And WHO is shocked by this???? Everything to do with cancer is a BIG money maker...but "we the people" are changing that...started Joe Tippens protocol with my husband for prostate cancer today and others are also doing alternative therapies as we speak...very successfully, I might add...the truth has been known for so long and GAW is the place to find out all the interesting things that the medical community is withholding from just can't beat the GAW anons.....
In 1992 my 39 year old sister with 5 kids died of breast cancer...believe me there is a lot of NOT nice under my skin...this has happened too frequently to too many people. I am really hoping that me and others who have successfully been down the road I am just starting can be a voice of encouragement for those who are caught in the never ending cycle of "cancer treatment". I have always used alternative medicine and the true test of committment to that was always...would I be able to treat cancer and I believe I can with a resounding YES...and it really is due to the wonderful anons on this site that are so willing to give of their time and their really brings me to tears as I speak it...because this is life and death for so many people...even children...this should not be..
But I thank you for your encouragement...nice doesn't win I hope there is just enough not nice in me to get the job done....God bless you and yours...
A little over a year ago my vaxxed, 83 yo Mom got esophageal cancer, turbo edition. We went from nothing to Stage 4 and perhaps inoperable in about 3 weeks. Her surgeon was not optimistic my Mom would survive the surgery let alone have quality of life afterwards. Its a pretty stressful procedure where they remove the entire esophagus and tie the stomach directly to your throat.
Shortly before this time the NIH paper about the use of ivermectin in cancer treatment had come out and I had read the abstract and summary and browsed the main body. The paper had repeated how especially effective it was on esophageal cancer a couple times.
So I consulted Mom and we decided to try it but we had a problem. Trump voting Patriot Dad, but still asleep on a lot of things. He wouldnt have approved. So Mom and I treated her with ivermectin in secret while she still underwent the radiation/chemo treatments.
There were also diet and vitamin changes we did.
Her first appointment with the oncologist after completing their therapy and the cancer was gone. She had a tumor the size of a super ball in her esopagus and it was gone. Just like that. Blood tests showed cancer free.
Of course these quacks patted themselves on the back but Mom and I shared a knowing look. It was the ivermectin with plenty of prayer that cured her cancer and we both knew it.
To this day the only family member we have told is my sister who is a respiratory therapist and her RN daughter because they are the most awake of anyone in my family and the only people we thought would get it. Well, my wife knew too because shes the one that gave me the strength to breech the ivermectin topic with my mother.
My brother in law had that cancer and the procedure and he is PISSED that they did not tell him all the consequences of the surgery...he has to sleep sitting up in a chair...he can never again sleep on a bed laying down.
Congratulations on what you have really is all there for us to see...and step out in faith...I am thrilled for you and you friend's husband died of vax cancer quickly...and it was so unnecessary...but people are just not open to anything "doctors" don't recommend. I would like at some point down the road to start a thread where people can share their success stories with successful alternative treatments for cancer...there are many on this site that have been successful...and I think that is so thrilling...I am encouraged by all that have gone before me...I am pretty bold about taking charge of medical things...but cancer is big and scary....until you understand what it is all about...
Thank you so much for your post...these are the feel good stories that need to get out..God bless you and yours...
It was a boring Saturday night anyway...haha...but truthfully alternative medical things are very near and dear to my heart...I have seen such wonders from alternative treatments...I hope everyone can get a vision of what they can do by themselves when they put their mind to it...such as what you are doing for your mom...I learned in the 70's that there was NO ONE in the entire world that cared about my loved ones more than me (except God) ...and that is something I have believed wholeheartedly since I recognized it...have a great night...I hope your mom is getting just a little bit excited and hopeful...
Thanks for sharing this great news. I have a friend who had advanced breast cancer several years ago. She is based & followed her own research thus having to pay out of pocket for traveling & alternative treatments, taking money out of her pending retirement funds to do so. She has been cancer free for these last few years.
I have had ivermectin in the house for a couple years now, & take it anytime there is a whiff of any problem, always with great results. Could you share how much & how long your Mom took it? Only place I’ve found with cancer dosage recommendations is a pay site. Thanks, & I pray continued blessings for your family.
