i posted this before and got hammered with negative comments and downvotes. i thought this board was populated by open minded people who are open to alternate points of view other than scripted government/media propaganda, but it turns out most people are closed minded and only open to new ideas that are convenient.
open your mind and you will soon be freed of chains that you didn't even know that you were wearing. germ theory is the greatest scam against mankind in history.
I love hearing other sides. However, I’m going to side with Robert Malone here.. I got a lot of information watching that and also reading the comment after.. however. One comment that really jumped out was:
“ This video makes a lot of claims that experts (at least that I respect, such as Dr. Judy Mikovitz) refute. In her case, she attacks the notion that viruses don't exist as a molecular biologist - Dr. Andrew Kaufman is well read but apparently has no professional experience there. I'd like to hear the two of them duke it out one day.
Another claim this video makes is that THE mechanism for Ivermectin attacking a parasite is by focusing on a living cell's functions, not a dead (virus) that has no functions. RFK Jr in his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" mentions there are twenty known mechanisms of action for Ivermectin against parasites, not one.
This video makes a false evaluation about acute toxicity. 50mg/kg is the acute toxicity level (meaning suddenly toxic, easier to draw conclusions with than chronic toxicity, which takes a long time to develop.) In fact if you look up acute toxicity for just about anything (water, air, iodine, sodium) because it's well established you need the right amount of anything, too much of anything is toxic. Based on acute toxicity, further research dials back that number a LOT to evaluate potential benefit or harm of the drug (hence therapeutic dose of Ivermectin is 0.2mg/kg or 250x less than acute toxicity dose.)
Looking at the PubChem is somewhat cherry picking. Not wrong, but also not in context. The purpose of Ivermectin is a temporary system cleaner. Like fasting, a colon irrigation, or antibiotics, you don't see a lot of long-term or high-dose studies for the obviously bad things that happen.
Yet another example, referring to parasites consuming toxic metals in your body - those parasites linger until they die. Assuming dead parasites simply leave behind a bunch of toxic metals in your body kinda neglects to recognize the purpose of the liver, which detoxes you with sufficient bile (if you are not deficient in Iodine, among other things.) Without killing the parasite, the liver can't get rid of them or metals.
Germ theory is no less valid than Terrain theory - but neither are the whole story. You need to explain illness with the presence of an infectious disease and the weakened neurological system. The fact that some adhere only to one or the other is the idiocy (or arrogance). How relevant one or the other is to explain an illness is a case-by-case evaluation, but in general our immune systems are probably worse than our grandfathers, nor can that be instantly restored, so we should have a look at those parasites, too”
And to add, I have a full blown family, no one was vaccinated and whenever we felt anything coming on, it did wonders. I don’t remember going this long without being sick? I have a mother who relied solely on ivm and she has chronic Lyme, fully paralyzed and had no issues. Obviously, some people may experience different effects? I’m sure but overall, I’m team ivm. Too much leaning on the positive for now. We have a ton of shit from hcq, ivm, fenbendazole, CD/MMS, etc. ivm has been our goto.
people are trusting fake news again with regards to the lab leak theory.
they just want you to continue to believe in an "it" so that "it" can still exist and control you; however there is no "it" and there never was.
unfortunately its all a scam...viruses don't exist, they are simply mis-classified dying cells being recycled by bacteria, enzymes, and proteins. there has never been a virus that has been isolated. it's all fake and gay.
cell death is an important process in the body as it promotes the removal of unwanted cells. failure of cells to die, or cells dying when they shouldn’t, can lead to or exacerbate many diseases.
let's stop perpetrated their hoax and pretending that scary germs are contagious, otherwise they'll always maintain their power over us.
take a deeper look and you'll see that the entirety of germ theory is fake, there aren't "viruses" that spread as contagions. do your homework and you'll see.
I wouldn’t doubt that additional toxins were released into the air, food, water, etc. that made it feel different. Dr. Bryan Ardis has some interesting theories on that subject, I’m not sold 100% but he did some solid work.
So Mr. Lemoi took IVM successfully for ten years, may have initially saved his life? Others describe how it helped them? Sounds good to me.
I find it interesting that Vice is so damned interested in the specifics of what effect this medication had on Mr. Lemoi, his cause of death, etc, especially considering he'd been battling Lyme for ten years -- yet they never question why healthy young athletes, pilots and others are dropping like flies.
