Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
OMG!! Is Bragg still walking around in an effing mask??? What is he? A retard!!??
It’s a double. He hast to have another one of him walking around, because his life in danger now.
From the leftists who are upset that he brought such a weak case..
So I tried a clay bar for the first time (they had them on sale for 60% off at napa and the rest was history). Followed the instructions to a tee, and the result was okay. Like I could see how it'd work on those vintage cars with the high-end paint jobs, but for my daily commuter it didn't do anything special.
From what I can tell it removes the extra 1% of dirt/chemical residue on the surface but isn't an auto-use for the average car person. I washed my 2009 corolla with a piece the size of a granola bar, windows included, and when I used the bar afterwards got a clump of dirt the size of a peanut. If you're one of those guys who drives around a 90s sports car and wants everything prestine then $10 for these would be a bargain. Me not so much.
Question: Why isn’t there a statute of limitations with the Stormy Daniels allegations?
There is , they ignored it also she signed non disclosure and has a letter she signed that says none of this ever happened.. we are witness to a communist take over attempt.
Trump is too smart to go through this and not have a plan. Things are about to go down, bigly!
Its there. Braggs came up with a unique new "legal theory" to up it from Misdemeanor to Felony, hence increasing the statute of limitations.
There is. It has expired at both the state and federal level. But Bragg probably gets a huge soros bonus for indicting even it gets knocked down immediately... They are desperate to get something on him anything because there is soooo much on all of them.
Whaaat....for reals?!
Lots of rain here. Temps in the 40s. Spring is coming.
It's going to be a very hot [spring/summer].
Where do you come up with these? Is it your voice or from somewhere else? They usually resonate pretty weirdly in my current situations. 🤔
Hive Mind is Alive & Well
I think Q has helped me to express myself in a way that is true to the deep resonating voice within us all. True and to the point.
I love a good Q
I agree! I’m more on the spiritual/vibrational frontline of this war. Hence my handle. 😉 We must be vibrating at the same frequency, fren.
I know more than a little bit about a LOT I’m sure you are very knowledgeable in the path which you are on.
Frens, I need to ask for your prayers. I've put off asking as I've put off seeking help for something, trying to fix it on my own but it isn't working. I will not go into detail but it's a health issue. I need prayers for helping me figure out how to proceed and to find the help I need and can afford. I just don't have the bandwidth emotionally right now to deal with runarounds and delays. The culture of stress we are in right now isn't helping either. I truly appreciate anyone who can take a minute to lift me up.
Don’t ever put off asking for help. Strength comes in numbers. Sometimes we are to weak to do it alone. Your frens lift up your arms for you, so to speak. Off to pray for you now. Stay strong 🙏🏻
Praying for you.
Dear Lord, we just ask for a complete healing for our friend! You know this person’s body inside and out father and I just pray for a complete healing in Jesus name amen
I don’t know if this would apply to your situation, but here’s my advice
Per several peoples comments below, the following is some copy paste of former posts regarding this topic.
In light of the Covid situation, and ivermectin becoming a well-known anti-parasitic to treat COVID-19, other treatments Have been brought up. I’ve had several people asked me to post information regarding frequency zapping, and a zapper that I purchased to treat my illnesses.
Dr Hulda Clark wrote a book called: Cure for All Disease & Cure for All Cancer. The premise is that all diseases caused by parasites, and by doing parasite cleanse days and frequency zapping you can heal yourself from disease. Dr. Rife is also a well-known Doctor Who helped pioneer frequency zapping.
You can get a cheap mini zapper for under $100, but the I purchased is programmable, and provides you with a list of frequencies for each disease.
For many years Dr. Clark and Dr. Rife were ridiculed, and had their practices shut down by the deep state. This is because they don’t want The truth to get out. We don’t need pharmaceutical companies to heal us. Yes there are some important innovations had have come from specific things like penicillin, etc. but there is a cure for cancer and they don’t want anyone to know about it.
There’s a lot more to say, but if you are interested… Do some research. I’ve been interested in this for a long time, because my best friends husband was cured of his cancer by using her protocols.
Dr Hulda Clark Book: Cure for All Disease
Parasite Cleanse Info https://drclark.co/dr-clark-cleanses/
Parasite Cleanse Products https://drclarkstore.com/collections/dr-hulda-clark-parasite-cleanse.html
Ornithine - helps cleanse out parasite toxins when doing a parasite cleanse.
When you do a parasite cleanse, you have to be careful. As the parasites die off, they put off toxins in your body like ammonia. Sometimes when you start a parasite cleanse you might get a flu like feeling. You may feel worse the first day or so, but after that flu feeling goes away you’ll be feeling 1 million bucks. The ornithine, helps to process the toxins, and get them out of your body. Also remember to stay really hydrated, and if you need to take a stool softener. You don’t want the buildup of those dead parasites building up in your body. They need a way of escape, and that’s gonna be through your colon.