But mom and I cut her sugar and carbs down to nearly zero (she did eat pineapple and peaches with her cottage cheese, packed in juice not syrup and whole grain bread with her turkey sandwich a couple times per week), 5k mg liposomal Vitamin C 3 times a day, 10k IU D twice daily, then her regular supplements Ca/Mg/zinc, blackseed oil, NAC and multivitamin. She also ate a diet high in beef, eggs, nuts and cottage cheese for the selenium.
Then we did ivermectin to her weight for 4 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 2 days off, 1 day on, 2 days off. Then rinse and repeat until her test came back negative after chemo, so about 3 months. We didnt want to overload her.
Don't be nice, be kind. Nice is doing/saying what ever to keep everyone happy. Kind is telling the truth in a sincere way. Cancer has taken many in my family. I, with the grace of God, beat mine since 1992. Thank you for helping others to beat this horrible disease.
Since everyone has cancer cells...I thought about starting it preventatively...I currently take IVM once a I would have to research that. I have heard of the success of the carnivore diet...but I have never done any research on it...I will put it in my notes to research...I do intermittent fasting that I really enjoy and I have only done that a couple I am not looking to change anything, but it is always good to learn knew things to have in your healing protocols...BTW how much FBZ do you take how often and is that for maintenance????
Chemotherapy made my wife want to die. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. She was a sweet, beautiful woman that everyone loved. I've known this all along and it really pisses me off to no end. If only I had this 6 years ago she would still be here with me.
All of them are for profits disguised as non profits anyway. Not good when the goal of an integral profession is entirely for profit with benefits of being non profit.
This story moved me. It shows you that the medical community is actually trying to kill you, with the useful idiots helping perpetrate it, because they actually think they're helping. They show you with the intertwined snakes on the logo what the intention is.
Everyone should know chemotherapy has less than a 3% success rate. Cancer is a symptom of 'something' causing acidosis in the body. Cancer cannot form without acidosis first occurring. What is acidosis? It is a condition in which the body’s fluids are more acidic than normal. As a consequence, there's a depletion of electrons and becomes an electron stealer (deficient voltage). Many times it can be several factors leading to acidosis that leads to cancer.
Every cell in our body is designed to run at approximately -25 mV. Cells will repair themselves with increased voltage of -50mV and then will return to operating at -25mV once healed. Cancer exists when the body is at +30 mV.
How does cellular voltage relate to PH levels? Alkali vs. Acidic? PH stands for Potential Hydrogen and basically is a measurement of voltage. For example, a PH level of 0 has a voltage of +400mV and a PH level of 14 has a -400mV value.
If normal cellular voltage is -25mV, what is the corresponding PH value? Let's look at the following ratios with X being the PH level we want to know.
(14/2)/-400mV = X/-25mV + 7 = 7.4375.
It turns out that 7.375 is the normal PH level for bodily fluids. See Dr. Jerry Tennant - pH and Voltage - "Healing is VoltageYouTube" or here.
I do this too. I take water to work and i figure might as well make a tonic. Atm i do 1/4 tsp borax and a tsp or 2 acv. Organic raw acv. Supposed to help you digest food better and get the nutrients out of it which is increasingly important as years go.
Male is 1/4 tsp. Female 1/8 tsp dissolved in little hot water then added to 24 or 32 or more water and drink throughout the day. 5 days on 2 off. I had MASSIVE improvement in my shredded knees in 2 weeks. I went from worrying id have to get them shaved down a 3rd time due to constant pain and non fluid articulating to 0!! pain and smooth movement. Fuckin miracle. Gona loom into tide pods next lol
Thanks for this...I have the info somewhere...probably a book but I forgot about it...I have saved this...especially since I intermittent fast so for 16 hours a day I only drink water...this would be a perfect addition to the water and ACV....and it would be nice to derive the benefits....Thanks so much.....
Try this link...if not look for benefits of borax online...I forget the benefits...I just remember it is good to supplement with I was glad to be reminded.
Wow! That is the most explicit description I've ever heard for pH. Very awesome and thank you so much for sharing. I've known about the pH relationship and cancer for a long time and even asked the doctors that were treating my wife if they had checked her pH. That was years ago. Anyways I just wanted to say thank you for sharing that.
And thank you for your kind words. We're all here learning stuff. I'm adding truths to my library everyday from people who post here. It's a blessing to me.