At least they're pushing the idea that we should be scrutinizing the causes of death due to medications. Streisand effect? All the pro-vaxxers with shingles and heart issues, rapid cancers, neurological issues, skin issues, etcetera should delve into their jab side effects now, right?
It's ok I can tell there's a few folks struggling to process this article. Emotions are high so downvotes are expected. What's hilarious is I'm on their side but they're just running standard cabal protective programming scripts with different environment variables.
FFS one fren is going toe to toe with me on the definition of the word "all". 🤣
Ah, thanks. Even the Urban Dictionary had it as "Ready Team Fire Assist" and I figured that wasn't what you meant.
I've been tuned into the disgusting, BS, manipulative tricks of the weasel FNM media for decades now so it's always an exercise to see what kind of techniques they're using to push their narratives. Discernment is key when reading FNM propaganda pieces - omissions, inferences, blatant lies, flowery words, emotional triggers, etc. I literally read leftist drivel like this - "... Puff... Puff... Lie... Puff... Fear... Lie... Puff... Manipulation..." trying to pick out any nuggets of truth and see how they've been twisted and distorted.
You're right that this article has a hefty serving of red pills. While, sadly, many of the sheeple will strengthen their aversion to IVM because of articles like this (this isn't the first nor will it be the last), there are good connections made between maladies and medication here. Inadvertently or not the author is telling people to look for causation for health issues.
Those unfortunate sheeple who never went near IVM and who have developed, for example shingles or heart issues, may now ask themselves if there's an underlying cause of their health issue, if there was any drug they may have taken that would have brought their condition on. Good share, OP.
Without even knowing his backstory it looks like 2/80 far left processed the information correctly, and the other 78 were seeded with info that can alter their worldview later:
Interesting and sad at the same time. I read hundreds of comments over on FNM articles, keeping a pulse on what kind of responses are coming from the left. Some of them are likely paid marxists (and we have our own here in various guises), to be expected. (It's healthy, IMHO, to NOT be in an echo-chamber). You're right, though, some of the comments from your link here appear to be sheep pulling away from the pack. Whether they're awakening sheeple or WHs shining light on escape routes or merely seeding doubt in the marxist narrative, who knows?
I don't want even the caustic, nasty sheeple to be harmed or killed in this ongoing genocide attempt - lives lost, lives diminished/harmed - just wish they would start to wake up and start understanding the world we live in. Every time I read comments on hot-button issues like in this link you provided it makes me wonder just how utterly horrified the truth is going to be to these terribly misguided souls when they're finally made to face it. I don't envy them their ignorance, blissful as it may seem to them now, once the full, crushing weight of their mistakes can no longer be ignored. This is going to be rough on many people.
Hey now, I said "all conjecture" in reference to their implications on IVM. Your the one that took it to mean that I was calling the guy a non-existent spectre. Thats on you.
Daily doses of the human pill form were used to treat active COVID infections in some people's protocols (others spaced them out), but that should be for a sort period of time. But I assume that we are not talking about that for this person's case.
I read the old WHO stuff around the River Blindness project and whatever else I could find, and no one has anything definitive on that. Given that, if we look at everything else in nature, I think we are designed to be seasonal in consumption of fresh foods. And if we look at all the meds and supplements taken daily, I think that it has been shown that people benefit from periodic detox regimens.
So basically I'm saying that our filter systems (kidneys, liver etc) need to have breaks too, and there's nothing but water that I would take, drink or eat every single day. And hugs back, WWG1WGA!
Seems like symptoms caused by vaccines more than ivermectin.. i've sucked down six or seven syringes of " horse paste " since 2020 and it's never given me any side effects.
I’ve never seen that as a schedule for ivermectin. It metabolizes a bit slower so that would build up in system so you have to space out doses. As far as I know.
I'm not sure whether Ivermectin is safe for daily use for a decade. I'd need to see some scientific study on it. Of course nobody will do the study because there's no money to be made from it.
Thanks for the link to that article. I've seen some of that information before. I feel like Ivermectin is generally safe, just not sure it is safe taken daily for years. Even aspirin can be damaging if it is over-used.
My wife and I took Ivermectin tablets when we were sick. It didn't seem to do much for me because I was so far along in my illness when we found a doctor who would prescribe it. My wife's illness wasn't as advanced and she recovered very quickly once she started taking it.
This is great, share it and set up normies to the truth that's right there- this dude bought over a decade worth of extra life by switching to ivermectin.
