Great work! I'm 60. When I hit 290 middle last year, I knew I had to change. I'm now at 257, on my way to 215, which would put me at a 34 inch waist, same as when I was in high school.
A doctor once told me "There are fat men, and there are old men. There are no old fat men."
Good work....keep it up....I do intermittent fasting and only eat in an 8 hour window (9-5 or thereabouts) and only drink water the rest of the day while my body rests and repairs itself. I eat two meals a day, but I can really eat anything I want during that period. I am 71 and have found less food is beneficial in the long run and the older you get you evidently need more restorative healing for your body...can't say I am ever sick...but I also take lots of supplements...Dr. Berg has some good online videos on intermittent fasting, if that is something that would interest you...weight loss and improved health is a pretty good side effect of it...
I'm not as old as you, but I've picked up some valuable lessons in my 40+ years:
the only way to lose weight is to not eat. Preferably as fast as possible by NOT eating at all. Diets don't work, water fasts do. Might cure your cancer and diabetes also.
sleep on your side and breathe through your nose.
Running is what you do when you're skinny, not what you do to lose weight. That's walking.
Full body barbell-weighted linear progression programs FTW.
Playing sports once a week, like flag football. HIIT if you have nothing else.
Try to eat clean paleo/keto, its the best long-term health diet.
I'll take your word for it OP, and I have a long history of ups and downs fitness-wise, just saying I can't engage with anything FB related, out of self preservation.
Lol, I was just thinking about this yesterday. If anyone really gave a rat's ass who I am, it would take less than 5 min for an anon (1 minute for an autist) to figure it out. If I can run the license plate of an asshole that cut me off on the freeway, find the baby shower registry for his wife, buy the letter A on the registry (I assume they wanted to spell the kid's name on the wall), and mail it to him with a note saying it's A for Asshole, imagine what an anon can dig up.
I actually did that. Wish I'd been a fly on the wall when he opened it. Once some teen jerk was playing chicken with me in front of a middle school. I ran the plate and this kid had just gotten his license the week before. And the name sounded familiar. Turns out it was the son of one of the pastors at my church. I emailed the pastor and I think I thoroughly freaked him out. I've always told my kids to watch themselves on the roads because anything can be found on a license plate.
You look healthy and clean cut, your skin looks really nice, I like your hair, and you have a beautiful smile. Keep up the good work and keep holding the vision that you’re going to meet a nice girl who will be a good fit for you, I believe she’s out there!
As a female, we notice things like good skin and robust health because we want a man who isn't a soy-laden turd who can't provide and protect. Keep the testosterone up by avoiding foods and things that lower it like beer, soy, lavender, tea tree, plastics, any kind of endocrine disruptors. You seem like a nice young man with a bright future! Being a specimen of male health will attract females and give you more to choose from. Don't listen to the doomers on here saying there are no good unjabbed women out there. If that's the belief you put out there, that's what you'll get.
You didn't look awful before; there are many people with more serious weight issues than that. But you're obviously much happier with yourself, so that's great. Changing your mindset is the toughest part, then the body follows. Good job!
Nice fren! I was addicted to video games about 15 years ago. I realized I had a problem and sold all my stuff. Now I just gotta tackle my alcoholism...we all have our vices, don't beat yourself up ya know.
Read up on mega-doses of B3 therapy....there was an extensive thread on this not too long ago. Check out Andrew Saul and Dr. Abram Hoffer orthomolecular protocols. Very effective...
Wow brother good job. Keep it up. This type of testimony would be some awesome stuff to share when we schedule your podcast episode. It's all in your hands what u share. I'm excited to talk more. off the next to days so will be in future touch so we can plan yhings
Amen. Yes gamepwn means nothing if Andrew remains lost. it's great u used that time to get yourself right. Keep at it. We are ever growing. Ever learning. Ever finding joy in the Lord. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah Jesus Christ is King
Brother this is such a beautiful thought. You are 100% right. This is why I'm so excited to have u on podcast in future months. Young people need to hear and see that it's possible to turn it around in Christ.
It takes balls to doxx yourself. That’s your prerogative. I’m better off In the shadows. That said…I was 52 at 195 lbs @ 5’9” when I had a 95% blocked right coronal artery aka heart attack. I’ve dropped 20+ lbs, changed my diet for what works for me, added in supplements, and started exercising vigorously and frequently. The key thing is the exercise. You’ve got to be able to run IMO. And do squats. And upper body strength. You don’t have to look like Charles Atlas, but you’ve got to be able to out run invaders and chase down attackers. Best of luck to you.