After hundreds of thousands of dollars my father spent on chemotherapy, the doctors told him there was nothing else they could do. They told him he had 6 weeks to live, unless he saw a nutritionist. My father being strong willed, went to see a nutritionist. He spent the next year eating only greens, so many greens he could not chew it hurt his jaw, so my mother would blend them into a sauce. There's more I could add, but the point is he lived for 3 more years after the doctor told him he had 6 weeks. He passed away in 2003, that's when I realized medicine is not there to help us, just keep us healthy enough to come back.
Chemotherapy is an illusion to make cancer seem like it's impossible to beat.
When the only option is the poison vs. Poison it conveys that cancer is impossible to defeat, that such an aggressive treatment won't stop it, so any at home remedies would be pointless and your only option is leaning on big medicine to ensure they squeeze every last penny out before you go.
Chemo almost killed my sister in 2011. She had just one chemo treatment for a small tumor in her stomach. The chemo apparently caused the tumor to dissentegrate within a day and a hole opened up between her stomach and body cavity. All that gastric juice ended up burning her internally.
She ended up in the emergency room and had to have emergency surgery to close the hole. She was not expected to make it through the surgery, but pulled through in spite of very low blood pressure. She ended up in ICU. A day later she started bleeding out and they couldn't stop the bleeding. They gave her a 1% chance of survival. She was given multiple blood transfusions. 10 hours later she stopped bleeding. They put in a trachea and placed her in a drug induced coma.
A week later she started leaking water from holes around her trach, from her incision and from any holes from IV's etc. She wasn't healing... (from the Chemo). The doctor decided she needed another surgery to tighten the area he had already done. When he went to remove her stitches they literally opened up.. she was not healing at all. She was given a 3% chance of survival for this operation.
This operation was successful and it was weeks before she finally began to heal.
She ended up in the ICU for 6 months. And they counted her out a 3rd time when she wouldn't wake up from her coma after they removed the drugs. They thought she was brain dead.
They were WRONG. After many, many prayer chains. She woke up finally and had no brain damage. She has a partial stomach now but is living out her life with that in her past. Prayers work...
The medical field counted her out three times and she survived against all odds. God wanted her to live. I was doubting once while driving home before she woke up. He showed me by releasing rainbows all around my car on the 12 hour trip home from visiting her that she was gonna be alright. It was that day that I finally put ALL my Trust in Him!
Even though it was horrible what they did it is awesome what God did through your sister to bring you to Christ. “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Chemo is pushed for all including stomach cancers but there's also info out there that it's a total failure for stomach.
The only ones doing "well" since stomach diagnosis is those on cannabis. I'm not saying ivermectin etc isn't beneficial, I'm simply reporting what I see in my group. My group are either chemo, cannabis or both. Chemo is worse
I share info like this," I know you are doing all of the research, but I was thinking about you. Here are some studies that look promising. I wil continue to pray you."
A few other things completely blow my mind - women who get tested for the BRCA genetic blood test to see if they have mutations (changes) in their DNA which increases the risk for breast cancer. They believe this crap and are further told that about 50 in 100 women who have this mutation will get breast cancer by the time they are 70. NORMAL, HEALTHY WOMEN ARE OPTING FOR BILATERAL MASTECTOMIES WITH NEGATIVE MAMMOGRAMS. Most of these women have or had a close relative who had breast cancer, and feel the need to get tested.
There is also the breed of women who either detect a lump or it's discovered on their yearly mammogram (another asinine diagnostic test that is slammed down every woman's throat on a yearly basis). Regardless of how this "lump" is detected, a biopsy is ordered. That biopsy determines whether this lump is benign or malignant. If it is malignant it is further classified into stages. The higher the stage, the poorer the outcome, so they say. This is the kicker - I have known more than a few women who had a biopsy resulting in a benign diagnosis, meaning no further treatment is indicated...but, they have opted for chemotherapy BECAUSE IT'S OFFERED, to be on the "safe side." Many of these women love wearing a "badge of courage." They go to rallys and fund raisers, dress in pink, bare their bald heads or tie a flowery scarf around it, and feel liberated.
I hope I have not offended anybody by saying these things, and I'm a retired RN, who has seen it all and then some. The only time I have seen chemotherapy put anybody in a decent remission, depending on the overall health of the person prior to diagnosis, were blood dyscrasia cancers, such as the leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple myelomas...but, it depends on the stage of the cancer when it's diagnosed.