As far as I know, heart muscle does not perfectly regenerate. Once it is damaged, there is always a long term risk. You might feel better after treating a virus or bacteria because the immune system is what makes you feel sick. If he had chronic Lyme, it would be more reasonable to blame that on his death, either from the heart damage created before the treatment, or the treatment not being good enough.
What did he die of? Like the actual cause of death diagnosis assigned to him by a coroner?
The "quotes from the telegram channel" are all just that quotes of who? without even a screenshot to show that those messages were actually in the channel, and no proof that they were legitimate posts made by concerned people in the channel.
English is my native and only language. You clearly have trouble understanding basic English yourself. What IVM defense programming am I running? I did not defend IVM, I asked you what the official cause of the death was. Its lacking in the article. Hence the "conjecture". The article is full of "quotes" from alleged telegram users, without one proof they came from or are from legitimate people on telegram.
I can tell you're running a defense program because rather than answer a simple question challenging your assertion that all of the article is conjecture, you chose to claim that I believe what Vice wrote.
That was clearly an emotional response not tied to anything I wrote. Do you deny it?
I do deny it. Seems to me it is you whom is running the programming. Read my first response (posted 3 minutes) before the one you are referencing and continually replying to. Here I'll copy and paste it into this thread since you seem to have a hard time navigating posts.
What did he die of? Like the actual cause of death diagnosis assigned to him by a coroner?
The "quotes from the telegram channel" are all just that quotes of who? without even a screenshot to show that those messages were actually in the channel, and no proof that they were legitimate posts made by concerned people in the channel.
And that was what I was referring to when I said "better".
Is it fair to say we both agree that the article is not "all conjecture"? In fact, is the only real conjecture in the article, the implication that Ivermectin harmed him?
Yes, I saw bacteria, but they aren't contagious or pathogenic. That's a GIANT lie we've been taught.
Parasites are symbiotic organisms that assist us with toxin removal. That's why you never see any "parasite pandemics". If you don't have any toxins to remove, they just pass right through your system.
Nobody has ever "wasted away" due to any parasite. Yet another GIANT lie you've learned from white-robed priests. Just like the existence of boogeyman-viruses. All lies designed to cause FEAR.
I have seen a lot of pets that were wasting away, and the cause was parasites, which were clearly visible under the microscope. When they were given medicine to kill the parasites, the animals got healthy, and the parasites were no longer present or visible under the microscope.
I didn't just learn from someone talking. I learned from people doing, demonstrating, performing experiments, etc.
The pets were living with biological conflicts, just like humans. The parasites are clearing decayed tissue due to the pet's psychological conflict. The conflicts arise more in pets because they are forced into living unnatural lives and aren't as well-adapted to living apart from nature as humans are.
These are mostly outdoor animals. They check animals who are doing poorly, find parasites, kill the parasites, and animals almost immediately get better. It's not complicated. It works all the time. I refuse to live in fantasy land.
I realize it's not complicated. I just don't believe "parasites" are what we've been taught to think they are. I also know for a fact that boogeymen-viruses don't exist. I also know for a fact that our body creates bacteria and fungi, we don't "catch them" from "out there". I also know for a fact that bacteria and fungi are not contagious, pathogenic "germs", but rather beneficial to maintaining our health and homeostasis when it gets knocked out of balance.
And yet, people "get better" all the time when they take their anti-biotics (against-lifes) and anti-fungals, etc. etc. And it's my contention that they traded some short-term pain relief benefits for some long-term chronic problems down-the-road because they didn't understand that that short-term pain/dis-ease they were experiencing was the work of the bacteria/fungi restoring their tissue/organ/bone back to its normal state which was temporarily altered due to a recent psychological conflict they had experienced.
And this is how we get people (and presumably pets too) that manifest life-long "problems" in that organ/tissue/bone in which they previously circumvented this natural restoration process in order to "get better faster". And to be clear, it was no fault of theirs as this is what their "highly educated doctor" told them to do.
But I get it, the 99% doesn't yet understand what I'm talking about, and practically all of this 99% aren't even interested in learning about what I'm talking about. I'm just a crazy kook who's muttering pure nonsense. Meanwhile, our white-robed priests are still out there jabbing infants with toxic nostrums, recommending masks to protect you from a non-existent boogeyman, and scheduling their burn-cut-poison "treatments" (barbaric torture) for cancer patients after all these years. And I'm the crazy one!!!