Join a police lodge or gun club. Get involved in local politics. You may want to think about moving. After decades I moved from DC to NC and it was a world of difference. I still see ninnies w masks on but no UKR signs or HRC bumper stickers. I still play grey man but don’t feel surrounded.
A year and a half ago I had a falling out in the front yard weeding. I got faint and dropped, panted for my life like an eternity. Went to the ER where they were so full of Covid crap I finally said get me out of here. (Found out it was fire ants that put me in shock).Started Keto and Intermittent Fasting. Dropped 60 lbs. Was already doing vitamins after having Covid, but got more serious about it. Not many 65 year olds can keep up with me now. Now I have to get my wife thru a liver transplant. Fun Wow!
I had an anaphylactic reaction to fire ant bites that put me in the emergency room many years ago. Get some homeopathic apis 30X and if you are concerned about having a reaction to the bites again just put a one or two pellets under your tongue about every 15 minutes...lengthing the time between doses until there is no more negative reaction to the bites. Also, if you dab fire ant bites with bleach, it neutralizes the poison... work on jellyfish stings also...
Congrats on the "New You"... life is a journey and you sound like you are on the right track...keep it up...don't let anything keep you from your destiny!!
Excellent. Super pleased for you, fren. You're one of my favorite posters too. So glad you're getting your act together. When you said you stopped the video games it immediately made me think of what Paul said in 1st Corinthians 13:11. About how when he was a child, he thought and reasoned as a child, but when he became a man, he put away childish things. That is a big step for all humans - to move forward into adulthood. I've known plenty of chronologically adult people who were mentally and emotionally stuck in their teens. It's great to see you moving forward and I'm so happy for you. Get God in your life and you'll be flying. God bless you.
Well done friend!
Good on you for doing it while young - your older self thanks you immensely for the illness you averted, the pain you have saved it from, and the self respect you gave it!
You rock! And are an inspiration. But I tell you a better inspiration, Jesus. THE inspiration.
Call on him, and your life will never be the same. Take the next step. And then keep on taking the next step. And then keep on until you are walking fren.
71 and 5'8. I weighed in at 215, with a 40" waist and it was tight. Went to walking 2 miles a day few years ago and cut out the candy bars and soft drinks. 176 and still walking--hard to give up my beer with my meals. You can be alive a long time but if you want to live, get in shape! Good luck!
My weight goes up and down a lot! When I got Married in the Philippines 11 years ago I was at 213. While waiting for my wife to arrive I commuted by bicycle 13 miles each way and cut back on meat and bread and was down to 187. 3 years ago living in the Philippines I went up to 235, now I'm back down to 205.
Tips to lose weight:
Drink a big glass of water before eating. Eat veggies until you are close to full (They taste less good) Then eat whatever you like. Depriving oneself diets don't work. If you fill up on water and veggies you will only eat a small amount of what you WANT to eat.
Don't buy into all the latest health fad items. A smoothie with 60 ingredients has so little of each there's no benefit. Just eat a lot of different colors of veggies and fruit and go easy on the fruit.
I lost 40 lbs. in 2020, starting February 15. It took me about 5 months. I maintained that loss until last December when I gained 15 lbs.! Now I'm fat and angry about it! Lol.
Great work! I'm 60. When I hit 290 middle last year, I knew I had to change. I'm now at 257, on my way to 215, which would put me at a 34 inch waist, same as when I was in high school.
A doctor once told me "There are fat men, and there are old men. There are no old fat men."
Good work....keep it up....I do intermittent fasting and only eat in an 8 hour window (9-5 or thereabouts) and only drink water the rest of the day while my body rests and repairs itself. I eat two meals a day, but I can really eat anything I want during that period. I am 71 and have found less food is beneficial in the long run and the older you get you evidently need more restorative healing for your body...can't say I am ever sick...but I also take lots of supplements...Dr. Berg has some good online videos on intermittent fasting, if that is something that would interest you...weight loss and improved health is a pretty good side effect of it...
I'd say don't do it (the Lib ex-girlfriend) but... you already know.
