we should push for “white gay pride” as long as people feel comfortable being proud of the way they were born.
let them try to sort out why its ok to be proud of being gay, but not ok to be proud of being white.
Also, when someone says “Trump is racist”, grab that bull by the horns, and say “well yes obviously Trump is racist… he’s white, and every white person is born racist… and the worst white racists, are those who claim they aren’t racists… you know, people like you! Trump can’t help being born racist anymore than you can help being racist, so get off Trumps case, and look at yourself for once, and ask yourself what you are going to do about your own racist self… and since you can’t even admit you are a racist yourself, theres a near-zero chance you will ever reform your racist ways… so if you can’t even stop being a racist yourself, why would you expect anyone else to change?
I can appreciate all this...but getting them to "sort out" their positions is not a thing.
They don't have, nor are led by, morals or ethics.
They have goals and objectives.
They will quite easily countermand all your rhetorically intelligent (and dare I say effectively funny) arguments with a simple "Trump is a nazi and so are you".
And that's enough for them.
You need to forcefull say "No. Enough." And then plan on escalating, because they sure as fuck will. Irrational and sadly, threats of violent behavior, will be necessary.
I mean I don't care what 2 (or three or one, or any number of) consenting adults do. Hell, I don't even care if they celebrate it publicly.
I care that they expect OTHERS to celebrate with them, and feel the same about their relationship as they do.
Newsflash: nobody cares.
No one cares about what my wife and I do or don't do. Why would I care what someone else does? I don't care if you put it in a man, a woman or a toaster. Don't expect me to care.
In theory what you say makes sense, but in reality, two consenting adults can get up to all sorts of bad stuff. They could be taking dangerous drugs, cutting themselves, etc. Sometimes it's out of concern for their wellbeing that people speak out about unhealthy or bad activities. Two consenting adults could eat their way to 500 pounds each, but people who care about their fellow human beings will speak up and try to prevent them from destroying themselves.
I'm not aware of anybody breaking down anybody else's doors to see what they're up to. But the people behind those closed doors don't keep their business to themselves, or we wouldn't even be having this conversation, would we? When people bring their problem out into the public (Their 600 pound body,-apparnetly that's a t.v. show, their alcoholism, meth addiction, whatever) then they have chosen to make it everybody's business. It might even be their silent call for help, I don't know. But there is right and there is wrong. And it's easy and possibly even lazy to just say, "It's none of my business." But there's a fine line, because whether or not you like it, it BECOMES your business when you can't turn around without SEEING or HEARING about it - because it's everywhere. Everywhere except behind closed doors.
Agreed. But, there is some merit to throwing out that rule book like Crowder said and meet extreme with extreme.
I personally believe that the Constitution protects their privacy and freedoms to do whatever they want provided all parties are consenting adults.
But, again, maybe I don't have to give them that out at present moment. Because they just latch on to it as justification to spread that degeneracy to children, who should learn that degeneracy the old fashioned way, through their adolescence with people in their age group -- not when they're like 10 or whatever arbitrary number.
Regardless of what I believe, the culture war is bigger than that. At bare minimum, shoving the window back is a higher priority.
"Pride" in depravity and "square peg in a round hole" syndrome . . .
Uh huh. GOT it .
These folks' reverse sexuality is the center of their lives. Their demand that we allow their flag-waving "outrage" to be shoved in our faces, as they force us to hear about where they put their weiners or vaginas, is further evidence of their overall instability and madness.
Homosexuals who mind their own business I have no issue with. The Rainbow Squad, who won't shut up about their unnatural sexual proclivities is another matter. How we allowed libtards to rule the day, I will never understand.
Make up is used to improve lighting / reduce reflections from lights / etc. and presentation for television. I can see the use case from a professional level.
I would also see the use case if, say, you had Viking heritage and were styling around that heritage for casual engagements.
That of course isn't what those people are using make up for.
The NHL bowing down to 1% of the population. How disgusting is that? The fans don’t want any part of that. Just more of the BS agenda trying to get shoved down our throats.