What you "believe" doesn't match well with reality. This has nothing to do with the shots containing mercury, aluminum, and worse, and that they are given to infants. I didn't get any infant shots.
I did get the smallpox real vaccination in 2nd grade, because it was required, and they found out it didn't have one yet. And I got one flu shot back in 1976, but never again, because that shot killed 25 people and got canceled. There was a spike in illnesses that had "unknown causes." A search of the medical literature and plotting a graph shows that was only a major problem in 1976 and 1977.
Is a tapeworm, a separate animal, created by your body? Nope.
Agreed. We have been deceived about "parasites", just as we have been about bacteria and fungi which are actually creations of our own body, not some scary "germ" we "catch" from "out there". And boogeymen-viruses do not even exist.
The people who have parasites in their systems are suffering from what we call a "hanging-healing", what mainstream medicine calls a "chronic dis-ease". In this state, their psyche is constantly cycling through tissue necrosis and tissue replenishment as the individual cycles between resolving and the lapsing back into their psychological conflict. Over long periods of time (years) this process eventually becomes too much work for the bacteria and fungi alone to handle.
People that are overweight likely suffer from several psychological conflicts, mostly stemming from childhood. Believe it or not, it's as simple as them BELIEVING that food x, drink y, snack z, etc. "makes them fat". That's all it takes to put on the weight -> BELIEFS/FEARS. And this is obviously why food x, drink y, snack z doesn't make EVERYONE fat! Because not everybody believes such nonsense.
Anyway, if the weight is in the gut, the most common psychological conflict will revolve around anger of some sort. For obese kids, this almost always comes from their peers/friends who tease them about being fat. These kids develop an incredible amount of repressed anger, and that repressed anger gets EXPRESSED and manifested in the gut. Likewise, heavy drinkers tend to be angry people, ala "angry drunks". But even those who aren't angry drunks, they are heavily drinking because they are angry about something and they drink so as to not openly express their anger. And once again, we see the weight go to the gut.
Imagine your body is an instrument always operating perfectly and you'll begin to get a picture of the actual reality of the matter. Now imagine all the psychological traumas humans are faced with, totally unaware of their power, and how this then finds its way to being expressed in matter. It's mind over matter. Fear, worry, concern, judgment, blame, vengeance, hatred, losses, grief, separations, slights, gossip, maltreatment, teasing, self-devaluation, self-hatred, etc. and on and on we go. This is what circumvents the perfect operation of the body.
The "parasites (symbiots)" step in when the necrotized tissue becomes too much to manage by the microorganisms created by the body that normally handle these duties. Poisoning them may make a person "feel better" for a time, but their toxicity levels of putrid waste then begin to build up out of control again which will eventually lead to more serious problems, and possible fatality.
Just about everything we've been taught about health and dis-ease is wrong. And it is the acceptance of this that is quite possibly the hardest thing for the vast majority of people to do. Even in the face of all this insane jab deception, people still aren't willing to contemplate it....yet. But hopefully things will begin changing soon...
worth your watch... https://www.bitchute.com/video/3GGjYlLVqP4g/
i posted this before and got hammered with negative comments and downvotes. i thought this board was populated by open minded people who are open to alternate points of view other than scripted government/media propaganda, but it turns out most people are closed minded and only open to new ideas that are convenient.
open your mind and you will soon be freed of chains that you didn't even know that you were wearing. germ theory is the greatest scam against mankind in history.
I love hearing other sides. However, I’m going to side with Robert Malone here.. I got a lot of information watching that and also reading the comment after.. however. One comment that really jumped out was:
“ This video makes a lot of claims that experts (at least that I respect, such as Dr. Judy Mikovitz) refute. In her case, she attacks the notion that viruses don't exist as a molecular biologist - Dr. Andrew Kaufman is well read but apparently has no professional experience there. I'd like to hear the two of them duke it out one day.
Another claim this video makes is that THE mechanism for Ivermectin attacking a parasite is by focusing on a living cell's functions, not a dead (virus) that has no functions. RFK Jr in his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" mentions there are twenty known mechanisms of action for Ivermectin against parasites, not one.
This video makes a false evaluation about acute toxicity. 50mg/kg is the acute toxicity level (meaning suddenly toxic, easier to draw conclusions with than chronic toxicity, which takes a long time to develop.) In fact if you look up acute toxicity for just about anything (water, air, iodine, sodium) because it's well established you need the right amount of anything, too much of anything is toxic. Based on acute toxicity, further research dials back that number a LOT to evaluate potential benefit or harm of the drug (hence therapeutic dose of Ivermectin is 0.2mg/kg or 250x less than acute toxicity dose.)