Some of this recently applied to me. I have a history of thyroid cancer and melanoma in situ, so I’m treated as if I need every screening available - which I don’t do.
6 months ago I had an ultrasound of a breast lump (I don’t do mammograms), the lump was “suspicious”. I was rated as a Birad 4 and told I needed a biopsy. I didn’t understand 6 months ago what I do now so I scheduled the biopsy. They told me that during the biopsy they’d place a titanium marker to identify the lump. After doing research on the marker I told them I’d do the biopsy but don’t consent to the marker - they refused to do the biopsy without it. I was then told we can “wait and watch” by doing another ultrasound in 6 months, they also downgraded me to a Birad 3. If we could wait and watch why wasn’t I offered that to start? Rhetorical question. I then went to a breast specialist, she refused to do the biopsy without the marker but would remove the lump surgically. The hospital required a covid test since I am unvaxxed, I said no. Fast forward to this month, my 6 month follow up ultrasound showed no change. Very long story to demonstrate how they tried to scare me into an unnecessary procedure. If my situation was urgent why were they willing to deny me a biopsy because I refused the marker? I was also told I qualify for genetic testing which I said no to. I thought I was awake 6 months ago, but this was a new experience. I share this in the hopes that another woman facing this situation will give herself time to explore her options and not be quickly herded into invasive treatments.
I don't blame one little bit for refusing the marker. They have been using them since 1995 when they were approved by the FDA and there have been many complications.
When my sister got cancer when I was 15, she was 35, I prayed she took the natural route. She did not. I had to watch my beautiful sister with a newborn deteriorate and suffer. Losing toe nails, missing a breast, radiation scars, throwing up etc. My heart broke for her. My heart breaks for her husband and child left behind once she was taken by the bogus treatment.
I was happy she was surrounded by family as she took her last breath but that only solidified my mistrust in the medical establishment. They will receive God's wrath for hurting his children. I know that was her path but it breaks my heart that beautiful people fall for their trap.
So, the chemo and surgery and radiation didn't work. I don't know what to say. Did they make up the disease? It's been over 10 years. I am working my way through everything and am pretty well gobsmacked. I will see.
Chemotherapy has wrecked my great aunt's memory. She used to be so sharp, but now her mind is starting to slip and it's heartbreaking.
I tell every rando I see online talking about getting or knowing someone with a cancer diagnosis about the site. No one has ever responded.
The Doctor is right...Personal Experience...Late wife fought cancer for 8 of the 10 years we were married. After she died, I had a stack of papers for her treatments, hospitalizations, and emergencies...came to over ~1MIL Dollars and was about a foot high!!!
So, yeah...people die so that these assholes can make a fucking profit from the insurance companies and the insurance companies are in on the scam.
And WHO is shocked by this???? Everything to do with cancer is a BIG money maker...but "we the people" are changing that...started Joe Tippens protocol with my husband for prostate cancer today and others are also doing alternative therapies as we speak...very successfully, I might add...the truth has been known for so long and GAW is the place to find out all the interesting things that the medical community is withholding from just can't beat the GAW anons.....
In 1992 my 39 year old sister with 5 kids died of breast cancer...believe me there is a lot of NOT nice under my skin...this has happened too frequently to too many people. I am really hoping that me and others who have successfully been down the road I am just starting can be a voice of encouragement for those who are caught in the never ending cycle of "cancer treatment". I have always used alternative medicine and the true test of committment to that was always...would I be able to treat cancer and I believe I can with a resounding YES...and it really is due to the wonderful anons on this site that are so willing to give of their time and their really brings me to tears as I speak it...because this is life and death for so many people...even children...this should not be..
But I thank you for your encouragement...nice doesn't win I hope there is just enough not nice in me to get the job done....God bless you and yours...
A little over a year ago my vaxxed, 83 yo Mom got esophageal cancer, turbo edition. We went from nothing to Stage 4 and perhaps inoperable in about 3 weeks. Her surgeon was not optimistic my Mom would survive the surgery let alone have quality of life afterwards. Its a pretty stressful procedure where they remove the entire esophagus and tie the stomach directly to your throat.
Shortly before this time the NIH paper about the use of ivermectin in cancer treatment had come out and I had read the abstract and summary and browsed the main body. The paper had repeated how especially effective it was on esophageal cancer a couple times.
