms, perhaps just a threat to the enemy about Gitmo camps being prepped.
Lemme grab a rubber arm band and main line this grade A, finest, ice white platypus, hopium!
Just to throw this out there. Biden went to Camp David and was there on 2/5. So 2/5/23 Camp Prep COULD be prep he did on 2/5 at Camp David
Nice, the special place set aside for Scrotum face Soros.
Let's see how much manufacturing this looser brings back to America.
Empty words.
A tweet (which has content unrelated to the posts displayed) was posted at a date and time!