Looking at the PubChem is somewhat cherry picking. Not wrong, but also not in context. The purpose of Ivermectin is a temporary system cleaner. Like fasting, a colon irrigation, or antibiotics, you don't see a lot of long-term or high-dose studies for the obviously bad things that happen.
Yet another example, referring to parasites consuming toxic metals in your body - those parasites linger until they die. Assuming dead parasites simply leave behind a bunch of toxic metals in your body kinda neglects to recognize the purpose of the liver, which detoxes you with sufficient bile (if you are not deficient in Iodine, among other things.) Without killing the parasite, the liver can't get rid of them or metals.
Germ theory is no less valid than Terrain theory - but neither are the whole story. You need to explain illness with the presence of an infectious disease and the weakened neurological system. The fact that some adhere only to one or the other is the idiocy (or arrogance). How relevant one or the other is to explain an illness is a case-by-case evaluation, but in general our immune systems are probably worse than our grandfathers, nor can that be instantly restored, so we should have a look at those parasites, too”
And to add, I have a full blown family, no one was vaccinated and whenever we felt anything coming on, it did wonders. I don’t remember going this long without being sick? I have a mother who relied solely on ivm and she has chronic Lyme, fully paralyzed and had no issues. Obviously, some people may experience different effects? I’m sure but overall, I’m team ivm. Too much leaning on the positive for now. We have a ton of shit from hcq, ivm, fenbendazole, CD/MMS, etc. ivm has been our goto.
I look at website and saw Vice.com
Why are we trusting Fake News again?
Cal Thomas liked to say "I read the Bible and the New York Times every day, so that I know what each side is doing."
Fren, do you really think I posted a link and offered to let you have first crack at analyzing it, because I wanted you to blindly trust it?
Is that how you read this site?
people are trusting fake news again with regards to the lab leak theory.
they just want you to continue to believe in an "it" so that "it" can still exist and control you; however there is no "it" and there never was.
unfortunately its all a scam...viruses don't exist, they are simply mis-classified dying cells being recycled by bacteria, enzymes, and proteins. there has never been a virus that has been isolated. it's all fake and gay.
cell death is an important process in the body as it promotes the removal of unwanted cells. failure of cells to die, or cells dying when they shouldn’t, can lead to or exacerbate many diseases.
let's stop perpetrated their hoax and pretending that scary germs are contagious, otherwise they'll always maintain their power over us.
take a deeper look and you'll see that the entirety of germ theory is fake, there aren't "viruses" that spread as contagions. do your homework and you'll see.
I wouldn’t doubt that additional toxins were released into the air, food, water, etc. that made it feel different. Dr. Bryan Ardis has some interesting theories on that subject, I’m not sold 100% but he did some solid work.
This was an op.
Told people to put ivermectin in the eye and naval…. Now he’ll be used as a cautionary tale.
So Mr. Lemoi took IVM successfully for ten years, may have initially saved his life? Others describe how it helped them? Sounds good to me.
I find it interesting that Vice is so damned interested in the specifics of what effect this medication had on Mr. Lemoi, his cause of death, etc, especially considering he'd been battling Lyme for ten years -- yet they never question why healthy young athletes, pilots and others are dropping like flies.
At least they're pushing the idea that we should be scrutinizing the causes of death due to medications. Streisand effect? All the pro-vaxxers with shingles and heart issues, rapid cancers, neurological issues, skin issues, etcetera should delve into their jab side effects now, right?
Finally. I think you were the first to RTFA. 🤣
Folks there is an enormous fucking red pill buried in this article. Ten fucking years this guy downed paste daily.
Listening to his Podcast now. Recommend y'all do the same because the story has traction and is to our benefit.
RTFA? (I didn't down-vote you, btw).
RTFA = Read The Fucking Article
It's ok I can tell there's a few folks struggling to process this article. Emotions are high so downvotes are expected. What's hilarious is I'm on their side but they're just running standard cabal protective programming scripts with different environment variables.
FFS one fren is going toe to toe with me on the definition of the word "all". 🤣
Ah, thanks. Even the Urban Dictionary had it as "Ready Team Fire Assist" and I figured that wasn't what you meant.