So I consulted Mom and we decided to try it but we had a problem. Trump voting Patriot Dad, but still asleep on a lot of things. He wouldnt have approved. So Mom and I treated her with ivermectin in secret while she still underwent the radiation/chemo treatments.
There were also diet and vitamin changes we did.
Her first appointment with the oncologist after completing their therapy and the cancer was gone. She had a tumor the size of a super ball in her esopagus and it was gone. Just like that. Blood tests showed cancer free.
Of course these quacks patted themselves on the back but Mom and I shared a knowing look. It was the ivermectin with plenty of prayer that cured her cancer and we both knew it.
To this day the only family member we have told is my sister who is a respiratory therapist and her RN daughter because they are the most awake of anyone in my family and the only people we thought would get it. Well, my wife knew too because shes the one that gave me the strength to breech the ivermectin topic with my mother.
My brother in law had that cancer and the procedure and he is PISSED that they did not tell him all the consequences of the surgery...he has to sleep sitting up in a chair...he can never again sleep on a bed laying down.
Congratulations on what you have really is all there for us to see...and step out in faith...I am thrilled for you and you friend's husband died of vax cancer quickly...and it was so unnecessary...but people are just not open to anything "doctors" don't recommend. I would like at some point down the road to start a thread where people can share their success stories with successful alternative treatments for cancer...there are many on this site that have been successful...and I think that is so thrilling...I am encouraged by all that have gone before me...I am pretty bold about taking charge of medical things...but cancer is big and scary....until you understand what it is all about...
Thank you so much for your post...these are the feel good stories that need to get out..God bless you and yours...
Love your spirit, Tweety! Happy to see you on this thread fighting the good fight
It was a boring Saturday night anyway...haha...but truthfully alternative medical things are very near and dear to my heart...I have seen such wonders from alternative treatments...I hope everyone can get a vision of what they can do by themselves when they put their mind to it...such as what you are doing for your mom...I learned in the 70's that there was NO ONE in the entire world that cared about my loved ones more than me (except God) ...and that is something I have believed wholeheartedly since I recognized it...have a great night...I hope your mom is getting just a little bit excited and hopeful...
Thanks for sharing this great news. I have a friend who had advanced breast cancer several years ago. She is based & followed her own research thus having to pay out of pocket for traveling & alternative treatments, taking money out of her pending retirement funds to do so. She has been cancer free for these last few years. I have had ivermectin in the house for a couple years now, & take it anytime there is a whiff of any problem, always with great results. Could you share how much & how long your Mom took it? Only place I’ve found with cancer dosage recommendations is a pay site. Thanks, & I pray continued blessings for your family.
We were winging it then, there is much better published protocol info out now like this:
But mom and I cut her sugar and carbs down to nearly zero (she did eat pineapple and peaches with her cottage cheese, packed in juice not syrup and whole grain bread with her turkey sandwich a couple times per week), 5k mg liposomal Vitamin C 3 times a day, 10k IU D twice daily, then her regular supplements Ca/Mg/zinc, blackseed oil, NAC and multivitamin. She also ate a diet high in beef, eggs, nuts and cottage cheese for the selenium.
Then we did ivermectin to her weight for 4 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 2 days off, 1 day on, 2 days off. Then rinse and repeat until her test came back negative after chemo, so about 3 months. We didnt want to overload her.
When the reality of Fenbendazole and IVM etc gets realized….. Folks are going to be pissed.
Imagine losing a loved one and there was a low cost treatment available the entire time…
Don't be nice, be kind. Nice is doing/saying what ever to keep everyone happy. Kind is telling the truth in a sincere way. Cancer has taken many in my family. I, with the grace of God, beat mine since 1992. Thank you for helping others to beat this horrible disease.
Research oxalates and the carnivore diet/lifestyle.
(I'm taking fenben too - for some years now.)
Since everyone has cancer cells...I thought about starting it preventatively...I currently take IVM once a I would have to research that. I have heard of the success of the carnivore diet...but I have never done any research on it...I will put it in my notes to research...I do intermittent fasting that I really enjoy and I have only done that a couple I am not looking to change anything, but it is always good to learn knew things to have in your healing protocols...BTW how much FBZ do you take how often and is that for maintenance????