My man, go get yours... everything worth having is worth the weight/wait
I'm not as old as you, but I've picked up some valuable lessons in my 40+ years:
I'll take your word for it OP, and I have a long history of ups and downs fitness-wise, just saying I can't engage with anything FB related, out of self preservation.
Does this violate "no doxxing"? Get being open "self doxx" but saying open to friend requests - is a box of doxxing worms
LifeLog is shit, eff 'meta'!
Lol, I was just thinking about this yesterday. If anyone really gave a rat's ass who I am, it would take less than 5 min for an anon (1 minute for an autist) to figure it out. If I can run the license plate of an asshole that cut me off on the freeway, find the baby shower registry for his wife, buy the letter A on the registry (I assume they wanted to spell the kid's name on the wall), and mail it to him with a note saying it's A for Asshole, imagine what an anon can dig up.
Lol is that all hypothetical or did you actually do all that?
Please tell me you actually did that🐸
I actually did that. Wish I'd been a fly on the wall when he opened it. Once some teen jerk was playing chicken with me in front of a middle school. I ran the plate and this kid had just gotten his license the week before. And the name sounded familiar. Turns out it was the son of one of the pastors at my church. I emailed the pastor and I think I thoroughly freaked him out. I've always told my kids to watch themselves on the roads because anything can be found on a license plate.
No face book. Never have never will. But good on ya man. Keep it up
fr kek
You look healthy and clean cut, your skin looks really nice, I like your hair, and you have a beautiful smile. Keep up the good work and keep holding the vision that you’re going to meet a nice girl who will be a good fit for you, I believe she’s out there!
As a female, we notice things like good skin and robust health because we want a man who isn't a soy-laden turd who can't provide and protect. Keep the testosterone up by avoiding foods and things that lower it like beer, soy, lavender, tea tree, plastics, any kind of endocrine disruptors. You seem like a nice young man with a bright future! Being a specimen of male health will attract females and give you more to choose from. Don't listen to the doomers on here saying there are no good unjabbed women out there. If that's the belief you put out there, that's what you'll get.
^^^^ This right here. Im getting into good shape and skincare cause most people don't and there are still unvaxxed women out there for sure.
You didn't look awful before; there are many people with more serious weight issues than that. But you're obviously much happier with yourself, so that's great. Changing your mindset is the toughest part, then the body follows. Good job!
Nice fren! I was addicted to video games about 15 years ago. I realized I had a problem and sold all my stuff. Now I just gotta tackle my alcoholism...we all have our vices, don't beat yourself up ya know.
Read up on mega-doses of B3 therapy....there was an extensive thread on this not too long ago. Check out Andrew Saul and Dr. Abram Hoffer orthomolecular protocols. Very effective...
I will look into it, thank you!
I'd have ditched the alcohol and kept the video games, but I still drink beer & play games so take it for what it is.
Wow brother good job. Keep it up. This type of testimony would be some awesome stuff to share when we schedule your podcast episode. It's all in your hands what u share. I'm excited to talk more. off the next to days so will be in future touch so we can plan yhings
Amen. Yes gamepwn means nothing if Andrew remains lost. it's great u used that time to get yourself right. Keep at it. We are ever growing. Ever learning. Ever finding joy in the Lord. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah Jesus Christ is King
Brother this is such a beautiful thought. You are 100% right. This is why I'm so excited to have u on podcast in future months. Young people need to hear and see that it's possible to turn it around in Christ.
It takes balls to doxx yourself. That’s your prerogative. I’m better off In the shadows. That said…I was 52 at 195 lbs @ 5’9” when I had a 95% blocked right coronal artery aka heart attack. I’ve dropped 20+ lbs, changed my diet for what works for me, added in supplements, and started exercising vigorously and frequently. The key thing is the exercise. You’ve got to be able to run IMO. And do squats. And upper body strength. You don’t have to look like Charles Atlas, but you’ve got to be able to out run invaders and chase down attackers. Best of luck to you.
Join a police lodge or gun club. Get involved in local politics. You may want to think about moving. After decades I moved from DC to NC and it was a world of difference. I still see ninnies w masks on but no UKR signs or HRC bumper stickers. I still play grey man but don’t feel surrounded.