I've been tuned into the disgusting, BS, manipulative tricks of the weasel FNM media for decades now so it's always an exercise to see what kind of techniques they're using to push their narratives. Discernment is key when reading FNM propaganda pieces - omissions, inferences, blatant lies, flowery words, emotional triggers, etc. I literally read leftist drivel like this - "... Puff... Puff... Lie... Puff... Fear... Lie... Puff... Manipulation..." trying to pick out any nuggets of truth and see how they've been twisted and distorted.
You're right that this article has a hefty serving of red pills. While, sadly, many of the sheeple will strengthen their aversion to IVM because of articles like this (this isn't the first nor will it be the last), there are good connections made between maladies and medication here. Inadvertently or not the author is telling people to look for causation for health issues.
Those unfortunate sheeple who never went near IVM and who have developed, for example shingles or heart issues, may now ask themselves if there's an underlying cause of their health issue, if there was any drug they may have taken that would have brought their condition on. Good share, OP.
Without even knowing his backstory it looks like 2/80 far left processed the information correctly, and the other 78 were seeded with info that can alter their worldview later:
Interesting and sad at the same time. I read hundreds of comments over on FNM articles, keeping a pulse on what kind of responses are coming from the left. Some of them are likely paid marxists (and we have our own here in various guises), to be expected. (It's healthy, IMHO, to NOT be in an echo-chamber). You're right, though, some of the comments from your link here appear to be sheep pulling away from the pack. Whether they're awakening sheeple or WHs shining light on escape routes or merely seeding doubt in the marxist narrative, who knows?
I don't want even the caustic, nasty sheeple to be harmed or killed in this ongoing genocide attempt - lives lost, lives diminished/harmed - just wish they would start to wake up and start understanding the world we live in. Every time I read comments on hot-button issues like in this link you provided it makes me wonder just how utterly horrified the truth is going to be to these terribly misguided souls when they're finally made to face it. I don't envy them their ignorance, blissful as it may seem to them now, once the full, crushing weight of their mistakes can no longer be ignored. This is going to be rough on many people.
I'm confident these people will be taking horse paste eventually. It has to be part of the movie.
It's too funny for it not to be.
Hey now, I said "all conjecture" in reference to their implications on IVM. Your the one that took it to mean that I was calling the guy a non-existent spectre. Thats on you.
Sorry fren. Sounds like I was the asshole here and I agree I misread what you wrote. Wasn't my intention.
All good fren, your not an asshole, just chiding you. I see where I should have qualified my statement better to avoid any misinterpretations!
I would have used RTFM but I read it too and I think it's a great red pill setup.
Can't spell deceive without vice.
Daily doses of the human pill form were used to treat active COVID infections in some people's protocols (others spaced them out), but that should be for a sort period of time. But I assume that we are not talking about that for this person's case.
How long would it take a problem to manifest if you took a daily dose? 🤔
Yeah, we’re just curious
They are running a protective programming script with a different environment var (Ivermectin). Pure emotion without thought. Mental disconnect
They'll realize it later and learn to differentiate when they're thinking for themselves and when they're running a program.
The first time I realized I was running a script was when I was attacking Q without knowing a damn thing about it!! 🤣🤣🤣
Based on this person, over ten years.
I could hug you fren. Thank you for coming back and getting that one answered. 👍
And maybe the follow-up question to ask, were not supposed to take it every day, but is there really any issue if we do?
I read the old WHO stuff around the River Blindness project and whatever else I could find, and no one has anything definitive on that. Given that, if we look at everything else in nature, I think we are designed to be seasonal in consumption of fresh foods. And if we look at all the meds and supplements taken daily, I think that it has been shown that people benefit from periodic detox regimens.
So basically I'm saying that our filter systems (kidneys, liver etc) need to have breaks too, and there's nothing but water that I would take, drink or eat every single day. And hugs back, WWG1WGA!
Seems like symptoms caused by vaccines more than ivermectin.. i've sucked down six or seven syringes of " horse paste " since 2020 and it's never given me any side effects.
Apples, oranges, and low effort rambling bullshit.
Daily dose?
I’ve never seen that as a schedule for ivermectin. It metabolizes a bit slower so that would build up in system so you have to space out doses. As far as I know.
I'm not sure whether Ivermectin is safe for daily use for a decade. I'd need to see some scientific study on it. Of course nobody will do the study because there's no money to be made from it.
You need to look for studies done before COVID-19 became a thing: https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711
Thanks for the link to that article. I've seen some of that information before. I feel like Ivermectin is generally safe, just not sure it is safe taken daily for years. Even aspirin can be damaging if it is over-used.