Chemotherapy made my wife want to die. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. She was a sweet, beautiful woman that everyone loved. I've known this all along and it really pisses me off to no end. If only I had this 6 years ago she would still be here with me.
I’m beginning to hate the medical profession like I do the corrupt politicians. I don’t trust them at all.
I have hated them since the 70's...but it is never too late to learn to hate hate away...and stay away....
The Medical-Pharmaceutical complex and the Military Industrial Complex are one in the same. Manufacture problems to profit off the "Solutions"
Also Alkaline is one of the keys to good health. Keto is also known to help with cancer as well. It can promote an alkaline balance in your body.
All of them are for profits disguised as non profits anyway. Not good when the goal of an integral profession is entirely for profit with benefits of being non profit.
As you shouldn’t. The public is beginning to realize there is lots of rot underneath those white coats…
I see it first hand with my mother
This story moved me. It shows you that the medical community is actually trying to kill you, with the useful idiots helping perpetrate it, because they actually think they're helping. They show you with the intertwined snakes on the logo what the intention is.
I'm so sorry to hear about your wife friend.
Im sorry you lost your wife and I pray for peace for you and yours. Its pure evil what they do to the people we love.
Thank you.
I am so sorry...this story is too often repeated...unnecessarily...
Thank you.
Everyone should know chemotherapy has less than a 3% success rate. Cancer is a symptom of 'something' causing acidosis in the body. Cancer cannot form without acidosis first occurring. What is acidosis? It is a condition in which the body’s fluids are more acidic than normal. As a consequence, there's a depletion of electrons and becomes an electron stealer (deficient voltage). Many times it can be several factors leading to acidosis that leads to cancer.
Every cell in our body is designed to run at approximately -25 mV. Cells will repair themselves with increased voltage of -50mV and then will return to operating at -25mV once healed. Cancer exists when the body is at +30 mV.
How does cellular voltage relate to PH levels? Alkali vs. Acidic? PH stands for Potential Hydrogen and basically is a measurement of voltage. For example, a PH level of 0 has a voltage of +400mV and a PH level of 14 has a -400mV value.
If normal cellular voltage is -25mV, what is the corresponding PH value? Let's look at the following ratios with X being the PH level we want to know.
(14/2)/-400mV = X/-25mV + 7 = 7.4375.
It turns out that 7.375 is the normal PH level for bodily fluids. See Dr. Jerry Tennant - pH and Voltage - "Healing is VoltageYouTube" or here.
And this is why everybody should be drinking apple cider vinegar keep the body slightly alkaline...I benefit greatly from that...
I do this too. I take water to work and i figure might as well make a tonic. Atm i do 1/4 tsp borax and a tsp or 2 acv. Organic raw acv. Supposed to help you digest food better and get the nutrients out of it which is increasingly important as years go.
I have borax...but I have never taken just reminded me why I bought it...
Male is 1/4 tsp. Female 1/8 tsp dissolved in little hot water then added to 24 or 32 or more water and drink throughout the day. 5 days on 2 off. I had MASSIVE improvement in my shredded knees in 2 weeks. I went from worrying id have to get them shaved down a 3rd time due to constant pain and non fluid articulating to 0!! pain and smooth movement. Fuckin miracle. Gona loom into tide pods next lol
Thanks for this...I have the info somewhere...probably a book but I forgot about it...I have saved this...especially since I intermittent fast so for 16 hours a day I only drink water...this would be a perfect addition to the water and ACV....and it would be nice to derive the benefits....Thanks so much.....
I use Mule Team Borax with my laundry. Is there a specific one to use if ingesting? I have never heard of ingesting it, so I am a bit hesitant.
I AM, however, willing to consider things that go against my preconceptions. I’ll try it on myself before giving it to my hubby.
Thanks for the information FeebleOldMan and tweety51A! is the same one...if you follow his instructions...that would be the dosage...
Try this link...if not look for benefits of borax online...I forget the benefits...I just remember it is good to supplement with I was glad to be reminded.
I will say I have never tried it...but I did buy some to I really should try it...let us know how it goes....
I want to add that I take George's Aloe Vera with the ACV...I have now added borax and I am expecting great results...thanks so much...
