For me, my dog caught the frisbee today, finally! And that gives me great joy. She now catches every one, assuming I throw it properly.
I know... who cares? Well, I do. It's joyful, and if you're anything like me, you are feeling a bit bombarded by this 5th gen info chaos warfare and all the constant negative shit--and the simple sources of joy are now that much more important to consciously call out.
Anyone else have something to share and highlight for yourself and for all of us?
My wife is finally pregnant after 4+ years of trying! And it's Friday! Love you all!
Outstanding!! Congratulations!!
It really is! Thank you, friend!
Good stuff fren. I remember. I'll always remember.
The other day, a very cool (based) ex co-worker of mine asked if I would be a professional reference for him. I accepted and gave his potential employer great (and truthful) feedback. I received an email this morning that he got the job! Felt really good to be able to help out a fren in need and a great start to the weekend for the both of us.
That's a really joyful start to the weekend... a lot of excitement and hope, I bet. Good job!!
It's really an honor to be asked to give a professional reference, isn't it?
He's really great at what he does, it was most definitely an honor to be asked to do that.
Grounded my 13 yr old last night and he apologized and stated what he did wrong. Winning as a parent cause I don’t want to raise a crappy kid
Kudos to you. That's tough to do.
Sometimes it hurts to do, but in the long run, makes your child and your bond all the stronger IMO
Often my fear "raising crappy kid". Sorry but so many are these days
My two year old like to hug my little month old baby. She giggles he stops crying for a second, it's beautiful.
That's a precious image in my mind. Thanks
I had a wonderful family dinner out at a really great Italian restaurant last night to celebrate the first of the 18 birthdays my family will celebrate this was a rainy night in Georgia...but we had a wonderful time laughing and joking and I am still laughing at some of the things we discussed...and I have some great leftovers to eat today to further remind me of the great is everything and even though we are all seperated by distance we are and will always be connected by the bonds that God created especially for families. I am blessed beyond measure that our family has all remained close throughout this time of division that we have been living in...God is good...ALL the time...I am so blessed... should post this daily...I had to sit and think...but then I remembered why I felt so happy today. Sometimes we get too busy to contemplate and make time for happy thoughts...this was a GREAT idea....God bless you and yours...
Love family dinners like that... especially when they last so long and you close the restaurant down (or even just around the kitchen table). Glad for you and your family. And thanks for the comment!
I managed to make my Wife laugh before she had her forst cup of coffee...rare as hen's teeth...
Whenever my wife laughed in the morning before she had any coffee the hair on the back of my neck would stand straight out.
I can understand that...
LOL... have never heard that expression, but somehow it created an image, too. Good for you.
Well done.
My 6 yo son and I went on a " adventure " in the pouring rain.
This reminds me of something I realized about myself last summer: one of the things I love to do the most is create awe and wonder for children. I'm glad you chose to go on that adventure. What a memory for him, and you.
Have worked 12 days in a row with a short handed crew. Off this weekend, my body is sore but I feel great and happy to be home finally.
Job well done!
We recently had to move the whole shop.
We caught up today.
What a glorious weekend this will be. Two days known Monday horror show. Just had a steak dinner. Fat. Happy. All is right in the world.
Waking up with my 11yo son, every day. Starts my day with joy.
Too often we take things like this for granted. I'm glad you don't. Have a great weekend.
to you as well fren.
Got to puppy sit. Cleanses the soul.
Puppies... nuff said
I’m a professional pet sitter, and it just brings joy to my heart to be able to spend time with different peoples animals. I’m traveling right now visiting a friend, helping her finishing an upper room that was made over. I’m actually missing the animals.! And I get paid for it. It’s crazy I know. God has blessed me so much.
That would be one of the greatest jobs in the world. I’ve always been an animal lover. This little pup I watched was just so cool. I’m still in a good mood because if it!
Well, hopefully you can watch that. Same pup in the future. Yes I am so grateful for this life that God has given me. My boss is awesome, and the name of the company is called Wiggle Britches . So cute.
Kek! Great name. I’ll def have pup again when the person works extra shifts here and there.
This reminds me not to get so annoyed with the chaos my 9 dogs can feel like.
I never had a dog as a kid. Kinda went the other way as an adult.
...I care...
LOL... love it.
...doggy winks....
