Peters seems to traffic shiny distractions. But he might not be controlled opposition. Although I'd argue that anyone who's livelihood requires advertising is essentially controlled by the need for sponsors. Even if you start as a hardcore truther, once you become reliant on corporate advertisers or a few large donors, you become controlled and some topics are off limits. Truth must be free.
Stew had one of the best shows about COVID and the vaccine during the lockdowns. And he did a lot of work and exposed a lot of shit and gave a lot of people a platform to have a voice. That’s all I know. Honestly, I am so tired of everyone calling everyone controlled opposition. It’s like if you aren’t wearing sack cloths and eating bugs while you do your podcast or shows you’re controlled opposition. If you have an idea that you explore on your show or think you’re right but you’re actually wrong you’re controlled opposition. Meanwhile LOL here at this forum everyone is wrong all of the time but yet still somehow considered a “truther”. ItS hAbBeNiNg or oh my God these numbers add up to 17 this is a comm!!!! Or Jim Carey is playing Joe Biden. Or Trump is a time traveller playing intergalactic 30-D chess. Oh my God Stew Peters criticized Trump because he endorses the vaccine he’s cOnTrOlLeD oPpOsItIon. Meanwhile Trump encourages people to get vaccinated lmao. It’s fucking mental. No one knows shit about fuck
IMHO it's not Podesta in the famous audio file. He has a super flat classic Chicago accent. Guy in audio has northeast accent. But whatever, Pedosta's a pedo who needs to die
Is there a Q drop with this pic? Hard to find without where you could limit to only drops with pics.
Edit: I looked back through all Q drops. (using a 49 inch monitor and I didn't find any pics of this party. Even if it isn't John Podesta (and Valerie Jarrett), it doesn't invalidate Q.
I think this is just conspiracy and Stew is making himself and the truthers look stupid and crazy, like that Watch the Water snake venom shit. There is no proof it's Podesta, as much as I'd love it to be. I totally believe J.P. is a child abusing scumbag and whatnot, just not convinced this pic is him. It's important that we not spread fake shit.
PEDOsta's emails speak for themselves.
You think you’re hot shit dontcha?
Based on the one downdoot, someone didn't get the reference.
How do you know Stew Peters is controlled opposition?
Peters seems to traffic shiny distractions. But he might not be controlled opposition. Although I'd argue that anyone who's livelihood requires advertising is essentially controlled by the need for sponsors. Even if you start as a hardcore truther, once you become reliant on corporate advertisers or a few large donors, you become controlled and some topics are off limits. Truth must be free.
Stew had one of the best shows about COVID and the vaccine during the lockdowns. And he did a lot of work and exposed a lot of shit and gave a lot of people a platform to have a voice. That’s all I know. Honestly, I am so tired of everyone calling everyone controlled opposition. It’s like if you aren’t wearing sack cloths and eating bugs while you do your podcast or shows you’re controlled opposition. If you have an idea that you explore on your show or think you’re right but you’re actually wrong you’re controlled opposition. Meanwhile LOL here at this forum everyone is wrong all of the time but yet still somehow considered a “truther”. ItS hAbBeNiNg or oh my God these numbers add up to 17 this is a comm!!!! Or Jim Carey is playing Joe Biden. Or Trump is a time traveller playing intergalactic 30-D chess. Oh my God Stew Peters criticized Trump because he endorses the vaccine he’s cOnTrOlLeD oPpOsItIon. Meanwhile Trump encourages people to get vaccinated lmao. It’s fucking mental. No one knows shit about fuck
Updoot and kek for "No one knows shit about fuck."
Its Podesta and Valerie Jarrett in the green. Go take a look at his "artwork" if you can stomach it.
Easy glowie
Though I have my suspicions about Stew, I don't have any solid evidence. If you do, I'd love to see it. Thank you.
The Normie’s are starting to learn what we’ve known for years welcome to the new wars
Valerie Jarret right next to him
I’ve heard the skippy video, but not Colbert. Where’s that?
Just somebody that i used to knowwWw🎶
That’s right!!!
Now I remember. Thanks fren
I was wondering if this was the same party. 😖 that poor little boy! Ugh I hate these people!
Heartbreaking for that baby 😢
I agree!!
IMHO it's not Podesta in the famous audio file. He has a super flat classic Chicago accent. Guy in audio has northeast accent. But whatever, Pedosta's a pedo who needs to die
Yes, his artwork alone proves he's one of "them".
I looked at this and scrolled down through the comments.
One in particular offered what would appear to be a pretty solid explanation (
I do not believe this explanation--but I would guess that there will be many, many people who do. How do we debunk this attempt to debunk?
Is there a Q drop with this pic? Hard to find without where you could limit to only drops with pics.
Edit: I looked back through all Q drops. (using a 49 inch monitor and I didn't find any pics of this party. Even if it isn't John Podesta (and Valerie Jarrett), it doesn't invalidate Q.
I read all of Q and never saw this photo.
Thanks, also Q would have linked to the photos and not presented them as Q’s own.
There is no link in a Q drop to
Exactly! And Trump tweets "smocking gun" to troll the creatures
What’s smocking?
Yes, what is it? I want to know too
Smocking is body painting for sexual gratification. Trump has mentioned this phrase as a "typo" in at least one tweet.
Thank you
I treasure the thought of Skipping hanging his head when he saw that Trump ahem "mis-spelled" The SMOCKING gun, knowing damn well what it means. LOL
Justice for Skippy is a necessity to right this world.
Yup. He has.
Good to know. Thanks!
"You think youre hot shit, dontchya?"
Shills will misdirect and lead you away from the fact this isnt even the beginning of the evidence we have found against the Podestas.
Exactly. And that's why it is so important to intercept it so that normies new to it don't fall for it.
--Edited Post-- It's accessible on in a Sep 2010 archive.
Agreed... but do the normies who are new tothis know all that? Its like we need to constantly post the truth and debunk the lies, liars, shills,etc.
I guess that's part of being a digital warrior
Oh, so it was 50 organized degenerate parties. That doesn't make it better, just distracts from the original question.
Good point!
Podesta showing his true colors. 😅
Oh yeah....The Pizzagate guy
This asshole needs to die at the hands of God
That guy has too much muscle mass to be a 61 year old Podesta, who is a scrawny old perv.
He forgot his pizza related napkin, which would glow nicely in that light.
Yeah what is the napkin referring to?
Unsure. Speculation is that it’s details regarding Pedo info.
Could be location, prices, details, but more likely it had some bodily fluids on it that could be evidence or kept as a souvenir?
Odd nevertheless, how many “pizza related handkerchiefs” do you guys have?
Sick fxxx…,
Mr Spirit Cooking
Orange man bad
We are definitely the Cool Kids.
Valerie Jarret hiding in the shadows....
I think this is just conspiracy and Stew is making himself and the truthers look stupid and crazy, like that Watch the Water snake venom shit. There is no proof it's Podesta, as much as I'd love it to be. I totally believe J.P. is a child abusing scumbag and whatnot, just not convinced this pic is him. It's important that we not spread fake shit.