Wow! That is the most explicit description I've ever heard for pH. Very awesome and thank you so much for sharing. I've known about the pH relationship and cancer for a long time and even asked the doctors that were treating my wife if they had checked her pH. That was years ago. Anyways I just wanted to say thank you for sharing that.
And thank you for your kind words. We're all here learning stuff. I'm adding truths to my library everyday from people who post here. It's a blessing to me.
Thank you for that info! I'm stumbling into this topic via Dr. Morse.
After hundreds of thousands of dollars my father spent on chemotherapy, the doctors told him there was nothing else they could do. They told him he had 6 weeks to live, unless he saw a nutritionist. My father being strong willed, went to see a nutritionist. He spent the next year eating only greens, so many greens he could not chew it hurt his jaw, so my mother would blend them into a sauce. There's more I could add, but the point is he lived for 3 more years after the doctor told him he had 6 weeks. He passed away in 2003, that's when I realized medicine is not there to help us, just keep us healthy enough to come back.
Just healthy enough to keep charging your insurance....
Sorry for your loss! But glad to hear he kept fighting while he could 💪🏻
Thank you🙏
I mean. I thought this was pretty much an open secret.
Yes, but few people go on the record in videos, stepping out to spread the word. It deserves to be celebrated, imo.
Correct. This man put himself in danger speaking like this
I’m sorry your loss. Q told us to follow the money and it leads to all corruption. This is only one piece of the puzzle
Chemotherapy is an illusion to make cancer seem like it's impossible to beat.
When the only option is the poison vs. Poison it conveys that cancer is impossible to defeat, that such an aggressive treatment won't stop it, so any at home remedies would be pointless and your only option is leaning on big medicine to ensure they squeeze every last penny out before you go.
Well said.
Chemo almost killed my sister in 2011. She had just one chemo treatment for a small tumor in her stomach. The chemo apparently caused the tumor to dissentegrate within a day and a hole opened up between her stomach and body cavity. All that gastric juice ended up burning her internally.
She ended up in the emergency room and had to have emergency surgery to close the hole. She was not expected to make it through the surgery, but pulled through in spite of very low blood pressure. She ended up in ICU. A day later she started bleeding out and they couldn't stop the bleeding. They gave her a 1% chance of survival. She was given multiple blood transfusions. 10 hours later she stopped bleeding. They put in a trachea and placed her in a drug induced coma.
A week later she started leaking water from holes around her trach, from her incision and from any holes from IV's etc. She wasn't healing... (from the Chemo). The doctor decided she needed another surgery to tighten the area he had already done. When he went to remove her stitches they literally opened up.. she was not healing at all. She was given a 3% chance of survival for this operation.
This operation was successful and it was weeks before she finally began to heal.
She ended up in the ICU for 6 months. And they counted her out a 3rd time when she wouldn't wake up from her coma after they removed the drugs. They thought she was brain dead.
They were WRONG. After many, many prayer chains. She woke up finally and had no brain damage. She has a partial stomach now but is living out her life with that in her past. Prayers work...
The medical field counted her out three times and she survived against all odds. God wanted her to live. I was doubting once while driving home before she woke up. He showed me by releasing rainbows all around my car on the 12 hour trip home from visiting her that she was gonna be alright. It was that day that I finally put ALL my Trust in Him!
Even though it was horrible what they did it is awesome what God did through your sister to bring you to Christ. “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Chemo is pushed for all including stomach cancers but there's also info out there that it's a total failure for stomach. The only ones doing "well" since stomach diagnosis is those on cannabis. I'm not saying ivermectin etc isn't beneficial, I'm simply reporting what I see in my group. My group are either chemo, cannabis or both. Chemo is worse
Wow. What a heart wrenching story.
I have a co worker getting chemo. Too, bad I'm a conspiracy theorist. I could forward this to him. SIGH...
Do it anyway. He might not listen to you but he may listen to this doctor.
If he is still alive after chemo...maybe he will be open to alternatives...that happens a lot...
I share info like this," I know you are doing all of the research, but I was thinking about you. Here are some studies that look promising. I wil continue to pray you."
A few other things completely blow my mind - women who get tested for the BRCA genetic blood test to see if they have mutations (changes) in their DNA which increases the risk for breast cancer. They believe this crap and are further told that about 50 in 100 women who have this mutation will get breast cancer by the time they are 70. NORMAL, HEALTHY WOMEN ARE OPTING FOR BILATERAL MASTECTOMIES WITH NEGATIVE MAMMOGRAMS. Most of these women have or had a close relative who had breast cancer, and feel the need to get tested.