I was just riding my bike, two days ago and realised to myself, how do I deserve this life? I’m surrounded by countless beautiful souls, the trees, plants, insects, birds, all so simple and yet, complex. I’ve been graced by the most beautiful angels in my life. I have a loving family. I am fit, strong, and healthy. Everything that I need in life to be successful, happy, and for other endless potentials, within me. I experience free thought, I experience a variety of emotions, both up and down. I experience adversities, which to me are gifts. Then I realised how small I truly am in this beautiful planet. What a time to be alive. And I was nearly in tears, just at the sheer magnitude of how gifted I am. “What did I do to deserve this life?”
Wow, that's powerful. And I know what you mean... I often ask myself, "What am I supposed to be doing with all that You have given to me."
Sometimes just taking a moment to realize the immense beauty is all that He is asking of us. Thanks for sharing.
I put out a 20x 30 tarp full of free stuff from my basement and shed the other day. It always feels good to purge but even more to give. All of it was good quality mirrors, tables, nick knacks, dvds, toys etc and by the end of the day I only had a few toys left. Had fantastic conversations as I was putting stuff out and people were browsing. The hubby wanted me to sell it all but I refused and told him (jokingly) to stay in his lane and leave my blessings alone, lol.
This is a great idea! I think I'd need 3 of those tarps, lol.
"to stay in his lane and leave my blessings alone, lol." 👌🐸
What a great story!!! Thanks for sharing.
I woke up with my beautiful bride of 37 years with a view out the window of a truly beautiful place and thanked the Lord for all my blessings. The cherry on top is my grown-ass adult children still talk to me!
Congrats on your marriage! And it sounds like the two of you were/are great parents.
The videos from El Salvador of all the MS13 gangbangers being thrown into Supermax for life while the President addresses his loyal troops. Brings a tear of joy to my eyes.
Absolutely. That was great to see.
None of the many illegal workers employed by subcontractors fucked up my job site today or left their lunch trash lying around for someone else to clean up. Joy Joy!
Lol... we take the wins as they come. Bring them donuts as a reward, maybe they'll repeat.
Watching my kitten play.
Make some mo vies and post them!
I have been good about cutting my drinking, eating healthier and working out consistently.
Good for you... I, too, am backing off the booze--gave it up for Lent. I'm there with you.
Not me lol.
Not on any of those fronts.
Fuck it.
But kudos to you fren.
There is a stray cat we feed. Super fluffy dark reddish brown beauty. Can’t get within 15 feet of her. Today, she let me get within 10 ft. i sat near her for 15 minutes just enjoying the sun and watching the birds together. She didn’t jump or bolt when i stood up. just continued to live her best kitty cat life.
I can imagine that peaceful moment. Thanks for sharing it. Tomorrow... 5 feet.
I hope so!
We have a similar situation 😂🤣 she went missing for a while. Unfortunately came back skin and bone. Hopefully not sickness, now she's eating again I think she's put something on. I jokingly say she'll be an inside cat one day....maybe winter (6 mths)
It's finally stopped raining in SoCal and it's a gloriously beautiful day! Hubby woke up in a good mood (not a morning person like me). This is the day that the Lord has made and we will REJOICE in it!
I would love to see rain. Hear, smell. Feels like forever!
I'm happy for your sunshine, the good moods, and the prayerful rejoicing!
My Granddaughter txt’d me this morning to say she loves me. My wife is making roast beef sandwiches on French bread for dinner.
That's a special phone call. And are they Italian beef?
My pups. They remind me every single second I look at them that I need to be, and stay, strong, true and honest for them. I am a full believer in that you manifest your own energy, and what you put out you get back. I'm self aware to the point I KNOW my karma pays me back the same day ; always has.
Everything I do is for them. I don't take risks with my self ( doing unsafe shit at work, the way I drive ) or my business. I need to out live them lol.
Biggest part of that is not putting out bad / negative energy so I don't have to deal with the reciprocation of that - it might be something that happens to one of them instead of directly impacting me. That risk can not be taken.
This is a wonderful perspective. It takes strength and discipline. Thanks for the post.
Anytime I get to talk about my babies :D They've been my strength for a long time ( especially #1 and #2 ) and we've been through a little bit of a hell the last 2 years or so. It's my turn to be the strength. I owe them the rest of their lives to be how it should have always been.
Indeed. Stay strong for them, and they will for you, too.
After a long stretch of overtime we're finally caught up. Whole weekend off. Stoked.
Awesome!! Have a great weekend. Any specific thing you're going to do?