If you can afford to leave the money on the table, better to sit on those tickets and have an empty seat. As long as they have full arenas, they have a case that the fans like it.
I used to have season tickets to a smaller league hockey team. They started making us stand up for a moment of silence to honor those fighting for our freedoms in iraq and afghanistan.
Im like, fuck this shit. Nobody in afghanistan or iraq is fighting for my freedoms. They are merely killing people who pose no threat to me or any american.
Went to a hockey game a few years ago, and they are STILL doing that shit.
I just want to watch some hockey, without the unnecessary politics.
exactly our team does hero of the game every night. Sometimes a soldier, sometimes ems, or police or even a teacher. But they give no reason why they are heroes except their occupation. I don't know why these people agree to be standing on camera for the entire arena to cheer for, unless they did something truly heroic. Even then why would you want a bunch of strangers clapping for you.
Every MLB baseball team fell to the woke ideology and have pride nights except the Texas Rangers. When they finally decided to have a pride night, it was to honor the late great country singer Charlie Pride. Thank you to the Rangers for showing some moral fiber. God bless Texas.
Any of this divisive shit should be removed from society. Focus on how we are the same, rather than how we are different. The constant division is a staple of communism.
It’s not about making LGB people feel safe or welcomed, it’s about division.
It’s about making a political demarcation where one shouldn’t exist.
Get people on the left thinking the people on the right want them dead, then the people on the left can use any means necessary to “defend” themselves.
Throw in some “you’re either for us or you’re against us” talk and then attach the name of politicians like Obummer as “allies” who couldn’t give a shit about anyone but themselves, and you’ve got yourself an army of people who will fight for your Maoist CCP uprising.
I went to a game that happened to be on pride night in Phoenix and there was literally NO ONE wearing a gay pride shirt. I don't judge anyone for being gay but I said to mt husband, this is stupid I don't think gay people watch hockey HA
The rainbow is a biblical sign from God. When He reduced the population of the planet to eight people (Noah's family - him, his wife, his three sons and their wives) after the flood, He produced the first ever rainbow as a promise that He would never again flood the entire earth.
Just like June was traditionally the month for weddings and for many decades, women wanted to be a "June bride," the gay group co-opted things that were good and pure for their own evil agenda.
Looga me, I'm so PROUD as a man...proud that I like to lick other men's sweaty scrotums and assholes, and let them masturbate themselves inside my large intestine!!!
Aren't you all PROUD of me? All you normal, straight, healthy people? PROUD of me!!!!
Golly gee but I'm proud of that, it's such a source of PRIDE I just want the rest of the world to drop what they're doing and throw me a PARADE every year, and worship me and my anal fixation for a whole month, and have sports leagues force their players to celebrate my lusty licking of other men's hairy smelly crotches, and letting them sexually penetrate me where I poop!! Ghod the PRIDE.
I want Straight Pride parades of normal people. Of all colors. As in really normal, not excessively out to prove how alpha the guys are. You know what I mean. White collar, blue collar, left-brain, right-brain, and everything in between. And straight women too, of course!
Giving the supposed gay treatment to last names is really pushing it. A man is more likely to sell himself out than to sell out his ancestors and his family name.
If you wear a rainbow, it should be because rainbows are fucking cool, or you're fascinated by the study of optics. Anything more or less than that is propaganda.
If I remember right a lot of this is stemming from russian players not wanting to go to the nhl and be forced into this stuff. I think it was ovechkin who said that if they continue to push it he'll finish the rest of his career in the khl.
See, I barely watch hockey despite being canadian but remember during that super juniors tournament him/crosby were tearing it up. I've heard that there's this new guy, mcdavid, who many are pegging to be the next gretzky. Much like lebron/jordan and brady/montana I'll be skeptical until it actually happens.
My husband went in his senior year as a Michigan exchange student to CN to go to school and work for a lady that ran a cattle operation. So he loved CN and hockey (Wings of course). He turned me into a real hockey fan. We watched all the time.