There is also the breed of women who either detect a lump or it's discovered on their yearly mammogram (another asinine diagnostic test that is slammed down every woman's throat on a yearly basis). Regardless of how this "lump" is detected, a biopsy is ordered. That biopsy determines whether this lump is benign or malignant. If it is malignant it is further classified into stages. The higher the stage, the poorer the outcome, so they say. This is the kicker - I have known more than a few women who had a biopsy resulting in a benign diagnosis, meaning no further treatment is indicated...but, they have opted for chemotherapy BECAUSE IT'S OFFERED, to be on the "safe side." Many of these women love wearing a "badge of courage." They go to rallys and fund raisers, dress in pink, bare their bald heads or tie a flowery scarf around it, and feel liberated.
I hope I have not offended anybody by saying these things, and I'm a retired RN, who has seen it all and then some. The only time I have seen chemotherapy put anybody in a decent remission, depending on the overall health of the person prior to diagnosis, were blood dyscrasia cancers, such as the leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple myelomas...but, it depends on the stage of the cancer when it's diagnosed.
Using an x-ray that increases the risk of cancer to detect cancer. Brilliant.
Some of this recently applied to me. I have a history of thyroid cancer and melanoma in situ, so I’m treated as if I need every screening available - which I don’t do.
6 months ago I had an ultrasound of a breast lump (I don’t do mammograms), the lump was “suspicious”. I was rated as a Birad 4 and told I needed a biopsy. I didn’t understand 6 months ago what I do now so I scheduled the biopsy. They told me that during the biopsy they’d place a titanium marker to identify the lump. After doing research on the marker I told them I’d do the biopsy but don’t consent to the marker - they refused to do the biopsy without it. I was then told we can “wait and watch” by doing another ultrasound in 6 months, they also downgraded me to a Birad 3. If we could wait and watch why wasn’t I offered that to start? Rhetorical question. I then went to a breast specialist, she refused to do the biopsy without the marker but would remove the lump surgically. The hospital required a covid test since I am unvaxxed, I said no. Fast forward to this month, my 6 month follow up ultrasound showed no change. Very long story to demonstrate how they tried to scare me into an unnecessary procedure. If my situation was urgent why were they willing to deny me a biopsy because I refused the marker? I was also told I qualify for genetic testing which I said no to. I thought I was awake 6 months ago, but this was a new experience. I share this in the hopes that another woman facing this situation will give herself time to explore her options and not be quickly herded into invasive treatments.
I don't blame one little bit for refusing the marker. They have been using them since 1995 when they were approved by the FDA and there have been many complications.
It’s criminal that they still tell women the markers are safe and make us feel as if we don’t have a choice.
also why B17 is banned for use in the US, while other countries use it to effectively kill cancer cells.
When my sister got cancer when I was 15, she was 35, I prayed she took the natural route. She did not. I had to watch my beautiful sister with a newborn deteriorate and suffer. Losing toe nails, missing a breast, radiation scars, throwing up etc. My heart broke for her. My heart breaks for her husband and child left behind once she was taken by the bogus treatment.
I was happy she was surrounded by family as she took her last breath but that only solidified my mistrust in the medical establishment. They will receive God's wrath for hurting his children. I know that was her path but it breaks my heart that beautiful people fall for their trap.
So, the chemo and surgery and radiation didn't work. I don't know what to say. Did they make up the disease? It's been over 10 years. I am working my way through everything and am pretty well gobsmacked. I will see.
Chemotherapy has wrecked my great aunt's memory. She used to be so sharp, but now her mind is starting to slip and it's heartbreaking.
I tell every rando I see online talking about getting or knowing someone with a cancer diagnosis about the site. No one has ever responded.
The Doctor is right...Personal Experience...Late wife fought cancer for 8 of the 10 years we were married. After she died, I had a stack of papers for her treatments, hospitalizations, and emergencies...came to over ~1MIL Dollars and was about a foot high!!!
So, yeah...people die so that these assholes can make a fucking profit from the insurance companies and the insurance companies are in on the scam.
Thanks so much for this. It all helps for us to understand natural means
Thank you for this information. Much appreciated.