A year and a half ago I had a falling out in the front yard weeding. I got faint and dropped, panted for my life like an eternity. Went to the ER where they were so full of Covid crap I finally said get me out of here. (Found out it was fire ants that put me in shock).Started Keto and Intermittent Fasting. Dropped 60 lbs. Was already doing vitamins after having Covid, but got more serious about it. Not many 65 year olds can keep up with me now. Now I have to get my wife thru a liver transplant. Fun Wow!
(((Big hugs))) Will keep your wife in my daily prayers that she will heal quickly from a liver transplant.
I had an anaphylactic reaction to fire ant bites that put me in the emergency room many years ago. Get some homeopathic apis 30X and if you are concerned about having a reaction to the bites again just put a one or two pellets under your tongue about every 15 minutes...lengthing the time between doses until there is no more negative reaction to the bites. Also, if you dab fire ant bites with bleach, it neutralizes the poison... work on jellyfish stings also...
Hope everything goes well with your wife's liver transplant fren <3
Great job, fren!!! Kudos on the new you! Very inspiring...
Congrats on the "New You"... life is a journey and you sound like you are on the right track...keep it up...don't let anything keep you from your destiny!!
The great awakening!
:salutes in tears: Today we gather in remembrance of Gamepwn22, a fallen anon. Your rest is well deserved and we will always remember!
:joyous applause: Today we gather in celebration of Andrew, an overcomer! May you always grow in His love and may your life be a testimony!
One little nitpic, "I stopped the video games and movie fantasies." But just the other day you got quite the VR vest! :P (all in good fun)
Continue on pursuing your goals, :strikeout:anon:strikeout: Andrew!
Excellent. Super pleased for you, fren. You're one of my favorite posters too. So glad you're getting your act together. When you said you stopped the video games it immediately made me think of what Paul said in 1st Corinthians 13:11. About how when he was a child, he thought and reasoned as a child, but when he became a man, he put away childish things. That is a big step for all humans - to move forward into adulthood. I've known plenty of chronologically adult people who were mentally and emotionally stuck in their teens. It's great to see you moving forward and I'm so happy for you. Get God in your life and you'll be flying. God bless you.
Well done friend!
Good on you for doing it while young - your older self thanks you immensely for the illness you averted, the pain you have saved it from, and the self respect you gave it!
Stepping up.
Upgrading your life.
Take yourself back from these evil manipulators.
Good Job!! Great Job!!!
And when you get tired and want to give up...
You rock! And are an inspiration. But I tell you a better inspiration, Jesus. THE inspiration.
Call on him, and your life will never be the same. Take the next step. And then keep on taking the next step. And then keep on until you are walking fren.
You are awesome. Much love! Keep going!
Well done fren.
71 and 5'8. I weighed in at 215, with a 40" waist and it was tight. Went to walking 2 miles a day few years ago and cut out the candy bars and soft drinks. 176 and still walking--hard to give up my beer with my meals. You can be alive a long time but if you want to live, get in shape! Good luck!
Have you tried the keto diet?
My weight goes up and down a lot! When I got Married in the Philippines 11 years ago I was at 213. While waiting for my wife to arrive I commuted by bicycle 13 miles each way and cut back on meat and bread and was down to 187. 3 years ago living in the Philippines I went up to 235, now I'm back down to 205.
Tips to lose weight:
Drink a big glass of water before eating. Eat veggies until you are close to full (They taste less good) Then eat whatever you like. Depriving oneself diets don't work. If you fill up on water and veggies you will only eat a small amount of what you WANT to eat.
Don't buy into all the latest health fad items. A smoothie with 60 ingredients has so little of each there's no benefit. Just eat a lot of different colors of veggies and fruit and go easy on the fruit.
Kudos to you! Wishing you continued success and happiness.
Way to go! You look fantastic! I'd join you on Facebook but I was kicked off Aug 2020. So happy you shared this with us. I needed some inspiration.
Well done fren! SO proud of you!! 👏✨
Looking great!!
Well done.
I lost 40 lbs. in 2020, starting February 15. It took me about 5 months. I maintained that loss until last December when I gained 15 lbs.! Now I'm fat and angry about it! Lol.
What changed? You didn't talk about the tipping point that motivated you to change your life. Would like to hear that.
Awesome, good for you fren!
You look fantastic, congratulations on your accomplishments! 👏👍🥰
Good job!! Fantastic!!
Well, done friend, well done. 🐸
y is this stickied when tragedies are happening?