True story, whenever we watched NHL if we were playing CN he would sing CN national anthem. He had a lot of friends there.
Whenever they started with the woke bs I quite watching. I couldn't fathom how the most testosterone, man's man sport fell in for that.
Thanks for the tip I'll have to look that guy up, McDavid.
Who takes pride in having to clean feces off his pecker after expressing his 'love' for his partner?
Who takes pride in having to wear diapers because your bunghole doesn't close anymore?
we should push for “white gay pride” as long as people feel comfortable being proud of the way they were born.
let them try to sort out why its ok to be proud of being gay, but not ok to be proud of being white.
Also, when someone says “Trump is racist”, grab that bull by the horns, and say “well yes obviously Trump is racist… he’s white, and every white person is born racist… and the worst white racists, are those who claim they aren’t racists… you know, people like you! Trump can’t help being born racist anymore than you can help being racist, so get off Trumps case, and look at yourself for once, and ask yourself what you are going to do about your own racist self… and since you can’t even admit you are a racist yourself, theres a near-zero chance you will ever reform your racist ways… so if you can’t even stop being a racist yourself, why would you expect anyone else to change?
I can appreciate all this...but getting them to "sort out" their positions is not a thing.
They don't have, nor are led by, morals or ethics.
They have goals and objectives.
They will quite easily countermand all your rhetorically intelligent (and dare I say effectively funny) arguments with a simple "Trump is a nazi and so are you".
And that's enough for them.
You need to forcefull say "No. Enough." And then plan on escalating, because they sure as fuck will. Irrational and sadly, threats of violent behavior, will be necessary.
The "people like you" line doesn't work.
They will acknowledge their privilege or racism or self loathing positions, and then try to spin that into a win about how they're better than you.
It's only worth it when you are arguing for the opinions of spectators or passersby.
I know. I never even enjoyed hetero anal sex. Just....no.
Then they should keep it to themselves but we all get to say what we think. No one is stopping them, just stating how unhealthy it is.
Agreed, I wish they weren't trying to shove they're degeneracy down our throats. Keep that filth at home.
I mean I don't care what 2 (or three or one, or any number of) consenting adults do. Hell, I don't even care if they celebrate it publicly.
I care that they expect OTHERS to celebrate with them, and feel the same about their relationship as they do.
Newsflash: nobody cares.
No one cares about what my wife and I do or don't do. Why would I care what someone else does? I don't care if you put it in a man, a woman or a toaster. Don't expect me to care.
As it should be. Working as intended.
In theory what you say makes sense, but in reality, two consenting adults can get up to all sorts of bad stuff. They could be taking dangerous drugs, cutting themselves, etc. Sometimes it's out of concern for their wellbeing that people speak out about unhealthy or bad activities. Two consenting adults could eat their way to 500 pounds each, but people who care about their fellow human beings will speak up and try to prevent them from destroying themselves.
I'm not aware of anybody breaking down anybody else's doors to see what they're up to. But the people behind those closed doors don't keep their business to themselves, or we wouldn't even be having this conversation, would we? When people bring their problem out into the public (Their 600 pound body,-apparnetly that's a t.v. show, their alcoholism, meth addiction, whatever) then they have chosen to make it everybody's business. It might even be their silent call for help, I don't know. But there is right and there is wrong. And it's easy and possibly even lazy to just say, "It's none of my business." But there's a fine line, because whether or not you like it, it BECOMES your business when you can't turn around without SEEING or HEARING about it - because it's everywhere. Everywhere except behind closed doors.
Agreed. But, there is some merit to throwing out that rule book like Crowder said and meet extreme with extreme.
I personally believe that the Constitution protects their privacy and freedoms to do whatever they want provided all parties are consenting adults.
But, again, maybe I don't have to give them that out at present moment. Because they just latch on to it as justification to spread that degeneracy to children, who should learn that degeneracy the old fashioned way, through their adolescence with people in their age group -- not when they're like 10 or whatever arbitrary number.