If you have any questions let me know I’ve been doing this for years, and they’re fantastic. Also… Doing the ivermectin would be great as well, but not at the same time. I think the ivermectin should be done first, and then in a week or so when you get all your products in, start the real parasite cleanse. It’s important to follow the instructions, you have to take all three items for it to work properly. Plus the Ornithine to help with the detox.
This is the zapper I purchased. It can be programmed for specific frequencies of illnesses - which is included. There are many other choices as well.
Although Hulda, Clark does tell you how to build your own Zapper, you can get one for under $100 on eBay.
Thanks but it isn't and I can't get on FB to see anything.
Dear Lord please allow our dear friend to find an inexpensive cure for whatever ails her. May you surround her with your love and glory.
Emerylde please try searching homeopathy and your symptoms. I’ve been shocked at the cures I find in nature.
Good Bless You.
I was managing for quite awhile that way but now I need more help. I don't trust the medical industrial complex anymore which only adds to my stress right now.
Please check into energy healing and light healing. I know big pharma can be scary now. I’m sorry. Maybe try an actual homeopathic doctor? They would know more than just a google search.
Also check and see if there are Facebook groups. We’ve found huge help from people posting in those groups.
Hunter. Is it possible that Hunter is who does the setup? The blackmail. Is he who could of tried to BM trump? He likes recording and he us the smartest man mumbling Biden knows. I am getting excited again.
Man, perusing other sites this morning and I'll tell you what - the knives are coming out from all the Trump-haters. Holy cow, the vitriol is pretty intense. Weird, because ever since the election, I have never met anyone in person who has/had so much hatred for this man. It's always the online variety. The very fact that they are celebrating this is distressing and heartbreaking. It is even being said that Trump was "shocked" and "downtrodden."
To do what he has done for this country and to take the monumental amount of crap he has, only to be treated this way, is so far beyond the pale I can't think of any other way to describe it.
You are so right. I have acquired a completely new level of appreciation and empathy for DJT.
They hated Jesus too. These mentally unstable people are deceived, and it’s sad. I’ve had to get away from calling them morons and idiots, and go to deceived. God convicted me of it. They have given themselves over to a reprobate mind. I’m afraid many of these people will never see truth. But I’m tickled to death to see them display what’s inside their heart. Exposure can be hard to see but it has to happen. You don’t know what you’re dealing with until you see it.
Apparently I deleted my comment while you were responding. In review I thought I was being too harsh about the rabid leftists. In any case, I appreciate your well-considered comment. Some of these people I've known for over forty years and it's so bizarre to see them twisting their faces up as they spit ridiculous hate-filled venom about Trump, refusing to even listen to calm refutations of their false premises. The reaction is so severe and mostly comes from a place of fear. They've all been methodically terrorized and manipulated by FNM. They no longer even want to think for themselves, perhaps fear also of not being in "the club". I've seen plenty of FNM, wade in there periodically to observe their tactics. To me they're blatantly obvious.
You're absolutely right also that it's been crucial that we see what's happened to them, something I've been saying for a long time. WE had to be shown what we're facing within even families and friendships. I'm trying very hard to be less harsh, to separate them from their demons, but every now and then I get "cranky" and start excoriating them. Hence why I'd deleted my above comment while you were responding to it. It is sad, seeing people you love be led so far astray. I'm sad for them. Just like with our Lord, the people were fed fear and told to hate - and they obeyed the beastly minions. Never ends well.
Enjoy your weekend, anon.
I have so much love and respect for President Trump that I tend to take what people say about him personally, because it hurts my feelings. I love him because he loves the people of this country. Just like when I see Jesus movies, and how he isis treated so awful. It breaks my heart. Sometimes I think that the ones that have been so evil towards Trump will be the ones that will not be able to handle the truth when it is exposed. Out of guilt and embarrassment they may end their lives. You enjoy yours as well.
I feel comfy knowing that President Trump is well insulated. He is in no way whatsoever in danger of being defeated, he's just giving our enemies enough rope to hang themselves. Our two-tiered justice system is being exposed for all the masses to see, now we have reason to bypass civilian courts, and instead turn to military tribunals.
With the recent revelations from Elon's purchase of Twitter exposing the staggering amount of bots (which we already suspected) I believe there is a Bot campaign in place to try and manipulate the masses into believing we are the minority. Look at 45's Rallies compared to ANYONE else.