My wife and I took Ivermectin tablets when we were sick. It didn't seem to do much for me because I was so far along in my illness when we found a doctor who would prescribe it. My wife's illness wasn't as advanced and she recovered very quickly once she started taking it.
This is great, share it and set up normies to the truth that's right there- this dude bought over a decade worth of extra life by switching to ivermectin.
As far as I know, heart muscle does not perfectly regenerate. Once it is damaged, there is always a long term risk. You might feel better after treating a virus or bacteria because the immune system is what makes you feel sick. If he had chronic Lyme, it would be more reasonable to blame that on his death, either from the heart damage created before the treatment, or the treatment not being good enough.
I've got my thoughts on this ready to go but I wanna let y'all have a crack at this first. It's a fun one.
So coy of you...
I'll say what I said about it over on PW, gayest thing i've ever read. All conjecture
All conjecture? Really? Did you read the article? What parts are conjecture?
What did he die of? Like the actual cause of death diagnosis assigned to him by a coroner?
The "quotes from the telegram channel" are all just that quotes of who? without even a screenshot to show that those messages were actually in the channel, and no proof that they were legitimate posts made by concerned people in the channel.
I guess the better question is why do you believe something written by a leftoid from Vice?
I mean just look at this guys line up...
Fren you're killing me. Do you not understand basic English?
You're running your Ivermectin defense programming and failing to read what I'm writing.
English is my native and only language. You clearly have trouble understanding basic English yourself. What IVM defense programming am I running? I did not defend IVM, I asked you what the official cause of the death was. Its lacking in the article. Hence the "conjecture". The article is full of "quotes" from alleged telegram users, without one proof they came from or are from legitimate people on telegram.
I can tell you're running a defense program because rather than answer a simple question challenging your assertion that all of the article is conjecture, you chose to claim that I believe what Vice wrote.
That was clearly an emotional response not tied to anything I wrote. Do you deny it?
I do deny it. Seems to me it is you whom is running the programming. Read my first response (posted 3 minutes) before the one you are referencing and continually replying to. Here I'll copy and paste it into this thread since you seem to have a hard time navigating posts.
What did he die of? Like the actual cause of death diagnosis assigned to him by a coroner?
The "quotes from the telegram channel" are all just that quotes of who? without even a screenshot to show that those messages were actually in the channel, and no proof that they were legitimate posts made by concerned people in the channel.
And that was what I was referring to when I said "better".
Is it fair to say we both agree that the article is not "all conjecture"? In fact, is the only real conjecture in the article, the implication that Ivermectin harmed him?
ok Shill.
That brain worm has found a very receptive host
All I do is share the truth, as unpopular as it is.
Didn't you take biology in school and actually look at germs under the microscope?
Do you really think tape worms are beneficial as they cause their victims to waste away?
Yes, I saw bacteria, but they aren't contagious or pathogenic. That's a GIANT lie we've been taught.
Parasites are symbiotic organisms that assist us with toxin removal. That's why you never see any "parasite pandemics". If you don't have any toxins to remove, they just pass right through your system.
Nobody has ever "wasted away" due to any parasite. Yet another GIANT lie you've learned from white-robed priests. Just like the existence of boogeyman-viruses. All lies designed to cause FEAR.
Tell that to the people who have itchy butt worms, kek
Tell me, how many cats do you own?
I have seen a lot of pets that were wasting away, and the cause was parasites, which were clearly visible under the microscope. When they were given medicine to kill the parasites, the animals got healthy, and the parasites were no longer present or visible under the microscope.
I didn't just learn from someone talking. I learned from people doing, demonstrating, performing experiments, etc.
The pets were living with biological conflicts, just like humans. The parasites are clearing decayed tissue due to the pet's psychological conflict. The conflicts arise more in pets because they are forced into living unnatural lives and aren't as well-adapted to living apart from nature as humans are.
These are mostly outdoor animals. They check animals who are doing poorly, find parasites, kill the parasites, and animals almost immediately get better. It's not complicated. It works all the time. I refuse to live in fantasy land.
I realize it's not complicated. I just don't believe "parasites" are what we've been taught to think they are. I also know for a fact that boogeymen-viruses don't exist. I also know for a fact that our body creates bacteria and fungi, we don't "catch them" from "out there". I also know for a fact that bacteria and fungi are not contagious, pathogenic "germs", but rather beneficial to maintaining our health and homeostasis when it gets knocked out of balance.
