They can go join Mastadon the Fediverse. There's even a whole server for newsmakers: Journa.Host, which is server blocked by pretty much EVERYONE because even leftists on the Fedi know they're journo-scum.
"Organizations will have to shell out $1,000 a month to obtain gold check marks while individuals can get blue checks for a starting price of $7 in the United States."
Do you remember when Cat Turd was not doing well and we were all praying for him. Dear Lord please help Cat Turd. After praying, I couldn't help but laugh hoping the Lord knows who Cat Turd is.
Did you see some of the replies to CatTurd’s tweet? The commies/ bots put up photos of random people or comic book characters and try to say they’re CatTurd. Pretty pathetic how the commies can’t come to terms with the fact that they have no good points.
Calling someone a purveyor of dangerous disinformation whilst not proving any evidence of said accusation is surely purveying dangerous disinformation?
May these Demonic Hellspawn choke on their own shit they vomit up from their cuntvortex mouths before they have a chance to enjoy their next meal of sacrificed child.
This is objectively an improvement from what the left / old Twitter had. They took away Milo Yiannopoulos's verified checkmark not because the account was no longer his, but for some other reason. At least the new blue check system is no longer based on political opinion while pretending to serve some other purpose.
Twitter is a private platform, they can do what they want.
Isn't that what the Commies said for years and years.
If NYT doesn't like twitter, they can just go build their own twitter.. and echo chamber, payment platform, and mass censorship apparatus.
Don't fucken forget, their hysterics are not because they no longer have a voice, but because you're not being censored to a level of their liking.
"They not happy cause they're miserable. They're not happy because YOU are not."
This is hilarious because the DS is broke. They CAN'T start a new twitter like platform. So they must STAY and 'hold the line' on twat.
They ought to be able to shell out the $8 for the blue check. Skip a trip to Starbucks!
They can go join
Mastadonthe Fediverse. There's even a whole server for newsmakers: Journa.Host, which is server blocked by pretty much EVERYONE because even leftists on the Fedi know they're journo-scum.Victories like this make me smile
Idiots, pay the fee and it will re-appear.
Actually for them, Musk is charging them $1000/m for their main account, but they refused to pay up.
"Organizations will have to shell out $1,000 a month to obtain gold check marks while individuals can get blue checks for a starting price of $7 in the United States."
I preferred picturing them furiously sweating over the $7...
Oh, the IN of Justice....
Can't even afford a measly $1000.00, as a CORPORATION....
They can afford it, they just can't virtue signal about how unfair it is if they buy it.
😂🤣 😂🤣 😂🤣 😂🤣
Pretty sad that a guy with a name like Catturd is a far more reliable source of information than the New York Times.
Do you remember when Cat Turd was not doing well and we were all praying for him. Dear Lord please help Cat Turd. After praying, I couldn't help but laugh hoping the Lord knows who Cat Turd is.
Omnipotence means God knows all.
Quickly becoming the greatest name ever!
If he gets Popular enough, he might be able to make a Platform or something like Tim Poole did....
Catturd's reply:
I can't quit laughing and i am at work.
Did you see some of the replies to CatTurd’s tweet? The commies/ bots put up photos of random people or comic book characters and try to say they’re CatTurd. Pretty pathetic how the commies can’t come to terms with the fact that they have no good points.
Calling someone a purveyor of dangerous disinformation whilst not proving any evidence of said accusation is surely purveying dangerous disinformation?
May these Demonic Hellspawn choke on their own shit they vomit up from their cuntvortex mouths before they have a chance to enjoy their next meal of sacrificed child.
NY Times motto has been changed to "America's Newspaper of ‘Unreadable Diarrhea’".
Cuck harder faggot.
Sweet sweet scadenfreude
Where was this outrage when the NYPost was censored oh defender of journalism
The left always wants a 2 tier system. "Fee for thee, but not for me."
I love this so much I cannot believe it!!!!!!!!!!Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give Catturd some love on his podcast "In the Litterbox"
enter text
He is so damn funny.
This is objectively an improvement from what the left / old Twitter had. They took away Milo Yiannopoulos's verified checkmark not because the account was no longer his, but for some other reason. At least the new blue check system is no longer based on political opinion while pretending to serve some other purpose.
Purveyor of dangerous misinformation? Clearly this cunt means the paper not cat turd
What’s your point? Catturd’s are way more reliable and verifiable than that crappy old rag with “news” print on it.
How much did they pay him to say that?
This is hilarious!
Choque horreur! 8 dollars ... Times is on its bones.
LOL!!! That is so funny!! These people are unbelievable numbnuts.
He didn't strip them of anything, they just refused to pay .
54.9M Followers and only 2.1M even see his posts.
Looks like Elon has more bot cleanups on Aisle 5.
Boo hoo
Send them some gubment cheez to go with their whine.