This is pretty OBVIOUS
All one has to do is refer to photos of BIDEN rally’s in BASEMENT CAFETERIAS
Just told my husband, Im ok with the plan and I know this had to happen. Setting a precedent allows us to move forward. I welcome the arrests to come as soon as possible without it looking like retribution for Trumps persecution. But man its demoralizing to watch the celebrations and high horse behavior. I can't believe there are still so many that can not see. I thought people were waking up! Depressed that it appears we have so much more pain to come before the leftist destruction stops.
This woman had a near death experience in a parking lot. You will never believe how she managed to survive!
You have a point. And, jokes aside, I did find viewing the video traumatic, but because of the incredibly hysterical energy the woman was putting out.
Thankfully, crime has not be a very big part of my life, but to folks for who crime is a factor of daily life, yeah.
But here's the thing. If the guy was attempting to help her out (maybe she dropped something, etc) the response is like a kick in the teeth. But if the guy was a creep with inappropriate intentions, then yeah.
My daughter - who is a very slight build, does reality based self defense. I suspect she might approve of the woman's response, but its pretty hard to say whether the woman's reaction is warranted or not.
If such a thing happened anywhere near where I live, the woman would probably be a candidate for a psych evaluation.
There's a lot about the situation that we don't and cannot know.
Bottom line: Humans preying on humans screws the whole world up. Enough already.
Wow. That was traumatic, just listening to her ordeal. I'm amazed she pulled through. I'm shaken, really. My confidence in humanity has plummeted today. And to think. The culprit still walks the streets. Blimey.
Jokes apart, I like to idly imagine what would have happened if he was actually a malicious guy and she used her loudest voice to say “dont come near me”
I think they are actually trying to get women killed :(
I didn't think of that. Better to get a nice compact khar pistol and get some serious training in how to use it.
Started out making a short comment to General Chat, but it quickly snowballed into an essay. Check it out, if interested. (mentioning this here, cos GenChat is the place where I get inspiration for this sort of thing....)
Just some observations from waking up to the Noos!
❤️ have a beautiful friday my frens! Be blessed today
God bless!
Meme artists .... If there is ever is a mugshot of DJT, we need to own it and use it against them.
HiRes images that can be put on stuff (stickers, mugs, tshirts)
I love how the only thing conservative media can do nowadays is promote themselves through fear, whereas we are hopeful, making good changes to our communities, here, and to boot, no payments required. 🤔
God bless whoever is behind the .wins. I'd love to know the story some day.
Alright, rooftoptendie. Are you hungry? I think the keto must be working!
My dinners.
Making a bad dinner
I cannot remember
See #1. #Note
#Note: I jest. It was a garlic butter half lobster, paid for by a friend on his companies expenses....
All 7 of my kids (6 and my DIL) and my husband love the kielbasa dish I make, which is simply sauteed peppers, onions, and kielbasa on a bed of rice. I don't even season it more than a few dashes of generic southwest seasoning. This is a huge win since I hate cooking.
Cauliflower rice--we went out to dinner instead while the house aired out. Also, I have a habit of lighting fish on fire. I hate cooking.
One of my young ones is a self-proclaimed "chef" who likes to experiment in the kitchen. We've been served several meals of randomness, for which I am grateful and I eat joyfully because I hate cooking.
That same little one can rock a Saturday morning breakfast. Eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, coffee, pancakes. She'll even light some candles and have the table set, for which I am thankful because I hate cooking.
Thanks for the heads-up about cauliflower rice, hilarious!
Just a little preview of my skills…
Actually you? Nice!
That guy does it better than Arizona's Attorney General guy, doncha think?
I was hanging on to the edge of my seat and praying for those dogs, lol.
Pretty amazing!
Yes! But the lady sitting behind him was chill, and confident in his skillz
Where’s QAGG? I only get some placeholder cybersquatter page in my browser?
👉🏻 https://files.catbox.moe/0izc09.png
qagg has been down for months
Thanks. Where do I find the clock online now?
It was up for a few days to show us the count and then went back down, presumably to prevent optics like giving credibility to news stories about the congruence with day 0 etc. The people posting videos and screenshots of it now have actually kept the page up in their web browsers this whole time!
Bonjour bonjour!🤓
As I said yesterday, I will only post my HOLD THE LINE series on the weekend and avoid participating too much because of the dreaded avalanche of April Fools.
As our beloved site doesn’t rely on ads to work, I would suggest others also take this opportunity to cut themselves off the Internet.
Whatever you will do. Have a nice weekend and God bless you!🙏🏻🔥
So true, when stuff like this happens I stay away from ALL media....
Stay happy and stay alert frens.
Bonjour! You could change it up a little, and start counting at 1, using the qagg.news clock...
Maybe I should had this clock in my report.