Regardless of what I believe, the culture war is bigger than that. At bare minimum, shoving the window back is a higher priority.
🤮 thanks man. Just ate lunch.
"Pride" in depravity and "square peg in a round hole" syndrome . . .
Uh huh. GOT it .
These folks' reverse sexuality is the center of their lives. Their demand that we allow their flag-waving "outrage" to be shoved in our faces, as they force us to hear about where they put their weiners or vaginas, is further evidence of their overall instability and madness.
Homosexuals who mind their own business I have no issue with. The Rainbow Squad, who won't shut up about their unnatural sexual proclivities is another matter. How we allowed libtards to rule the day, I will never understand.
Replace homosexual with "people" and I'm right there with you.
Not my decision, business or authority. But it IS all under God's purview. May God help them.
Don't forget the biggest issue... dragging (pun intended) kids into this.
Absolutely. We ARE at war . . .
Careful. The Zipper-Tits Schutzstaffel is about to show up and gun massacre all non believers in the 72 genders.
It sounds an awful lot like “look at me!!!”
Like, why would a man wear makeup? They can’t see makeup on their own face. The makeup is for other people to see.
Ed Zachary!
Make up is used to improve lighting / reduce reflections from lights / etc. and presentation for television. I can see the use case from a professional level.
I would also see the use case if, say, you had Viking heritage and were styling around that heritage for casual engagements.
That of course isn't what those people are using make up for.
Attaboy Canadians!!! Approx 70% of NHL players are good old fashioned Canadian boys.
...who will still call each other "you fucking faggot" in the heat of battle, all they want.
We should support the NHL more if they go this way
The NHL bowing down to 1% of the population. How disgusting is that? The fans don’t want any part of that. Just more of the BS agenda trying to get shoved down our throats.
I have season tickets to an nhl team. every year I look up pride night and sell those tickets. No chance I will sit and watch any of that shit.
If you can afford to leave the money on the table, better to sit on those tickets and have an empty seat. As long as they have full arenas, they have a case that the fans like it.
that is true, I should do that next year.
I used to have season tickets to a smaller league hockey team. They started making us stand up for a moment of silence to honor those fighting for our freedoms in iraq and afghanistan.
Im like, fuck this shit. Nobody in afghanistan or iraq is fighting for my freedoms. They are merely killing people who pose no threat to me or any american.
Went to a hockey game a few years ago, and they are STILL doing that shit.
I just want to watch some hockey, without the unnecessary politics.
exactly our team does hero of the game every night. Sometimes a soldier, sometimes ems, or police or even a teacher. But they give no reason why they are heroes except their occupation. I don't know why these people agree to be standing on camera for the entire arena to cheer for, unless they did something truly heroic. Even then why would you want a bunch of strangers clapping for you.
And once you start, where do you stop?
Lets recognize the mail man for doing a great job delivering mail
Speaking of USPS why do they have commercials? I vote kick-back to dnc marketing company.
Every MLB baseball team fell to the woke ideology and have pride nights except the Texas Rangers. When they finally decided to have a pride night, it was to honor the late great country singer Charlie Pride. Thank you to the Rangers for showing some moral fiber. God bless Texas.
That is fantastic. Not only does Charlie Pride deserve the love, but the woke brigade can't bitch because Pride was black. Well played, Texas Rangers.
Any of this divisive shit should be removed from society. Focus on how we are the same, rather than how we are different. The constant division is a staple of communism.
That’s the actual goal.
It’s not about making LGB people feel safe or welcomed, it’s about division.
It’s about making a political demarcation where one shouldn’t exist.
Get people on the left thinking the people on the right want them dead, then the people on the left can use any means necessary to “defend” themselves.
Throw in some “you’re either for us or you’re against us” talk and then attach the name of politicians like Obummer as “allies” who couldn’t give a shit about anyone but themselves, and you’ve got yourself an army of people who will fight for your Maoist CCP uprising.