Just had some rain, so I'm trench digging for the power wire to the new cabin while the ground is soft. Mrs and I have a date night planned for tomorrow.
It's going to be a great weekend.
Have a special night tonight on your date night! And I am glad you're making progress on the cabin.
My little black Velvet (dog) just had a birthday, she's 17 and doing good. I've had her since she was a pup, she is a great dog full of love and joy.
Wow, ours is approx 16. Worry about that day coming. Winter will be hard (bad legs)
That's a long time!! I am really happy for you and know exactly what you're talking about. My bond with my dog is beyond special.
I read all the comments ,, made me happy ! I’m also grateful to have this board to find strength in the truth !
Well said, Fren.
Today! We have several leaky window frames in our home, especially evident when rain is wind-driven. We were doing the usual damage control, placing towels and wondering how we could possibly fix them through a professional. We stopped right in the middle of our complaints and prayed.
A few hours later I called my brother in Mississippi and mentioned the dilemma and how great the wind was causing leaking. He said he would talk to a friend in our area who has a business repairing and installing windows to see if he could help.
He called me this evening and he will come over this weekend and examine the situation. Now, we had talked to a company who installs windows at $600/window and the man we talked to said the most it would cost through him would be half that amount IF new windows were required, if only repair he would charge $100 each.
God answered us SWIFTLY!! 😊✝️😊
I am so happy for you, especially that you turned to God. Thanks for sharing this miracle of how God works through all of us.
Yesterday we went shopping, my best friend picked up a wooden plaque that had some sunflowers painted on it, the words on, it said…
“Happy Looks Good on You”
This made me so happy because I know she sees Jesus in me. I’m living for the Lord now, and it shows. I was so grateful that she showed that to me.
Also, because I spent so many years depressed, and wanting to kill myself. I guess I can say at this point in time, which seems to be the worst time in human history, I am actually happy.!
I want to give all the praise and glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for making this possible. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s just truth. Just pure truth!
Its never cliche... and I am really glad for you. Happy does look good on you.
OK here goes:
Drawing blanks? At least you've got a Pepe and a cool name!
Thanks anon, yeah, I'm actually happy about stuff, was just making a point :)
Finally getting studs in our home we're building.
Been waiting months to get a foundation due to all of the rain. And scheduling. And before that all kinds of other things.
Building a house is fun, but can be so annoying and frustrating with how slow everything is sometimes.
Exciting! I am sure there will be more frustrations, but this was a great milestone. Congrtas.
Aww❤ & this one too!
Love it. Have you seen the raccoon eating the grape?
I need a coon!
You might not think this is much but made me happy. Happened to browse a thrift store and found knit hats given away free. I'm handicapped so not much I can do but knit items for others (prayer shawls, lapghans, hats/scarf sets). I got a whole bin of left over yarn not enough for usual projects but enough to make knit hats and headbands. So making more for others.
When my friends were complaining about being locked in during the rona I said I have no anxiety over it because I'm keeping busy with this.
That's a VERY happy thought! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for giving a little bit of yourself to others in a way that only you can.
Frisbee catching is adorable!
Let's see... I finished all my errands right as it started to snow like crazy. Now I get to watch it from inside a cozy home instead of driving through it🐸
I'm jealous of the snow! And especially jealous of a cozy fire while it snows outside. I'm glad you're safe and can enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.
Saw Jesus Revolution today and got my nails done. It is a take-care-of-me day.
That movie was fantastic, and kind of lit a fire under me again. Just by going to see the movie, it’s really empowered mean to be strong, faithful, and emboldened to share Christ.
Agree. It matches up with the revivals that are now taking place throughout the world. Perfect release timing.
Exactly! That was some thing I posted a week or so ago. It is really interesting. This movie that’s been in the making for seven years is being released at the exact time the revivals are happening. God’s timing is perfect! God bless you and have a great night.
In that order? Nails after the movie? I wonder what I would do if I had a take care of me day...
How was that movie?
Yep, in that order. I took a week off for a brief vacay, so today I did a movie at the mall and then got my nails done before the big snow.
I enjoyed the movie. Some old music and there was a scene with a girl in a bathrobe that I'm almost positive I owned when I was young. some scenes brought tears to my eyes out of joy. Haven't been to a theater in over 5 years, so a new experience again. Seats now that were heated and with footrests. Nice.
I'll have to check it out. Glad you had such a great day