Summary of Key Facts
Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine contains truncated mRNA, which the EMA flagged as a reason for its “major objection,” indicating a preclusion of their approval.
Pfizer has not investigated the detrimental outcomes of truncated mRNA in its vaccines.
Pfizer submitted Western blot figures to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the EMA that were digitally generated—not from actual experiments.
There has been an alarming lack of action taken by health authorities on this issue.
Truncated mRNA potentially contributes to multiple vaccine-related injuries, including misfolded spike protein-induced fibrous blood clots, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.
These problems with the Pfizer vaccine could have resulted in drastic product quality variations from batch to batch. This could explain the difference in adverse events experienced by vaccine recipients.
The root cause of such irresponsible conduct by pharma and health authorities is a lack of ethics.
You know what takes time? Method development for quality control tests & stability testing after those methods are validated (sampled at time intervals up to 2 years). Kind of hard to do when you finish development in 1 month.
They probably had it already ready to go. Didn't moderna patent it in 2018?
DoD created it. Big Pharma companies slapped their sticker on it.
If youd been paying attention, development was finished before covid was even released. These are features, not flaws.
Oh I'm completely on board with this.
don't actually believe it was "developed" in the 3 days that Moderna claims or what Pfizers/BioNTech's story is but they got theirs out even quicker. I don't buy the chinese 'researchers' posted the genetic code and they just ran with it with no verification. Nevermind that the efficacy and side effect profile for pfizers and modernas is almost identical for a novel product.
It's almost like some other larger institution acted behind the scenes and just handed them a product and supply chain.
But its easier to start a conversation that these two companies were just lying from the beginning.
This. If you're trying to break the news to normies you start with the premise that Pfizer and Moderna were negligent and sloppy before moving into deeper theories about deliberate malfeasance. You don't take a first timer to the gun range, shove a 44 magnum in their hands, and then berate them when they struggle with the recoil smacking them in the face, if you want to gain their interest.
No you don't, true, you give the an AR-15. They will shoot it all day, you will have to give them a limit on ammo. Lol.
Isnt Moderna suing Pfizer for patent infringement??
Well, lets just look back in time to see how long they've been doing DNA-RNA experiments, and then double that time for their ""Secret"" Experiments....
Obvious statement: The vaccines were clearly in "development" long before "COVID" ever hit the MSM. And safety/testing was never a serious consideration.
It's almost as if they wanted the batches to be different to see what would happen!
The human race was the expirament
Like it was still experimental or something
Vault-Tec Approves.
Targeted batches. The peasants got the shit quality (mass production) batches, while the politicians, celebrities, media influencers, and those [drug pushers] who could sell, and mandate payment for the drugs got the safer (premium quality) batches. That's why there are two different versions of reality surrounding the "safe and effective" death jabs. Ones vision of that reality is shaped entirely by what we see in our surrounding environment.
We will never forget Pfizer for all the right reasons, JUSTICE IS COMING
no its not. People just bend over and take it deeper and deeper.
I think they knew and that was the plan
You are never going to convince me the deaths are a quality control issue.
The death jab is doing exactly what they designed it to do. The only reason the results vary is that they couldn't kill everyone at once without being quickly discovered.
oOpSiE pOoPsIe!
Just like banks attract employees who like to be around money, drug companies likely attract ones who like to be around both drugs and money. Ethical decision making probably goes out the window fast, working there.
That's gonna be their bullshit excuse to deflect blame from the high-ups.
By Tyler Durdan 🤣
The actual authors are attributed.
It's literally the very next line down after Tyler Durden's name. This is very common with blogs. The blog owner will post the content so the web form will post that account as the "author", and then if you read further, they'll credit the real author(s). ZH always links to their content on their website as well, if he's using something he didn't generate.
Every article on zerohedge is by Tyler. :)
Why do I think that "quality control" is not really the issue?
I mean, I'm sure they can use hexagonal organic distilled water as part of the manufacturing process, but it is the mRNA technology that is the problem...
My poor mother didn’t want to take it and didn’t trust it. Then a neighbors 6 month old got really sick with something and hospitalized and she decided to get the shot. I wish I put my foot down and told her not to but wanted to be ok with her decision because I don’t make waves. A year later she got turbo cancer and died in 6 weeks. I’m praying there is some sort of esoteric time travel or something to reverse all of this mess. All she wanted was to be with her grandkids and now she can’t. Rest In Peace mom.
Sounds like the new narrative. "It was the manufacturing process! We really weren't contracted by the government to create a bioweapon, WE SWEAR!!!!"
this plays into the idea that they were incompetent. I believe this was a weapon deployed on the common people of the world.
This is the first time I've seen someone actually present a plausible explanation for what we're seeing with appropriate sourcing, citations, and physical evidence from reliable sources.
This is something worth looking at carefully here. I suspect they're on the right track to understanding exactly where some of the key symptoms we're seeing are coming from. Small interfering RNAs are a well-known issue. In fact, that mechanism of action is actually used in some newer experimental drugs specifically using these to disrupt malfunctioning or harmful proteins. A key example is with Alzheimer's research and efforts to disrupt the amyloid plaques from forming.
It is well known that these may also cause inflammation which may explain myo- and pericarditis symptoms or the disruption of immune function linked to higher rates of certain cancers. Naturally, this sort of thing has the potential to interfere with the signals of growth and development, which would explain some of the fertility issues we're hearing about as well. Depending on the nature of the specific RNA fragments generated, this is a plausible explanation for the spectrum of symptoms we're seeing in vaccinated people.
---------------------------- That said, due diligence --------------------------
The work should be evaluated in full:
Thus far, IMO, what's presented in Part 1 is plausible and well cited. All of the evidence appears to be meticulously presented, sources to reliable sources, including European regulators equivalent to the FDA here in the US. The authors simply add context that rings true with my own training in molecular biology.
Part 2, however, is highly speculative. None of the mechanisms of actions presented as possible explanations for various symptoms is backed by supporting evidence. Naturally, it is unethical to experiment on people, but animal or in vitro tests on human cells is ethical. We need more than speculation. This isn't a criticism of the authors so much as a criticism of regulatory bodies like FDA for failing to do this work.
Lastly, the author concludes by blaming this all on a societal moral failure. It's a totally uncalled for injection of personal bias which undercuts the quality of the article, particularly of the second part. This case ISN'T proven yet. Not by a long shot.
Here is the full and complete story pertaining to Part 1.
Looking for cause and effect seems to be an extremely obvious statement, but that is not always the case. Take, for instance, the "chicken and egg," argument which makes establishing causality one of the most difficult aspects of scientific research. It is also one of the most important factors, because it can misdirect scientists. It also leaves the research open to manipulation by interest groups, who will take the results and proclaim them as a truth.
Overseeing this is EXACTLY the job of the FDA. This and nothing else. If all of this is true it's the excuse needed to dismantle the FDA.
Remember, knowingly. We've been told that word. They knew what they were putting in and how much.
Here is an EXCELLENT source, explaining in simple terms and in detail the criminal acts of Pfizer and the FDA. There is a COMPLETE absence of due diligence and responsibility. It's a bit of a long read but well worth it.
Why, why, why has NOTHING been done?
DAMAGE CONTROL - that’s all they do.
They can no longer deny that people are dying.
They chose to give people an excuse that doesn’t incriminate them that much.
It wasn’t made by them. They only mixed powder supplied from China and bottled it. Same in every country. Nobody knows what’s in it.
BS, they knew exactly what would happen and now are throwing stories out to see which ones will stick.
Had no idea eh.
More like knew exactly what the fallout would be