And yet, people "get better" all the time when they take their anti-biotics (against-lifes) and anti-fungals, etc. etc. And it's my contention that they traded some short-term pain relief benefits for some long-term chronic problems down-the-road because they didn't understand that that short-term pain/dis-ease they were experiencing was the work of the bacteria/fungi restoring their tissue/organ/bone back to its normal state which was temporarily altered due to a recent psychological conflict they had experienced.
And this is how we get people (and presumably pets too) that manifest life-long "problems" in that organ/tissue/bone in which they previously circumvented this natural restoration process in order to "get better faster". And to be clear, it was no fault of theirs as this is what their "highly educated doctor" told them to do.
But I get it, the 99% doesn't yet understand what I'm talking about, and practically all of this 99% aren't even interested in learning about what I'm talking about. I'm just a crazy kook who's muttering pure nonsense. Meanwhile, our white-robed priests are still out there jabbing infants with toxic nostrums, recommending masks to protect you from a non-existent boogeyman, and scheduling their burn-cut-poison "treatments" (barbaric torture) for cancer patients after all these years. And I'm the crazy one!!!
What you "believe" doesn't match well with reality. This has nothing to do with the shots containing mercury, aluminum, and worse, and that they are given to infants. I didn't get any infant shots.
I did get the smallpox real vaccination in 2nd grade, because it was required, and they found out it didn't have one yet. And I got one flu shot back in 1976, but never again, because that shot killed 25 people and got canceled. There was a spike in illnesses that had "unknown causes." A search of the medical literature and plotting a graph shows that was only a major problem in 1976 and 1977.
Is a tapeworm, a separate animal, created by your body? Nope.
If it's symbiotic, then it's not a parasite.
However, I'm not sure people waste away with parasites. Maybe with some.
But it seems more likely that they will be overweight.
Whenever I see a beer belly, I wonder if it's actually full of worms.
Agreed. We have been deceived about "parasites", just as we have been about bacteria and fungi which are actually creations of our own body, not some scary "germ" we "catch" from "out there". And boogeymen-viruses do not even exist.
The people who have parasites in their systems are suffering from what we call a "hanging-healing", what mainstream medicine calls a "chronic dis-ease". In this state, their psyche is constantly cycling through tissue necrosis and tissue replenishment as the individual cycles between resolving and the lapsing back into their psychological conflict. Over long periods of time (years) this process eventually becomes too much work for the bacteria and fungi alone to handle.
People that are overweight likely suffer from several psychological conflicts, mostly stemming from childhood. Believe it or not, it's as simple as them BELIEVING that food x, drink y, snack z, etc. "makes them fat". That's all it takes to put on the weight -> BELIEFS/FEARS. And this is obviously why food x, drink y, snack z doesn't make EVERYONE fat! Because not everybody believes such nonsense.
Anyway, if the weight is in the gut, the most common psychological conflict will revolve around anger of some sort. For obese kids, this almost always comes from their peers/friends who tease them about being fat. These kids develop an incredible amount of repressed anger, and that repressed anger gets EXPRESSED and manifested in the gut. Likewise, heavy drinkers tend to be angry people, ala "angry drunks". But even those who aren't angry drunks, they are heavily drinking because they are angry about something and they drink so as to not openly express their anger. And once again, we see the weight go to the gut.
Imagine your body is an instrument always operating perfectly and you'll begin to get a picture of the actual reality of the matter. Now imagine all the psychological traumas humans are faced with, totally unaware of their power, and how this then finds its way to being expressed in matter. It's mind over matter. Fear, worry, concern, judgment, blame, vengeance, hatred, losses, grief, separations, slights, gossip, maltreatment, teasing, self-devaluation, self-hatred, etc. and on and on we go. This is what circumvents the perfect operation of the body.
The "parasites (symbiots)" step in when the necrotized tissue becomes too much to manage by the microorganisms created by the body that normally handle these duties. Poisoning them may make a person "feel better" for a time, but their toxicity levels of putrid waste then begin to build up out of control again which will eventually lead to more serious problems, and possible fatality.
Just about everything we've been taught about health and dis-ease is wrong. And it is the acceptance of this that is quite possibly the hardest thing for the vast majority of people to do. Even in the face of all this insane jab deception, people still aren't willing to contemplate it....yet. But hopefully things will begin changing soon...