I guarantee the larger number disagree with the policy, but go along with it.
Wonder how the commissioner would feel about a Christian Pride event where they all wear Crosses on their warmup jerseys?
Its all a distraction.
Too late, you made the decision to go woke. NO REFUNDS. Fuck off FOREVER.
I went to a game that happened to be on pride night in Phoenix and there was literally NO ONE wearing a gay pride shirt. I don't judge anyone for being gay but I said to mt husband, this is stupid I don't think gay people watch hockey HA
What does a rainbow have to do with sucking dick anyway?
The rainbow is a biblical sign from God. When He reduced the population of the planet to eight people (Noah's family - him, his wife, his three sons and their wives) after the flood, He produced the first ever rainbow as a promise that He would never again flood the entire earth.
Just like June was traditionally the month for weddings and for many decades, women wanted to be a "June bride," the gay group co-opted things that were good and pure for their own evil agenda.
Not even the tail, a couple of fleas. They are a very small minority.
Looga me, I'm so PROUD as a man...proud that I like to lick other men's sweaty scrotums and assholes, and let them masturbate themselves inside my large intestine!!!
Aren't you all PROUD of me? All you normal, straight, healthy people? PROUD of me!!!!
Golly gee but I'm proud of that, it's such a source of PRIDE I just want the rest of the world to drop what they're doing and throw me a PARADE every year, and worship me and my anal fixation for a whole month, and have sports leagues force their players to celebrate my lusty licking of other men's hairy smelly crotches, and letting them sexually penetrate me where I poop!! Ghod the PRIDE.
Too bad the rest of sports don't have the balls to do the same.
NH who?
I want Straight Pride parades of normal people. Of all colors. As in really normal, not excessively out to prove how alpha the guys are. You know what I mean. White collar, blue collar, left-brain, right-brain, and everything in between. And straight women too, of course!
i need to watch more hockey
The comments on that post were just as epic as the post itself!
Giving the supposed gay treatment to last names is really pushing it. A man is more likely to sell himself out than to sell out his ancestors and his family name.
If you wear a rainbow, it should be because rainbows are fucking cool, or you're fascinated by the study of optics. Anything more or less than that is propaganda.
Fucking hilarious.
'Bout time men grow some balls.
Only a faggot wears lgbt
Get ready for Trantifa and the Troons to start shooting up hockey games and NHL players.
If I remember right a lot of this is stemming from russian players not wanting to go to the nhl and be forced into this stuff. I think it was ovechkin who said that if they continue to push it he'll finish the rest of his career in the khl.
Always like him Ovechkin.
See, I barely watch hockey despite being canadian but remember during that super juniors tournament him/crosby were tearing it up. I've heard that there's this new guy, mcdavid, who many are pegging to be the next gretzky. Much like lebron/jordan and brady/montana I'll be skeptical until it actually happens.
My husband went in his senior year as a Michigan exchange student to CN to go to school and work for a lady that ran a cattle operation. So he loved CN and hockey (Wings of course). He turned me into a real hockey fan. We watched all the time.
True story, whenever we watched NHL if we were playing CN he would sing CN national anthem. He had a lot of friends there.
Whenever they started with the woke bs I quite watching. I couldn't fathom how the most testosterone, man's man sport fell in for that.
Thanks for the tip I'll have to look that guy up, McDavid.
Me too. And I also felt that way about Austrailia. I thought they were all a bunch of Crocodile Dundees, but so many turned out to be Sheilas.
The NHL is run out of Montreal. All big decision are made in Canada - no surprise.
The nhl will cave like little bitches. I'm sure they are still pushing trannies in female hockey leagues.
Good job Provi!
Yeah cuz I hear if straight guys wear ghey clothes their equipment shrinks.
Pride Night is costing the NHL money, as people are boycotting the games, not buying the merch, and/or calling in and complaining.
May is nothing.
Does is everything.
Obey your does.